Make a serious Story

:Ph34r: okay, just like the 'make a funny story' game, but let's try to be serious. we're all clearly good at writing alias fiction, so let's all team up and make a serious story. How 'bout it? and rather than adding just a sentance, feel free to write up an entire paragraph, if you wish. just make sure it's no longer than ten or eleven sentances.
(have fun, y'all)
i'll start with the first paragraph.

It was early in the evening. 8:00. Sydney, Vaughn, Weiss, Marshal, Jack and Dixon were all seasted arount a long table in the CIA debriefing room for an emergency meeting, as they had many times before.
Kendall then entered the room. "We have a serious problem on out hands," he said. Sydney and Jack looked at each other. "Well, what is it?" Jack asked.

Kendall replied "It's..."
Nadia. We think there is more to her than what Sloane is telling."

A dark cloud floated over Sydney's already distressed features.
Kendal continued. "It's not bad enough that she is working with Sloane, she is also not actually your half sister, sydney."
Sydney looked confused, "What do you mean, not actually my half sister?"
Kendal and Jack exchanged concerned glances.
Jack took charge this time. "Sydney, when you were a baby, you were dropped off at our doorstep. your not-"
"What?" Sydney cried, unable to believe it.
"it's true, syd. you were Sloane's daughter. not mine. and now, Nadia want's revenge against you, because you had the family she didn't."
"But what about my mother?"
"we're not really sure who your biological mother is. I'm sorry to have to tell you this."
Kendal regained the control over the room. "We need to work doubly hard to keep you safe Sydney. You'll have to be sent off to Astralia under the Alias, Haylie Wiliamson. and you'll have to be very careful about who you talk to, because we have reason to believe that Nadia's hired both Sark and Lauren to help hunt you down."
"Lauren's alive!?" cried Vaughn.
"Yeah, it's a bit of a long story." answered Kendal."that night when you shot her, she had known that someone would come looking for her so she made a genetic double of herself, and that's who you killed."
Sydney felt the room start to spin. With every ounce of control she had, she forced her self to take 3 deep breathes, breathes that did little to calm her.

Finally, she heard herself speak with a control she did not feel.

"First, I am not going to hide in Australia. My life is here, everything I've worked for is here. I am not going to run away like a scared little girl," she declared, glaring at her father with her penetrating gaze.

All eyes were upon Syd, and she felt the weight of it all bearing down on her. A quick glance at her reflection in the surface of the conference room table revealed features soft by birth, but inevitably hardened by the horrific events of her life, a life that seems determined to persist the assult on her happiness. Waiting a second more for a retort that never came, she turned to Kendall and continued her plea.

"What will hiding accomplish? We need to attack this problem head on, like we've done with all our previous obstacles. Where is Nadia? And where is Sark and Lauren exactly? Where did they obtain the cloning technology. Did we not destroy everything associated with project Helix."

She felt the questions come, like a flood inundating her thoughts, washing away all other concerns. Kendall sat, sympathy in his eyes, as he listened to Sydney, as she tried desperately to put everything into perspective.

It was her father who finally stopped her deluge of questions.
"Sydney, we thought we had destroyed project Helix, but the fact is that someone on the'r side must have saved enough information to make one more double. You need to go to Australia, with Lauren, Sark, Nadia, and no doubt Sloane, they could have made an army of doubles by now. They will do anything to get a hold of you, even if it involves risking everyone elses lives as well. You'll leave midnight tonight."
Sydney felt the room spin once again.
"this can't be happening." She said more to herself than anyone in the room.
Jack rested his hand on sydney's.
"I know it's hard-"
"NO! You don't know what it's like to live your life on day, only to find out it's not your life, the next." she shoved his hand off hers. "I guess I'll go pack then. Who knows, maybe there is a family for me where you are not."
With heavy hearts the rest of the people in the room got up and left the room in silence, no one darring to speak.
If Sydney thought the confrontation in the debriefing room was bad, the drive to her home was worse, if that was even possible. The music pouring out of the radio was drowned out by Sydney's sobs; her cheeks were already stained by a trail of tears and she hastily wiped away their remnants allowing new tears to stain a new trail down her cheeks.

Her concentration was divided between driving on the right side of the road and holding back the latest tidal wave of sobs and even though her cellphone rang it did nothing to hinder her concentration and remained unanswered.

