
I'll try and post it in the morning or late tonight, if I get a chance. Gotta get these rusty gears turning... -oils brain-
"Your drink, sir."


The flight attendant offered another radiant grin before turning away and heading down the aisle. He took his time with the beverage, sipping it slowly, making it last. He silently concocted plans of what had happened to Sydney. That night just kept playing over and over in his mind--To think, he had probably been yards from the kidnapper, watching and waiting in the bushes--and he had done nothing. He watched the liquid swirl around in his cup as he moved the plastic mug around, silently fuming. Why? He swallowed the water and set the empty cup down on his tray table, fumbling for his headphones. Slipping them on, he leaned between the seats and attempted to catch a glimpse of the in-flight movie. Before he knew it, he was drifting off to a dreamless sleep.


Irina yelled in fury, throwing her phone down on the stack of folders upon her desk. She should have known. She should have taken action sooner. She should of… She could of… But she didn't. She didn't. She did nothing. And this could have been prevented. Clenching down on her teeth, she rubbed her temples with her forefingers, trying to relieve the stress, glaring at the phone.


Apparently Will had drifted off to sleep again, because when he awoke, he was somewhere else. He was sitting at a table, only one other seat pushed in at the opposite side of the counter. It was obviously amidst some sort of storage room, as boxes and hooks were strewn about the setting carelessly. He listened intently for any sound, straining to hear any noise of another's presence. Several tense minutes passed, and he began to relax. Maybe he had been set free. Maybe he… Footsteps. Muttering. A door opened, and a familiar man entered and took the seat across from him. It was the man from the hospital, smirking pleasantly.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tippin. Enjoying yourself?"

Will muttered several profanities under his breath, focusing upon the stainless steel surface of the table.

"I see. Well, I've brought you here to discuss Sydney Bristow. I presume you know her?"

Will did not respond.

"Very well. So, I have been informed that you know Sydney has gone. It must be very painful for you, since you are her best friend."

Will grimaced, but remained mute.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Mr. Tippin. I advise you take the easy way."

Will looked up, snarling.

"Listen, I don't know what you want with me, but I am not going to help you."

Sloane chuckled, obviously finding his outburst quite amusing.

"Putting on a brave face? I admire that in you, Mr. Tippin. And I just want your cooperation, nothing more."

He slid some papers contained within a simple cream folder across the table.

"I'd like you to take a look at these. There are some things you might find very interesting."
This chapter is short and realitively different from the others, but it's needed to help you guys understand the plotline a little bit better. Well, here's Chapter 7...
"Everything's going according to plan?"

"Yes. We have Tippin. I gave him the folder."

"Did he read it?"


"What did he say?"

"He said he would help."

"Excellent. He is not to be moved from that room until further notice. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I must commend you on your efficiency, Arvin. You're doing quite well."

"I'm not exactly an amateur."

"I know that."

"Do you have Sydney?"


"I want Sydney when you're done with her."

"I know that."

"You promised me."

"I never keep my promises."

"You don't keep this one, Tippin runs free."

"But I do plan on holding onto this tryst, Arvin. Don't worry."

"I never do."

"Good. Tell Mr. Tippin I said hello."

The line went dead.