Shocks and suprises

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Okay guys, not sure if any one is going to like this, but I am giving it a shot, so here goes!!!

This takes place just after Syd has being told by Vaughn that she has been missing for two years. It is kind of like the main storyline except there are some major differences. :redhair:

Chapter One

Sydney sat on the bed and looked around. Her eyes settled on Michael Vaughn, sitting across from her. She said, “Okay, so I have been gone for two years, your obviously married, no one knows where I was and I have a scar I can’t explain. Have I missed anything??”
Vaughn replied, “I know that this is hard to take in right now but,” Vaughn stopped talking at the sound of his mobile ringing, “Excuse me two seconds okay….”
Vaughn walked away to answer his phone, “Hello? Hi….yeah…no, no way, we said that you were grounded, and you are grounded…. there is no way at all………I know that it doesn’t seem fair, remember I was your age once too…okay, we will talk when I get home.” He walks back over to Sydney.
Sydney asked, “ Okay, I know I have been gone two years, but did you just say grounded? You’ve had a child in that time?”
Vaughn sighed and looked around. There was a moment of silence before he looked up to answer, “That is what else I had to tell you, I just wanted to get through other stuff first. A month after you disappeared, a young girl walked up to the front desk and asked to speak to Irina Derevko.”
Sydney’s face showed total shock and disbelief.
Vaughn continued, “ I know, we were all pretty shocked. Anyhow, they took her upstairs and Weiss talked to her about her interest in Derevko. Are you ready for this?’ he asked uncertainly. When Sydney nodded he continued, “ it turns out that she is your half sister. Your mother had an affair a while back and she was conceived”
Still looking shocked, Sydney stammered, “ But…. I don’t understand. I have a sister? Is that even possible? Is she lying just to infiltrate the CIA? Is she an agent? What…”
Vaughn nodded, knowing how concerned she was. He said calmly, “It’s okay. We know that she is not an agent.” Vaughn stopped to clear his throat, “She is only 16.”
“WHAT?” Sydney yelled.
Vaughn let Sydney have a moment to calm herself.
Taking in a deep breath, she asked in a quiet voice, “What is her name? What is she like? Where is she??”
“Her name is Melissa. She is like a 16 year old. She is actually sweet most of the time, but sometimes she is a real troublemaker. She stays with Lauren and I…” Vaughn answered, his voice faltering when he mentioned Lauren.
Sydney looked down before replying, “Lauren is?”
Vaughn hesitated, “Syd, Lauren is my…she’s my…wife.”
Sydney stood up and paced the room.</span>
Hey guys!!

here is chapter two of my story!!

I paced the room going out of my mind with boredom. There is absolutely nothing to do when you are grounded. I mean is it really my fault that I called Lauren a ‘ two- faced, lying, cheating bit*h’? I cannot stand her. She just annoys me. A lot. And it is so obvious that’s she is cheating on Vaughn. I mean, nobody who works in a corporation goes away as much as she does. But I prefer it when she goes away. It means I don’t have to put up with her!! The phone then began to ring, and I groaned inwardly. Lately, someone had been calling me almost everyday. It was definitely a guy, with an Irish, English kind of accent. He hadn’t been saying much, just asking how I was, but the way he said some stuff, it was like he new more then he let on. He always called on my mobile but I was never sure if he would try the home phone. I hurried over to pick up the phone and nervously said, “ Hello?’
“Hey Mel,” Vaughn replied.
I let out a deep breath I didn’t even know I was holding in.
“What’s up?” I asked, still a little peeved about being grounded.
“ Umm, Im going to be really late home tonight,” he replied
“ How come?” I asked
“ Something has come up, but everything is okay. I just wanted to let you know” Vaughn said
“ Okay then, I’ll talk to you later. Love you,” I answered, feeling a little curious in to what would delay him.
“Love you too honey. Take care,” Vaughn said as he hung up the phone.
I thought hard about what could be holding Vaughn up, but could not think of anything, so I shrugged my shoulders and went to watch some telly.

Vaughn was putting his phone in his pocket when he hesitated, as though he had a second thought. He looked at Sydney and asked, “ Do you remember Will?”
Sydney nodded in response. “ He is still around,” said Vaughn, “ I am going to ring him and ask if he can hang around with Mel for a little while”
“ I thought you said she was 16.” Sydney asked curiously.
“ Yeah, but you are never too sure how many enemies you make, and who will go that far for revenge” Vaughn said distractedly, while he tried to find Wills number.
“ Is Will the best person though?” Sydney asked, looking up at Vaughn.
“Shortly after you… left, Will joined the CIA, and has become field-trained. What happened with you and Allison really shook him up” Vaughn explained. He walked away a bit as he put his phone up to his ear. “ Hey, Will…yeah Im good thanks, you…that’s good. Listen I have a favour to ask…. Could you go and look after Melissa tonight? Except tell her your bored or something because it could start World War 3 if she knew I made you…. thanks mate…ummm, yeah, something has just come up, I owe you one.” He placed the phone in his pocket and looked over at Sydney
“ Right that’s that taken care of. I think that we should head down to the HQ. I know that there are people that want to see you” Vaughn said as he put his coat on.
“ Wait, Sydney said, “ there are things I need to know first! I mean…. Allison? My mother? Sloane?
Vaughn moved towards Sydney, but hesitated as he got closer “ Allison, your mother, Sloane and Sark are all uncaptured. We have been pursuing leads for the last two years but we haven’t had anything solid. Im sorry” He leaned forward and took her hand, and they walked out the door.


love sarah :smiley: