The Story of Joshua

Yeah hurry up! You've had this online for longer than i have had mine so don't complain about my fic. And as you say you're gonna write it tomorrow, [lucky idiot =amisha. Today you're watching lord of the rings] try and get more than a page done, actually concentrate!

We're waiting!!!!!!!!!!!
we wrote 4 pages. hannah will post it this week. sorry about the wait!

here's the pm list so she knows who to pm:

Alias Fan Gillian

damn, its long! 13 people! if i forgot anyone, you hav my sincere apologies and let me know! lol

xxx :P
yeah, we just need to add couple of things b4 we post this one, so be patient. tis quite long, and has lotsa syd/vaugh in it...

btw amisha, thenks for the great timw on friday, we had so much fun....btw, can anyone help me? i'v mislayed my sarkie - i'm swear i put him down somewhere, i just can't put my finger on it....

weiss, congradulations, your voice broke!! welcome to manhood.
yes dearie.. now let me ask you again...are you sure you don't need to visit the doctors..i think you've just broken the first sign of insanity..i don't want you to choke your sister or anything..amisha warned me about this..
acutsally a-l-e-a-f-e-y-a-h tis a PRIVATE JOKE. so unuh. shame really, i was gonna share it. ooooohhhh a secret. teehee. **wigglesfingersinaneeeevilmanner** . literally.

grace says: JOKA
tell me about it! hannah! where's the next chapter! i wanna read it. well, i wrote most of it. but i wanna read the end!
yup. amisha, we've finished up to the part where someone **hinthint** gets shot. and we've typed it. can i just say thsatn although this is urs and hannahs fic, i helped a lot!!!!!! no, but seriously, it's very good ppl!
yayyyyyy!!!! here it is evry1. u betta enjoy it cuz it has taken us 4 eva! its especially long because it took so long for us to post. enjoy.....

Chapter two

Joshua stood by the window in his penthouse office looking over the vast city of Moscow. He was completely lost in thought, about his wife. I miss her
There was a short knock at the door. He jolted into reality. ‘Come in’
‘Sir, there’s someone here to see you.’ Joshua turned to face the unexpected visitor. There, standing by the doorway he saw a beautiful, middle-aged woman with long dark hair. A small smirk played his lips.
‘Long time no see.’ She didn’t respond instead, she took three long strides towards him and grabbed him by the neck, slamming his head against the desk. ‘You put her up to this didn’t you? You son of a – ‘

* * *

Sydney adjusted her mini-ear piece trying to focus the voices on the other end. ‘… shouldn’t be so encouraging’
‘What?! He’s a field agent. Don’t encourage Michael to go on missions? ‘
‘No, missions with her. You should know how I feel about that.’
‘Come on Lauren, everybody knows that Syd and Mike go – um, work- well together.’ The line fell silent and there was a long pause. ‘ We should set up the com-link’
‘Erm, well, I already did that.’ Sydney glanced at Vaughn. He sat still, absorbed in the conversation between his wife and his best friend. ‘You did what?’ She let out a small squeak.
‘Chill out. I was doing you a favour.’ In vain, Weiss tried to soothe her, obviously not wanting to be on the receiving end of one of her infamous tantrums.
‘You stupid little fool,’ she snapped at him. ‘How dare you do that to me. I should just…’
‘Let it go Lauren’
‘But Mike…’
Sydney glanced up at Vaughn. ‘Just give it a rest’ he said, his expression blank and stony as he spoke coldly to his wife. There was an uncomfortable pause, and it was almost a relief when Sydney spotted the person they were waiting for. Sark.

‘Base-ops, this is mountaineer. Have spotted the fugitive. We’ll wait inside to identify the person he’s meeting.’ With that she adjusted her revealing black mini-skirt and draped her arm seductively over Vaughn’s broad muscular shoulders, allowing him to lead her into the club.

They pushed their way into the throng of over enthusiastic partygoers and began to scan the crowd for Sark who they has temporarily lost sight of in then rush to get in. At the touch of Vaughn’s hand Sydney turned her head to follow his line of vision to here a bobbing blonde head of curls was moving swiftly towards a private back room, situated on a nearby corridor.
‘It’s him, get the cameras ready’

‘Right. .er, er well, this is like a normal cigarette, right? Like one you’d just, you know, stick in your mouth and smoke, not that I do. don’t um smoke do you? Well yeah, really it’s very swank, though I say so myself…’
‘yeah, well it’s really a state of the art mini-cam lodged into the tip, so whoever Mr Sark is meeting, you can like ‘snap’ and hey presto…. .the information matches with our database and it’s sent here to where Eric…er agent Weiss or whoever can look it over and, you know, see if he’s a badie or whatever. All without him noticing a thing!’
‘oh, and I almost forgot, this baby also doubles as a bomb, when you er…well. need to blow up the club. You know….Covenant, terrorists etc. Of course you will set the fire alarms first right? So people wont, erm…well mass murder, yea. So just twist the orange bit 90 degrees anti clockwise like this, to arm it, and take out this super cool silver lighter like so, and just flick it…well duck first.... and boom baby!’

‘Ok Boyscout its critical that you get a good view of who he’s meeting. But remember, be cautious- if you’re spotted than its all over.’ Lauren’s voice was patronising. Syd raised an eyebrow and Vaughn face began to burn.
‘Just blend in,’ Weiss advised. ‘Be natural. Do some dancing or something. Get close…ouch. Hey?! What’s….?….oh.’ He laughed nervously. ‘To Sark that is.’

Sydney encircled her arms around Vaughn’s neck and he placed a reluctant hand on her hip. Tentatively, they began to sway to the music.

How did we wind up like this
Why weren't we able

‘My guardian angel.’
‘I was gonna say the same thing to you. Thanks for the promotion.’

To see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables

When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed...just remember that you can always, you got my number.’

I wish you'd unclench your fists
And unpack your suitcase

‘I was so in love with you it almost killed me.’

Lately there's been too much of this
Don’t think its too late

‘I’m your ally. Never question that. ’

Well I hoped that since we're here anyway
We could end up saying

‘What wife? I have no wife.’ Liar.

Things we've always needed to say
So we could end up stringing

‘I believe in you...Did you think I'd just throw anyone in my trunk?’

Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel

‘Syd, this watch belonged to my father....He told me 'You could set your heart by this watch.' It stopped October 1st. The day we met.’

Lets rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror.

‘It was really long. Like Tolstoy long’

Someday, somehow
gonna make it alright…

‘You're so beautiful.’

Sydney was jolted back into reality as Vaughn leaned in towards her. His warm breath sent a shiver down her spine. Syd its been too long – something’s wrong.’ The soft glow in her eyes turned to ice.
‘You never were good at waiting. And for the record – it’s agent Bristow.’ She heard a snort from the other end of the com link. Avoiding the hurt radiating from her partners eyes, she glanced over to where Sark’s body guard, stood planted by the doorway – a tell tale protruding from under his black leather jacket. ‘Screw this. I’m going in.’ She slipped out of Vaughn’s grip. Walking over she swayed her hips to the music, and let the strap of her top fall over her shoulder. Ignoring Vaughn’s look of disapproval, she stumbled forwards, conveniently landing in the arms of none other that Sark’s bodyguard.

‘Whoops!! I am so sorry. These heels are a bit…’ her voice trailed. She fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously. ‘Do you work out?’ He firmly lifted her hand off his chest.
‘I’m sorry, but this is a restricted area. I’m going to have to ask you tot step away from the door.’ Her painted eyes widened innocently. ‘Really? What’s in there?’
He answered, ‘That’s none of your concern miss.’ But her attention had shifted to the door opening a few feet behind him.

Sark’s POV

It was getting late. I couldn’t be bothered to wait any longer. As I left the room, my gaze found it’s way to an extremely attractive pair of legs, highlighted by a rather miniature piece of leather, posing as a skirt. My eyes travelled up her curved figure and came to rest on her face. By gum! Sydney Bristow!

Sydney’s POV

Sark. Instinctively I moved forewords into combat position, but the guard anticipated my move and seized me securely by the wrist. ‘Oh no you don’t…’ Sark took in my struggling and smirked. With that he turned and strode in the opposite direction, pausing only to turn and wink, almost playfully to me, before disappearing in to the darkness that lead to the back entrance.
Now was definitely the time to move. I raised my knee and bought it crashing down into the man’s groin, causing him to grunt and double over in pain. Taking the opportunity I twisted from his grip and executed a perfectly aimed roundhouse kick into his fleshy backside. Out cold, he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Needs a phase! (hmm, maybe he doesn’t work out after all)???

General POV

He looked up to where Vaughn had materialised by her side, the voice of his hysterical wife screaming down the com link into her ear. ‘Mountaineer, this is base ops! Pursue and apprehend Sark! Do you copy? This is capture, not a kill, I repeat, not a kill!’ Sydney raised an eyebrow, ‘Boyscout, trigger the fire alarms and set the explosives. Rendezvous at the extraction point at 01.00 hours.’ Vaughn shook his head.
‘Base ops, this is Boyscout, change of plan. I will apprehend Sark, that cocky son of a b**** has slipped through her fingers one too many times.’ He turned to Sydney, ‘You set the explosives.’ She stared daggers at him. ‘What? He already knows you’re here, so I’ll have a better chance of getting to him anyway.’ With that he chucked her the lighter and ran off.

Vaughn’s POV

Dammit! Why was she making this so difficult? Couldn’t she see how messed up this was making me? I ran down the corridor, trying to make up for lost time. A blast of cold air hit me as I burst through the fire exit into the dark cobbled alleyway at the rear end of the club. I turned around, my instinct telling me that Sark was still close by. I fingered my gun expectantly – poised. Ready to react to the slightest flick of life. It came from behind me. I whipped around. I found my self staring down the end of a loaded gun barrel, aimed steadily at my forehead.
‘Drop your weapon Mr Vaughn.’

Sark’s POV

‘Drop your weapon Mr Vaughn.’ I could see the defeat in his eyes. He threw the gun to the pavement obediently. ‘ Did you honestly think that you and your partner could escape my notice? Or were you under the impression that you were the only one who notices that delightful pair of legs she has on her….Michael?’ He flinched, and I knew I’d hit a nerve. ‘By the way, how’s your wife…..Lauren, isn’t it?’

General POV

Before the last syllable had passed through his lips, he found himself on his back, the cold hard steel of his own gum pressed lethally on his throbbing temple. ‘If you ever…..’ the CIA agent’s voice was dripping with venom. He leaned in to hiss into Sark’s ear. ‘…touch either of them, I swear I’ll.….’
‘I suggest you take a step back Mr Vaughn, as there are at this moment 20 armed rifles aimed at your skull.’ Vaughn straightened up. The confusion in his eyes turned to horror. He turned to Sark. ‘This was a ……set up?’
‘That would be correct.’ Realisation dawned on him –and he knew what he had to do and what it might cost him. Determination and fear coursed through his body. He stared to run. ‘Sydney! Sydney! Abort, get out. It was a ….’ Before he had even reached the door, shots rang out through the clear night air, reaching their target. Vaughn’s limp body jerked, and crumpled lifelessly to the ground – a pool of blood rapidly forming around his head.
The hot British assassin stood up and straightened his suit. ‘Hot headed Yankee,’ he muttered, and walked off.

Sydney’s POV

‘He’s slipped through her fingers one too many times!’ How dare he? Here I was, until recently working my butt off to bring down SD-6, to find Kasinahu, my mother, Sark. And how he accuses me of being incapable of doing my job? Not to mention implying that I might be partial to Sark! Sure he’s cute, but my loyalties are definitely not flexible. In inwardly fuming, I stalked to the bar at the far side of the active dance-floor and casually twisted the orange tip of the cigarette. Now that it was armed, I discarded it carefully in an ashtray and slipped inconspicuously over the fire alarm. In one swift movement, I raised my handbag and brought it crashing through the glass. Instantly, the monotonous throb of music was replaced with the high pitched ringing of alarm bells. The atmosphere was fraught with panic as people rushed to be the first out of the doors. Perfect.
I clicked open the lighter to reveal a digital detonator, which I set to two minutes. That’s all the time I had to grab Vaughn, and hopefully Sark, and get out, before the club, with it’s Covenant arms supply would be blown to pieces.

General POV

‘Mountaineer, this is base-ops – have lost communication with Boyscout. Request to confirm his status on the apprehension of Sark.’
‘Copy that. I’m on my way out now.’ The raw scream of bells still echoing through her, Sydney ran down the corridor and threw open the door. A strangled cry escaped her lips.
‘Mountaineer, what’s going on? What is your position? Has Boyscout been located?’ The edge on Lauren’s voice became clearer as her only answer was silence. Sydney collapsed onto her knees, her heart in her throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she urgently checked his body for signs of life. Wretchedly she began to shake him, a paralysing hysteria taking her over.
‘Michael, Michael,’ she whispered hoarsely . ’Wake up. Don’t leave me.’

Weiss’ POV

‘Sydney – what’s happening? Speak to me.’ No matter what I said, the silent sobbing continued. Our deepest fears almost confirmed. I glanced at Lauren. The expression on her face reflected the inner turmoil I was feeling inside. My chest heaved as I struggled to control my emotions. I needed to keep face – for all of our sakes. ‘Syd, listen to me. Whatever happens, you have to get out of there. If he’s gone, you have to leave him.’ The words cut me, but it had to be said. ‘Syd, do you copy? Leave now before –‘. I was cut off by a thunderous blast. Their two minutes was up.

* * *

James P Carter hurries round the corner into a deserted alleyway on the outskirts of Taipei. His rain collar is up and his feet echo on the old cobbled ground. As he passes through, he notices two bodies lying motionless in a heap. Debris is scattered all around them, but it doesn’t mask the stream of crimson running down from their entwined form. He shakes his head but continues to hurry on. As the last sound of his footsteps disappear into the night, an eerie stillness descends once more, and the alleyway is shrouded in silence. Rain begins to fall.
oh and if i forgot to pm anyone i'm really sorry. just mention it and i'll make sure it doesn't happen again. well, actually it's possible that no one got a pm coz i've never attempted to pm more than 1 person at once and i don't know if it worked.