Above Top Secret


Title: Above Top Secret (name borrowed from “Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up” by Timothy Good)
Disclaimer: I could never even begin to have the imagination to think up Alias, that imagination however, belongs to JJ Abrams. I got the idea for this and some information from The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon. (see bottom for citation).
Dedication: This whole story is dedicated to my most loyal and dedicated reviewer: Landi104
Author: lilsurfer12003
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Sydney believes that the CIA is involved in a conspiracy against her. In an attempt to find out what’s going on, she finds help from an unlikely alley.

Above Top Secret

---Unknown POV---
I brushed off the remaining dirt and began translating the text. I could feel my eyes widening as I stared at the picture. Attempting to regain my breath, I stood up and brushed myself off before running back to camp yelling something to my superior.

<<<5 days later>>>

Flash Message
Top Secret
Eyes Only
Subject: Agent Bristow
Intel received. Notify others. Commence search.
End of Message (Sheldon)

---Sydney’s POV---
I was wearing a black dress suit with high heels to finish it off. I smiled, walking to my desk when suddenly I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Now, spies are supposed to be trained to notice even the slightest difference, however this wasn’t something subtle, it was very noticeable. In the area surrounding my desk, they had taped it off with the police tape. They were uploading some kind of file in the computer next to it. I took a few steps back to a wall where I watched from around the corner. I glanced over to the agent files and in the file cabinet where my file was they had pulled out a file and were reading it. I had planned to sneak into Dixon’s office and ask what was going on when I noticed some FBI agents talking with Dixon and pointing to my computer. Other agents were looking around the room. I knew that something was wrong and that if I stayed here I would soon find out. I hurried out of the building and drove home, looking in the rearview mirror every five minutes. As soon as I got home, I hurried into the kitchen and took out some cake and a plate, before I smudged the cake on it and threw it in the sink. I ate the rest of the cake without a plate and then hurried into my room to call in sick. When that was done I crumpled up a few Kleenex tissues and threw them in the trash and put some more on the bed. I walked over to the medicine cabinet and opened the Robitusum and poured some down the drain before I put it back, washing out the little medicine cup. I grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the bus stop. I boarded the bus after paying the toll and sat down. I then took out my phone and began opening different programs on my phone. When I felt satisfied I put it on silent and enabled the key lock. Then I slid the phone between the seats and pushed a cloth between the seats to hide it. I waited until we got to the next stop and hopped off, heading back to my house. I opened my car and drove away.

---Dixon’s POV---
“I thought you said Agent Bristow would be here by now?” a man asked.

“I did, she called in sick.” I informed him. “And what is this all about?”

“That’s classified information, Director.” the man reminded me.

“Well, what do you want with her?” I tried.

“That’s classified as well. When and if… we feel he need to inform you, you will be properly briefed.” he insisted.

When I said nothing after a few minutes he continued on.

“You don’t believe me. Well, you should. I certainly hope you’re not harboring Agent Bristow, because I assure you, the consequences would be enormous. Good day, director. I really must be going.” he excused himself, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on my desk and taking a quick bite into it.

I stared at the phone and picked it up, dialing a number.

“Hello, this is Director Dixon, send a team out to Bristow’s house. Yes, Sydney. Thank you.” I hung up the phone, rubbing my temples. I hoped I did the right thing, praying that I didn’t just betray a friend.

---Sydney’s POV---
I drove around the corner of a restaurant and parked my car. Walking around the corner, I picked up the pay phone and dialed my dad’s number.

“Bristow.” he spoke into the phone.

“Is this line secure?” I asked, making sure.

“It always is.” he promised.

“Just making sure.” I told him.

“Where are you?” he asked.

“Doesn’t matter. Look what’s going on?”

“You tell me. They came asking all these questions about you.”

“I went to work and I saw them all around my desk, they were looking for something. The question is what?”

“Sydney, until we know what that is, it’ll be better if you don’t go home. Don’t go to anyone you know. They’ll be looking there. Get to a safe location, we’ll figure this out.”

“I, I bought myself some time, but that’s not going to last. Maybe mom will-”

“No! I told you, don’t go to people you know. Now I’ve got to go in, or they’ll suspect something. We’ll figure this out.”



With that I heard the dial tone and I replaced the receiver.

---Sark’s POV---
I shivered slightly at the decrease in temperature. I shifted my position on the roof to allow a little more comfort. Steadying my weapon I scanned the ground for my target.

“Look, I found Waldo.” I whispered, spotting my target.

They turned around, trying to hide in the crowd. They knew I was here.

“You can’t hide.” I murmured my finger moving to the trigger. I adjusted some last minute things, such as my sight, and waited for him to move 3 feet.

“One, two-” I began. My phone rang in it’s low tune, breaking my concentration.

“Bloody hell.” I murmured, picking up the phone. “I’m busy.”

“And I could care less, get your ass back here right now. We’ve got major news.” they spoke into the phone before severing the connection.

I groaned when I went to look for my target and discovered that they had escaped.

<<<2 hours later>>>

---Sark’s POV---
I sat down in the chair, waiting for the room to fill up. Conversation already filled the air, some asking questions and others gossiping. When the head of the covenant had entered the room, it became overcome with silence.

“You all know that I called you here for something important. The question is what.”

I put down the pen that I had been playing with on the table and awaited this supposedly “big” news.

“We all know that Agent Sydney Bristow,” he paused, pressing a button on his remote, causing a picture of Sydney to appear on the screen before us, “is a very resourceful threat to us. The idea of bringing her down might have been a very appetizing dream for some of you in this room. However, most believed that it couldn’t be done; that she was a human form of… fool’s gold, if you will. Anyways, as of now, we are immobilizing our search for Rambaldi artifacts and deciphering his prophecies because of something that has come up. By now, I’m sure you’ve all realized that Agent Bristow is the topic of this meeting. However, you don’t know just how important she is to us now. An offer has been made by the NSA and the FBI, for the most part, that whoever can bring in Agent Sydney Bristow, unharmed or as close to that as possible, will receive a pardon, no questions asked.”

A/N: Questions? Comments? No reviews=no updates. It’s as simple as that.

Sheldon, Sidney The Doomsday Conspiracy
New York: Warner Books, 1991
wow this sounds reall good so far
does she meet with vaughn and he help her to survive
and what do they even want with sydney...jesh
Disclaimer: I could never even begin to have the imagination to think up Alias, that imagination however, belongs to JJ Abrams.
A/N: I forget, and am not sure if the leader of the covenant has a name. So I will call him Paul.
Previously on Above Top Secret:
“An offer has been made by the NSA and the FBI, for the most part, that whoever can bring in Agent Sydney Bristow, unharmed or as close to that as possible, will receive a pardon, no questions asked.”

Chapter 1~Hide and Seek

---Sark’s POV---
I sat up a little straighter, unsure if I had just heard what I thought I did. A pardon? No questions asked… to turn in one of their own? What did you do Sydney? I asked myself.

---Unknown POV---
I turned off the lamplight and smiled at my wife.
“Are you okay sweetie?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I started but was interrupted by a fit of coughs. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure,” she asked again. “You look reddish purple.”
“I’m fine.” I assured her. I waited until she had turned her back to me in the bed before I ran to the mirror. She was right: I did look weird. One eye seemed to be enlarged a little and I didn’t look my normal color.
“It’s from the climate.” I told myself.
I pushed the picture of myself to the back of my mind as I climbed into bed.
“Night sweetie. Tomorrow, we begin our vacation.”

---FBI agent’s POV---
“Yes, Helminski, go track Bristow’s phone. Let’s see if she really is ‘sick’.”
“Right away, sir.” Helminski told me and hurried off to go track it.

---Dixon’s POV---
I clicked the send button on the computer and then phoned for Jack.

