Lost Thoughts


Edit: January 1'st 2010

I stumbled across my old posts here after trying to locate "the site I was so fond of as a kid." Was I ever in for a surprise after stumbling across a lot of these past musings and thoughts of my youthful mind. Though virtually all of this has been removed (due to personal reasons above anything else) it is a wonder how anyone could've put up with such annoyance. In retrospect, this site and its readers taught me a great deal in terms of structuring a story and tweaking characters for appeal. I've had minor success since then and (obviously with age) grown as a person. To come back here and read over a lot of this stuff brings back quite a heavy rush of nostalgia and past emotions. I'd like to thank the readers and the community at what was formerly Allalias for providing a haven and an outlet for creativity and a place to talk with other fans of the show. As demonstrated by many of the comments under this (particularly those by Ash) the community is understanding, mature and willing to help. Just as I'd recalled it. Thank you.
I, dont really know what to think of this fic.
I mean, he like, poured his heart out to this chick that he knew for two days...that would take guts...
Then all those jerks at school...Hmm...
I think its a good start, and Im interested to see where you take it.
Please PM me.
Only one thing confused me...
When you had people talking...you didnt say who they were...

Like -

"Life can be so damn cruel sometimes".
"Yeah, I know what you mean."
"I mean, who the hell would take my journal?"
"I don't know."
"Well......I left it in my bag, then went for lunch, and I come back and the thing is gone!"
"Did you go to the office and report it as missing?"
"Yeah.....of course. I mean, its my gorram journal for..."
"...I know.. You'll probably get it back."
"I hope so."

You went from there, where I assumed he was talking to a friend...

"Hi, I'm Bryan, I just moved here."
"I'm Jenna."
"What're you into?"
"Um....I like Nirvana, um......."
"Cool, I'm a huge Nirvana fan. I'm trying to buy everything they've done."
"Uh....that's cool. Anyway, um...I guess I'll talk to you later."

Where I believed that was a flashback, so maybe he was talking to the girl...

He wrote a little bit about himself under it and then the next day showed it to her friend. Her friend said it was really nice. He never actually got to give the letter to her ever and she probably never saw it.

Which got me thinking that he never really got up the nerves to talk to her, there for, the first person he was speaking to couldnt have been this, Jenna, person...
Which led to the question, who was he talking to, if he was new, and didnt have very many friends...

I know, Im getting into specifics...*shrugs*
Just thought I'd let you know where I got lost :smiley:


I know it didn't make much sense to start with and I hope it doesn't turn people off.

I've noticed that quite alot of people on these boards are intrigued by stuff they cant figure out with a once over. Give it a day or two, I'm sure youll have more readers.

...That chapter was short, lol

I liked it though,
How Sydney's trying to get to know him and all

Can't wait for more :smiley:
Thanks for the PM too, by the way.

That chapter was...

Interesting to say the least.
Those ppl seem to have so many freakin' insecurities...

It was well written, and got the point across.
But, the point it carried, and the feelings it portrayed seemed really deep.

I think I liked it, but then again, I cant help but pity the characters...

Thanks for the PM
Great Job.
It takes alot to actually get me into a story *nods*

hey i really like this story and its really interesting and im sry that you had to go thru all of this and i just thank you for sharing it cause it must be hard
"You're a guy man.....don't cry."

Thats such a cliche... I hate that so many people think that.
It just shows that a guy isnt as strong as he tries to make himself, and thats kewl...

I liked those two chapters, but poor Bryan *sighs*
Why the hell cant people just... be nice?
Yea, I know - that sounds childish - but isnt that what our mothers taught us from when we were two years old and hitting our younger siblings?

If these people walked a mile in the persons shoes that theyre verbally bashing, I bet theyd never do it again. They should try it someday...

Thanks for the PM
Wow...Im so, so, so sorry it took me this long to read *sighs*
Ive really only been following one fic that Im on the PM list for since last week, and thats because Im so overwhelmed with school stuff... Agian, Im really sorry.

Now - on to the fic.

"Ok, well sorry anyway."
"Stop saying sorry so much."

I do that all the time, non stop appoligizing...
I got yelled at in Seventh grade because my teacher said I was appoligizing to her too much :confused:

With that, Sydney left. She was in fact falling for him....she knew it.

