
Absolutely great. You're really good about updating, (unlike me!) and thanx for the PM! Wonder what's gonna happen...?
I just read this whole thing, and it was great! You're a great writer, very descriptive, ver in-character. I like it!
~kate guys are wonderful! hugs all around!

I just got back from work...I'll have some more up in the next few hours with pms to follow...prolly 2-3hrs to get my thoughts organized, eat, know the drill

see you all soon :smiley:
I love ur story! i have a question Vaughn married to this Marie chick cuz he's undercover? Kinda like Irina married Jack cuz she was undercover...?! Or he just married her to help move on? Great story! Could i be added to the PM list?
24 hours are over..... :D where's the rest of the preview???
OK i don't want to make too much pressure- take the time you need ! devoted fans...thank you soo much for your comments...even the one about my not posting in 24hrs...gasp! I'm sorry guys...I just started a job canvassing for 9+hrs/day 5days a week and it'll take me a few days to get into the swing of things managing that and real life. anyways, here's an update of moderate size...I hope I do this scene justice...on with the show!~

Chapter 4

A scant two hours later, they landed in Hong Kong. Once they'd cleared customs with their assumed identities, they picked up their van and began driving to the Safe House. Marshall and Dixon worked together to make sure all of the technical aspects were working correctly, while Will and Weiss were having a bad joke contest.
"So, this man, he walks into a bar, and then he says "ouch! that hurt!"." Will tried to look stupid and he almost managed it, but his eyes knew too much.
"Duuude, that joke is funny!" Weiss slapped his knee and guffawed.
Vaughn looked pained throughout this exchange, and interrupted them. "Guys...I know you're only trying to help...but I think we're all pretty tense right now and should focus our energy on making sure everything is ready." He turned, sighed, and fiddled with his earpiece. "Boyscout to home base." His voice was tense but portrayed no other emotions, and even that was only noticeable to his closest friends.
Dixon replied, realizing what Vaughn was trying to do. "Home base 2 checking in." Marshall, Will and Weiss eached chimed in as 1, 4, and 3 respectively, just as the van pulled up outside the safe house.
"Now....ummm....Mr. Vaughn.....can I you Mike? " Vaughn just glared. "Well...we've got audio, and it looks like we're patched into your ringcam's frequency, so not only will we be able to hear what you hear...but...uum...we'll be able to see what you see. So have to umm...make sure you keep the ring at her eye level seconds so that we can get a solid picture for facial identification to...ummm....make sure it is....ummm...Agent Bristow."
"I understand. Any last words of wisdom?"
"Breathe. We'll know everything in the next few minutes." Trust Dixon to lend support in a delicate situation.
Vaughn took a deep breath as he left the van with Will, Marshall, Dixon and Weiss on the other side of his earpiece. "Test, test, test...boyscout to mad hatters..."
"That's not the name we'd decided on!" Will tried to keep a serious tone in his voice but couldn't. They all laughed. It was wonderful to be together again. And they were all happy Vaughn was relaxing.
"All right, quiet now, I need to focus." Vaughn walked into the safe house, up the stairs, and opened the door to her room, not really prepared but ready to see her again. He entered slowly, and was surprised when she instantly began walking towards him and pulled him into her bear hug with unusual ferocity. He was even more surprised by the tears.
"They doubled Francie." God, her voice had not changed.
"I know," Vaughn replied, beginning to back away.
"What happened to Will? To Francie? Are they dead?" He was amazed at how fresh the event was in her mind. She was still crying, but trying not to.
"Will's okay." He had to figure out what to do to figure out just how much she remembered...and was sure that this was more than he bargained for. He didn't have this kind of training; forcing someone to remember anything they didn't want to, even the passage of time could have dangerous and permanent consequences. Her interruption brought him back to the present.
"What? How...?" She looked genuinely puzzled, and Vaughn remembered how he'd found Will in the bathtub...and that Danny had been found in another bathtub. This was going to be much harder than he had thought...why couldn't Kendall have had the balls to do this himself?
"You....sit down." He was relieved when she backed a few steps away, and even more so when Will's voice reached him *calm down, vaughn, you're doing fine. Just take this slow...and try not to shock her too much will you?* Marshall interruped *and be sure to get the face scan soon, ok?* Vaughn sat down across from Sydney, afraid to even meet her eyes.
"Vaughn?" He could feel the tension in her voice; she always knew when he was trying to hide something from her.
"We thought you were dead. They asked me to come back explain." Damn, she was getting more agitated with every passing moment, this was not going to go well.
"Come back from what? What are you talking about?" Her face was tortured with worry, every syllable was terse and pointed, driving shards of glass through his chest. Marshall coughed in his earpiece, and Vaughn slowly brought his left hand up to his face, rubbing his cheek as if he were trying to focus. *Ok, got just try and keeep her calm, ok? * It never ceased to amaze him how to-the-point Marshall was when seconds counted.
"Vaughn...why are you wearing that ring?" She was on the very verge of panicking; the only route left was for him to tell her the truth and deal with the consequences later.
"Syd..." he paused for a minute, trying to think of the gentlest phrasing," since that were missing. You've been missing for almost two years." *Got it* Dixon confirmed that it was indeed Sydney Bristow...or a double...sitting in front of Vaughn.
Vaughn just stared at Sydney. She was petrified, horrified at the thought. Damn, he thought, I guess she really had no idea of time when she was gone. He moved and sat next to her on the bed, slowly rubbing the small of her back, hoping to get any reaction at all out of her.
In the distance, he thought he heard a gunshot, but he was too engrossed in the feel of her, the scent of her. It still made him crazy after so long apart, perhaps more so if that was even possible. She finally began to cry, only a trickle at first but soon it was a verifiable flood. He just held her, it was all he could do.

Vaughn didn't know how long he had sat there when Dixon's voice broke the sobbing *Vaughn, get out of there now. Someone's in there, coming for you! We didn't realize there was actually a tunnel into the building. We have a trampoline outside your window to soften the fall, you can jump but you have to go NOW.* Vaughn stirred. "Syd, we need to leave here now." No acknowledgement, just more tears. Someone on the outside of the room tried the door handle, found it locked and stopped. No more than five seconds later, bullets began whizzing into the door, and once in a while one came through. Vaughn stood up, grabbed Syd's hand and dragged her to the window. When she didn't react he picked her up as gently as he could and threw her out the window where Weiss was waiting to help her into the van. He paused just long enough for her to get off the trampoline when he too jumped, only a fraction of a second before Anna Espinosa entered the room.

heeheeeheee.....hope you liked it! I'll try and post more tomorrow :smiley:

as always, read, review and enjoY!

and like I said, thank you ALL for your appreciation... :smiley:
The "ringcam"? That's hysterical!! Does he have that for his deep cover mission? Jumping out the window onto a trampoline - cracked me up! Thanks for the update!
wow that was great!!! ugh anna!! :angry: and i love marshall!! he is so brilliant!! ok anyways awesome chap and hope your job goes well and find some time to post!! :D