Dangerous Accusations

Michael Vaughn looked up from his menu and saw a brunette woman approaching his table. He straightened his posture and plastered a genuine, warm smile on his face. When she got closer he held his right hand out and greeted her. “Hello. You must be Bethany White”

Sydney’s eye got wide for a moment but then she hastily replied “Um… why yes… I am”

‘Oh god. What did I just do?’ she thought

She had gotten so wrapped up in trying to impress this stranger that she’d gone to far. She couldn’t believe she had lied about being this Bethany girl. What was she going to do?

“People at the law firm cant stop talking about how great you’re going to be” Michael stated. “Have you worked anywhere else before?”

Sydney regained her composure and then answered, “No I haven’t. I took a break after law school”

“Really? I did the same thing after law school!” he exclaimed with a laugh

Sydney spotted Francie making her way over to their table. ‘Holy s***. Why did Francie have to help with waitressing today?!?’

Francie didn’t usually help out the waitresses but Sydney suddenly recalled her mentioning this morning that she would be short today.

“Hello. May I take your….” Francie paused as she noticed Sydney sitting at the table with the mystery man. ‘I didn’t tell her to have lunch with the guy. I told her to say hi!!’ she thought

“Um… order?” she finished holding the pencil and pad out, still staring at Sydney.

“You go first, Bethany” Michael gestured

Just as Sydney was about to order, Francie stuck out her foot and tripped a waiter passing by. Food went everywhere, including Sydney’s new blouse.

“I’m so sorry!” Francie apologized “Let me help you clean that up”. She grabbed Sydney’s arm and quickly pulled her back to the bathrooms. “What do you think you’re doing?” Francie hissed

“I’m… erm… saying hi?” Sydney replied

“Why did he call you Bethany?” Francie demanded

“Because he thinks I’m some new lawyer at his firm. He must be a lawyer… how sexy” Sydney answered with a smirk

“Syd… you can’t go around pretending you’re someone” Francie said “But you’re right… he is cute”


Sydney luckily escaped the restaurant with the man seeing her. Francie had distracted him by telling him that the lady had disappeared after being cleaned up.

The phone rang as she entered the apartment and she picked it up. “Hello?”

“It’s Karen”

“I told you not to call during the day” Sydney angrily said “What if Francie picked up?”

“Oh my god Syd. When are you going to tell them the truth?”

She didn’t answer. She hated when Karen asked her that question.

“Come on Syd. When are you going to tell them you work at a Strip Club?”


Ugh. That chapter really sucked. I rushed through it to much -_-

PM List
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>i kind of guessed Syd would have a job like that. poor poor Syd.

gaaah...I <3 Vaughn!! thanks so very much for the pm, your update brightened my day!:hug:thanks
she'll tell vaughn first? but vaughn doesn't know her as syd yet...does he? or did i miss that? either way lol i can't wait to see how things play out. hope you get a chance to update soon.
He does now....


“Hey hunny” Irina greeted her daughter

“Hey mom” she replied glumly

“What’s wrong?” Irina asked with a hint of concern on her face

“I got into Harvard” she answered

“I see” Irina realized “I’m so sorry Sydney. I’m sorry I can’t afford for you to go to college”

End Flashback

Sydney shoved the memory back into her mind and forgot about what Karen had just brought up. What if Francie had been around? What if she had walked into the apartment at that very moment? She knew that she wouldn’t be able to lie for very long if Francie started asking to many questions.

The doorbell rang and Sydney rushed over to the door and opened it. There stood the mystery man that Sydney had seen at the restaurant.

‘s***!’ she thought

“Hello” he said with a smile

‘At least he doesn’t seem to be mad…’ she thought

“Um… hey” she replied “Listen… I’m not that Bethany girl or whatever her name was. I’m sorry I pretended to be her and I probably ruined the little dinner thing but I…” Sydney continued to ramble while Michael stared at her with a curious expression.

“I knew you weren’t Bethany the minute you came to my table” he suddenly said

“You did?” she asked

“Of course I did” he declared “If you were me and a beautiful girl came over to you and started talking what would you do?”

“Well I…” she mumbled

“I followed you home to” he admitted

That definitely wasn’t shocking news. She always had men trying to follow her home after she left the club. They were disgusting stalkers that needed to get a life. But this guy was sweet to be a stalker. At least he had admitted to following her home. That separated him from the rest.

“You don’t seem very surprised” he observed “Aww… I see. Men constantly following you home?”

“No. It’s just I…”

Why couldn’t she finish her sentences with this guy? What had gotten into her?

‘Damn cupid’

“Anyway… would you like to go out on a date with me sometime?” he asked her out of the blue

“Sure!” she exclaimed. He noticed that she had the deepest dimples he had ever seen when she smiled.

“Wait” she paused “We don’t even know each other’s names”

“Michael Vaughn” he replied sticking his hand out

“Sydney Bristow”. She took his hand, shook it firmly, and let go.

“How about…” he said “you meet me at Central Park tomorrow at 5:30?”

“Ok” she replied

“Great. See you”

Sydney watched as he walked out the door and down the stairs. She closed the door and started jumping up and down. “I’m going on a date” she sang out “With a really cute guy!”

Michael Vaughn sure did know how to brighten a girl’s day up


“Wow!” Francie squealed “You’re going on a date!”

Francie had arrived home fifteen minutes after Michael had left and Sydney had blurted out the news before Francie had even set her coat down.

“I know” Sydney giggled “I haven’t been on in forever”

“We have to make you hot” Francie declared

“I’m going to the park, Fran. I can’t show up in five inch heels”

“Who says?” she asked

They both laughed and decided that this was definitely a night of celebration. That meant one thing…

“Sam’s Grill!” they both screamed


I dont know. I think I might have Vaughn found out on accident and then she'll tell Francie. Something like that.

Really? A stripper? Is this gonna be like pretty woman? I love that movie! Anyways I didn't realize it took place in New York. oh well. thanks for the pm
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>yay! I love it! That update was soooo soo great! I <3 it!
thanks for the pm