Dude...that is one lucky son of a butt...
If hes got Sydney Bristow goin for him *shakes head*
He's totally better off then he thinks :P

I loved it...but is it going to be a Syd/Bryan thing...or do we actually get Vaughnage?
Thanks for the PMs
For once I beat the PM


"Jesus, why can't I just let go? My life is like the OC I swear to God. Is life supposed to be this hard?"

Well... no one ever said it was easy. I mean, think about it. If life went easy on every single person - this country would be in even more debt than it is right now. Someone would win the megabucks everyday - and that would just piss people off. We'd have at least three kings *nods* and we'd probably all be treated with the utmost respect - can you imagine a serial killer out and about with cops just letting him go? I think Ill take a screwed up world as opposed to an easy one. You have to work hard for something you want.

*Author's Note* As requested this chapter mainly focuses on Sydney and OMG It was hard to write female dialogue. Like I don't know how and what they'd talk about so sorry for inaccuracies.

Well, you did pretty good *nods*
We arent all that hard to figure out :P - just write ppl with mood swings, jkjk

Anyways, those chapters were really good!
Awesome job!
Thanks for the PM-
Chapter 10

"How'd you meet Carla?"
"Well she's new to this school and she's in a couple of my classes so I appraoched her one day and asked her out."
"Somehow, I don't think that's the whole story."
"Ok...well see its this really funny thing where I was eating lunch with my friend of six years and he brought along this girl so we started talking..."
"Was the girl he was with Carla? Cuz you know its not good to take away girls from your friends." Sydney was jealous, she knew it and she couldn't help but be.
"No.....just let me finish Syd."
"Ok...ok fine."
"Well we started talking, as I said, and then I had told her about writing the letter and that kind of stuff and all the issues that were at hand. So then she asked if I liked anybody now and I said a new girl. She didn't ask anything else."
"Ok so when do you meet the new girl?"
"Wait wait wait....there's a funny little twist coming up."
"Ok...well the next day at lunch my friend brings the same girl and we started talking about this girl I like again and she finally asks who it was. The girl that I like (Carla) comes into the cafeteria so I point her out and you know what she says?"
"That's my sister."
"No joke. Seriously. So she said she'd help set us up and told me some of the things that she liked."
Sydney had to stop laughing before she got all serious again and said, "Well you didn't lie and pretend to like what she likes did you?"
"No, of course not! I'm always honest."
"That's good." Then she started to laugh a little bit again and said, "Her sister? That is just too funny."
"So I slowly let it in. She likes poetry so then I was talking to the teacher asking her if I should send a poem I wrote to the paper when she piped in too and said that she also liked poetry. I'm not going to lie and say I like some of her likes because that's wrong but I do like some of the things that she likes too. Oh, and she's really shy so I had to take it slow."
"Two days is slow?"
"You say you met her at school but you were suspended! What's up with that?"
"Wait......you don't have a girlfriend do you! You lied!"
"Well...damn...I really thought that it would make Jenna jealous."
"Well you were suspended and you said you met her at school! I'm not dumb you know!"
"Well I should've plotted my plan out better."
"Hahahah. Now that is way too funny."
"Ok well I thought that maybe Jenna would be a little jealous or something if word got around that I had a girlfriend."
"That's partly the saddest/funniest/sweetest thing I've ever heard. The only person that you made jealous was me."
Sydney had accidentally said it. "I mean like..."
"Wait a second....you like me don't you? How long has it been?"
"I like you as a friend Bryan....for God's sake I am your counselor. That would breach our student-counseler privileges."
"There are no student-counseler privileges Sydney! What are you saying?"
"I think what I'm saying is that we're both flirting."
"Yeah, I think so too."
"You tend to talk a lot when you're flirting and then you deny it."
"....and you laugh a lot."
"So...Bryan, want to go out sometime?"
"I've never been asked that before?"
"I've never asked that before."
They both laughed a bit and then Bryan said, "Sure Sydney."
"Alright. That's good news....now, let's talk about where we're going."

That night Bryan was to pick Sydney up and take her to a movie and then drop her off home. They had two tickets to the Notebook. "I hope she'll like that movie."

