Change Your Mind

Michael likes kids so much, it pains me that Eric is probably right and that he will get his heart broken, but then again, we all know his pain won't last long.

They're in complete oposite places right now and still everything is going so well.
name='SkyGirl5' date='Mar 17 2007, 06:54 AM' post='1698340'
i know, isn't that sad? :( when i was in elementary school, there was only one male teacher in the whole school (okay, well the gym teacher was male...) and he taught 4th grade.
The first male teacher I had was my 5th grade teacher. The only other male teacher in the whole building was the Special Ed teacher next door. We were all a little shocked to have a male teacher in elementary school.

She had to admit that she was very excited at the prospect of having dinner with Michael. Her dating life was… interesting, to say the least. She found that her firm no marriage stance helped her in some ways, but harmed her in other ways. For example, she never really threw any type of commitment implying words into her relationships that would send slightly skittish men screaming in the opposite direction. That was a plus. A negative, however, was that her bachelorette for life persona (as Eric pointed out to her) tended to attract the wrong type of guys. The problem was she expected high standards of the men she dated, like those of marrying quality, except she had no intentions of marrying them. The men who were of that quality tended to want marriage as well, so once they realized she was quite serious about not wanting to get married, they were likely to bolt.
She is getting to the age where there will not be any guys worth dating left. The only ones left will be the "wrong type of guys".

No matter how many people asked her or how many times they asked, she could never answer the question about what exactly she was looking for. Was she looking for a life long committed partner, who would be like a husband, except they would never marry? Or, was she looking for no one in particular to spend her life with, just a series of boyfriends, some lasting a few years, others lasting not quite as long until she became old and grey? Or, was she looking for no relationship at all, just a series of one night stands and few month dating cycles until things became too serious? The only thing she knew for certain was she didn’t want the last of the three options.

No matter what her long-term plans were, dinner with Michael was definitely something she was looking forward too. She was looking forward to finding out more about him and his life and spending some quality time with male companionship. More than anything, though, she was looking forward to an evening conversation that involved absolutely nothing relating to law.
I think she answered her question. She is looking for someone like Michael. She just doesn't know it yet. There won't be any other guys close to what she wants where she lives now.

“So, you come up with all those lessons and activities yourself, right?” she asked. He shrugged and nodded. “Wow… I doubt I could do that if my life depended on it.”

“Well, I can’t take all the credit. I get ideas from magazines and websites and stuff. Plus, the teacher I student taught under was excellent so she really helped me out. It’s fun though,” he smiled.
Actually, teachers are very good at sharing lesson plans. Each teacher does not have to "reinvent the wheel". We get lessons and activities from the teacher's editions, other teachers (some post their lessons and activities on various websites) and from the standards each grade level is supposed to learn.

“You cook, too? Wow, are you sure you’re not hiding a superman suit under those clothes of yours?” Sydney asked him.

“Actually, my preferred alter-ego is Batman, but my suit’s at the drycleaners,” he winked.
I just got a very weird vision of Michael in Batman Underoos. ;)

“I know,” Michael sighed, looking at the picture as well. “It’s so hard every year at the end of the year. I just love them all so much by then. Well, most of them anyway. There are still those one or two that you just wanna…”

“Spank?” Sydney offered.

“Sorta,” Michael laughed. “It’s not all their fault though. Sometimes their parents are just… awful. It’s still hard to watch ‘em go though.”
Quite often, when you meet the parents, you understand why they child acts the way they do. Some parents should not ever be parents.

Michael, being the gentlemen, said he’d walk her back to her apartment across the courtyard. Once they reached her door, she paused and fumbled with her keys for a moment. “I had a really great time, Michael,” she told him.

“Yeah,” he said softly, “me too.” Then, he leaned in closer to her. She leaned the rest of the way towards him and gave him a gentle kiss.

“’night,” she said before sticking her keys in the door lock.

“’night,” he repeated.
He really earned points by being such a gentleman. Sydney, he's perfect, change you mind about no commitments. He's a keeper.
It's weird, in France there are some male teachers, but one of my teacher who spent a year in the US giving french classes told us he couldn't even stay in a room with a girl with no witness, that's what the principal told him on his first day. We were a little bit shocked because here it doesn't exactly work like that even if now some teachers when they ask you to stay behind they say a friend can stay and the door is always wide open :lol: , but it's not like in the US, maybe it's a cultural thing, in Europe and France we have different life style, I mean our glasses are Dior, Chanel, Prada or D&G :lol: (damn the guy who said I couldn't have the Prada because of my sight, and my mother who didn't like the Dolce and Gabbana)

As for the chapter, they waist no time! First date, first kiss :jump:
Michael Vaughn so is a gentleman! ok... let's just leave his cooking skill apart (i can do that), he can always take care of the rest :lol: Sydney wouldn't need to do that much but say yes I do in front of the priest and bare like half a dozen kids. I'm sure Vaughn could do the amazing job of staying at home, take care of them, while Syd works her ass off 50 hours per week.

:P urgh... that sounds sad though :(

He needs to find a way to convince her that married life isn't that bad...
Chapter 9

On Sunday, the day after their dinner, Michael called Sydney and invited her to an afternoon baseball game he had tickets to. Sydney agreed to go even though it was a bit more short notice than she would have preferred and the two of them had a fantastic time. For the few weeks after that, Sydney and Michael spent time together on both Saturday and Sunday, as well as eating dinner together twice during the work week. In that time, they were very glad to find that they both seemed to be fitting each other’s expectations in a potential girlfriend or boyfriend.

Unfortunately, in that time, Sydney failed to inform Michael about her strict no marriage or children policy. She knew it couldn’t wait any longer, though, especially since Eric reminded her of it constantly (or so it seemed). Sydney knew Eric was just looking out for his friend, but she was getting slightly annoyed by his almost rude at times reminders. She knew she had to tell him though, and she was forcing herself to do so on their one month anniversary dinner. The only difficulty was, bringing it up subtly, not just blurting it out. Thankfully, Michael took care of this difficulty for her.

They’d been chatting about something that happened at kindergarten the day before, during a lesson on pets when, stupidly, Michael thought it’d be a good idea to bring a pet in. Of course, disaster ensued when the little creature escaped its cage and things really went downhill from there. Apparently, though, one little girl found the animal and took care of it very gently before giving it back to Michael. “I swear, she’s just the cutest little thing. I want a daughter just like her,” Michael said.

“Yeah,” Sydney sighed. Then, using that as a stepping stone, Sydney took a deep breath and said, “Yeah, but I never really wanted children….”

“You’re kidding?” Michael asked in pure shock with his eyes wide.

“No, I never did. I mean, don’t get me wrong; I love kids. I love Penny and Jenny; I’d do anything for them but… I dunno, I just don’t want kids of my own,” she sighed into her wine glass before taking a long sip.

“Not even if your husband really wanted them?” Michael asked, his shock turning to disbelief.

“Well, see, that’s the other thing,” she cringed slightly. “I don’t want to get married either.”

Michael nearly choked on his water. “You don’t want to get married?! Why not?”

“I don’t know… a bunch of different reasons, two of which being how it didn’t really work out for my parents and obviously I’m a divorce lawyer. And… I dunno, it’s just not something I have as part of my life goals,” she said with a slight shrug.

“So… it’s not something you’re one hundred percent opposed to then?” Michael asked.

“Well…,” Sydney hesitated for a moment before continuing, “I’m pretty dead set. It’d take a heck of a lot to change my mind.”

“I see,” Michael said shortly. “And… why are you telling me this?”

“I’m not trying to break up with you or anything; I’m just trying to be honest. I really, really like you Michael, and I hope we can continue seeing each other, but…but if you feel like you want to break this off I’ll understand why,” Sydney told him.

Her words rang with the wisdom of experience and it was obvious to Michael that, not only was this not the first time she had told this to a boyfriend, but if he chose to walk away, he would obviously not be the first who had done so. He sat there for a moment, thinking over what she had told him, struggling due to his confliction. On one hand, he would have never even considered breaking things off with her prior to the conversation they had just had. He loved spending time with her and was enjoying getting to know her better. However, on the other hand, he did have a deep desire for children and marriage and did not want to waste his time dating just anybody, especially given his ever-increasing age. In the end, though, he decided to give her a little bit more of a chance. After all, there was a possibility, albeit slim, she would change her mind.

“No,” he said finally, “I don’t want to break things off. I enjoy spending time with you and I really like you, too.”

Sydney smiled at him, reached across the table and squeezed his hand gently. “I’m glad to hear that,” she said. He smiled back at her as he squeezed her hand in return.

For the rest of the meal, conversation between the two of them was more tense and forced than it had been before Sydney brought up the marriage and children subject. By the end of the meal, though, they were laughing at something amusing one of Michael’s students said about his new little brother.

Once they arrived back at their apartment complex, Michael walked Sydney to her door like he’d done after all their dates. There, they shared a simple kiss, per usual, but before Michael could walk away, Sydney held him firm with her hands in his. “Hey you, uh, wanna come inside?” she offered in a soft tone. When it came to taking a relationship to that next step with men, Sydney had a steadfast rule. A set of steadfast rules, actually. For starters, she never even considered it unless a month had passed since her first official date with that man. In addition, she and that man had to have at least six – preferably more – dates in that month time span to further his qualifications for the next level. Even if those criteria were met, though, Sydney had to see something in their relationship that made her want to continue, which, of course, was a very subjective criteria. She saw that thing in Michael, though, which was why she extended the invitation to him.

“Um,” Michael hesitated, but just for a moment before saying, “Yeah, I’d love to.” Sydney smiled at him in the dimly it courtyard before turning her back to him momentarily so she could open the door to her apartment.
i cant believe im going to say this
it doesnt necessarily mean they will take their relationship to the next level
i mean if michael did id be shocked
sleeping with saomeone after a huge relevation aint the smartest thing to do is it
I'm glad Vaughn didn't break it off!!
-He's got his work cut out for him in order to change her mind!!!
But I'm sure he will be able to do it!! I mean who wouldn't change their mind to marry Michael Vaughn!!!!!
1. Weird way to cut the chapter off (maybe it's just me.... it sounds like there's some killer standing right behind her, ready to cut her into pieces :lol: )

2. They better not have sex... this SOOOO isn't the right moment or thing to do!!!!

3. How is Vaughn going to convince her? Urgh... that question is going to give me a heart stroke! :rolleyes:

3.5 (yeah it's not really a question...) I hope not that they eventually will have sex and then she ends up pregnant. THat wouldn't be nice either... :(
Sydney has too many rules. :P

I think their relationship will be different from now on, Michael will be more careful, more guarded. Sydney did what she had to do, though. It was only fair.