Sanity Saved

AWESOMENESS!!!!!! so awesome I loved it!! Great Job!

I'm so excited to find out what's up with Nadia!! I can't Wait!! Hehe
woah awesome! i wonder what's bothering nadia.
And what is going on with everyone in sydney's family? First, Irina, and then Nadia... :lol:
thanks for the pm
I think Nadia has fallen for Eric and of course since he's from the same school than Vaughn, she would have to admit that *they* all the same and there's no difference from one school to the other...


That's what I think
Okay, here's the next chapter. This is one of those happy Syd and Vaughn chapters. In either the next chapter or the one after that is going to be a very big, important, and surprising chapter. There are three major things that are going to happen throughout this fic, and not even one has been written yet, so be prepared. I'll probably have the next one up Wednesday night or really late Tuesday night. Anyway, enjoy the hapiness in this one, lol :P

Chapter 21

“It’s just so weird, Vaughn.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, Syd. I barely even know Nadia, except that one time after school I saw her, and the few things that you have told me, which are all mainly negative.”

I switched the phone to my opposite ear, and fell back into my computer chair, defeated. I was tired of trying to figure out my sister. Why was she being so cryptic? Probably because she was part of the Bristow clan; that’s the way things were done under our roof.

“I just don’t know,” I said, running a hand through my hair.

“This is really upsetting you, isn’t it?”

“Kind of. I don’t know. I just can’t explain it,” I said, with a frustrated sigh.

More like I didn’t want to explain it, even to Vaughn. It was like something had overcome me when Nadia and I stood outside looking up at our house, mere hours ago. Somehow in that moment we had connected. A thin piece of string joining us. Of course, that string was thin and could easily tear if any stress was out on it, but it was also stronger than anything else. With time and patience it would hopefully become the strongest bond- sisters. I felt the overwhelming need and desire to save her from whatever was troubling her so much. I promised myself that I would figure this out, and I would help .Call it sisterly instinct, but I knew that Nadia needed me now. I just knew it.


The next Saturday Vaughn and I decided to have a late lunch together. It was agreed upon that it was now safe for Vaughn to pick me up at my house. Nadia no longer seemed to mind the relationship. She actually seemed generally interested, asking the occasional question about how things were, which at the time sent me into a state of shock.. My parents couldn’t be bothered to see who I was going to lunch with, so there would be no problem there.

I quickly got into Vaughn’s car that afternoon when he pulled up in front of my house. I hoped my mom didn’t briefly stick her head out the window to see who I was with.

“Well, this is different,” Vaughn said to me, as I slid into the seat next to him.

“What is?” I asked, while he concentrated on backing out of the parking spot, and I fumbled with the belt buckle.

“Picking you up- it’s different.”

“I guess it is. Good different, though.”

“Defiantly good different,” he said, briefly turning around towards me to smile. I smiled back.

Things were actually going really well for us, considering all the hardships we had overcome together. Although, most of the obstacles weren’t even that bad. Ricky hadn’t been a problem since lunch when Nadia told him to leave. I only received the occasional death glare and comment from my classmates. Nadia didn’t bother me anymore, and my parents were still oblivious, thank god! My mother breathing down my back about my new relationship wasn’t exactly the most appealing thought.

“What are you thinking about?” Vaughn asked, breaking through my thoughts.

I didn’t realize I had been quite for so long. Vaughn could always tell when something was on my mind.

“Oh, nothing,” I told him, which was actually the truth. “So, where exactly are we going?” I asked, impatiently. He wouldn’t tell me. I wasn’t one for surprises. I didn’t like not knowing what was going on. Being informed was very important to me.

“Nope, I’m not going to tell you. I will not cave,” he said, shaking his head, determined.

I pouted, made puppy dog eyes at him, and cocked my head towards the right. “Please, for me?” I asked in a baby voice.

“Syd, please,” he said, training his eyes on the road ahead, and keeping his gaze away from me. One look would do it, I knew. He didn’t look.

“Fine,” I said, sitting back into the seat. He wasn’t going to tell me. He could be just as stubborn as I was, unfortunately.