Bryan didn't actually have his license yet, so it meant that his dad was to drive him but he still thought of it as him picking her up. His dad drove him to his house talking to him the whole way.
"Now son, you have to take it easy on the compliments ok?"
"Yeah, ok dad. Yo, you're gonna miss the street!" Bryan was more nervous than usual. He hadn't gone out with a girl for four years, and even then he didn't actually "go out" with the girl. So this was like a first time experience for him. Everything had happened so fast. But for the first time in a while, he felt really happy. He was still thinking and his dad kept talking. "....And son, don't do..."
"Ok ok ok Dr. Phil. This is her place."

Bryan got out of the car and knocked on her door. He was wearing a yellow shirt that said "Do all high school's suck or just mine" and jeans. Sydney answered the door and said, "I'll just be a minute."

Inside Sydney was just as worried and nervous as Bryan was. Something she wasn't used to feeling when going out with other guys. "But he's not like other guys." She thought and then put on some more lipgloss and then grabbed her purse and walked down the stairs to meet Bryan.

"You look lovely tonight."
"Thank you Bryan." She hugged him and then they left. Bryan's dad dropped them off at the theatre and told them he'd pick them up in a couple hours. "But the movie's only....oh....ok." Sydney smiled, and said, "Bye Mr. Winston."
"You can call me Mark if you want to Sydney. Bye Bryan and Sydney." Then he drove off.

During the movie Bryan was nervous and was worried he'd do something to offend Sydney or something that she wouldn't like but about half way through the movie she actually grabbed his arm and put it around her neck.

After the movie they talked about it awhile and then they figured that Mr. Winston wouldn't be back for awhile so they took a little walk.

"You know Bryan....you're sort of like Ryan Gosling in the Notebook. You never gave up no matter what."
"Thanks Syd."
"Look, I know I'm not Jenna but I really like you."
"I like you too Sydney."
"Not as much as you like her though."
"Sydney, she'll have nothing to do with me ever. I am so damn lucky that you are giving me a chance and I like you a lot and just because I like Jenna doesn't mean that I don't like you."
"That's sweet Bryan....really."
"I'd do anything for you. You were the real reason that I tried so hard to get back up on my feet. You were always there....always there helping me through every little step of the way and I owe you a lot."
"No you don't Bryan....it's my job."

They held hands and continued walking. They walked down the road and talked about school, teachers and then each other.

"I know this is our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend." Bryan said, letting the words sink in. "But I feel like we've known each other forever."
"Awww.....you really know the right things to say."
"I try....I do. Haha."

They slowly walked back to the theatre, and that's when Sydney said, "Bryan....Bryan?"
"Can we make a promise to each other that no matter what we'll always remain friends. Through thick and thin."
"Sure. I'll always be your friend no matter what happens Sydney."
"I'll always be your friend too Bryan."

Bryan felt it coming....Sydney leaning in and they kissed. They slowly moved back and Bryan said, "You are the sweetest girl I've ever known Sydney Bristow."
"You are the nicest guy I've ever know Bryan Winston."

A bit later Mr. Winston came and dropped them off and Sydney hugged Bryan before getting out of the car at her place.
"So how'd it go Bryan?" His dad asked.
"Amazing dad....simply amazing."
"She's a very sweet girl you know, always-"
"I know dad. I'll never do anything to hurt her....ever."

The next day at school Sydney was looking for Bryan and found him hanging around near the cafeteria with a couple friends. "Hey Bryan."
"Hey Sydney."
"Ooh, it looks like someone got lucky last night!" John said.
"SHUT UP!" They both said at the same time.
"What? I was just joking."

They both walked away holding hands and John gave the "whipped" signal with his hand.

"So, will I see you at lunch?"
"Yeah. I'm actually free today of meeting people believe it or not."
"Ok, great. So I guess I'll see you then."
"Ok." They parted ways and Bryan went to class with only Sydney on his mind. For once he wasn't thinking about what to do with Jenna or the bullying or anything. He was truly happy and it felt good.

At lunch time Bryan waited in the cafeteria like they had agreed on but Sydney never came. At first Bryan thought that Sydney had blown him off but got back to normal thinking that she probably had an appointment added to her schedule.

After school they met up and Bryan asked her where she was at lunch.
"Are you sure that you really want to know."
"Yeah...of course I do."
"Ok..well I had a meeting with Eric that the vice principal had scheduled and somehow he found out from someone that we were going out and he was trying really hard to make me turn against you."
"Really? What was he saying."
"Oh you don't want to know."
"Yes I do Syd...Honestly, tell me."
"You have to promise me that you won't get mad and do something stupid."
"Well its kind of hard to promise that without hearing what was said."
"Well then I guess I won't tell you then."
"Ok....fine...I promise that I won't get mad."
"Ok. Well he said that-"

Chapter 11

"He said that-"
"Bryan!" John yelled at him.
"There's a call waiting for you in the office."
"Ok I'll be there in a minute."
"No, I think it may be serious."
"I need to hear what Sydney says ok."
"No Bryan....you better go."

Bryan left to go to the office and the secretary handed him the phone.
"Is this a Bryan Winston?" The voice on the other end said.
"Your mom was in a serious car accident today and we're coming to pick you up to take you to the hospital to see her."
"Oh my God!" He threw the phone down and started to cry. He couldn't take it. Sydney came into the office and held his hand and he told her what happened.
"Do you still want to know what Eric said?"
"He said that even though he dislikes you, he knows that you'd never lie or cheat on your girlfriend."
"Oh Sydney..." He hugged her closely and tears were coming down his face as he said, "Thanks for being here for me."

Bryan waited until the police arrived and they said they were sorry for delivering the bad news and picked him up. They told him his dad was already at the hospital and that their thoughts and prayers were with him and his family.

When Bryan arrived at the hospital he literally ran to the room that his mom was in. The doctor's were checking over her and he couldn't see her but when he saw her.....he tried to fight back tears. She had tubes running through her whole body, an iv, blood going into her, bruised badly and she had a respirator to help her breathe.

His dad came up to him and he asked, "What the hell happened dad?"
"I was at work and I got a phone call from the police and they said that a driver cut in front, making her slam her breaks and she hit that car, the car behind her hit her and she spun into the traffic getting rammed by the other vehicles and that's how they found her."
"Dad I really don't know what to say."
"Just be strong."
"I'll try dad."
"She has to go into surgery. They think that she may become paralyzed if they don't operate on her immediately."

At that Bryan left the room and went to the restroom. He sat against the wall, put his head in his hands and said, "Life can never be easy can it?"

He left to go see his mom and her eyes gazed up at him, the respirator breathing for him and he said, "I love you mom. I'll be here night and day for you. You've done everything for me and I will watch over you."

That night she went into surgery as Bryan waited in the waiting room to hear whether it was successful or not.

About three and a half hours later a doctor came out and told Bryan and his dad, who were both waiting that "We have good news and bad news."
"Start off with the bad news." His dad said.
"She won't be able to walk the same as she used to....she'll need a cane."
"What's the good news?"
"It was a succefful operation and she should start to recover in about three months time. We won't release her from the hospital for at least six months though and even then we have to monitor her progress."

It was around 4:33 a.m. when Bryan's dad told him that he had to go to school.
"I know I have to but I don't want to."
"I know this is incredibly hard for you Bryan but you have to go to school. There's only so much one person can do."
"I understand....I guess."

The next day Bryan went to school and he immediately told Sydney of the events that had happened the previous night. As soon as the principal found out he scheduled even more meetings between him and Sydney, not knowing that they were in a relationship.

Bryan walked into Sydney's office and sat down. She started the conversation.
"Look....Bryan....if you need some time apart I completely understand."
"No....I couldn't do that to you Sydney....I need you just as my mom needs me right now and I need you to know that I may not be spending as much time with you as I used to but we'll still be together."
"Bryan.." She gasped, trying not to cry. "That is so.....strong of you..." Was all that she could say.
"Now, if you'll excuse me I really need to call my mom, they said that they're taking her off the respirator today."
"I completely understand."

With that Bryan left and Sydney waited in her office and Amy came in.
"Hey Syd." She said.
"Hey Amy.....I didn't think I'd see you until lunch time."
"Look, I know what happened with Bryan's fam-"
"Don't even bring that up!" She half yelled. "You have no idea what he's going through at all and if you came here to make fun of him anymore than I swear to God our friendship is over! He is the sweetest guy that I have ever known and through all of this he still wants to have a relationship."
"Wow. You didn't have to snap like that. All I came here to tell you is that if you don't want to make matters worse you better not tell him that John is going out with Jenna."

