
ok preparing myself for a freakishly hyper Jori review. Deep breaths deep breaths. Ohh shove the preparing. OMG SHE HATES HIM THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN! Joy Joy Joy, oh I know I'm a huge shipper, but I always love the whole "I hated you at first" reltionships. THEY'RE SO MUCH FUN! YEAH, but still can I be on the footballl team please? I reallly wannna hurt Danny. Like realky bad. Still, this is gonna be fun.
Great chapter!
Vaughn doesn't sound like he was a nice child, but maybe now he has grown up he has changed?
Sweet revenge!! I wonder what they are going to do :whip:
Thanx for the pm
Update soon
i would hate for sydney and nadia to take revenge on me... im thinking that they could come up with some very unique ideas to torture someone especially with jack as their dad.. wait... is jack nadia's dad?... or are her and sydney just friends?... anyways.. you get the jist... update soon :daisy:
lol yea i didnt think of that fact yes syd and nadia are twin sisters and jack is there dad, sloane being nadias dad is just plain creepy! lol
okies ill add you! and cookie can u still beta that last chapter! cause me and liz think there might be more mistakes but we to lazy to look!(right liz or am i wrong?) :blush: if im wrong! tehehe
I did, and I sent it to you. Please at least wait a day for me to get to it! I am busy! :lol: And if I reply back saying I cant beta, then go ahead and update it! :lol:
I can not wait to see what she has in store for Vaughn.
And I would love a pm? :D
And could I be #47 on the addicts list, but if not 47 then #96.
sure your added to the list but why any one would wanna be on the pm list much less the addicts list beats me....... im working on the chapter!!!! dont worry!!! lol it should be up soon but no dates cause i never meet them! lol