---Sydney’s POV---
I got back into my car and drove to Sally’s. I walked briskly into the store, being careful not to stare into the cameras. I picked out a light brown wig and green contacts. Picking out a pair of sunglasses with a dark tint, I glanced at the hair dyes before choosing a few. I took a mirror and some Halloween makeup before I headed to the cashier.
“Hello,” the cashier greeted.
“Hi.” I smiled.
“Running away from home?” she laughed, staring at all the merchandise.
“No,” I smiled. “I’m in a play, well helping out. It’s a play for my son’s school.”
“Really, what’s it called?” she asked, ringing up the items.
“Jack’s Night Out. Can I also have one of those $5 phone cards?” I asked.
“Sure. I’ve never heard of that play. What’s it about?” the cashier asked. She pulled her dirty blonde hair back into a scrunchy.
“It’s something the school made up. To teach the kids about safety.” I explained.
“Your total’s $27.60.” she told me.
I looked into my purse and pulled out 3 tens. “Here.”
“Thank you.” she spoke, pressing some buttons before the cash register opened. She pulled out 2 one-dollar bills and 40 cents. “You have a good day, now. Good luck with your play.”
“Oh thanks.” I grabbed the bags and walked out often store. I knew now that it had been a mistake going there. That cashier had been way too curious about what I’d bought. I threw all of the stuff onto the passenger’s seat and drove to the nearest park.

---Jack’s POV---
“You called for me?” I asked after knocking on Dixon’s door.
“Yes,” Dixon began. “There’s some suspicious behavior happening at this address.” I watched as he pushed a piece of paper towards me.
“You want me to check it out?” I asked.
“I just want you to bug the place and listen to what’s happening. After you’ve got substantial evidence of what’s going on, report back to me.” Dixon informed me. “You leave immediately.”
“One question, what were those FBI agents doing here earlier?” I questioned.
“I don’t know. Most likely their job. You’re dismissed, Jack.” he stared my straight in the eye and visually dared me to push the conversation further.
“Okay.” I replied before I left the room. I knew for sure now that nothing was going on at the address. It was just a way to keep me busy.

---Dixon’s POV---
I glanced at my clock and waited until 5 minutes had passed before I left the room. I headed for the conference room, where everyone else would already be waiting for me. When I opened the door, I wasn’t surprised to find Vaughn and Jack missing from the room.
“Now, you’ve all been called to this emergency meeting because of something that happened.” I started. I glanced to the left as something caught my eye. It was Marshall raising his hand. “Yes?”
“One quick question, why aren’t Jack and Vaughn here? Not that I need to know where they’re at at all times, but just… it’s um… it’s very fascinating to know that we’re having an important meeting without them. I mean, did they do something, or…”
“Marshall…” I warned. “Agent Bristow, and Agent Vaughn are not here because they’re on missions. They will be informed of what is going on where upon they‘re arrival back. Any other questions?”
“Yeah, where’s Sydney?” Weiss asked.
---Sark’s POV---
“One question,” I began. “So we could go annihilate a whole city and then go find Bristow, and we’d get off scotch free?”
“Not exactly,” he started. “No civilian is to be harmed. If anyone is, you will get nothing. They want to keep this quiet. However appealing this offer may be, they will only award the pardon to one person. That person will be the one who is able to catch her and bring her in. So, I would suggest that you not work in groups. Also, if I were you, I would not let Bristow get wind of what’s going on or it will be almost impossible to do this.”
“So, when does this start?” a man asked.
“It’s not a bloody race.” Paul, the leader yelled, “You get going on this as son as you leave this room. However, you must use your own resources to get her. If you use mine, then the price will go to me. Let the best man win. One last thing, any man who achieves this and does not hand the pardon over to me can consider every person in this room to be his enemy. Dismissed.”

---Jack’s POV---
I turned on my phone and dialed a number on my speed dial.
“Miguel’s pizza n’ meatza” a man greeted me.
“Hola Miguel. I’d like a vegetarian pizza.”
“That’ll be $20.00, sir.” he informed me.
“It was $15 last time.” I argued.
“It has gone up based on… how you say… sopply and dimand.” he answered in a calm, voice.
“Alright. When will I need to come pick it up?” I asked.
“tirty minoots.” he informed me.
“You mean 30 minutes?” I clarified.
“Yes, dat is it.” With that he hung up the phone.
I hurried to the park where I spotted the green bench. I sat down on it, reading the newspaper when I began searching my briefcase for some money. I dropped the coins, clumsily, on the ground and bent down to pick it up. When I bent down I detached the folder from the bottom of the bench and put it in my pocket. I then picked up the coins and sat back on the bench for 30 minutes before I left to go on my mission.

