Wut's ur favorite Alias?

i would have to say my fav one is the in season 3 the very first episode with the cool red hair and when she shoots the car. That is so cool!!!

so wut's ur favorite Alias?
^^ I love that one too Sage

She just spits out random stuff like about jetski's it was funny!!
I just double checked, Beatrice Cunelli.

Mio Marito Silvio and I are in town for three months while I recover from ridiculo jet skiiing accident off the coast of Majorca.

Presidente travel agency booked us into the Derrahm, which turns out to be totalmente inaccetabile.
Fave one is also the red-hair in the pilot. Or when she was the Geisha. That was a cool alias. Or her blue lycra dress. :lol:
i also loved the rebel in france...expecially all that she said and how she acted it was hillarious!!!
also i loved the julia thorne...but i just really loved her hair in that!!!! and strangely i like when she was the singer!!!
I really liked Sydney and Nadia being the spoiled rich girls - but my favorite has to be her Alias in the pilot...I guess we could call her Amy since she was using Amy Tippen's passport.
These are a few of my very favourites:

-Red hair from "Truth Be Told"
-Blue hair from "Almost 30 Years/The Enemy Walks In"
-The sex club dominatrix from "Second Double"
-Red hair red dress from "The Two"
-Julia Thorne from "A Missing Link"
-Gothic Syd from "Unveiled"
-Felicia from "Detente"
-French punk Syd from "The Index"
My favorite alias without a doubt is the Geisha one in either the 1st or second season (sorry i dont remember :blush: I think it was the 2nd season though). Now that was a real alias... you really couldnt tell it was Jennifer Garner.