He headed off to the right when the light turned green. I knew this route.

Why are we going to the mall? Weren’t we eating? I voiced my confusion to him.

“We are.”
“We are eating at the mall?” I asked, clarifying.
He nodded.
“Why at the mall?”
“Because why?”
“Well, what are we eating?”
“Patience, grasshopper.”

He was mocking me! Again, I sat back in my seat, and let him drive the rest of the way. He pulled into the parking lot, and shut off the engine.

“Kay, come on,” he said, exiting the car, and running over to open the door for me. I stepped out, and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear, as the wind blew through it.

He eagerly grabbed my hand, and led me to the front entrance, where a group of kids sat laughing at something. We pushed our way through them. The mall was packed with people from old ladies to young, rambunctious toddlers and everything in between.

I had no idea where Vaughn was leading me. Not a word was passed between the two of us. I didn’t want to bother him anymore with my constant questioning, so I let him blindly lead me.

We passed numerous stores that I recognized from years of coming here with my mom. He seemed to know where he was heading, but I sure didn’t. Nothing appeared familiar to me, until we passed the store where I got the red dress for the wedding a month ago. I knew now. We were going to the restaurant where he worked, which also happened to be one of our first encounters. I didn’t let on that I knew, though. I wanted him to think I was still unaware of his secret location.

We stopped outside the restaurant, and I turned to face him, trying my best to put a surprised expression upon my face.

“This is wonderful, Vaughn! It’s the place that I almost spit water on you.”

He laughed at the memory. My false surprise must have worked on him. He looked so pleased with himself; something that pleased me. Man, I would make a goods spy!

“This isn’t even the best part yet,” he said, leading me towards the white doors. Only then did I realize that the entire place seemed completely empty, but I still let him lead me in. Vaughn was one of the few people I would led me anywhere without question.

He opened up the doors, revealing a stunning sight.

I brought a hand to meet my mouth, and let out a tiny gasp. I was not easily surprised, but the sight that meet my eyes caught me off guard. The entire restaurant was completely deserted, not a soul was present, except the two of us standing close. All of the tables were pushed back to the sides of the quaint room, making room for one single table in the middle with white linen draped neatly overtop of it. On the table was an endless amount of fresh foods: a platter of fruits and veggies with dip, salad, sandwiches, hot soups, and meats. A bright bouquet of flowers sat elegantly in the middle of the table, adding colour and warmth to the picture, while a candle flickered nearby.

I turned towards Vaughn, with my mouth wide open. “What is this?”

“Don’t you like it,” he asked, with some of the happiness in his tone turning to disappointment.

“Vaughn, please?” I said in a “as- if” voice. “But why, though.” I was still confused.

He hesitated, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Um, well, this is going to sound so stupid and cheesy, but we met one month ago today,” he told me, turning his head sheepishly to the right as colour crept up his neck in embarrassment. I turned my head in the same direction, stunned that I myself didn’t remember. I went from stunned to sympathetic.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I forgot. I’m such a horrible person,” I said, frantically covering up my face.

“Syd, it’s alright. You have a lot going on right now. I knew you wouldn’t remember, so I did this. It’s fine really,” he added, noticing my unsure gaze.

“I just can’t believe that I forgot,” I whispered.

“It’s fine. I swear. Now, come on,” he said, leading me towards the table.

He pulled out my chair for me, and indicated for me to sit down. I did and he did the same. We sat there staring at each other for a moment, before a smile broke out across my face, showing my dimples. I couldn’t look at him when he looked at me like that without presenting a smile. I looked around the room in complete amazement.

“I just can’t believe that you did all of this?” I said, gesturing towards the open space. Quickly I turned to look at him, something becoming evident to me. “How did you do all this?”

“My Uncle Luke owns the place. I asked; he said yes.”

“Simple as that?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Uncle Luke has always kind of been like a dad to me, considering he was the only one who was ever there for my mom when she had me.”

