Poor Syd


I really hate that all of Syd's friends are no longer around. While I love Weiss, I just don't think that he cuts it in the best friend department. She really needs someone like Will or Francie who kept even a part of her life normal. Wish Will would come back.
I really agree with you kiddes92. I miss Will and Francie. It is rather sad that the only people she has left in her life are CIA - her father, Vaughn, Marshall, Weiss - I would say Dixon, but he's changed so drastically...
I do wish Will would come back, I loved seeing him again. But Syd does need some kind of personal life outside of the CIA, I agree with you there. I wonder if some how some way - in the future of course - she will connect, or re-connect, with someone on a friendship basis, someone who lives a "normal" life. But, in previous eps, Syd mentioned that she hated lying to her friends, and was relieved when Will knew the truth. So who knows.

I agree. It's the one thing that I'm having trouble with in S3. Syd always had this normal life outside of the craziness, now it's all craziness.
I feel so bad for her! All of her friends are gone :( I really didn't like it when they killed off Francie, she was her one real connection to "real life" what with Will being CIA now
Will was too selfish as a friend. Don't you remember in season 1 ep 1 when she told him she was engaged how mad he got? She needs some new friends but I could do w/out the Will. I think they might bring some new faces in. Or maybe make her chum up with Lauren. It seems that they're going to have to make a move somewhere. Who knows? It could be Will.
I think it's really sad how alone Sydney is right now, but with everything else that's going on on the show (the CIA missions plus the mystery of the missing two years), they really don't have time to show a lot of Syd's downtime, when she's just hanging out at home. And her scenes with Jack usually take place at work,so that takes care of that. It's too bad she only had 2 close friends to begin with; now that they're both gone, there's really nobody left.

That's one of the reasons why I'm impatient for her to get back together with Vaughn; so that we'll have at least a few scenes that are happy and normal. I know Sydney's strong, but sometimes it verges on the unbelievable that she's still a normal, functioning human being with everything that's happened to her. I guess that's one of the things we're supposed to accept without looking too deeply into it.
know Sydney's strong, but sometimes it verges on the unbelievable that she's still a normal, functioning human being with everything that's happened to her. I guess that's one of the things we're supposed to accept without looking too deeply into it.

I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking that a CIA spy is anywhere approaching anything even resembling normal. They have to be able to exceed the ranges of normal in leaps and bounds in every category. Real spys may look normal on the outside but their far from normal on the inside. If it's like the real CIA she's being taught how to deal with all of the stuff she's going through right now. I mean if you're gonna pretend she's real on the outside you've gotta pretend she's real on the inside too.
ya, it's true- poor syd, she's so alone :( she really needs to find a pal to hang with :cheers: well, her mom's sister is coming on the show for a bit- hopefully they will become good buds :D
I wanna giver her a hug and a pat on the back say shes doing a good job poor gal....i feel soooo bad for her....JG is really doing a good job conveying that sadness and making us feel sad in the process!! DAMN TO HELL GOOD ACTING!!.... LOL
Yeah I was just so sad when France died, I mean imagine what would happen if they just abducted her not killed her? That would be some mission Syd would go on to get her back, man what a great episode that could have been. I really miss France, I think the thing that makes me feel the most jipted is the fact France will never know the truth :( . And Will should just come back Syd really needs him. I think that Lauren & Syd might be friends some day ^_^ .
Yeah, I know what you mean, she has like no social life apart from the CIA now. And she doesn't really have a secret to keep from anyone anymore, I like seeing how she hides her secret, or the reaction of the person after they find out. Even though she doesn't have a social, the show's still really interesting...
if any1 hasnty read the alias book RECRUITED then they should, because it has all the stuff about in the beginnig, which you dont see on screen. they make her out to be some kind of super-geek before she gets recruited.
Yeah I read it & all the alias books. But it seems by the time the show comes around she only has Will & Fran, of course there's that one guy todd, dunno what happens to him :confused: , so yeah I agree with you thanks for refreshing my memory, sorry I doubted you.

What did happen to to those friends? Maybe books will explain later.