---Dixon’s POV---
“Sydney is not needed for this meeting, and thus she is not here.” I began. “She is not here because this meeting is about her.”
“Is that why Agent Bristow and Agent Vaughn are not here as well?” an agent asked.
“No, they are on missions.” I replied.
I watched her roll her eyes and knew she wasn’t buying it.
“My superiors have ordered that I do whatever can. They asked that I do whatever I can to bring in Agent Bristow. They are not disclosing as to why at the moment, but I am sure we will know in time. So, as of now, your mission is to bring in Agent Sydney Bristow, unharmed, if possible.” I informed them.

---Sark’s POV---
I smirked as I listened to the stupid fools discuss their game plan with each other. I mentally ticked off each of their plans before I left the room. If they were looking for her in L.A. she’d want to leave. But, she wouldn’t leave with her passport, that’d be to stupid. I picked up my phone and called the first person that came to my mind.

---Sydney’s POV----
When I reached the park, I parked my car and began searching the bags. I took out the wig and the hair dye and carefully dyed the wig.

---Helminski’s POV---
“Sir, sir!” I yelled running to catch up to him. “I traced her cell, she’s on the move.”
“I knew she’d run. Get our boys on it now.”

---FBI Agent POV---
We searched her house, noting from the look of it that she was either still in the house or had just stepped out. I picked up my phone on the first ring.
“The results?” I asked.
“She’s on the move.” he informed me.
“She couldn’t have gone far, for the looks of it, she was just recently here.” I spoke to him.
“We’ll take that into consideration. Look for any more clues.” he ordered before hanging up.

---Sydney’s POV---
I drove to a used car dealership and traded in my car for a White Mazda. An idea popped into my mind and I made a u-turn at the next stop. I pulled into a warehouse. I coughed upon entering. The room was smoky and smelled of some weird herb. There were boxes and school supplies everywhere. Somewhere in the room “Hey Mamma” was playing. When my eyes begun watering, I waved the space in front of me to clear the air.
“I’d like an alteration.” I spoke.
A man sitting on some boxes turned around. “You came to the right place.” When he climbed off the boxes I realized just how short he was. He couldn’t be taller than 4’ 8’’ and had reddish hair with pale skin. He wore a sparkly green suit with shiny black shoes and a gold belt. I had to use just about all my energy to suppress asking him if he were a leprechaun.
“Stand over there.” he ordered.
I walked over to a giant picture of a passport and sat on a chair behind the space where the picture was supposed to go.
“Turn to your left.” he commanded before he took a few pictures. “Now, face me.”
When he was done he took the pictures and began typing something up on his computer. He took some glue and scissors and began hacking at something. When he was done I found myself staring at a realistically looking passport. I thanked and paid him his money before I left, sneaking a pair of scissors. Pocketing the passport, I pulled out 2 other passports. Once I reached a payphone I made a reservation under a known alias and then headed to the airport to get a ticket under an alias that I had never used before. I hoped that they would still have available seats on some of their flights since it was getting dark.

---Sark’s POV---
“Thank you, Pedro.” I parked my car and glanced up as I watched a plane flying overhead.

---Jack’s POV---
I dialed up Vaughn’s cell from the van.
“Vaughn.” he greeted.
“You wouldn’t happen to be on a mission, would you?” I asked.
“Yeah, why?” he questioned.
“That’s all I needed to know.” with that I hung up the phone. Whatever doubt I had had, it was gone now.

---Sydney’s POV---
I hurried into a bathroom stall at the airport and locked it. I dyed it another color and begun cutting it. I cursed silently as I wondered why I hadn’t bought a curler that I could have used. I took the scissors and using a technique I had used on string for presents, I curled the hair. When I was done, my hair resembled Alyssa Malano’s. I put the rest of the stuff into a bag and went to buy some new clothes and a purse. This time I went into a different bathroom to change. I changed into an black Abercrombie and Fitch skirt with a white tank top and a black jacket on over and some black flip flops. I put the rest of the dye into the purse along with the scissors and the passports, the other clothes in the bags, and threw everything else away. I felt extremely accomplished and decided that I would leave on the next available flight. I had walked only a few feet when I felt a gun being pressed into the back on my head.
“Fancy meeting you here, Miss Bristow.” Sark greeted me.

