Boring Ryan

Does anyone else think Ryan is a boring character? He practically drags himself wherever he goes, he yawns and he sounds so tired all the time. All he does is mumbling.

"drags himself wherever he goes"

But i kind of agree, I really used to like Ryan, and his silent, teenage angst, but know three years later, he´s still the same, hasn't grown a bit, always repeating the same misstakes. Especially when your'e a teenager growing up, you change a lot, so should Ryan.
But i also think the whole S3 is a repeat of the previous seasons, and it's getting a bit old.
The only seaosn of the OC that I actually think was good was season 1, but I've still watched this season, and I completely agree. Ryan always has to be play hero, and it's getting old and boring. He has no emotion what-so-ever. Take a happy pill or something, buddy :P

~Andrea :angelic:
Never mind boring ryan...the whole of this season is dull. I can't believe this show has got so bloody boring. i really don't know why i'm still watching. Marissa and ryan have to be the most boring couple on earth. where's the ryan i know and love. No passion always taking th emoral high ground DULL!!!! marissa and jonny storyline..been there done that with oliver...yawn!!! Even seth and summer are fading. seth's yawn worthy not wanting to leave newport and leave everything behind felgercarb was rubbish cos he disappeared for 3 months without anyone so thats bollocks. Sandy and avourite tv couple are doing nothing. There's just not much to watch it for right now. Am very sad.
You are so right. Why are we still watching? Hoping it will get better?
But I liked that Ryan hooked up with that waitress, that was spontainious after all.
I miss the Seth and Ryan bantering, they need more screentime together, then they are funny.
oh my god!!! i was soooooooooo bored by the OC again this week and it was supossedly a good one...the one where Jonny falls off the cliff. YAWN!!!! was boring....he knew Marissa had a boyfriend so why's he being all dramatic and over the top about it. I have NO sympathy for him. As for Marissa she's just stupid and lame....AM BORED!!!! Come on OC change it up a bit...please.
Yeah i reckon ryan is getting pretty boring, its always the same thing over and over the girl thats in trouble and then get involved and get into a fight........
Yeah i reckon ryan is getting pretty boring, its always the same thing over and over the girl thats in trouble and then get involved and get into a fight........

Exactly. It's getting old.
Ryan is BOR-ING. I don't know if it's Ben McKenzie's , the actor's, fault, or if Ryan is supposed to just groan and always look tired.

The reason I don't like Marissa is...well..a lot. :rolleyes: But I guess it's because of the actress. I think Mischa is a bad actress. She also looks so uncomfortable in her body, so that bothers me a lot.

I used to like Seth, I still do but I hated the fact that he was into drugs for a while! It wasn't Seth at all. And you know, it's all Adam Brody's fault. It was rumors sometime in the beginning of last year that Adam wanted Seth to get addicted to drugs, because he wanted to show his true acting talent.
So that rumor was true.

I think Summer's funny and sweet. She hasn't changed, I like her. :smiley:
Yeah i agree, i think all the charatcers are less interesting and fun then they used to be. But your right except for Summer
I hope the effects of this season finales cliffhnanger will shake things up a bit and give the characters a fresh start, but maybe the result will only be gloomier???