If Only...

Sorry this chapter took so long. :lol:

The song is by Evanescence- my immortal. :smiley:

Hope you enjoy! and don't forget to review!


Atari’s POV:

Not once, in the eighteen years of my depressing life, have I had a boyfriend.

And you know why? Because it's completely and utterly pointless. All I see about having a boyfriend is going on dates, make out, and get your heart broken or break someone elses, right? I don't understand what's the big deal.

Maybe I despise the thought of having a boyfriend is because of rejection and deceit. I've been though enough of it in my life with my [EDIT]ed up father and I'm sick of it. Getting rejected as a daughter... he has never once treated me like one... I was the one who had to do everything HE was supposed to do.

And why get rejected by a guy I barely know? Like Joe... why get cheated on and dumped and all that relationship felgercarb?

Ugh.... why am I even thinking about Joe... he's just another popular pretty boy.

But it's weird... I just can't control that feeling... that attraction. He's probably the only guy that holds my gaze for more than three seconds. But I know I probably have nothing in common with him... and if he ever DOES happen to ask me out on a date (which is impossible)... I'll sit there like a mute and nod my head. God.... tutoring will be so awkward. I don't know why I agreed, it's not like I have any experience teaching. But it's the money. I need to move. Need to be out on my own. And need to get away from my past.

I've been thinking... where would I go? New York City isn't too far... but that would probably be worse... the crime and I'd have a horribly grimy apartment. But if I weigh out the pros and cons... NYC is much better than my dad. Plus, I've also heard there's so many people, they won't bother you. I've always wanted to go to Times Square too... and walk down 5th Avenue and see the insanely gorgeous buildings.... eat the roasted peanuts they sell on street venders and go ice skating during the winter at Rockerfeller Park. It's just seems so worth it.

This dream I have... I'm going to make it happen. I just wish I could bring someone that I care about along with me.

Atari checked her watch. 5:43... 18 minutes until tutor time. Woopee, she though. She turned the radio on and the radio blasted "My Immortal" by Evanescence. All of a sudden, her eyes were brimming with tears. Listening to this song brought her right back to that day...

my immortal
i'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all of my childish fears
and if you have to leave
i wish that you would just leave
because your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone

January 19th, 1995

Atari walked down the street and played with her keychain. I hope Uncle David will pick me up so we can go to his studio and practice. She sighed. School was so boring today and I just want to practice some techniques. And plus, Dad will just be on the sofa and there will be bottles all over the floor. Do other kids in my grade have to go through this? She wondered.

She reached the small row house and heard shouting from inside.

"You son of a [EDIT]! Get out of my house or I'll blast your brains out with this [EDIT]ing gun! I SWEAR, YOU MOTHER [EDIT]ER!"

"JIM! CALM DOWN! I'm only hear to pick Atari up for kung fu lessons!" David backed away.

It was too late. Jim came barreling towards David with a bottle in his left hand and a gun in his right.

David had to react so he jumped up and swumg his leg around to Jim's left hand and the bottle went flying towards the wall. It crashed and bits of glass shattered everywhere.

Atari stould at the door, shocked, with her eyes wide open. She couldn't move and she couldn't talk. David always told her to never defend against a gun. Just give the attacker whatever he wanted- a wallet or jewelry. Whatever. Hand it over and don't risk your life. But when you were in this type of situation, what could you do?

David landed on his right foot and shifted his weight. In one fluid move, he lept into the air and his left leg spun towards Jim's head like a deadly rod.

Jim's eyes lolled. But right before he fell to the ground, his finger pulled the trigger.

Atari screamed.

And that was it. The bullet was in David's chest and he was down. Jim was unconcious on the floor.

She flew towards David. She lifted his hand, sobbing.

"No... no... get up," she whispered.

Atari ran into the kitchen for the phone.

She stared at the buttons on the phone but everything was blurry. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and stared back at the phone. She still couldn't dial 911 because her hands were shaking so hard. Atari took a deep breath and concentrated.

Stop shaking. Stop shaking.

Finally a voice. The operator.

Atari stated her name, address, and told the operator she needed an ambulance and there was a gun involved.

"How old are you, miss?"

"Ten," she said softly.

"Stay on the phone and try to be as calm as you can," the operator said.


Ten minutes later an ambulance and two police cars arrived. They covered David's body and brought him away.

Atari was scarred for life.

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

The song finished and the tears were flowing freely down her face.
and this would be the point where Joe comes in right? that was so sad! but so wonderful. loved it. more soon nance!
--mandy :angelic:
awwww....thats horrible...not the writing but what happened to atari! ;) more soon thanks!! and i hope joe is wonderful to her, if not he will deal with me! :angry: :stick:
:eek: :eek: :eek: OH poor atari!!!!
Good writing!
Yay evanescance! :lol:
More soon!
and . . wheres my pm :angry: :lol:
Victoria King said:
awwww....thats horrible...not the writing but what happened to atari! ;) more soon thanks!! and i hope joe is wonderful to her, if not he will deal with me! :angry: :stick:
LOL! my thoughts as well, Miss Vicki!

Great job, sis! So sad that Atari had to see it, but I assume that's what makes her so strong as a person. And Joe? I'm hoping for an appearance...and that he's a good guy to her...or he's in TROUBLE!

And what's this I read about wanting to bring someone to NYC with her? Hmmm...I have a suggestion...;)
Finally I update it! :lol:

Okay what chapter is this? :blink: Oh whatever... :lol:

Atari sprinted down Brookside Lane and checked her watch.

Damn. She was 10 minutes late for her first tutorial with Joe.

I should just set my watch 10 minutes back and I’ll be on time for everything.

She turned at the corner onto Crescent Road and quickly walked up the street.

Fifty-three. Fiftey-five. Fifty-seven. Fifty-eight. Score.

There it is. The number fifty-eight.

Where the hell is the damn house? All there is, is this huge gate.

She put her head against the gate and peered to the left.

Holy s***. The house was enormous… even in the distance. It looked like it came out of Cinderella or some fairy tale story… big, white, and lots of windows.

She quickly looked for a buzzer.

“Uhhh… hello?” Atari said awkwardly into the speaker.

“Yes. Is this Atari Chevalier?” said a flat voice.

Butler, probably. She rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. Um… can I get in?”

“Please wait a moment.”

Two seconds later, the gates slowly sqeaked open and Atari ran down the path.

The lawn and garden landscaping had that perfectly manicured look. She was afraid to even walk on it and so instead of taking a shortcut, she continued down the driveway.

She ran up to the door and hesitated.

Breathe in. Breath out. s***, I’m nervous. You can fight bad guys and thugs... this is a piece of cake.


The door bell rang and his heart did a flip-flop. She’s here.

Joe quickly pounded down the stairs and told Antoine, their butler, that he’d get the door. He took a breath and opened the door.

She looked breath-taking.

Joe’s heart did another flip-flop thing.

“Hey. Come in.”

She stepped in and look past his shoulder. Her eyes widened at the size of the Grand Hall.

“Oh… um this house is really old. My great-grandfather first lived here. So try not to get lost,” he smiled.

“Jeez… you guys need to provide a map for guests. This place is huuuuge.”

He laughed and his dimples showed.

She’s beautiful and funny.

I have to stop here. :devil:
YES!!!! i'm the first to reply!!!!

WHY nance WHY did you have to stop there!!! we NEED more!

its really good though! :D

i smell love in the air ;)
UndercoverMichaelLover said:
oh i love it! But wait nance, why did Atari say she was ten? shes not ten . . . :blink:
:lol: that's during the flash back and that was the other chapter... :blink:

Sarah---- looooove, huh? ^_^
WHAT?! YOU HAVE TO STOP THERE?! WHAT KINDA EXCUSE IS THAT?! HUH? COME BACK HERE AND WRITE!!!! NOW! :lol: j/k. but update more plz :D it's great. Joe and Atari sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! :lol: :laughbounce:

--mandy :angelic:
well thanks for the ummmmm SHORT update. j/k! thanks, honestly.

and i bet his place is dreamy. Well, please update soon, i was wonddering what had happened to your fic yesterday.