Distressed beyond coherency, Sydney continued to drive onwards and ignored everything except for the road in front of her, as she inched closer to her home.
The sobs came now, louder and with more urgency. Just when she thought she would break down completely, she heard a whisper deep inside her.


The sobbing continued. Sniff, sniff. Syd reached up with her hand to wipe away another tear.

Then the voice spoke again, but with more determination.


The sobbing began to subside, and her world came back into focus.

'NO!!', the voice practically shouted.

But it was a different voice, an external voice, her voice!

Memories of past missions zoomed by her mind's eye at blinding speeds. She remembered how distraught she was locked away in a room after her mother had captured her, and shot her no less. But she got out of that one.

She saw herself zooming out of the launch exhaust tunnels at the Adriatic space agency, with the flames of hell gaining on her with every passing second. She thought for sure her time was up then too. But she survived that as well.

The flashbacks came fast and furious now: Moscow, Madrid, Bucharest. With each passing recollection, her resolve strengthened.

Finally she heard the wheels squeal beneath her, as the car spun around a perfect 180 degrees and she found herself heading back in the direction she came.

The once dim stars in the night sky, the very ones that just moments ago seemed to foreshadow her silent retreat into oblivion, now burned with renewed intensity, lighting her way as she headed for her new destination -- Arving Slaone.

She found it hard to believe that Arving would be involved in this, at least not ostensibly. There was too much for him to lose if he were ever tied to it directly. And if that were the case, she would go to him, and try to find out as much as she possibly can about his intentions, knowing she would be in no immediate danger.

No doubt Arvin is a master deceiver and wouldn't think twice about lying to her. But after years of observing the man at SD6, Sydney felt confident that she could spot his duplicity with easy.
When she go to Sloanes place she asked how he was involved in this whole mess. When he insisted that he had no idea what she was talking about, he had added,
"but now that you're here, i can kill you now and you won't have to go to Australia"
Sydney kick sloane in the in the side and ran out of the house and jumped into the car. then defeated, she raced home to get packing.
When she got to her house there was a message on the answering machine. It was Vaughn.
"Sydney," said the message, "I think we should talk. maybe I can go with you to Australia. Just gimmy a call when you get this message, thanx." *beep*
Sydney picked up the reciever and began dialling Vaughn's number, when she thought better of it. Instead she put the phone down, walked over to the living room, and lay herself on her back on the floor, and cried some more.
"If only the real Francie were here." She said to herself desperatly. "I have no one on my side".
withing a couple of hours sydney was packed up and waiting in the airport, now, acording to her alias she had blue hair and green eyes. She was reminding herself that, from now until noted otherwise, she is Haylie Wiliamson. The overhead announcer called out for the flight to australia. and so she began to walk toward the plane entrance. just as she got into line, she heard her name being called, not her real name, but her alias name. It was Vaughn. and he had a suitcase with him.
Such relief washed over Syd that she was surprised by how burdened she had been. Eyes locked, they covered the distance between them in seconds, and Syd soon found a pair of strong, reassuring arms wraped around her in a heart felt embrace. Briefly Sydney recounted her most recent encounter with Sloane. When she finished, Vaughn looked more than a little troubled.

"This is not good, " Vaughn said, the concern in his voice evident.

"How did Sloane find out about Australia? The meeting, as I understand, was held just this evening, among trusted and highly placed officials."

Before he could finish his train of thought, the airport intercom blared overhead,

"Final boarding call for Flight 4774, with non stop service to Sydney, Australia."

Syd began to head towards the terminal, fully expecting Vaughn to follow. But Vaughn did not budge an inch. Instead, he reached out and pulled her back.

"Wait," said Vaughn, shocked by Sydney's rashness.

"If Sloane knows about Australia, we certainly can't go there. Given what he knows, he most likely knows your Alias as well. We need to regroup and come up with something else."
"You right." Sydney concurred, "I could contact my dad but I didn't leave on the best of terms with him and I'm not sure I want to talk to him right now."

"Well, I do have some contacts in France that could help us."

Sydney nods in recognition and proposes an idea which baffles Vaughn. "I think we should still go to Australia."

"What?" Wrinkles formed on Vaughn's forehead as he tried to comprehend Sydney's train of thought. "But Sloane is expecting you to be there."

