As I guarnteed yesterday, here's Chapter 4!
Chapter 4

Jack shivered. Something told him that Irina and Vaughn were missing.

Jack asked Sydney if she could call some hospitals, to ask if there had been an accident and to leave Vaughn’s and Irina’s name’s at the hospitals. Sydney decided to enlist Carrie to help. So they both picked up their cell phones, and started calling.

As if things couldn’t get worse, Vaughn’s mother entered the room through the door with Weiss who looked excited. Vaughn’s mother was happy until she saw that her son still wasn’t there.

"Where's Michael?" She asked.

Jack paused for a moment, and then thought up the most obvious answer that would satisfy her. He also said it smoothly so that Mrs. Vaughn wouldn’t get suspicious and figure out something was wrong.

"Mrs. Bristow's flight is just delayed for a couple of hours. Vaughn said he might was well stay at the Orly and wait for her.”

Ginny smiled, then said, "I'm going to my room to rest. It was quite a busy morning and I'm a little tired. But, please call me, if he comes."

Jack said he would. As she went out the door, Sydney and Carrie came in, telling Jack they hadn't had any luck calling the hospitals in the area.

"Keep trying. Dixon, you and I are going to the Metropolitan Police to see if they can help. I will have to tell them the pair are missing." He looked at Sydney. "I want Marshall to call the local police stations about any accidents that might have occurred along their route back from Orly." The two men left.

Will came in a minute later and Sydney asked him to catch Marshall downstairs. Jack had new orders. He hurried out. Five minutes later, somewhat out of breath, Will caught up with them.

"Marshall, Sydney and Jack want you to hack into the police records to find out if there have been any accidents." Marshall nodded in agreement and took the elevator back to Sydney's suite.

Sydney and Carrie were having no luck finding her mother and Vaughn. Now she was really getting worried. "Damn it," she swore tossing her cell phone down on the sofa. It hadn't been there more than a minute or two when it rang.

"Hello, Vaughn?

"No, no, it's your grandfather!" said General Mikhail Probukov in his thick Russian accent. "I am here at Orly. Can you come pick me up immediately? No questions, just come now." He hung before Sydney could respond.

"I've got to go to Orly and pick up my grandfather. When the others get back tell them." She ran out of the hotel and took a taxi.

A half hour later, Sydney was inside Orly, heading for the waiting area where the Aeroflot plane had landed. She stood looking around, trying to spot a man who was six feet four and maybe wearing a uniform. Suddenly a hand fell on her shoulder and she turned around to see her grandfather, who grabbed Sydney by the shoulders and planted a kiss on each cheek.

"It's good to see you, little one. I need to tell you something." His demeanor turned from friendly to stern. "This may cause issues." He started explaining everything when they started walking back.
As we march through our story, we find Jack and Sydney realizing Irina and Vaughn have disappeared. Irina and Vaughn however are being chased by the kidnappers. Oh the perils of being a spy/agent. ;) So dear readers, let's get on with it.
Lenafan :cool:


Irina and Vaughn moved swiftly through a thinning crowd of late night shoppers into the bridge and then out just south of the Uffizi Gallery. It was closed, of course, but there were police hanging around. The famous museum had millions of dollars of art within its walls. There had been robberies at other galleries. The City Fathers did not want that to happen in their great city. Vaughn pulled the chain up into this hand, taking hers in his as though they were lovers taking a walk. Irina adjusted to the sensation. She and Sydney’s fiance had never touched very often, let alone hold hands. They entered the Plaza Signorile and paused as Irina got her bearings.

“This way,” she murmured. She glanced at her watch. They had been on the loose for almost two and a half-hours.

Fifteen minutes later, she and Vaughn stood across the street from her apartment building. They stood in the shadows watching the street.

“See anything,” she asked.

“Nothing suspicious,” he answered.

Irina felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. She shivered. It did seem that everything looked fine, just … She held Vaughn still…waiting, for what she didn’t know, but something told her not to move yet.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered.

“I don’t know, but…” she squeezed his hand, pointing to a dark shadow at the side of the apartment building. “Look!”

He saw then what she saw. The end of a lighted cigarette glowing as it was inhaled. “Them?”

“Maybe.” She thought a moment, looking around. “Come, we’ll circle back and around to that alley.” She nodded across the street to dark shadows covering the entrance to the narrower street.

