The only way Adria and Nathalie could have survived is :
A) win HOH every week between the two of them, which was highly unlikely.
B) Forge an alliance with Marvin and Cowboy which they failed to do.
As soon as Nakomis one HOH again that was the end of the twin duo, its a shame though, they were hotties!!!
I hated Jase and Scott but the most spineless of them all is Drew, absolutelty can't wait until he's gone, he is not a man of his word, i really hope he is not like that in real life, cause he won't get far.
Most entertaining of the group has to be Marvin, i really hope he wins, from what we see he has no alliances and he is long shot for the win. He is by far the funniest and most entertaining of the group. Without Marvin in the House who's gonna keep us entertained? Nakomis? lol