"Exactly. I suspect Sloane is aware that I know he knows everything; my plan, my alias, everything. So he would expect me not to go to Australia."

"That sounds a bit farfetched..."

"If there's one thing I've learnt," Sydney's eyes shine with the well known determination associated with the Bristows, "its to never underestimate Sloane."
Vaughn thought about this for a moment and finally he said, "okay. Let's do it. Let's go to Australia."
The two of them boarded the flight, and sat down in their seasts, completely unaware that not only did Sloane know, but Sark and Laren as well, and they, in fact, sat just a couple seasts behind Syd and Vaughn, Nadia Santos a couple of seasts ahead.
Forgetting their worries for now, they sat in silence. That's when the trouble really begun.
Sydney had almost nodded off to sleep on Vaughn's arm when she heard him wisper in her ear, "Syd don't make a reaction, but I think I see Nadia in front of you, and I think Sark and Lauren our behind us.

She shifted slightly, and he wasn't sure that she had heard him, but then he felt a tapping on his arm. In Morse code she told him that she would take care of Sark and Lauren and he needed to go after Nadia.

They were about to kick into action, when they each felt a gun on their neck.
Then came the familiar click of a 9mm glock. No matter how many times Sydney has heard that, she could never get used to hearing the clicking of a gun pointed at the back of her neck. Despite herself, she felt a chill run down her spine. Slowly, she felt the gun slide smoothly away from her neck and down her back. Clearly Sark did not wish to attract too much attention in a crowded airport.

The busseling airport provided Sydney with little reassurance however. Sark and Nadia were clearly in control. What came next, Sydney thought she would never hear

"Hello dear sister, " sneered Nadia.

Gone was the warm, charming woman she had rescued just weeks prior. In front of her stood a soul in anguish, consumed by sadness, jealousy and rage. Her face was a collage of misery and hatred. Her eyes black as obsidian. All signs of humanity had all but fled from soft features, draining them of life.

"How nice to see you, my perfect sister with the perfect life, " continued Nadia derisively.

Sydney winced inside, hoping that it did not show on her face.

Sark took over now.

"Now Sydney, don't try anything stupid. Disengage yourself from Vaughn slowly. Don't try growing a brain"

Seeing no other recourse, she obeyed and slowly her arms slid off from behind Vaughn's neck, her fingers gliding slowly and smoothly along his shoulders. Vaughn took in every last sensation as her fingers carressed his skin. Despite their dire circumstance, Vaughn felt a surge of hope.

Slowly Syd stepped away from Vaughn, her eyes still locked with his. But what they exchanged were not unspoken messages of love, but the makings of an escape plan communicated in morse code through a series of rapid blinks.
Okay, so the plan could have been better, but it was all the two of them had. The first step, to get Vaughn to the pilots. Sydney and Vaughn knew that the CIA was keeping tabs on them and the only way they could reach them was to buzz them using a button on Vaughn's digital watch. Ever so carefully, Vaughn reached over to his left wrist. he managed to hit the button without anyone noticing.
Back in the CIA HQ, Marshal's computer began to beep rapidly.
"Marshal, what is that?" asked Dixon who had just pocked his head in the room.
"It's Vaughn. He's sending me a morse code message. He wants us to tap into the airplane's overhead speaker system. He want us to say somthing into it that'll get him up to the pilots."
Sure enough, back on the plane, the overhead speaker system announced, "Will a Mister Micheal Vaughn, come up to the c***-pit, please?"
Sark, who didn't want to draw attention to the group of them, let Vaughn go.
Sydney sat in her seast, trying not to look nervouse, waiting for their plan to be executed.
A minut passed and the overhead speaker system whent on again. "I am sorry but we will need to land the plane and board a new one. We have run out of fule. We will land in, India."
Sark cussed and put away the gun.
"All right, no matter waht happens," he began, to lauren and Nadia, "Keep your eye on Sydney and Vaughn."
Everyone began to get off the plane. Vaughn and Sydney entered the Indian airport. What they saw, made then both wonder if there was anyone in the world that didn't know where they were, b/c believe it or not, Sloane was sitting in the main area, waiting for them all. Surprisingly, though, the Indian airport was crouded, and Syd and Vaughn exchanged glances. this wa their chance. They ran for it.