I didn’t know if I should be asking the next question, but I was curious “Vaughn, whatever happened to your dad?” I said, cautiously. He looked up quickly, and stared at me for a moment. I should have never asked, but he finally spoke.

“He left town soon after he found out,” he told me as if he was simply engaging in normal banter.

“Vaughn, I’m sorry,” I said, reaching across the table.

“It’s fine; in the past,” he said, shrugging off the conversation. I didn’t pursue it any further.

The lunch was amazing. Some of the best food I had ever had, which really meant something when you mother spent half of her life in the kitchen creating different, appetizing meals. Oh my god, there was now some amazing looking chocolate dish in front of me now. Could this meal get any better? I was so absorb in the cake that I didn’t realize Vaughn looking at me with an amused expression.

“Have you ever seen cake in your life, Syd, or are you always this excited?’

I looked up at him, with a full of mouthful of it in my mouth. Wow, I’m sure this was a lovely image for him. I swallowed it quickly, attempting to reply with some witty comment.

“I like cake,” I said, with my mouth still half full.

He laughed with amusement, and took a napkin to wipe the chocolate on the side of my face. I blushed, but continued on with my cake eating.

“So, um, Syd?”

I looked up quickly, thinking I was now like drooling all over the cake or something horribly embarrassing like that because of his hesitant tone.

“Ya,” I said.

“Well, I, um, got you something.”

“You got me something?” I said slowly, after a moment of silence.

“Ya, I don’t know if you’ll like it or not, but my mom helped me pick it out, and she said it was the cutest thing ever, her words not mine.”

I laughed softly, while he retrieved something from the pocket in his coat.

“You didn’t have to get me anything, Vaughn,” I said, realizing that I hadn’t returned the favour.

“Yes, I did. You’re the most amazing person I have ever met in my life, Syd, and you have changed my life so much, all for the best, and for that I owe you the world, but because my bank account is slightly smaller than that I got you this,” he said with a slight laugh, as he handed over a small package to me.

I blushed again, as I accepted the gift. It was a square type box with a red bow perched on top. I slowly opened up the lid, and let out a tiny gasp. Vaughn was full of surprises tonight.


“Do you like it?” he asked, hopefully. I could feel tiny beads of water forming in my eyes. I looked up at him with a sincere expression. “I love it.”

It was a simple silver chain, slightly thicker than a normal chain. It had a large square shaped green pedant in the middle that reflected the light perfectly. I pulled it out of the box, and hung it in front of my eyes, entranced by the sparkle of the pedant in front of my eyes.

“Can you help me put it on please?” I asked, realizing this was one of the most beautiful things that someone had ever given me, and I had no intention of taking it off anytime soon.

He came around the table, and kneeled down at my side, as I turned my back from him. I held out the necklace for him. He took it, and delicately placed it around my neck, and attempted to clasp it together. I could feel him fumbling with it behind my back. I smiled.

“Having trouble?’ I whispered.

“Nope, I, um, got it,” he said, in an obvious fake voice.

I laughed. “Vaughn, if you can’t get it it’s fine. I can probably do it. I’m use to these things.”

“No, I can do it. Just give me a minute,” he told me, the determination evident in his voice.

“All righty,” I laughed, as he continued on with the difficult task of putting on a necklace. I could hear him undoing the clasp again and again, but he couldn’t seem to put it together.

After about five minutes a triumphant “yes!” was let out by him.

I turned around laughing. “You’re so cute,” I said, kissing his cheek quickly.

“I don’t know how you get those damn things on everyday.”

“Well, if you were a girl you’d be used to it.”

He shrugged. “It’s good thing I’m not.

“Now there’s something we agree on,” I said, linking my hand with his.

At this point everything seemed just perfect in my life, like a fairytale- someone else’s story. Just me and my prince, but what I didn’t know was that in the next twenty four hours our castle would come crashing down around us.

~Andrea :angelic:
I loved how Vaughn remembered their one month anniversary, while Sydney didn't. You couldn't ask for a more perfect guy.

However, now I'm worried about the next chapter. In my mind I'm picturing all sorts of bad things happening.

Thanks for the PM.