A/N: Yes, you will eventually find out why they want Sydney. Questions? Comments? No reviews=no updates. Sorry it's felgercarb but what can you expect? I just finished taking a test about an hour ago and have had midterms all week
pm list:

ooh, sounds interesting! please pm me!!!
of course

wow this sounds reall good so far
does she meet with vaughn and he help her to survive
and what do they even want with sydney...jesh
i gues you'll have to wait and see.

this sounds cool
i wonder what ytey want with syd
cool start
hope u post another chap
yay Sark! as much as I love what Sydney's been up to, I want to know what she did wrong, and why they're after her. MORE SARK!

One question. Is this a Sarkney fic? just wondering...

ohh this is really cool
so they send jack and vaughn off so they cant help syd
ohh smart but they are gonna pay for that
so what did syd do
and how the hell did sark find her so fast?
This is a very good story. I wonder why the NSA and FBI wants her? Is it something about Rambaldi stuffs?

Please PM me when you update.
yay Sark! as much as I love what Sydney's been up to, I want to know what she did wrong, and why they're after her. MORE SARK!

One question. Is this a Sarkney fic? just wondering...

You will find out what happened in the upcoming chapters. It might turn into a sarkney fic. It will not be an S/V fic. sorry.

ohh this is really cool
so they send jack and vaughn off so they cant help syd
ohh smart but they are gonna pay for that
so what did syd do
and how the hell did sark find her so fast?
Sark has his connections.

This is a very good story. I wonder why the NSA and FBI wants her? Is it something about Rambaldi stuffs?

Please PM me when you update.
thanks. Truth takes time. You'll find out slowly in upcoming chapters. Of course you can get one.

pm list:
Disclaimer: I could never even begin to have the imagination to think up Alias, that imagination however, belongs to JJ Abrams. I got the idea for this and some information from The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon.
A/N: Thanks so much for the reviews. Sorry for the delay.

Previously on Above Top Secret:

---Sydney’s POV---
I had walked only a few feet when I felt a gun being pressed into the back on my head.

“Fancy meeting you here, Miss Bristow.” Sark greeted me.

Chapter 2~An Interesting Opportunity

---Sydney’s POV---
I turned slowly around to face him. I watched as he concealed the weapon from the security guard passing by.

“What do you want Sark?” I spat out through clenched teeth.

“I, Miss Bristow, am here for the tour. You have 2 options for the next part. You can either cause a scene and give those security guards over there a good exercise today,” he paused and nodded to his left to the security guards watching people. “or you can follow me to the nearest exit.”

I glanced to his left and in the waiting area ad man dressed in suit with dark glasses on was quickly making his way over to us. Somehow he didn’t seem to fit in.

“Fine,” I gave in. ’Let’s go.”

I grabbed his arm and hurried for the exit.

We had barely made it out of the airport before I asked him the question that had been on my mind since he appeared.

“Why are you here Sark?” I asked.

“This way.” he ordered, taking a left and crossing the street towards the Dolphin parking lot.

I had to walk briskly to keep up with his vigorous pace. He glanced to the left and right before he started up the stairs to the upper levels of the parking lot.

“You know what’s going on.” I spoke.

“You could say that.” he commented.

“What do you mean?” I grabbed his arm and spun him around to face me.

“If you’re going to come along with me, there are going to be ground rules.” he began.

“I agree, number 1: Don’t leave me out of the loop.” I started.

“Number 2: get in the van.” he ordered.

“What?” I inquired, perplexed.

He opened the door to a van and pushed me inside. Closing the door behind me, he walked over to the drivers seat and got in.

I walked over to the front passenger’s seat and sat in it, putting on my seat belt.

He backed out of the parking lot and drove away.

“If you don’t plan on telling me what’s going on, then stop the van.” I told him.

“That, Miss Bristow, is what I plan on finding out.” He slowed to a stop by the stop sign.

“What do mean?” I asked.

“I mean, that I don’t know! Are you happy?” He snapped.

“Then what the hell am I still doing in this van?” I questioned.

“I was getting there.” he replied, irritated.

---Unknown POV---
“I can’t do this.” I muttered, staring over at the guy. “I have standards.” I folded my arms over my shirt. My red blouse was see through and underneath it, you could see my tank top with the British flag on it. I had on red black boots and a tight red miniskirt that was leather.

“Not when you’re working for me, you don’t. Here,” My boss pulled me aside by the arm and showed me something he carried around in a bag that went around his waist. “This’ll help you. He likes to party, and spend big bucks here. You’re a good worker. Don’t disappoint me.”

“It’s illegal.” I whispered.

“Not here. It’s not shipped over seas.” he reminded me.

I sighed and picked a pink pill. Embossed on it was the Playboy bunny trademark. I popped it in my mouth and smiled, downing a few gulps of water.

“Remember to drink water, lots of it. A’ight? And give him a discount.”

“A’ight.” I confirmed.

“Here.” he handed me a 12 pack of water bottles.

I hiked up my miniskirt and walked over to the car. “My boss says you gotta keep me hydrated. I gotta drink lots of water. Tengo qué beber mucho aqua.”

“E?” the man laughed and looked me over. “¿Cuanto cuesta?” (How Much?)

“¿Para tres horas?” I asked. “Sesenta mil y dosciento cuatro los estados unidos.” (For 3 hours? 6,204 (United States) {dollars, I don’t know how to say dollar in Spanish} )

I watched the man think it over.

“¿Pues?” I asked. (Well?)

I watched the man wave me in.

---FBI agent’s POV---
“Well, she has to be somewhere!” I yelled.

“What’s wrong?” a woman asked.

“Bristow set us up.” I informed her.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes!” I yelled. “Why would someone who had there own vehicle, take the bus and then push their in between the seats-”

“Well, maybe she lent out her car and then the phone fell in between the seats and-” the woman began.

“And she just ‘accidentally’ pushed a cloth to hide it as well? Bristow knows what we’re up to. Tell the men to use any force necessary to bring her in.” I ordered.

“Even the ter-” the woman began.

“Why would we give them that kind of power? I mean Our people you twat!” I yelled.

“Sorry, I-” the woman apologized.

“Will make sure it wont happen again? You bet your ass you will, because next time, I’ll see to it that you’ll be out of a job. We don’t have time for this type of incompetence.” I informed her.

---Unknown POV---
I opened my eyes, coughing as I struggled to sit up. I clutched my chest, feeling the pain that I associated to eating the wrong things. I popped 2 Tums into my mouth and chewed and swallowed them. I started coughing again and didn’t stop for a few minutes. When I did, my breath came in quick breaths attempting to put all the oxygen I could into my body to make up for the lack of air. Laying back down, I closed my eyes and forced myself to go back to sleep, mumbling, “we’re going on a vacation. It has to be nothing.”

---Sydney’s POV---
I began to laugh. “What would make you think I would even consider trusting you enough to do that?”

“The way I see it, you can either get screwed over in a state of bewilderment or know what your up against and get an actual chance to fight back.” he argued.

“So, who says I can’t do the same thing with people I trust?” I asked.

“Because, that’s the first place they’d check. Remember, it’s the people you trust who are after you. And if you can’t trust the people you trust, well then I suppose you can only trust the people you don’t trust. You know very well that chances are they’d check the people you always go to to see if their harboring you.” he reasoned.

“What’s in it for you?” I questioned.

“I turn you in, I get a pardon, but it’ll bug me forever not knowing why they turned on you. They wont tell me, that’s a fact. But, if you work with me, we find out why they want you, and you choose if you wanna go back or not.” He told me.

“What about the pardon?” I raised the question.

“You and I both know that I’ll be back on the list, even after they give me the pardon. Frankly because I just love pissing them off. “ he told me.

I thought it over in my head. Dad had said the same thing. Don’t go to someone they’d expect me to go. But, he had to have another angle, didn’t he?

“What do you say? It’s definitely an interesting opportunity.” Sark asked.

A/N: Just to let you know, the unknown girl was in Spain. Questions? Comments? No reply/review=no update, simple as that.
A/N: Just to let you know, the unknown girl was in Spain. Questions? Comments? No reply/review=no update, simple as that.
Is it Nadia? What's the time line in your story? S3 or S4 ? Is Nadia has been found or already dead? :thinking:

Great, great update, can't wait for the next. :woot:

And thanks for the PM.
Is it Nadia? What's the time line in your story? S3 or S4 ? Is Nadia has been found or already dead? :thinking:

Great, great update, can't wait for the next. :woot:

And thanks for the PM.

Nadia is dead but Weiss has not been transferred yet. roughly s4ish. I guess that answers your question. Nope, it's not Nadia.
