Season 5 olivia reed

so i was thnking about this today - what happened to lauren's mum????
i mean wouldn't she be annoyed that vaughn killed lauren - wouldn't she want revenge???
well we may have found out but i can't remember - if anyone else has any theories please share
Well she was part of the covenant so that means that she was working with Elena. What she has been doing for her lately, I don't know. But now that Elena is dead Olivia can persue her own agenda. Maybe she is going after Vaughn for revenge, maybe she is responsible for the car accident. Maybe she and Sark are working together to get revenge....Ok, I'm not even going to go there..... :blush2: ...I guess I did go there.
But maybe she is somehow working with someone to bring back Lauren. Don't ask me how, in don't know, but if Lauren comes back they will need to explain it some how.
Well, the last time we saw her she was shooting Conrad and working with Sark. She's got some serious ties to someone with Rambaldi knowledge, deep in the covenant, so chances are she's going to resurface at some point. I'm just wondering who she really is. I refuse to believe that she is who she appeared to be at surface value.