Men of the Rings

ian mckellan is my fave...(and actually i like eowyn best but o well)...marry and pippin are cute...gimilis elijah wood...faromir is one o my fav characters in the book, but they killed him in the movie...i liked legolas better in the first one and aragorn better in the second one...and im not in love with either of them(ok fine so i have strange taste)
Like Marshelllover4evr my tastes for the characters changed with the two movies. Is it just me or did Pippin and Gimli change roles for comic relief in the Two Towers?
Orlando Bloom = hottie 4 eva he so hot! Yeowza! lol i got carried away. he's my favuriote and then Aragorn and Arwen. The forbbiden love thing gets me everytime :inlove:
--mandy :angelic:
I'm really hard to understand! Hee Hee! I've never really seen Orlando Bloom away from LOTR, but seeing him on it I don't think he's cute. I don't like the long hair, he looked like that woman in the movie!!
I don't understand you either. You are nuts! I love Lord of the Rings and the guys in the movies are awesome! I have a sister in fifth grade, and for some reason the teacher asked the girls who they thought was cute (movie-star wise) and guess what? The hands shot up and the following names were recited: Orlando Bloom (1/2 the hands down), Elijah Wood (about 1/4) and Viggo Mortensen (last 1/4). The teacher couldn't get any new names out of the girls. They have good taste for being in 5th grade don't you think?