I've been on this forum a lot lately, asking about future ideas for my sci-fi civilization. I was planning on making a RPG type game, but it isn't coming together so well, so I'm putting it on ice for now. Instead, I want to make a A-Z book of futuristic inventions. One invention for each letter...
Each decade has one breakout invention
The '00's was: the iphone
The '10's was: the 3-D printer
What invention do you predict will be the major breakout innovation for the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's?
We are currently living in the Information Age. The next ages of humanity are as follows
1. The Post-Information Age
-not too far in the future. Maybe 20 years
2. The Fusion Age
-the discovery of sustainable fusion power ushers in a new Era of unlimited energy and the end of fossil fuels
Could someone help me make a mini-timeline from 2017-2050, with each year having one future invention. Just one invention for every year. You don't have to explain how it works. Thanks
Its for a school project. Be as creative as you want but try to word it as "Time machine" as opposed to "machine that can travel through time." A numbered list from 1 to 100 would be great. Really appreciate the help
Little to no technobabble please
Hey Everyone!!
I've been writing a Sci-Fi Fantasy novel for the last three years, off and on, and finally it's almost finished because I have all the momentum I need! I launched the kickstarter today and will have the book in editing by end of October!
There's all the epic info you'd want on...
Title: Demolition Man
Tagline: The future isn't big enough for the both of them.
Genre: Crime, Action, Science Fiction
Director: Marco Brambilla
Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock, Nigel Hawthorne, Benjamin Bratt, Rob Schneider, Bob Gunton, Glenn Shadix, Denis...
If this sounds to you Human to be philosophical or scientific - It is not.
This is pure Science Fictionalism - The future of the future
But that is the only way we can communicate with you Human. Your science and your philosophy is to us trivial and out of date - Your ability to observe...