The Elusive

I'm dealing with some late night boredom when I should really be sleeping. (9AM class tomorrow) I've become a bit more productive on this story which will hopefully rub off and help me finish certain other stories which have been sitting on my PC for over a year (ie Love Over Hate). enough of my ranting. here's a teaser which I cannot garantee that it will be in the next chapter, but it will be in one of them:

“They are questioning your capabilities after that little stunt you pulled in Morocco,” The man said.

“I can easily say that won’t happen again,” Arisha remarked. “There was an interference which I’ve since eliminated.”

“It’s your neck on the line if it happens again,” He warned.

“Try and find me if it happens again,” She smirked.

Adesso, io dormo. :asleep:
I spent my entire weekend pouring over my lecture and lab notes from my osteo. class. I know every freakin' point on every bone in the human body now (i.e. mandibular symphysis, coracoid process)
Week of finals - osteology final= one happy person.
Seriously, I’ve found that finals time is when I’m most productive because I’m a terrible procrastinator on papers, studying, and dance practice; I would much rather write.

Chapter 4

Rabat, Morocco

Arisha walked up the dusty street with a briefcase clutched in her right hand. The weather change amazed her. Back in Dublin it was most likely raining at the moment with a brisk wind, yet in Rabat the sun seemed to be shining perpetually down on the streets. She wore blue jeans and a light jacket over a tank top. The jacket was more to hide her gun than a fashion statement. Her wavy blonde locks were tucked back in a French braid.

The heat was mildly relieved when she stepped into the shadows of a building. It was nothing more than an old storefront. The windows were boarded up and the front door was chained. She spotted a rickety wooden door along the side of the building and approached it. She knocked twice.

After a moment she heard shuffling inside and the door opened. “You’ve come alone?” A voice inquired from inside.

“Yes,” She replied.

The door swung open further and she stepped in. The interior was a mess of old wooden crates and smelled of musty dust. Arisha turned and caught a first glimpse of her contact.

Andreas Nieman was a red-haired man of about her age. He towered over her by several inches. “Did you bring the money?” She noted a German accent in the voice.

She hefted the briefcase. “Let’s make this quick. I don’t feel so comfortable carrying around this much cash.”

Nieman waved a hand to the table where he took a seat.

Arisha sat down and folded her hands on the table. “My employers will be looking for further supplies after this deal. I take it I will be able to contact you again.”

Andreas reached into his pocket and removed a cigar. “Do you mind?”

“The rest of you is probably too polluted for it to matter anymore,” Arisha replied. “I don’t mind.”

He lit the cigar and then took a puff before he continued. “No. I’m afraid this will be our first and last dealing.”

She smiled and ran a hand through her hair. “I hope I can change your mind on that.”

Nieman returned a slight grin. “You are American?” The man questioned.

Arisha shook her head.

“English then?”

“My accent would state otherwise, Mr. Nieman.”

The man choked a laugh over his cigar. “You can’t say yes or no can you?”

“I don’t see how my nationality is any business of yours.”

“I like to know who I am dealing with.”

“I was born in Russia and raised in England. Does that answer your question, Mr. Nieman?”

“Your accent is not Russian either.”

“I prefer for it not to be,” She replied. “Now on to business.” A leather briefcase slammed onto the table in front of them. Arisha pushed it towards Nieman. “You’ll see it’s all there. Ten million Euros.”

A greed-filled smile sprang to the face of the man as he popped the case locks and pushed it open.

“And the diamonds?” She questioned with an impatient stare.

Nieman reached inside his trench coat and pulled out a black velvet sack. He tossed them on the table. “We have a deal then?”

The blonde woman smirked as she opened the sack and inspected her side of the trade. “I am if you are satisfied with your compensation. Please, don’t let my presence keep you from counting your winnings.”

Nieman reached flipped through the stacks of bounds bills in the briefcase and nodded. He glanced back at the young woman only to see that her brown eyes were now obscured behind a pair of dark sunglasses and there was a weapon in her hand.

“I don’t like it when people question my past, Mr. Nieman,” Arisha spoke calmly. She waved the gun. “Close the case.”

“This is treachery, Bristow. We had a deal!”

“I don’t work for you. Close the briefcase!”

Nieman placed the bills back in the case and shut it. Perspiration was beginning to run down his face in the tension.

“Against the wall!” She ordered and motioned with the gun.

The man looked her up and down then stood and backed up slowly. “You do this and you’ll be hunted down.”

She scoffed and stepped forward. She picked up the briefcase and smirked. “Don’t play smart. We both know you’ve got no one Mr. Nieman.”

There was a sudden metallic rattle from behind Arisha. Her gaze shifted away for a moment. She felt fire rip through her arm before the sound of a gunshot reached her ears. She whipped around instantly and saw that Nieman was slouched on the ground, red blood pooling from a head wound. It took her a moment to see the gun he had dropped.

Arisha clutched her arm and stared down at the gun she still held. It had not been fired. She dropped it and stepped back.

“You obviously didn’t hear me come in,” Julian Sark walked out of the shadows.

Arisha let out a sigh of relief, but glanced back at Nieman. “You screwed my whole mission.”

“He was about to kill you,” Sark remarked. “Nearly came close.”

Arisha picked up the gun she had dropped while ignoring the pain lancing through her arm. “I wasn’t going to kill him.”

“Once again, Bristow, I will say it. He was going to shoot you!”

She pulled off her jacket and looked down at her arm. The shot had grazed her. “Yeah, well, Julian, he would not have had you not distracted me.”

“What did you need from him?”

“Information,” She replied. “The Covenant believes that he had a link to that crime ring that popped up in Prague a few weeks ago. It was merely an investigation this time if that is so hard for you to believe, Sark.” Arisha shook her head. “It’s too late now for anything.” She pulled her jacket back on hid her gun before picking up the briefcase. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I have some time off so…”

“So you thought you’d follow me to Rabat?” She inquired incredulously. She moved past him and pushed open the door out onto the busy market streets. As much commotion had just taken place seemed the denizens of the city seemed oblivious.

Sark caught up with her. “Saoirse, I came because I have a proposition.”

The woman immediately shook her head as she walked. “There’s is no way in hell I’m working with you.” She stopped walking when they reached a small sedan parked along the street. Arisha fished a set of keys from her pocket and unlocked the door.

Sark stopped a few feet from the car and watched her. “Where are you going?”

“Zurich. I’ve got to tell them this just didn’t work,” She yanked open the door and got in. As she started the car she saw him outside the window and rolled it down. “What?”

Sark took her hand from the steering wheel. “Saoirse, I’ve missed you.”

She glanced away and then shook her head. “Does Allison know about me?”

Sark opened his mouth partway, but decided against speaking. He released her hand and stood back as the car pulled away.
whew, finally got a chance to read! Studying for finals is killing me!!! seriously.

okay latest chapter is fabulous of course. Sark saved the day! Yay, She's a Bristow, she's just too stubborn to admit he was right.

thanks for the pm~
Hey! I finally got around to reading the update and it is AWESOME! Thanks for the PM...hope your finals went well!!

J. :D
new semester! :D The semi-annual "screaming/fainting at the price of textbooks" happened yesterday. I had better learn something from them for XXX dollars. back to the story:

"Where is this contact of yours?" Lauren Reed questioned impatiently.

The man sitting beside her in the sedan smirked. "She'll be here."

"She better be, Sark."
New chapter! Finally.

A/N: this chapter is set after 3x03 Reunion with the usual au changes of course.

Chapter 5

Jack put the folder on his desk and looked across the rotunda at Sydney. His daughter seemed to sense his gaze as she looked over at him in the same instant. She walked over to him and crossed her arms around a book she was holding.

“It was a close call on the surveillance footage,” Jack admitted. He stared off towards Marshall’s office, where the perpetual computer nerd was no doubt running through every possible scenario. Marshall might find trace of a virus on the system, but the damage was already done.

Sydney had to smile. “Thanks, Dad.”

“What’s that?” Jack questioned waving a hand at the book she held.

“It’s from Weiss. Alice in Wonderland. The copy I had got destroyed in the fire,” Sydney shrugged. “Anything on Saoirse?”

Jack glanced around and then turned to Sydney. “Since Sark seems to have now allied himself with the Covenant, it is possible that he has been in contact with her.”

Sydney immediately shook her head. “Dad, she may have gone rogue, but she hates Sark. His idea of a romantic getaway is kidnapping.”

Jack sighed. “Regardless, Sydney, I think you should keep an out if you meet Sark in the field again. Your sister may be closer than we think.”

“Just not that close I hope,” Sydney admitted.

“Umm, Mr. Bristow?” Marshall’s voice cut in. “You know that thing you told me to run a search on, but not tell anyone about because you didn’t want anyone to know you were searching for it. But then you did tell me because you wanted me to search for it so –”

“What is it, Marshall?” Jack turned.

Marshall slowed down and lowered his voice. “The name you wanted me to search for. I found it. Almost a year ago a passport was issued using that name. I have a copy.” He passed a computer printout to Jack.

Jack stared down at the passport. The photo was a snapshot of his youngest child. He let out a breath. “You’re certain this isn’t a counterfeit?”

“Everything checked out. It’s valid,” Marshall paused and swallowed. “And she just used it to enter Morocco.”

“How recently?” Sydney questioned.

“Within the last forty-eight hours. The flight was from Zurich.”

“Thank you, Marshall,” Jack replied as he turned back to his and walked away.

Sydney followed her father. “Dad, what are we going to do?”

Jack stopped and met Sydney’s gaze. “Nothing. You’re going to Seville.”

“Dad,” Sydney cut in. “We can’t let this go. If she knows something about where I was…”

“If your sister is indeed in Morocco on a job then it is likely that she will return to Zurich in time. I’ll inform Sloane of the situation.”

”Sloane doesn’t know she exists,” Sydney commented.

Jack nodded. “No, but they’ve met. If she’s in the city he’ll be able to find her.”

* * * *

“You never informed me Irina had another daughter, Jack,” Arvin Sloane stood staring out the wide window of his modernly furnished Zurich office. “And why do you trust me of all people with this information?”

“Because after thirty years, Arvin, it’s time you did something to prove you care about Sydney more than just your word.”

“I don’t know where she was for the past two years, Jack. I’ve already devoted a great deal of my time and cooperation to the CIA.”

“This request doesn’t come from the Agency, Arvin. I’m asking you as a friend to help me find my daughter.”

“In that case, Jack, I’ll contact you if and when I find her,” Sloane replied with a smile. He heard the line go dead. “If she’s even yours, Jack.”

* * * *
A light breeze tousled at her curly hair as Arisha keyed into her apartment building. The shoulder bag she carried contained the money from the Morocco ‘transaction’. It had been an utter failure, but not entirely. The Covenant did not care if she took some spending money away from a deal. How she was going to explain why Neiman was now deceased was another story.

She jogged up the steps to the top floor and made her way down the hall. Arisha unlocked the door to her apartment and dropped the bag on the ground as well as putting her gun holster on the entryway table. With a yawn she locked the door and took a step into moonlit living area towards the kitchen.

Five steps and daylight hit.

Arisha squinted against the bright light and raised her hand to block it from her eyes. She heard heavy footsteps as the figure approached and instinctively reach for her gun, cursing inside as she remembered her holster was by the door. “Who are you?” She demanded sternly.

“Why don’t you tell me who you are?” It was a man. His tone was straight forward yet she picked up on a false sentimentality. She searched her memory for hints of when she may have heard it before.

“It doesn’t matter who I am,” Arisha took a step back. “Because I won’t be here when the police find you dead.”

There was a mild laugh from the man. “You’re a good shot with any weapon I take, Melnikov.”

Arisha froze. A small breath escaped her mouth. “Sloane.”

The flashlight went off and Sloane hit the light switch illuminating the room. “Should I call you Flynn or do you prefer Bristow?”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Arisha questioned.

Sloane held up his hands. “I came at the request of a friend.”

“You have friends?” She said, sarcasm drenching her words.

“Your father sent me.”

“My father’s dead.”

“Not that one.”

Her gaze softened as the realization sank in. “Jack,” Arisha let out a deep breath. “What does he want?”

“I find it more relaxing to discuss matters like this over a bottle of wine,” Sloane almost smirked. He gestured to the table behind him where two glasses sat by a bottle of French wine.

“What’s it laced with?” Arisha tilted her head and studied him.

Sloane did not reply, but rather opened the bottle and filled the two glasses. He took one himself and held the other out to her. “What purpose would I have in drugging you?” He took a long sip from his glass.

Arisha did not take the glass from him. “You could’ve taken an antidote before. Why did Jack send you here?” She turned and strode back towards the door. With a quick hand she picked up her gun from the sofa.

“I was unaware that you even existed,” Sloane continued. “Irina hid many things. I would have to say you were her greatest secret.”

Arisha checked the ammo for her gun and then took a tentative aim at Sloane. She lowered the gun. “That still doesn’t answer why you’re here.”

Sloane took another swig of wine and smiled. “Just like Sydney. Always to the point.”

“Sydney’s dead.”

Sloane’s smile grew. “You haven’t heard the news then. Sydney Bristow is alive and well.”

Arisha felt her grip loosen on the lowered gun. “That’s impossible! They found her body. They ran DNA tests.”

“Jack sent me to find you because all intel points that the Covenant was behind Sydney’s disappearance. And seeing as how you are affiliated with them…”

“So are you,” Arisha replied.

“Nevertheless Jack believes that you may have seen her. Have you been in contact with Sydney at all over the past two years?”

“No,” Arisha answered flatly.

“Your sister may have been under another alias.”

“I would have recognized her,” Arisha raised a hand to her face. She felt the tears flowing from her eyes. “So she’s alive?”

Sloane nodded.

“You’re not lying,” Arisha observed.


Arisha smiled slightly and then raised the gun. “Thanks for the message.”
coming in a future chapter:

Arisha Vera Bristow released a deep breath and stood. She strode to the curtain covered window and pulled back the drapes. The lights of the Los Angeles skyline greeted her.
I'm in a good mood and I took some time off from my homework to finish this. I get to be an archaeologist this summer! :jump: Best of all I get to go to Europe for it. It will be a learning experience no doubt. My bad sense of humor is emerging as I recently purchased a shirt with a shovel on it and the phrase "I dig you". :Pharaoh: anyways, this chapter is sort of another cliffhanger. I warned you.

disclaimer: as usual I own nothing- I would love to say I own Alias, but alas I don't.

