**French Clique**


WOW, i can't believe there isn't a french thread! there are so many people here that i know that are french! Sophie is my official french teacher and this is where the class will take place! If you want... just come here and speak french with us!! :D miss kiiitttyyyyy where are youuuu?!?! LOL!
Salut! I don't know a whole lot of French but I know some. Je suis intellegente, amusante, et sympa. Je ne suis pas mechant, grosse, or(can't remember the word for or) penible
I want to be in this class, I only know like 10 words in French...
Let's see...
un, deux, toi, madamoiselle, monsiour, bonjeour, le bon temp rolle (sp?), langiappe, rouge, baton, and a few others, although I can't quite spell them...