Season 3 The Tender Review of Reunion


Best Part of the Episdoe: Weiss gives Sydney a copy of Alice in Wonderland, her favorite book. The emotional sensors in the room were flying off at that time ;)

Worst Part of the Episode: BRIEFING SCENE! Ay ay ay! Dixon! What is the matter with you? Letting those three slap each other around in YOUR Briefing room? I can't believe I'm saying this, but WHERE IS KENDALL?

Best Aspect of the Episode: Vaughn realizes how great of a team he and Syd are and decides to shove it little Wifie's face!

Worst Aspect of the Episode: The overall awkwardness was very disturbing. Whenever guns weren't involved, the show was slow and monotonous. Again, I was thinking at this point: WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ALIAS??

The Good: Sydney, Vaughn, Sloane, the mission to Moscow to destroy the Medusa, Weiss, Marshall, the Lauren v. Sloane chit chat

The Bad: Jack, The Wife Formerly Known (or as she would say: knowen) as Lauren, the scene on the airplane

The Ugly: Dixon! (C'mon, man! Where is that Season 2 all awesome Dixon we knew and loved!?!)

Overall Rating: 5/10 - It was officialy becoming ridiculous at this point that Alias wasn't on its feet. First a 4/10, then two 5/10's in a row! This ep was smothered in boringness and the emotional levels were quite weak. Of course, the acting is brilliant as always. If not, this show wouldn't be pretty...