Chapter 6

“You won’t shoot me,” Sloane remarked as he folded his hands in front of him. His gaze was calm over a slight smile. He seemed happy and that fact irritated her.

“You can’t imagine how pitiful that sounds coming from you,” the blonde shrugged the hair from her shoulders, but did not alter her aim.

“I have something I need to tell you,” Sloane continued. He raised his hands and stepped towards her.

“You already told me.”

His eyes seemed to be searching her as their gaze remained locked. “This regards the Rambaldi prophecy.”

An impatient scoff left her mouth. “Can I not go a week without hearing about that?”

Sloane lowered his hands. He shook his head. “You should listen. Our lives were written out long ago, Arisha. To believe we have some control over them is an illusion.”

“What’s your point?” She questioned.

Sloane stared at the gun she had aimed at his chest. “You can’t run. And you’re going to put down the gun.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because, Arisha, I didn’t come here to fight you. I’m going to walk out of this apartment. I expect that when I return you will be gone. No doubt you have other accommodations.”

“You still haven’t convinced me to drop the gun,” She pressed.

“Arisha, as of yet your name is not on any wanted lists. If you kill me you’ll have the CIA hunting you. Ask yourself if you merely want your family to be searching for you or an entire intelligence agency?”

“And if I kill you who’s to say that Jack won’t keep it quiet?” Arisha smirked. “You know two years ago I could have pulled this trigger and I would have been doing the world a favor and it would have been legal. I still believe that. But…” Her aim dropped as the gun fell to her side. “I only kill people who’ve hurt me. Get out. Now.”

Sloane walked past her without a hint of fear in his manner.

“Give Jack a message for me,” Arisha said as Sloane was opening the door.

Sloane turned and waited. “What?”

Arisha tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Tell him I trust him.”

* * * *


“I found your missing daughter, Jack,” Sloane began. “She is alive and indeed working for the Covenant.”

There was silence on the other end as Sloane imagined that he had once and for all managed to stun Jack Bristow.


“I’m listening,” Jack replied. “Where is she now?”

“I can’t say. I confronted her and she must have taken off afterwards.”

“Did you speak with her?”

“She had me at gunpoint, Jack,” Sloane was standing in his Zurich office. The cityscape stretched out before his window. “And she didn’t seem very open to negotiation. Jack, I think she merely wants to be left alone.”

“That’s not an option,” Jack replied. “She may know about Sydney.”

“Jack, she cried when I told her Sydney is alive. She didn’t know. She said she trusts you.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end as Jack must have been thinking again. “I want the name of the contact you used and any other information you have.”

“You’ll be receiving an email shortly,” Sloane ended the conversation. “Goodbye, Jack.”

* * * *

Handel_4Me> Is this going to become a regular thing between us, Jack?

Mozart_182> Have you found anything on Arisha?

Handel_4Me> My sources have drawn a blank. I did find the passport. She’s only used it three times.

Mozart_182> She just used it in Morocco. Sloane found her in Zurich.

Mozart_182> Irina?

Handel_4Me> Keep Sloane away from her. I know someone who can help. We’ll find her, Jack.

* * * *

Arisha walked out into the parking garage and started searching her pockets for her car keys. She walked through the shadow of a column and almost screamed as a strong shove threw her against the wall. She felt fingers around her throat as she regained her surroundings. Arisha let herself breathe as she stared into the eyes of Allison Doren. “Did I do something to offend you?”

The woman looked at her with loathing. “You stay away from Sark.”

Arisha rolled her eyes. “Jealous are we?”

Allison’s fist slammed into her face. The black woman stepped back and released Arisha. “You listen to me.”

Arisha touched her face gingerly and then smirked at Doren. “Don’t worry, Allison. He’s just got a slight stalker’s complex.”

“He was only with you for the intel those two years. He was using you.”

“Maybe,” Arisha replied. She straightened her jacket. “But he loved me.”

“He doesn’t love anyone,” Allison said.

Arisha only smiled and walked away. She heard Allison’s footsteps retreat in the other direction. When she glanced back Doren was gone.

Arisha turned back and kept walking to her car. She opened the door of her black sedan and dropped into the driver’s seat. As she turned the key the car engine refused to start. Before she could try it again the faint sweet aroma reached her nose and there was little she could do as a cloth was clamped over her mouth and darkness took her.
EVIL!!!! Evil cliffhanger!! But what an incredible update!!! :D

Can not wait for more!!!

thanks for the pm...

J. :lol: