A Scary Dinner

Hey You guys this is my first time writing fan fic and i went to a restraunt and had the greatest idea of a story so I hope u guys enjoy it.
Thanks Erin

Chapter One: The Burn
As Sydney sat in the waiting room at the local hospital she

wondered if he was okay. Vaughn that is, he had stuck his hand to a hot burner

while he was cooking dinner for Sydney and her. She had heard him scream all

the way down the hall in her bedroom in her apartment. She thought out load “

Oh I guess we will be eating out once again this week.” She saw Vaughn walk

though the hospital room 47 door. He had a lollipop in his mouth one that the

doctor had given him for being good while he bandaged the wound. Vaughn had

the big round pop shoved in the side of his mouth and the stick stuck out of his

mouth at an angle. He walked up to the counter to sign some papers and release

forms. Once he had reached the desk and had picked up the pen he realized that

he had injured his right hand. He made a slurping sound as he pulled the lollipop

out of his mouth and called Sydney, “ Syd will you please come here” while he

used his left thumb to signal the papers. “ I would be happy to” she answered


Chapter Two: Popping a question
The next morning at the CIA Kendall had ordered an emergency

briefing. After the meeting Sydney asked Vaughn if he would accompany her to

dinner with some friends tonight since he couldn’t cook for himself and she had

already had plans for dinner anyway and she wanted her friends to meet her

boyfriend. Her Friends were from her college, UCLA. She hadn’t seen them since

they had graduated. They were going to a sushi bar/ Japanese steak house.

Sydney loved their fried rice it was so flavorful.

“ So where are we going” Vaughn had asked repeatedly

throughout the day and every time she answered,“ It’s a surprise.”
I like it, and yes it is very funny :lol: It's cute. Vaughn hurting himself was just to funny. loved the lolly pop. That was great. Why did you have to stop there. I want to know what the surprise is. This is such an awesome start. I can't wait to read more. can I get a om when you update? Thanks!! (y) :D (y) :smiley:

Love ya,

Lauren :angelic:
YAY!! YOU POSTED IT!! :D hehe Good job girl. I love it :smiley:

And you guys must know...this story came to Erin after we had been watching The Telling, and you know how Marshall talks about the Sushi bar and he goes "Heeeeeeeeey". So, that night we went to sushi bar! And I was doing that the whole night...and Erin decided she would write about it!! ;) hehe
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I live for comedy... :hehe: Can I get a PM? I'm interested in seeing more of this.

much luv-
Hey u guys here is three chaps to tied u over till the next monday because I am leaving to go out f town and i will not be home untill Sunday thanks for ur respones
Thanks Again Erin :D

Chapter Three: She Leaves Early
At four thirty Sydney left the CIA and went home to get ready for dinner that her

and Vaughn were going to. She was supposed to pick up Vaughn at seven thirty

at his house.

Chapter Four: Hockey Practice
Vaughn left the CIA at five to go to the rink. He had to coach his team

from five thirty to six thirty. Their championship game was this weekend and he

was excited about it and the fact that he was back in the action it had been so

long. At six twenty he called the team over for a pep talk for the coming up


“ You guys are going to do so great this Saturday I can’t just to watch

u guys and see if you can remember all the plays but remember always to have

fun and to do your best” he told the team “ and don’t forget to have fun.” “Hey

and also you guys have a extra practice this Friday from six thirty to eight and

here is a schedule for the rest of the week so make sure to give it to your

parents” he yelled over the chattering of the hot and sweaty boys while he was

handing out the schedules.

After practice he headed home to get a shower and dressed for the

surprise Sydney was planning to do for him. He then put on a white button down

collar shirt and a pair of long kaki pants and a black belt.

Chapter Five: Last Touches
Later at Sydney’s apartment she was in her bedroom doing the last

touches to her make-up and her dress and jewelry. She looked at the clock on

the wall and spoke to herself “ Oh my gosh I have to go pick up Vaughn or we are

going to late meeting Alex and Clare at the restaurant.” At first she just sat there

at her vanity with blank thoughts but then thought about how lucky she was to

have Vaughn and she just couldn’t help but love him and his smile she loved his

smile he was the greatest thing that had ever happened to her. Once she realized

that she was going to be late once more she stood up and to the kitchen to grab a

snack for the ride there and her keys. She grabbed her keys off a hook on the

wall and headed out for brand new Ford Focus. She loved that car and she loved

the smell, you know that new car smell, she just couldn’t get enough of it. The car

just suited her so well, she thought that was why she loved it so much. As she sat

down in the driver’s seat of the car and was a bout to put the key in the ignition

she heard her phone ring. She pulled the phone out of her purse and looked at

the blue discolored screen she had dropped the phone in her coffee recently and

had been meaning to get a new one from Kendall. She looked at the screen and

the name read Michael Vaughn.

She answered “Hello”

“Hey where are you” Vaughn on the other end asked.

He sounded out of breath but she didn’t ask why. “I am pulling out of my

driveway what are you up to,” she answered back.

There was a small before he spoke up it sounded as if he was trying to

catch his breath “ Well I thought we were just… I don’t know… I guess I am just

excited,” he spoke.

“ Oh okay well I will be there as soon as I can get there but its raining

so I am going to go pretty slow” she said over the interference for the few


“Okay” he answered back “ Then I guess I will see you in a little while”

“You too” and as she went to hang up the phone she spoke softly “ I

love you.”

“I love you too Syd” he answered “bye, I am missing you already.”