Ten minutes later, they entered the alley. They had planned what they were going to do. Because they were chained together, it might be difficult to reach the ladder and pull it down, but they both agreed they had to try. Irina knew both rear and front doors would be watched. They found a box big enough for them to stand on, Vaughn helping Irina to reach up with her right hand to grasp the ladder. It came down silently. They went up the four flights as quietly as they could. There was door at that floor level leading into the hall. Irina reached under a window ledge beside the door for the key she always kept hidden. She opened the door and stepped inside with Vaughn beside her. At her front door, she punched in the code. The door opened. She had just stepped inside when a shot rang out and Vaughn grunted. He’d been hit.

Irina pulled him inside. She slammed the door shut, locking it. She heard yelling. Someone was running toward the door. Encumbered by the wounded Vaughn, she half-carried, half-led him down a short hallway to the bathroom.

“Where are you hit?” She flipped on the light.

“Upper arm.” He stood a little more steadily now. He looked. There was blood on his jacket. “Yeah, the arm.”

Irina tore open a drawer, taking out some alcohol and bandages. She turned and hurried out the door pulling him along with her. They were heading for her bedroom. There, she opened a cupboard, pushed an unseen button, and drawer slid out revealing two guns and a box of ammo. She loaded one.

“Put your wrist on the bed.” She did the same stretching the chain between them. Then she fired. The chain snapped, freeing them. They didn’t have much time. She could hear a lot of noise coming from the other side of the livingroom door. The kidnappers were using something hard to break it down.

“Take off the jacket, hurry.” When he had done so, she unscrewed the cap of the alcohol bottle and poured some of the liquid over the wound. Fortunately, it was only a flesh wound. The bone seemed intact. She wrapped it with the gauze and tied it off.

Throwing open her closet door, she found what she was looking for and handed it to Vaughn. “Change quickly.”

She, herself, pulled off her boots and the pants suit, changing into heavy-duty denims, black cotton shirt and soft black leather jacket and other heavier boots. She paid no attention to him as she opened another drawer. From it she took what looked to be a syringe. Irina injected herself in the chest, tossing the syringe into drawer and shutting it. She ran out of the room as he was putting on the jacket. Must be Jack’s he’d thought.

Irina entered the livingroom, scarcely reacting to the noise outside the door. She glanced around, looking for something. Then she saw her cell phone. She picked it up, punching in a number just as the door opened. With her right hand, she pulled the gun from her waistband and got off two shots. She heard a man yell as the door opened, three men entered, but one fell to the floor mortally wounded. The other two held their weapons on her as one commanded, “Drop the gun.”

Irina did as she was told. No use dying now.

“On your knees and put your hands behind your head!” She did.

He continued in a thick accent. “Where’s the other?” She didn’t answer. He glanced around, then called out. “Mister, you better give up. We have the woman. We shoot her if you don’t.” He cocked the revolver.

In the bedroom, where he’d been standing next to the doorway, his back to the wall, Vaughn wondered whether he should act or surrender. Then he thought of Sydney and, of course, Irina. There was a better chance at survival if there were two of them.

“All right,” he put his hands up, going through the door and down the short hallway.

Irina was on her knees, hands behind her head. A man, one of their captors, held a gun to it. Another man was facing him. On the floor just inside the doorway, lay a third man, who was not moving. Irina had shot him before being overwhelmed. Vaughn put his hands behind his head and, saying nothing, waited. No one saw the cell phone on the floor where Irina had tossed it. It was still on.

Back at the truck, their hands were tied behind their backs and their ankles wrapped several times with duct tape. It was obvious the men were not going to take any chances of them escaping again. They would not be able to get up onto their feet. A few minutes later the door opened and the man Irina had killed was tossed inside. The door slammed. They were in darkness.

“Well that was a futile exercise,” mumbled Vaughn. “I got shot. Another man was killed. And you’re getting high.”

Irina’s laugh came from out the darkness. “You’d better hope someone will hear and see the beeps.”

They had been missing for 14 hours.
Come on fans read what Irina said. Do think she would blow herself up? This is Derevko we're writing about.
Glad you like it so far. Kylo4 is working on the next chapter. Later... :cool:
VaughnFan13 Posted on May 28 2003, 08:00 PM
this is great...i love fics with irina
Thanks, almost all my stories involve Irina and I have a column on her over at the CIA Headquarters site. Right now the site is down upgrading, but should be up soon.
Join up and let me know and I'll put you on the PM list there. Lenafan :cool: