Special Delivery

Jakeis adorable,and so smart. Knows just what his Daddy needs, or should I say who? Could I have a PM please? Thanks.
Hee! Jake and Syd were together! I love how Jake keeps urging Michael on and the things he comes out with! :lol: How cute! And what is going on with Gina?

Thankyou for the PM! I cant wait for more!

Here are 2 new chapters for you to read. Thanks for R & R and talk to you all very soon.




~Part 4~

Even when Sydney was in an annoyed mood, Manhattan Multiple’s warm blue interior calmed her. Hot from her walk to the center, she welcomed the coolness in the air-conditioned center’s reception area.

As she made it to the reception area, she saw her sister Nadia chatting away with Carrie while waiting for her.

“Hey.” She said, making her way toward them.” This is a surprise.”

“Hey, Sis.” Nadia replied as she turned around to look at her sister.” Hope you don’t mind me stopping by?”

“Not at all. “Sydney smiled. “Come on, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee and you can tell me what’s being going on with you.”

“Okay. “Nadia said, grabbing her purse from the reception desk. “Nice to see you again, Carrie.”

“So what’s going on?” Sydney asked, once they were sitting in the cafeteria.

“I’m in love.” Nadia answered, beaming with joy.

“Again?” Sydney said with a smirk on her face as Nadia rolled her eyes.

“I know I seem to say that a lot but I met someone last month and well, he’s different.”

“Didn’t you say that about your last boyfriend?”

“Well, I thought that Mark was special and he turned out to be a jerk but Eric is a really great guy. In fact, as soon as Eric is back from his business trip, I want you to meet him.”


“What about you? “Nadia asked concernedly. “Anyone special I should know about?”

“Is that what you wanted to talk me about?” Sydney smirked. “My love life or in this case, the lack of it.”

“No, “Nadia replied, “But I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t be, I’m fine.” Sydney reassured her sister.

“Uh-huh.” Nadia hunched over. “So, does that mean that you and the handsome doctor are making progress?”

“Nadia, we worked together.” Sydney shook her head. “It wouldn’t be appropriate for us… to date.”

“Shame. For what you told me about the guy, it seems like you two would be a great match.”

“Well, you can’t always get what you want.” Sydney sighed.

“It will happen to you, Syd. “Nadia smiled. “Look at me, I thought love was a lost cause for me and then, I found Eric without even searching.”

“I already found the man I want to be with…”Sydney sighed. “The problem is I don’t think he sees me as anything other than his assistant.”

“Well, why don’t you show him what he’s missing out.”

“I told you, we’re working colleagues.” Sydney replied.

“Yeah, but you’re also just a man and a woman.” Nadia smiled. “If you want my advise, you should just go for it.”

“Thanks Dr. Love but right now, I have to go back to work. I’ll see you later.”

“Fine, live in denial.” Nadia said as she stood up from her seat and followed Sydney to the elevator.” But I think you’re really missing out on a great guy.”

“Call me.” Nadia said as she got into the elevator. Sydney shook her head and headed back to work.

The workday stretched longer than she’d expected. Everyone had left long ago, and she was still there. So was Michael.

Sydney saw the last woman out to the waiting room, then wandered into the staff lounge. It was late. She knew security had escorted the woman and her babies to a taxi. Thunder rumbled angrily and lightening flashed, casting the offices in an eerie glow.

Uneasy about the lateness more than the weather, she moved quickly. With another flash of lightening, she hurried to her locker and snatched up her umbrella, then grabbed her shoulder bag. Her footsteps echoed on the floor before she hit the carpeted hallway. From a distance, she heard the elevator door open and tan the rest of the way. A few lab technicians were still in the building. She’d rather ride down with them than be alone. Nearing the elevator, she saw the door stood open, waiting for her.

Just inside, Michael grinned. “Want to ride down together?”

Winded, her heart pounding, Sydney pressed a hand to her chest. “Yes.” She stood only inches from him. With his lengthy look, she struggled for conversation.

“I always liked storms, “Since coming in this morning, neither of them had said anything about their meeting in the park. She’d felt closer to him there. But except for this brief conversation, they were back to all business. Of course, they’ll been busy all day. But he’d acted as if those moments had never happened.

Nervous in the quiet elevator, she went into her survival mode. She talked. Talked about the patients, about her lunch at the exquisite restaurant, about his son.

“He’s really cute, Dr. Vaughn.”

“Sydney, away from the office, don’t you think you should call me Michael?”

“Okay. “Michael.” She took a deep breath while trying to push away what Nadia had said about taking a chance with Michael.

He looked down at his watch and frowned. He had somewhere to go, someone was waiting for him. She wasn’t surprised. He was considered quite a catch by co-workers. Because she was taken with him, Sydney always kept her thoughts about him to herself, not wanting to reveal the crush she had on him.

“I’m going to be in trouble tonight.”

Someone special was waiting for him. I don’t want to hear this, she thought.

“I promised to cook sloppy joes.”

“You eat sloppy joes sandwiches? She asked about the messy hamburger mix on a bun. She couldn’t visualize a butler serving that.

He laughed. “I brush my teeth, too.”

She felt heat sweep over her face.

“I’m sorry. “He flashed a smile that nearly buckled her knees. “I couldn’t resist teasing.”

“I’m just surprised that you cook.” Especially something appropriate for eating on a TV tray. The man came from money. Wasn’t he accustomed to servants?

“Only sloppy joes. Dorothy cooks the rest of our meals. You know who I mean. You’ve talked to her.”

“Yes. “She’d had a brief conversation with his housekeeper-nanny. While he withdrew his cell phone, she stepped back to give him privacy, but it wasn’t difficult to hear.

“Dorothy, I’m leaving now and…what the…” the elevator jerked, then stopped. He caught Sydney’s wrist to steady her. “Are you okay?”

Sensation stirred deep within her. He had to be kidding? He was touching her. She couldn’t think about anything else.

“Dorothy, I’m going to be a little late, I think.” Repeatedly he pushed at the alarm button. Nothing happened.

“Damn. No medical emergency…” he explained to Dorothy. “A sick elevator. It stalled. I’ll call you back.”

As he swung a look at Sydney, she gave him a faint smile. She was stuck in an elevator with him. They could be here for hours. Overnight. What should she talk about? Maybe she shouldn’t say anything.

“Are you claustrophobic?”

“No, that wasn’t her problem. “No.”

He grinned at her. “Fearless, aren’t you?”

Sydney wasn’t sure what he meant.

“You like storms, don’t panic being stuck in an elevator. Fearless.

“I don’t think about where we are. Being stuck in an elevator between floors could be unnerving, but it won’t be if you don’t think about it.” How simple she made it sound, how calm she appeared. Far from it.

She talked to him everyday. So what if they were in a closer-size space? So what if there was no one around to act as a buffer?


~Part 5~

The elevator finally moved a few inches, then jerked to a stop again.

“Hello,” a male voice yelled down to them. “Anyone there?”

“Yeah, Frank, “Michael called back.

“It’s Michael Vaughn and Sydney Bristow.”

Sydney groaned. The gossips would have fun tomorrow with that news. She could imagine the whispered words. Guess who was stuck in the elevator? Alone. For hours.

“Dr. Vaughn, I’ll get maintenance right on it, “Frank yelled. “You two will be out in a jiffy.”

“Thank, Frank, “Michael called back. Swinging a look at her, he shrugged. “We’re stuck. He’ll get maintenance…”

“Right on it, “she finished for him. Now what?

“Looks as if we’ll have plenty of time.” “So tell me about your friend, Jill, isn’t it?”

“She has endometrioses.”

“She’s been to a specialist?”

“Yes. The doctor told her she might need a hysterectomy.”

“No kids?” Michael asked, leaning against the back wall of the elevator.

“No, she doesn’t have any. Learning about Jill had made her aware that time is getting away from me.

“You have time.”

“Not really. If he’d kiss her, just once, maybe she’d stop thinking about it. “I’m thirty-five.”

“I assume you mean the biological clock is ticking.”

Sydney nodded.” Having children matters to me. A lot. I can’t wait any longer.”

“I didn’t know there was someone special in your life.”

“There isn’t.”

“Are you talking about artificial…”

Oh, this was too much. Embarrassing. She sounded as if she was a charity case, couldn’t attract a man.

“No, no, “Sydney cut in. “I won’t do that. But I’ve made a decision.” She might as well level with him, tell him what he’d probably learn via the center’s gossip grapevine.

“Within the next six months, I’ll make every effort to find Mr. Right, to get married. So within the year, I’ll get pregnant.”

“You make that sound easy.”

She nearly laughed. “It isn’t or I wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

“You’ll forget about love and whatever else?” He smiled again. She realized she loved the way his lips curved in a slow-forming smile.

“So you’re looking for…”

Why had she revealed so much to him? “Mr. Right,” she finished for him. “You sound skeptical. Don’t you believe there is a Mr. Right?”

“Could be a fantasy.”

“You’re a skeptical about love?”

“For me. “ He frowned as if he was surprised he’d told her that. “No man is perfect, Sydney.”

“No, but someone could be perfect for me.”

He arched a brow. “I guess that’s realistic. What will you do? Look for someone you have a lot in common with?”

“That would be the best. I have a few annoying traits.”

The tease was in his eyes again. “You do?”

“My family claims I talk to much. “ He probably thought so, too. But she rambled when nervous or excited.

“But you’re interesting.”

Interesting. Her pulse thudded. “And I laugh a lot.”


“I also drive some people crazy because it takes me a while to finish jobs, I have good intentions, but now one ever said you couldn’t enjoy yourself while doing chores. Right?”

He shrugged. “I’m from the do-it-and-get-it-done school.”

“What do you mean when you say it takes you a while? Why does it?”

“What my family will never let me live down is the time I was in the kitchen singing ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It,’ while I was supposed to be drying dishes.”

Puzzlement raised in his brows.

“I was standing on a kitchen chair with a turkey baster in my hand.”

“A turkey baster?”

“It was my microphone.”

He laughed, a deep rumbling laugh.

Enjoying herself, she went on, “Since then, the running joke in my family is…expect Sydney to take an hour to do a ten minutes task.”

“Love them, don’t you?”

Was she imagining that he sounded envious? “Immensely. And I know they love me. If they’re enjoying themselves, I can be the brunt of their tease.”

“So what kind of questions will you ask to find out if some guy is Mr. Right?”

“I…I never gave that a lot of thought. He’d have to be caring.” “And I suppose, I’ll ask him what kind of music he likes. I like seventies and eighties the most, but will listen to almost any other kind of music. What do you listen to?”

“Rock and Roll.”

“I might ask my Mr. Right candidate what was the last movie he saw.”

“That might not tell you anything about him.”

“Why not?”

He chuckled in private amusement. “Because the last movie I saw had a chicken with glasses in it.”

“Oh, I saw that, too. Cute , wasn’t it?”

“I saw it because of my son. Why did you?”

With a turn of his head, the light overhead illuminated the strong lines of his face. She’d like to touch it, run her fingers over his cheek, his jaw. “I was babysitting a friend’s kids, ” she answered.

“I’d like if he skied.”

“You ski?”

Sydney shook her head. “I don’t, but I’d like to.”

“So anyone who skis gets points?”

She laughed at how silly that sounded. “Yes, I guess so.”

“What else?”

“I like lazing around on days off, having breakfast in bed while I read the newspaper. Do you?”

“I get up at five to run in the park. Who serves you breakfast in bed?”

“No one. I get up, make breakfast, bring it on a tray to the bed and pretend it was served. Sounds silly, huh?”

“Not at all.”

“How far do you run?”

“Three miles.”

“Every morning?”

“Every morning.”

The elevator dropped. Two, maybe three inches. No more. Suddenly they stood in the darkness.

“Oh my God, Michael.” She reached out, groped for him.

“I’m here.” His hands caught hers and tugged her to him.

The back beneath her palm was solid, broad, muscular. Pulse pounding, she leaned away to see his face.

“Come on.” He drew her even closer. “Sit on the floor with me. That would be smarter than standing.”

He meant in case the elevator dropped, didn’t he?”

Despite his words, he wasn’t moving, wasn’t letting her go. She knew why. They stood breast to chest, thigh to thigh. Warmth radiated between them.

“It’s nice, “ he said suddenly.

She thought the moment was wonderful. But possibly they weren’t thinking about the same thing.

“What is?”

“Your perfume. I never smelled it before.”

He’d never been this close before. Every morning she dabbed a touch of perfume behind her ears to make her feel feminine while wearing scrubs. With the turn of his head, his breath heated her face. Even in the dark, she knew his mouth was closer to hers. Or was she imagining everything?

Lightly his lips brushed hers like a subtle caress.

Oh Lord. She wasn’t imagining anything. Her eyes fluttered, her lips parted for his. Slowly, almost savoringly he deepened the pressure. Gently his lips moved over hers. Wanting to feel more, she leaned closer, pressed her breasts into him to absorb the heat, the feel of his body against hers.

His kiss was everything she’d imagined. No, it was more. A long, pleasurable shiver swept through her. Eyes closed, she savored the sweet firmness of his mouth, the beat of his heart, the warmth of his body. With a kiss, he was making her feel more than she’d expected. In an instant, she knew this wouldn’t be enough. She’d want more with him. Much more.

As she clung, he seemed to loosen his embrace. A touch dazed, she took a moment before she realized that he was pulling away. Why was he? Don’t stop. Keep kissing me.

“Damn, “he murmured in a voice that sounded huskier than usual.

Sydney forced herself to open her eyes, heard his pager then. Kiss me again, she wanted to yell.

Michael groped for the pager on his belt and swore silently for a lot of reasons, including a need unfulfilled. One second more, and he’d have forgotten where they were.

Beneath the mantle of darkness, he peered at her face, at the hooded eyes, the soft mouth slightly parted. Her breath fluttered on his face and him yearn for the sweetness of her mouth. Her scent stirred his senses.

In the dark he squinted to read the number on his pager. An emergency.

“The hospital. “Sydney asked.

“I’ve got to get out of here.”

“Mrs. Collier is about to deliver, isn't she?”

“Yes.” It took effort to think clearly. Even now he touched her arm and visualized the creamy softness of her skin against his.

“Dr. Vaughn!” Frank’s voice sounded loud. Maintenance is here, working on the problem. Can you hear me?”

“I hear you. We need to get out now. I have an emergency.”

“A few minutes, Dr. Vaughn. We’ll…”Frank stopped. No more words were needed. The light flashed on in the elevator. They heard a creak, a groan, then the elevator jerked and moved. Within seconds, the doors swooshed open.

“Sorry about that. “ Frank apologized. ‘We didn’t know anyone was still in the building.”

“No problem, “Michael assured both men. Except he almost made a move on his nurse, except she made his hungry. He knew about her crush. He’d have had to be dumb not to have noticed her unusual nervousness whenever they were alone. Only a jerk pursued a woman who wanted everything that he could never offer. If he only lusted for her, he knew that he could deal with it, but he liked her. Just thinking about her made him smile. How did he ignore that feeling?


Pm List: you want On or Off, Please let me know. Thanks.

Addicted 2 alias





Nancy o
Prediction 47


WOW stuck alone in an elevator with Vaughn!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:
-Stupid emergency...if only they could've been stuck a little longer!!!!
I really hope they don't try to forget what happened and admit their feelings!!!!
-LOVED IT!! Thanks for the pm!!
That was great.Awsome :smiley:
…” the elevator jerked, then stopped. He caught Sydney’s wrist to steady her. “Are you okay?”

Sensation stirred deep within her. He had to be kidding? He was touching her. She couldn’t think about anything else.
Awsome. Stuck in the elevator. Their ktrying-to-know-each-other-more discussion. And they kissed :woot:
Just go for it Vaughn! You know you want to :P You would be a jerk if you don't do anything after elevaor episode :smiley:
Thanks for PM.

Ally :angelic:
Lightly his lips brushed hers like a subtle caress.

Oh Lord. She wasn’t imagining anything. Her eyes fluttered, her lips parted for his. Slowly, almost savoringly he deepened the pressure. Gently his lips moved over hers. Wanting to feel more, she leaned closer, pressed her breasts into him to absorb the heat, the feel of his body against hers.

His kiss was everything she’d imagined. No, it was more. A long, pleasurable shiver swept through her. Eyes closed, she savored the sweet firmness of his mouth, the beat of his heart, the warmth of his body. With a kiss, he was making her feel more than she’d expected. In an instant, she knew this wouldn’t be enough. She’d want more with him. Much more.
FINALLY!!! That was great, the perfect moment to kiss!!!

How did he ignore that feeling?
You don't you idiot!!! :smiley:

Awesome update... And like 3 updates in three days!!! :cool: I love this story, can't wait for the next update!!! (y)
The scene in the park was lovely

I totally adore Jake :blush: Smart kid! ;)

Nadia and Eric are back in this fic too :lol:

And Syd and Vaughn kissed already :love: OMG... NOw I wanna know what happens next :woot:

Thanks forthe PM :hug: cookie