Chapter 12

"John is going out with Jenna?"
"Yeah, I'm not kidding. I saw them together today holding hands."
"But he's Bryan's best friend and he....I better not tell Bryan. With the state of mind that he's in right now and all the stress that he's feeling.....This would just make matters worse."
"Yeah well you'll have to avoid running into them. I mean I know it's a free country and everything but if you want my personal opinion I think that he's just doing to piss Bryan off."
"Well he is going out with me and I think if it was anybody else going out with her than he'd be fine with it but it's his best friend!"
"I know. That'd be like me going out with Bryan after you told me how much you liked him."
"This is turning into a soap opera."
"You got that right."

Later that day Sydney ran into Jenna and had a short conversation with her.
"You know that when Bryan finds out about this he's going to fight John right?"
"Yeah.....but why do you think I'm doing it?" She smirked and then walked away.

Even later she confronted John. "Why are you doing this to Bryan after all he's done for you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't play stupid with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Oh......my girlfriend Jenna?"
"Yeah, you know she doesn't even like you anyway!"
"Yeah, well that's not what she said last night."
"I won't even bother talking to you." With that Sydney walked away. "At least I can say I tried." She thought. But she had one more idea up her sleeve.

"Please do it Amy."
"I'm not going to act like I'm in a relationship with John just so that...."
"How about if I pay you?"
"How much are we talking here?"
"I'll buy you a DVD or something."
"Ok fine. It's got to be something based on a Nicholas Sparks novel though."

"So Jenna," Sydney said as she had found her and walked down the hall with her. She was leading up to her finding out that she was being cheated on and Sydney hoped that her plan worked out. "I feel like a spy." She thought. She rambled on to Jenna and they walked to the cafeteria hallway only to see Amy saying, "So call me." To John and then he said, "You know I will hottie."
With that Jenna turned to Sydney and said, "Like I couldn't see that coming from a mile away b*tch."

The next day at school Bryan talked to Sydney right away. She was the only person that he'd talk too.
"So how is your mom doing?"
"She's making better progress. I feel a bit better about the whole thing now. It's sort of sunk in and I think that if I just go visit her every night then I'll be ok, and everything can go back to no-" His eyes wandered and he caught a glimpse of Jenna and John together.
"THAT'S IT!" He yelled and ran towards them....
Alright, God I feel like the worst reviewer in the world *sighs*
And Im about to feel even worse by telling you that Im so time constricted right now that I cant give any quotes...

Okay... Im a little... I dunno.
No offense, at all but reading Syd and Bryan *shakes head* *scrunches nose* Ewwy, lol

And then, you introduce Will, and Ive yet to see a Mr.Vaughn :P

Ive got faith in you though.
This piece of fiction is good, and I know youll make me like it in the end, because even if I am all 'ewwy' I still like it *shrugs*

Oh, and...do you think maybe, you could post one chapter at a time?
I know Im so f*cking horrible at reviewing...but maybe one chapter would be less to read...and quicker...and if you dont want to thats fine.
I just feel horrible making you wait this long for a little feedback...

Thanks for the PMs, I actually still have to read the one where you answered all my questions. :blush:

Thanks for reading Ash!

Chapter 15

"That's cool. So will we be introduced to this new guy?"
"Maybe....I mean, he's in my grade. It must be hard for him to transfer so close to the end of the year."
"Yeah, you'd think that he'd still get driven to his old school."
"Well, maybe you can ask him why."

Later that day they ran into him.
"Hi, I'm Sydney Bristow."
"I'm Will Tippin."
"So....Oh yeah, sorry, this is.."
"Bryan Winston."
"So, what school did you used to go to?"
"Oh. Well, we were wondering why you-"
"Don't still get driven there?"
"Well it's about three hours away to begin with."
"Yeah. So, since I'm new here and all do you want to hang out at lunch?"
"What lunch do you have?" Bryan said.
"Same here. Ok."
"What about you Sydney?" Will asked.
"I'm on spare so I can meet up with you two."
"Ok, that'd be great."

Will didn't have as great a day as he expected. This school was much larger than the one he had come from and he wasn' used to the large hallways and the excess of people. He couldn't wait for lunch though because he liked Sydney. "I wonder if I should make a move?" He thought. "But then again, that Bryan guy could be her boyfriend. I've only known her for like....what? Five miniutes and I already like her. I just guess that she's a very likable person."

