what most influences your game purchases?

What Most Influences Your Game Purchases?

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If it's a game I already know about, I usually hit the forums, fansites, and delveoper's web site long before the game comes out. *grins at the HH logo in the corner of my browser*

However... There are so many games out there that many come in under the radar and I don't even know about them. At least until that copy of PCGamer arrives in the mail each month. I agree with most of their reviews and I have made MANY purchases based soley on them.

For example, there is a new WWII RTS game coming out in a couple weeks... "Company of Heros" .. This is something I would have ignored along with all of the other Call of Duty clones out there right now if they haven't given it an almost unprecidented score of 96% out of 100%. Fortunately, the mag also came with a dvd with a demo of the game which I tried. Consequently, I will be picking up this game the day it arrives.

As much as I hate waiting, games only get one shot to get it right when it comes to critic reviews. I hope Hero's Journey has all their ducks in a row when HJ finally goes live. ;)
Game reviews are generally bought and paid for. Most of the other stuff are just advertisments. Friends input is great, but non-existent if it is a new game. Demos are nice, but very few games do them and they are only available for MMORPGs that have been on the market for a long time. So the best way for me to learn and make judgements is by following the forums. If I really want to know if the game is worth it, thats where I go to find out.
I put other down for my vote because it is always a combination of everything. Could be friends or could be a review I read. When it comes down to the final purchase it just comes to me deciding if I like the features or how the game seems like it would play. I usually check out the forums to find out what I can from Devs and players.
meh.. I usually know someone who has a copy of of something I might be nterested in and can go play it at their crib for a test drive if i've heard positive player feedback about it. Whether that be via forums/adds/ or otherwise.
I voted other on the simple fact that the primary influence depends on the type of game. One thing might get my interest but others will tip me over the brink to actually purchase the game. For HJ, the company making it sucked me in, the beautiful artwork helps me to want to buy, and the forums and info released have pushed me over.
Yeah, "Info released"... Oh how I long to partake in that sweet, sweet nectar known as New Hero's Journey Information once more. My tastebuds try out for it, but their cries are silenced by the ever-growing darkness that is my own desire for the game... :( (We seriously need some more emotes. Namely, a crying one.)
Daax said:
whenever I'm eyeing a new game I want to buy, I head over to Gamespot and read a review on it.

Gamespot recently gave a whole lot of incorrect information on a game called Phantasy Star Universe when they were given a preview. I mean, a lot! Saying there were Mags, even though there aren't, saying that Rangers were a blend of Hunters and Forces, but that's ridiculous, since Rangers use guns, Hunters use melee weapons, and Forces use techs! They also say swords don't have Photon Arts, which is ludicrous. Grr... If I could, I'd slap the person who wrote that felgercarb across the face. I'll never listen to anything Gamespot says now. Buncha friggen' idiots...
Well, if you consider the last time I looked at anything Hero's Journey was 2003, the information I've found since has been delicious. If they're aiming for a release next year, hopefully they're aiming at either early summer (no summer classes this coming year, yay!) or Christmas. I will say nothing regarding anything beta at this time, but I'm sure you're all thinking the same thing :smiley:
All the games that I have bought are games that I have either played beta or played the demo. I also read the reviews but thats not what I buy a game by.
I like to play a little first before spending my hard earned money lol
I voted other.

I'm an old gamer. Been buying these game boxes since the early eighties.

For me, I tend to buy a game based on weight. The weight of the box, that is.

Early on I came to the conclusion that the more instructions/maps/stuff in a box usually meant a better game.

Now, most things you buy weigh almost nothing. Doesn't mean it's bad, just not as much peripheral info as I typically like.
I like the pretty boxes they make me go ooooooooo

I'll actually read up on a game and review it for about a week prior to buying. Good example in point is Dark and Light. Looked good sounded good but sucked. And when your throwing 50+ at it I kinda like to know what im getting into.
For this type of game (MMOG), I try to beta test it. This is usually when I make my final judgement on this type of game. Most of the others I use reviews and I wait a couple of months for the bugs to be worked out.