At lunch they met up and talked a bit before Will asked Sydney, "So....do you have a boyfriend?"
"Why? Want to go out?" She joked.
"No...I was just-"
"I'm her boyfriend." Bryan said protectively.
"That's what I thought!" Will said and then laughed.
"So what do you think of the school so far?" Sydney asked.
"Well....it's a lot bigger than my other school so it'll take some getting used to but the people here are pretty friendly so it shouldn't take long before I get settled in."
"That's good."
"Hey, would you two like to come over to my house tonight as a token of appreciation for introducing yourselves to me?"
Bryan looked over at Sydney and then said, "Ok, that's fine."
"It's a date." Will replied and then they continued on with their conversation.

That night, Bryan and Sydney took Will's bus to his place and when they got there his parents weren't home.
"Are you sure this is ok with your parents?"
"Yeah, I called them by cell after lunch was over."
"Cool. So what do you want to do?
"Does anybody like the Killers?"
"Yeah." They both replied at the same time."
Will pressed a button on his remote for the stereo and "Smile Like You Mean It" came on. He then got up and said he'd go fetch drinks and at that point in time, Sydney and Bryan both shot quick banter.
"So what do you think of Will Bry?"
"I think he likes you."
"You could set him up with Amy...she doesn't have a boyfriend."
"Yeah, that's a pretty good idea. Amy might like Will."
"Ok. Then it's a done deal.
Will came back into the room with what looked like Pepsi and before Sydney took a sip she asked, "This isn't spiked is it?"
"Naw, I don't drink."
"Ok, good."
They laughed the night away and before they left (Bryan's dad was going to pick them up after leaving from visiting his mom in the hospital) Syndey asked. "Will, would you like to meet my friend Amy?"
"Sure. I mean....wait, is this a set-up or something."
Sydney didn't say anything and Bryan interrupted with, "My dad's here. See you later Will."
"See you guys."

The next day at school Sydney was telling Amy about how great Will was when they ran into him in the hall.
"Hey Will! This is Amy."
"Hi." She said.
"I guess I shoukd leave you two to talk. Amy is a big fan of the Killers."
With that, Sydney left, leaving Will and Amy to talk. She thought they'd hit it off.

Meanwhile, Bryan was waiting in Sydney's office for her to talk to her about a few things. When Sydney got there he quickly said, "I think we need to spend some time apart."
"What? You're breaking up with me?"
"Then what the hell are you doing then?" Sydney said defensively.
"Well I haven't really told anybody but I have a few things to sort out and.."
"Wait," she interrupted. "Is this about Jenna?"
"No, why would it be about Jenna."
"Ok then....explain."
"I'm not breaking up with you...I just think that we need to hang out less and I'm switching my counselor to another one."
"But...but you said...why are you doing this to me?"
"Look Sydney, I love you and maybe I'm just not ready for all of these things that I want."
"So you're breaking-"
"No, I'm not breaking up with you Sydney."
"Ok, well then....fine." Sydney was upset.
"Look, I'll give it two days and I just.....I have some things to sort out....that's all.
"You mean everything to me Bryan and without you I don't know what I'll do."
"This has nothing to do with you!"
"THEN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS THEN!" She raised her voice and tears started to come down her face.
Bryan got up and went over to her and was about to hug her when she said, "DON'T GO NEAR ME!" Then left her office.
"I think I just made a big mistake." Bryan said to himself.

When he left his office, Jenna came up to him and started a conversation.
"I've been thinking a lot Bryan and I think that I want to give you a chance."
"DON'T GO NEAR ME!" Then left her office.
"I think I just made a big mistake." Bryan said to himself.

When he left his office, Jenna came up to him and started a conversation.
"I've been thinking a lot Bryan and I think that I want to give you a chance."

Ugh, damnit!

Whyd he have to go and do that?
Does it have something to do with his mother or something?
He wouldnt just do all that felgercarb if it wasnt something big, I mean he 'loves' her, right?

And Jenna...stupid Jenna. Shes like bipolar or something, or just really enjoys playing the hard to get key. I dont like her *shakes head* Not one bit.

Thanks for the PM
Awesome job :smiley: