On the Hunt

You guys should be worried
i'm definitely worried about you :lol:

“She can only kill you… I on the other hand can do much worse… my sister has no patience… I can work on you all night and wait for you to crack.” She waved the blade and spun it expertly in her fingers.
by now i would have confessed everything i know, but that's probably why i'm not a spy :P

thanks for the pm and update soon :angelic:
:D Im so glad you all liked Spymoms 'Lets play a game of tell me or loose a limb'. hehehehee Wait till you see her and Jack play 'Bad cop worse cop' on some poor schmuk, its not pretty. hehehe

Well since I had a night off yesterday from posting due to work I'm going to put up the next chapter now for you all to enjoy.

Chapter Twenty Six

“So Ms Monroe, how long will you be staying in Geneva?” asked the young gentlemen escorting Katya to the safety deposit boxes in a basement floor of the building.

“Only the night, my daughter and I have a flight to Moscow in the morning.” She smiled and eyed a camera as he pulled open a set of keys to open the cell like door that protected the boxes.

“Family vacation?” he asked casually.

“Family business, unfortunately my daughter refused to stay with her father for the duration of my trip.” She sighed and stepped inside the room her eyes once again roving over the security cameras.

“Stubborn is she?” he chuckled.

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” She grinned as she got a confirmation from Nike.

“Ok, cameras looped… now.”

Katya smiled at him and loosened her grip on a syringe she had stashed up her sleeve, dropping it between her fingers she jabbed him in the chest and as he succumbed to the drug now flooding his system she gently lowered him to the ground.

“Nicely done Sparrow.” Nike said in her ear as she watched the security feeds from her laptop in their room.

“Save your congratulations, which box?” she hissed walking along the walls of boxes.

“224.” Nike replied sharply bringing up another program and running diagnostics and checking the security status.

Katya found the box and quickly went to work on it, casting glances at the unconscious man and the cameras as she worked.

“Keep your eyes on the prize Sparrow; I’ve got mine on the men with the guns.” Nike smiled as her fingers flew over the keypad.

“Some how that isn’t comforting.” Katya whispered as the lock finally gave on the box and she stashed her tools in the deep pocket of her jacket and pulled the door open. Sliding the container out of the wall she pulled the lid open and found herself looking at a small stack of CDs and an envelop used by photo developing stores.

“So what’s in the pirate’s treasure?” Nike asked as she quickly reset a few of the security parameters so no one would notice any changes.

“None of your concern.” Katya said back stashing the packages in her pockets and returning the box to its rightful place.

“Ok, fine, be that way, you ready?” Nike rolled her eyes and re-entered the security system, before messing with a few frames of picture and the time stamp on the cameras, if she did say so herself she was a genius.

“Yes get on with it.” Katya said walking back over to the young man and taking a deep breath.

“Ok, re-initializing the feed… now, go for it.” Nike said with a click of the mouse.

Katya, wasn’t one of the best in the business for nothing, her performance could have won an award for how well she sold the ‘Oh my god he just collapsed’ act to the guards that came rushing to her shouts for help.

“You ever think of becoming an actress.” Nike said in her ear as she helped the guards to get the young man on his feet.

Katya resisted the urge to roll her eyes and kept up her act all the way to the lobby where they had a staff member call the ambulance.

“Oh come on, he’s not dieing people, he’s just passed out.” Nike scoffed as she watched the security feeds and patched the holes in the system she had made and checked her computer status and her alibi.

Katya explained that she had been speaking to the young man about her business trip and her daughter when he had just suddenly collapsed to security and again to the hotel manager before she was allowed to go about her business.

“I’m coming back to the room, have you cleared up?” Katya asked as she headed to the elevators.

Nike lent back in her chair and smiled to herself, she was certifiably a genius.

“Oh don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.” She grinned and double clicked the download button on a song she had been searching for with an online shareware program.


Irina lay in bed trying to read her book but unable to focus on the words on the page, her mind was buzzing with information and wouldn’t stop running off on tangents of thought.

She flipped her book closed and put it on the bedside table, sighing to herself she got up and headed to her small kitchenette to make herself a late night cup of tea.

The apartment she used as her home was different to the one she used as an office; this building was closer to the Kremlin and was smaller. There were two small bedrooms, a bathroom, a small kitchen and living area. Nothing fancy here, just the basics, but Irina liked it that way, small and cosy, different to her office in every way. This had a more lived in feel to it that she liked and reminded her of the small apartment she had when she first met Jack before she moved into his town house.

She had dropped the disks in to Anushka who had immediately set to work on cracking the encryption and opening the files, Irina was often amazed at the multitude of skills the young woman had, not only did she make a wonderful cup of coffee but she was handy with a computer as well.

“I think I’ll raise her pay.” Irina said to herself as she set the kettle to boil and looked around her small apartment.

She could have possibly spent the night cracking the codes herself, she was rather competent with systems and encryption, in fact she had aced it at the Academy but she was drained and needed a night off. Her brain just wasn’t getting the hint her body was sending it.

Setting her mind to making her tea she ignored the feeling of anticipation in her stomach, reminding herself that her sister was more then capable of completing her task without any complications.

Wrapping her hands around the hot mug she sat herself down on her lounge and pulled her long legs up under herself, dragging a blanket over her feet she snuggled into the lounge and stared at the design in the rug on the floor letting her mind wonder and not really focusing on any one thought for too long.

It was in this semi aware state that her mobile phone suddenly ringing interrupted.

“Hello.” She said softly her voice a little sleepy from the lack of a proper nights sleep.

“Irina, its Katya.” Her sisters wonderfully timbre voice said on the other end of the line.

Irina woke up immediately, setting her half empty cup down so she didn’t spill any of the still warm drink on herself.

“How did it go?” Irina asked quickly.

“Aside from wanting to kill this brat you stuck me with, just fine.” Katya said back and Irina could tell from the tone of her sisters’ voice she was on the verge of fulfilling her threat.

“She is a necessary evil Katya, did you get the package?” Irina said knowing herself how vexing Nike sometimes was.

“Da, I have it, I’ll be on the first flight home tomorrow morning.” Katya announced softly.
“Excellent.” Irina smiled, finally something had gone right.

“What do you want me to do with the brat?” Katya asked.

“She’s been payed for her assistance, tell her she’s been paid and to keep herself out of trouble until I call her for another job.” Irina smiled as she got comfy on the lounge again.

“Are you sure? I have a more permanent way of keeping her out of trouble.”

“Katya, be nice, she’s only 16.” Irina smiled.

“She’s driving me insane.” Katya growled.

Irina laughed and shook her head, “Well you only have to put up with her for the night.” Irina reminded her.

“That’s longer then I’d like.” Katya huffed.

Irina smiled and brushed her hair back from her face, “Stay safe Katya.”

“You too Irina, I’ll see you tomorrow lunch time.”

“Come to the office, I have Anushka working on a few leads.”

“Alright, sleep well Irina.” Katya hung up and Irina sighed before lying back on the couch and wrapping the blanket around herself.

“If only it was that easy.” She mumbled to herself.

Looking at the phone in her hand she bit her top lip before dialling in a number and waiting for the dial tone to tell her it had connected.

“Pick up the phone.” She hissed silently as she waited for the recipient of her call to answer but none came, instead she got.

“This is Jack, I can’t take your call, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.”

Irina sighed and hung up; well at least she got to hear his voice; that was going to have to be enough until Wednesday.

:D I hope thats enough to keep you guys wanting more. Dont worry, Spymom and Spy dad are going to be getting together again soon, I just like to tease. :D You love me.
As always, read review and enjoy!
“This is Jack, I can’t take your call, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.”
Is he on his way to Moscow ? I surely hope so, the scenes between Katya and her partner were brilliant, you just feel that they get on each other's nerves just like a mother and daughter, it's like they've been experiencing it for years !
People seem to really like Nike, I'm glad I wanted her to be likeable and a character people remember, People all remember Lenafans stories for Gregor, the big loveable body guard, well I wanted Nike to be someone people remembered my fics for. I'm happy you all seem to get a kick out of her annoying Katya, i think they make a fun pairing. And Katya is one of my favorite people from the show, thats why she's getting a fair amount of screen time in my fic. And I always had this suspicion that Katya helped Irina look for Sydney and only joined the Covenant on irina's request to find out if it really was their evil sister behind it.

Ok enough of my rambling, time for more episodes of Nike and Katya!! LOL just kidding, this isnt completely them, You'll just have to read and see.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Katya finished her call with her sister and turned off the shower and bath she had been running in the back ground. Paranoia was a way of life for her family, besides you weren’t really paranoid if there were people after you.

She slipped back into the main room and sighed as she saw Nike digging through the small back pack of clothes Katya had provided for her.

“So what did the boss say?” she asked not looking up from what she was doing.

“You’ve been paid, you’re to stay out of trouble and stay contactable in case your services are needed.” Katya said picking up her own small carry on bag and putting it on the table.

“Oh goodie, I can buy that condo in LA I’ve been looking at.” Nike grinned and pulled out some clothes.

Katya looked at her and decided the girl was being sarcastic, “You could retire, I’m sure you have enough in the bank to settle down some where.” Katya said trying to make it sound as if she was making polite conversation.

Nike looked at her with a quirked eyebrow before laughing, “And give up all the fun I’m having.” She shook her head and walked around Katya to the bathroom to have her shower.

“One day it’ll stop being fun Nike.” Katya warned.

“And when that day arrives I’ll think about retiring.” Nike said semi- seriously as she shut the door.

“You’ll probably be dead before then.” Katya watched the door and heard the water start up. She sighed and rummaged through her own bag for her own clothes and hid the CD’s and Photos in a secure pocket in her bag.

It was twenty minutes later that a knock on the door interrupted the relative silence in their hotel room.

Katya answered the door with a warm smile and a slightly confused look.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“Sorry to disturb you Madam but this evening there was a breach of our hotels internet fire walls.” Said the security office on the other side of the door.

Katya sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose and opened the door a little more.

“Nicola! What did you do to the fire wall!” she yelled towards the bathroom.

Nike came out of the bathroom in her pyjamas with a toothbrush in her mouth, “I was trying to download some music and their stupid fire wall kept blocking me, I bypassed it.” She explained not even bothering to take the brush out of her mouth.
“I’m sorry about any trouble she caused, she’s just being difficult.” Katya explained with an exasperated sigh.

“We’d like to check her computer if you don’t mind madam.” He said with a look to Nike who rolled her eyes and turned to finish brushing her teeth.

“Oh of course.” Katya let him in and pointed to the computer.

After a few minutes he seemed satisfied that Nike hadn’t tampered with anything and had in fact been downloading music.

“Invasion of privacy over now?” Nike came back into the room with her arms crossed and a dark look on her face.

“Stop it.” Katya hissed at her as the man stood up and headed to the door.

“Everything’s fine, just make sure you don’t do it again.” He said to her.

Nike rolled her eyes as Katya shut the door behind them and turned the lock.

“See, I told you I had it covered.” Nike grinned and walked over to the computer.

Katya nodded but didn’t say anything as the teenager plugged in a set of headphones and focused on the computer screen.

Katya snatched up her own clothes and headed to the bathroom.

“Boje give me strength.” She muttered as she shut the door.


“I’m meeting a contact in Prague in two days; I want to know everything about that club by the time I get there.” Irina said into her phone as her sister walked into the office, smiled at Anushka as she threw her jacket over the back of the lounge and kissed her sisters cheek in way of greeting.

“Tea Colonel?” Anushka asked knowing the woman’s preference was tea.

Katya smiled and put the retrieved CDs and photos down on the young woman’s desk.

“Da, thank you Anushka.” Katya watched her sister pace from the window to the desk and back again.

“A contact in Zurich called this morning, Ms Irina has been on the phone ever since.” Anushka explained setting the kettle to boil.

“I see.” Said Katya as Irina marched past her with a look to curdle milk.

“I don’t care what you have to do, I want to know everything and I want to know it by tomorrow! Understand!” Irina growled into the phone, Katya raised an eye brow but said nothing, it was not ideal to tempt fate and try talking to Irin when she was on a frustrating phone call.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, you better have something more substantial by then or so help me you’ll be getting a visit from some very unpleasant people.” Irina hung the phone up abruptly and flopped down on the couch and pinched her nose.

“My poor sister; relying on such incompetent people.” Katya smiled and walked over to her sister.

“Katya, I am not in the mood.” Irina muttered softly.

Katya kissed her sisters’ head before heading into the kitchen to take over from Anushka.

“So what is in Zurich that has you in a tizz?” Katya asked as the water boiled and she poured herself a tea and made her sister coffee.

“A lead on Sydney.” Irina said softly as she leaned her head back and sighed, wishing Jack and his magic hands were there to massage away all her stress.

“If your man doesn’t come threw I can have someone look into it.” Katya offered walking out with the steaming beverages and handing her sister her coffee.

“Nyet; its fine.” Irina shook her head and blew on the coffee to cool it.

“This contact your meeting in Prague, it wouldn’t be a certain American gentlemen would it?” her sister smirked sitting in another chair.

Irina looked at her sister and tried to hide her smile, “Am I that transparent?” Irina smiled and sipped her coffee.

“Nyet; your face changes whenever you mention Jack in anyway; only a sister would notice though, so you’re safe.” Katya grinned and sipped her tea.

“I’m so glad I have you to help me Katya, I don’t know what I would do without you.” Irina sighed as Anushka went about loading the CDs into her computer and beginning her work.

“Probably still be in that prison.” Katya smiled and Irina nodded solemnly.

“I know Sydney is alive… I just can’t find her.” Irina closed her eyes and shook her head.
“Do you remember when we were lost? It was a snow storm and we walked around the city for hours, our feet and hands were numb from the cold and I was getting tired, but you promised you’d give me your Christmas present if I just kept walking a little longer.” Katya smiled in memory.

Irina nodded and opened her eyes to look at her sister.

“You were younger then me, but you weren’t afraid, you took charge, kept me on my feet and you kept your promise, that Christmas I got two presents and you went without.”

Irina smiled and sipped her coffee, she remembered too.

“You are not a quitter Irina, nothing and no one gets in your way. So we’ve hit a few road blocks along the way to finding Sydney, I have faith in you Irina.” Katya assured her.

Irina stood up and walked over to her sister, kissing her sisters cheek and taking her hand in hers for a moment and squeezed it.

“Thank you.” Irina said softly.

“It’s what sisters are for.” Katya shrugged and smiled leaning back in her chair.

“Are you going to stay the night?” Irina asked as she turned to watch Anushka type away vigilantly at her computer.

“I can stay a night, then I have to report in, my superiors will become suspicious other wise.” Katya assured her.

Irina nodded, put her cup on Anushka’s desk and sighed.

“I have a phone call to make, make your self at home.” She said to her sister.

“I plan to.” Katya smiled and wriggled to get comfortable.

“Just don’t eat all my food.” Irina smiled and headed into her office.

“She always spoils my fun Anushka.” She heard Katya say to the young woman as she shut the door behind herself.


“Nikes Phone, goddess speaking.”

“Why must you answer the phone like that?”

“It keeps things interesting.”

Irina sighed and shook her head.

“Where are you now?”

“Well after parting company with the wonderful Black Sparrow at the Air port I was considering a vacation to Greece but since your calling I’m guessing you have a job you want me to do first.”

“I want you to be in Zurich by tomorrow, I need you for a job I have planned for Friday.” Irina explained as she typed up a short e-mail response for Jack.

“Oh I like Zurich, there’s this awesome club…”

“Nike.” Irina said in warning.

“Right, on it boss, Zurich, not a problem. You’ll call me with details when I get there.”

“Da, I’ll be arriving Friday morning, I’ll call with instructions then.”

“Fantastic, oh and while I’ve got you on the line boss, I heard something you might find interesting.”

Irina leaned back in her chair and decided to entertain the young woman for once.

“And what might that be?”

“Sloane, the two faced rat has been using back channels to try and get a pardon agreement from the U.S.” Nike said knowing she had something that would get her bosses interest.

“Nike were did you hear this?” Irina sat up immediately.

“There’s a dive bar in Geneva were… well less then reputable people hang out, I was there this morning catching up on local news with a few contacts of mine and they say Sloane’s been talking to people, important people, people with influence.” Nike went on.

“Listen to me very carefully Nike, you will not breath a word of this to anyone, do you understand.” Irina said softly.

“Of course boss, not a syllable, but between you and me I don’t think he’s been getting very far.”

“Nike; not another word.”

“Da boss, I’ll hear from you on Friday.” Nike hung up.
Irina shut her eyes and tried to think.

What on earth could Sloane be doing trying to get back into the good books of the CIA, what did he have to gain? What was he after, what was he trying to play.

What did he want? What was he looking for… well she knew what he was looking for, he was never going to find it if she had anything to do with it. But why would he want the CIA on his side?

Her eyes strayed to the only picture that adorned her desk, her and Jack, when they were much younger, Jack’s arms wrapped around her as she leaned back into his strong embrace.

She smiled and starred at the photo as she remembered where it was taken, when, how in love they had seemed…

Irina shook her head, no not seemed, had been, they had been in love, totally and completely, no one loved Laura as much as Jack, no man ever could, but was it possible for the same man to mourn a wife that had never been and love the woman who had taken her place, who shared her face, her smile.

Something clicked and Irina literally felt a light bulb go off in her head.

“Jack, he needs Jack.” She growled to herself.

Arvin Sloane was looking to use her husband for something, use him and hurt him, no one did that to her husband. No one threatened her family, no one hurt her family. Sydney was missing and Jack was in terrible danger from the man he had once trusted.

“No one messes with my husband.” Irina narrowed her eyes and finished sending Jack a response to his request to see her in Prague.

She leaned over and pressed a button on her phone.

“Da Ms Derevko?” Anushka answered quickly.

“I’m going to be leaving for Prague early; I want you to keep working on the information we have, make copies of the CDs and have them ready in a few hours.”

[/b]Translation: Boje= God

Dont worry, Spyrents are getting together in the next chapter, things are heating up and getting interesting, I wont keep you waiting for the end for too long... i dont think. I plan on writting a few chapters tonight which should get us close to finishing this story and starting up the sequel... which reminds me i need to get a few chapters done on that....

As always, read, review and enjoy!!
Katya looked at her and decided the girl was being sarcastic, “You could retire, I’m sure you have enough in the bank to settle down some where.” Katya said trying to make it sound as if she was making polite conversation.
:lol: I just love Katya

“Sloane, the two faced rat
Perfect description of the troll ! I thought Nike was insolent with Katya, but she is like that with all the Derevkos, does she have a death wish ?

wishing Jack and his magic hands were there to massage away all her stress.
I always imagined Jack should be a good masseur, he has beautiful hands ;)

but was it possible for the same man to mourn a wife that had never been and love the woman who had taken her place, who shared her face, her smile.
Of course it's possible ! When he promised "forever and a day", he meant it !

“No one messes with my husband.
That's the Irina I love, I hope that she kills the troll slowly and painfully ! Thanks for the PM, this update was really great !
:D now the moment we've all been waiting for! Spyrents!! MWhahahahahahahahahaha.... I admit to being evil, no doubting it. Mom and dad will being going on a mission together soon, do not mess with spyrents, they are mean sons of B****s when pissed off. And kidnapping their daughter for nefarious purposes certainly qualifies as something that would S**t them off.

So here we go, more adventures!

Chapter Twenty Eight

Jack’s connecting flight from Hamburg to Prague had been delayed and traffic had been a nightmare but he had managed to check into a hotel, put his overnight bag in the room, change and be at the small book shop only five minutes later then Irina had asked for.

“Let’s hope she’s not armed.” He said to himself as he pushed open the door and headed inside.

He smiled at the young girl behind the counter and began to look around the stacks, huge book cases lined the old shop filled with everything a true book lover wanted, peace and quiet, comfy chairs and good books.

Jack wandered around the stacks for a few minutes looking at the assortment of titles before he spotted her.

Chestnut tresses falling gracefully down her back, long legs covered in dark jeans, a red blouse that highlighted her hair.

He walked up behind her and slid his arms about her waist tasting her neck gently before whispering.

“What is an exquisite creature like you doing in a musty old shop like this?”

She laughed and lent back into his strong arms turning her head she wrapped her arms over his and pressed his hands against her.

“Waiting for my husband.” She said back with a grin.

“Well he is the luckiest man in the world.” Jack kissed her shoulder.

“Yes you are.” Irina laughed.

Jack grinned and rested his head against hers, smelling her hair, her skin, “I’ve missed you.” He said softly.

“I can tell.” She smiled.

“I’ve missed you so much I thought I was going crazy.” He smiled.

“You are crazy; you’re married to a former KGB spy.” She laughed and curled her fingers around his at her waist.

“Who has great legs.” He grinned.

“So you married me for my legs?” she pulled back from him and looked at him scandalized.

“And your eyes and your hair and your lips…” he smiled and kissed her.

“You are skating on thin ice Bristow.” She said softly when he finally pulled away.

“I’m always in trouble with you for something.” He muttered.

Irina loved it when he was like this, playful and charming and endearing, that’s what she loved about him.

“How are your ribs?” he asked as he noticed they were being watched by a few of the stores customers.

“Bruises have gone down.” She lent back against him as he slipped his hands into her front jeans pockets.

“Oh good, I wouldn’t want to do any more damage.” He rumbled in her ear, she threw her head back into his shoulder and he kissed down the front of her neck and along her collar bone.

“Jack people are starting to stare.” She breathed.

“Your flushed.” He announced proudly.

“Your doing it on purpose.” She scolded.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked moving back a little but not removing his hands.

“I just don’t think its fair.” She smiled.


She spun to face him and his hands slipped out of her pockets.

“You’ve got the advantage.” She smiled and grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him to a back corner of the shop

“I love it when your force full.” Jack grinned.

Irina grinned and leaned back against the shelf pulling him against her, she kissed him softly as he smiled, “I love you in jeans.” She said softly.

“I love you in anything.” He smiled back as he touched his forehead to hers.

“Really?” she smiled.

“Anything… and nothing.” He smirked.

She narrowed her eyes at him and laughed.

“We should probably get out of here before they throw us out.” Jack said with a look over his shoulder, the store had gone rather quiet.

“We can at least buy something.” Irina said looking around his broad shoulders and smiling.

“Oh look, the karma sutra.” Jack grinned and pulled it off the shelf above his head.

Irina laughed and shook her head, tossing her hair back she wrapped her arms about his neck and ran her fingers into his hair.

“We don’t need it.” She grinned.

Jack put it back on the shelf and wrapped his arms about her and slid his hands into her back pockets, “Your right, we don’t.” he smiled.

She winked and kissed him, “Are you staying any where?” she asked as a customer passed them giving them a dark glance.

“I have a hotel room.” He nodded.

“I know this great place to get breakfast.” Irina offered.

“Breakfast? Really, do they serve pancakes?” Jack grinned.

“And German waffles.” She smiled.

Jack quirked an eyebrow and smiled, “Sounds good.”

“It’s next door to where I’m staying… if you want to cancel that reservation.” Her sentence was laced with hidden meaning.

“I have a sudden desire for waffles.” Jack grinned.

Irina kissed him intensely and she felt him respond, he pulled her closer and pressed her against him.

“I think we’ve disturbed the peace in here long enough.” Jack said softly as he pulled back.

“Spoil sport.” She pouted but agreed, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she slid her hand around his wait and slipped her hand into his back pocket.

He grinned at her as they left the store; the clerk watched them go shaking her head.

“So, are we walking?” he asked as she steered him to the left and they walked at an easy pace.

“Well we have to get your things first don’t we?” Irina smiled happy to have Jack’s strong presence beside her.

“I suppose.” He nodded.


They hailed a cab and drove down town to Jack’s hotel, he left Irina in the car a block down the street and went inside, he payed his fee, collected his stuff and cancelled his reservation.

“Change of plans Mr Bristow?” asked the young man at the counter.

“Something like that.” He smiled, tipped the young man and headed back to the cab.

“You move fast.” Irina smiled as he climbed back in the cab.

“Didn’t want to waste any time.”

Irina quirked an eyebrow and gave the driver directions to her motel.


“This is so much better then my hotel.” Jack rumbled as they headed up the flight of stairs to Irina’s room.

“Trust me Jack, there’s more privacy here then at your hotel. The Manager is paid to be discreet.” Irina assured him, pushing a key into the lock and opening the door.

“Paid by the man I assume.” He looked at her as she walked inside.

“My people need a place to stay.” She shrugged and shut the door behind him.

“And the man who owns the restaurant does house calls at the man’s request.” She smiled as he put his over night bag on the couch.

“I’m sure he’s compensated.” Jack turned to smile at her.

She turned the lock in the door and dropped the key onto the small table.

Jack watched her walk over and smiled at her as she wrapped her hands around his waist and kissed him.

“Do you still feel like waffles?” Irina asked softly.

“Maybe later.” He ran his hands into her hair and held her head gently.

“Hungry for something else?” she grinned wickedly.

“I’ve worked up an appetite.” He grinned and kissed her.

“You know the walls in this place are paper thin?” she warned looping her fingers into the belt loops on his jeans and dragging him to the bedroom door.

“Let them listen, they might learn a thing or two.” He shoved the door open.

Irina grinned, kicked the door closed and pulled off the red blouse.

Jack looked her over and smiled, she was right her bruises had gone down.

“So Mr Bristow; do you have anything you need to teach me?” she smiled.

Jack pulled his own shirt over his head and threw it away.

“You’re already a master, what’s there to teach.”


It was late afternoon when Jack woke up; his stomach rumbling was probably what did it.

He blinked and stretched and looked to see Irina lying on her side, propped up on an elbow smiling at him softly.

“What time is it?” Jack asked with a yawn.

“A little after two, you slept straight through lunch.” She smiled.

“What can I say, your incredible, you tire a guy out.” He smiled.

“Your not bad yourself.” She grinned and leaned over to kiss him gently.

“I suppose we should get up.” He rolled over to look at her.

She nodded and smiled blissfully.

“How long have you been awake for?” he asked.

“About half an hour, I’ve been reminiscing.” She smiled and pulled the sheet further up her body.

“About what?” he smiled and reached out to run his fingers over her shoulder and down her arm.

“About all the times you left me gasping for breath.” She smiled.

Jack smiled “You’ve always been amazing Irina.”

She bit her lip and he saw her cheeks flush with colour.

“Your blushing.” He laughed.

“We should be getting up.” She said rolling over and sliding out of bed, pulling a red silken dressing down around her shoulders.

“I guess it’s a little late to order German waffles.” Jack joked as she tied the gown at her hip.

“I’ll see what I have.” Irina smiled and headed out of the room.

Jack reached down and grabbed his boxers and singlet, dressing quickly he headed out into the small living area and saw Irina pottering around the kitchenette.

He spotted her bag and his mind wandered back to the real reason for their meeting.

“Have your contacts come up with anything new?” he asked.

“Nothing conclusive, I… spoke with a man who said Sydney was in Prague until a month ago.” She told him as she set about making a pot of tea.

“Spoke?” Jack smiled.

“Ok I persuaded forcefully.” She grinned.

“That sounds more like it.” He said looking over a small mound of CDs she had on the table.

“Those are for you, I had them copied for you.” She explained.

“What’s on them?” he asked picking one of them up.

“Reports, financial information, money trails mostly.”

“Nothing that points directly to Sydney.” He sighed.

“Not yet, but I have a lead, I’m going to Zurich on Friday to follow it up.” She smiled and poured the tea.
Jack nodded and sat down at the small table.

“Actually, I was hoping you could join me.” Irina smiled and carried the two cups over.

“Really?” Jack perked up, she had him intrigued.

“I could use a man of your skill.” She smiled and put the cups on the table.

Jack took the cup she offered, “What do you need me for?” he asked knowing she was more then capable of pulling off an operation on her own.

“I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” She grinned and sipped her tea.

“Your surprises can be deadly.”

Irina laughed, “Oh trust me you’ll like it.”

Yes, I'm evil. You all want to know what shes planning and whats gonna happen next, unfortunetly if i post any more in this one post then it will run into the HUGE catagory and probably wont post. But if the site decides not to be mean I'll post another chapter later tonight.

Trust me your not going to be disappointed.

Stay with me folks, it gets better! As always read, review and enjoy!
the last chapters were great :D

Katya looked at her and decided the girl was being sarcastic, “You could retire, I’m sure you have enough in the bank to settle down some where.” Katya said trying to make it sound as if she was making polite conversation.
retire at 16...i want that too, though i'm not 16 anymore :confused: mmh, then i want to retire at 18 :lol:

“You are crazy; you’re married to a former KGB spy.” She laughed and curled her fingers around his at her waist.

“Who has great legs.” He grinned.

“So you married me for my legs?” she pulled back from him and looked at him scandalized.
:lol: , at least he didn't marry her for her money, that's something :P

“Spoke?” Jack smiled.

“Ok I persuaded forcefully.” She grinned.
yeah poor guy, hope he's better now

thanks for the pm's and feel free to update now :angelic: :lol:
*ducks flying objects* :hide: I know! I know! There hasnt been an update for a few days I know and your all probably rather annoyed with me, but I bring good news! A new update!!

Chapter Twenty Nine

They spent the afternoon going over all the information Irina had collated, lists of contacts, holdings, acquisitions but still couldn’t find a solid lead on Sydney.

Irina threw down the pen she had been tapping against her shoulder and heaved a sigh.

“You alright?” Jack asked looking up from the pages of information scrolling down the screen.

“There’s nothing! Nothing that leads to Sydney.” She snapped crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the work in front of her like it was its fault that it wasn’t leading her to her daughter.

“We just need to keep looking.” Jack said looking back down at the screen.

“Jack we’ve looked! There’s nothing.” She stood up and stormed away.

Jack watched her pace around the small room working off her anger and frustration by circling the room.

“Maybe this doesn’t lead to Sydney but it does give us a lot of information on the Covenant. The CIA can work with this.” Jack said trying to calm her with some logic, Irina matched him for intellect and logical thought but sometimes she let her emotions get the better of her.

“I don’t care about the CIA.” She hissed.

“You should they’re keeping tabs on me, so is the NSC we have to be incredibly careful Irina.”

She rested her hands on her hips and sighed.

“So you can’t make it to Zurich?” she pouted.

Jack smiled, “I’ll be there.” He promised.

She stopped pacing and looked at him the expression on her face made him stop.


“The CIA and NSC aren’t our only concerns.” She said softly.

When she didn’t elaborate he asked “What do you mean?”

She sighed and walked over to him, sitting herself in his lap she rested her head against his, “We both have enemies Jack, we just have to be careful.” She said in way of explanation, but Jack had the feeling she meant something else.


“Ahh Excuse me sir?”

Robert Lindsey looked up from the report he was reading to the brown nosing assistant he had been given.

“What is it?” he snapped.

“Ahh, Agent Bristow hasn’t reported in but sources have him leaving Hamburg on a flight bound for Prague.” The man walked over with the report and handed it to him.

“Do we know what he’s doing in Prague?” he demanded.

“Mr Kendell says Agent Bristow is following a lead given to him by a contact.”

Lindsey looked the report over and huffed.

“If he was following a lead he would have followed procedure and checked in before flying off to Prague.”


“Dixon? This is Jack.”

“Jack where are you?”
“Following a lead, my contact in Hamburg came through; he has reports on the Covenants recent financial dealings.”

“That’s going to be helpful, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

“I’m in Prague, my contact had an associate he said could help me pin down the location of a Covenant Agent working out of Zurich.”

“Has this associate come up with anything?”

Jack looked to Irina who was pacing the other side of the room with a phone pressed to her ear.

She noticed him watching and shook her head.

“No not yet, we’re still working on it. I’m going to be sending what I’ve found to Marshall via a secure server, I need analysis to start going over everything.”

“I’ll over see their work personally.” Dixon promised.

“Thank you Marcus.” He said softly, the mans’ loyalty and devotion meant more to him then Jack could ever tell him.

“Jack, next time you get a lead, report in first, Robert Lindsey just marched into Kendell’s office and started yelling at him about your rogue behaviour.” Dixon said softly.

Jack sighed and noticed Irina click her phone closed.

“I’ll try and stay in touch, tell Kendell I’ll be in Zurich on Friday, I have another contact I’m trying to get in touch with.”

“Jack your walking a tight rope here.” Dixon warned.

“I’m taking chances the CIA isn’t willing to take, this isn’t just about the Covenant Marcus, this is about Sydney, these people… What if it was Robyn Marcus?” he asked softly.

There was a silence on the other end of the line, “I defiantly wouldn’t be coming into the office.” He finally agreed.

“Let me know if anything comes of the Intel.”

“I’ll call you as soon as we have anything.” Dixon promised.

“And Dixon,” Jack stopped and thought on his words, “You’re a good man, I appreciate your help.”

“She was my friend Jack, my partner, I’d do anything for Sydney, you just keep me informed.”

Jack smiled, “I’ll let you know how I go in Zurich.” He hung up.

“Apparently Robert Lindsey is poking his nose into my business.” Jack said as Irina walked over and dropped her phone on the table.

“I could have him taken care of.” She smiled.

“As much as I appreciate the gesture you can’t just have a man killed because he’s getting on my nerves.” Jack smiled.

She lent down and smiled devilishly, “Want to make a bet?” she smirked “I can have him on ice in an hour.”

“You are a viper.” Jack grinned.

“No one messes with my man… except me.” She kissed him and headed to the kitchen.

“I guess we should be getting something organized for dinner.” He followed her as she pulled two glasses out of a cupboard.

“I already have that covered.”

“You didn’t cook did you?” he asked.

She turned and threw a tea towel at him.

“I apologise, you’re a fantastic cook.” He smiled.

She gave him a dirty look and went back to what she was doing.

“What time is it?” he suddenly realized they’d been working all night, except for the shower break at around four pm.

“Ahh, a little after ten.” She said without looking up.

“Where can you get a meal after ten?” he asked.

The buzzer near the door beeped and Irina smiled, walked around Jack to the door and answered the speaker.


“Ms Bristow, I have your order, two dinners and a dessert tray.” Came a woman’s heavily accented voice.

“Oh thank you Mila, right on time, bring it up please.” Irina said into the machine, turning the lock on the door she turned to smile at Jack.

“Ms Bristow?” he asked.

She smiled and leaned on the door frame, shortly afterwards there was a knock on the door.

Irina opened it and smiled at the young woman who was standing there with a bag in one hand and balancing a covered serving platter on the other.

“Fantastic; thank you Mila.” Irina smiled and took the tray and bag from her.

“Your welcome Ms Bristow, Poppa asked if you are having breakfast tomorrow?” the young woman asked noticing Jack and hiding a smile.

“I can’t Mila I have to be in Moscow tomorrow morning, but thank your father for me.” She put the food on the table and Jack drew in a deep breath, the smells were fantastic.

“I will Ms Bristow.” She smiled, Irina walked back over and took some notes out of a pocket and handed them to the young girl whose eyes widened at the amount of money.

“Oh Ms Bristow this is too much.”

“You carried all that up here on your own Mila that takes skill, take an extra twenty for yourself.” She smiled and winked.

The young girls face broke into a bright smile, “Thank you Ms Bristow, enjoy your night.” She smiled and headed down the hall.

Jack was searching through the bag as Irina shut the door behind her self and locked it.

“You’re going back to Moscow?” Jack asked as he pulled the cover off of one of the meals and was met with Beef stroganoff.

“I have a few things I need to do before Friday.” She smiled and opened the other meal.

“I guess I can take a later flight tomorrow and spend a few nights in Zurich.” Jack said finding a fork already in the bag.

Irina speared her own food and nodded, “I’ll call you when I arrive.”

“Are you going to tell me any more of this plan?” he asked taking a seat and digging into his meal, he hadn’t realized how hungry he really was.

“I told you, it’s a surprise.” She insisted sitting across from him.

“Can you tell me what’s for dessert?” he asked smelling a mix of different things from the remaining container.

“That’s a surprise too.” She grinned and turned her attention to her food.


After dinner and dessert which turned out to be Pancakes, Waffles and deep fried ice cream smothered in chocolate sauce they showered and collapsed into bed, neither one wanting to admit how truly tired they were. Irina lay on her stomach her face turned to Jack as he laid back and sighed as he felt his back muscles loose tension.

“I was thinking…” Irina started; Jack turned his head to look into her deep eyes.

“About what?”

“Us, this, you, me, together.” She smiled.

“How do you mean?” he asked rolling onto his side.

“We can’t keep doing this Jack.” She shrugged.

“Are you saying you don’t want to see me?”

“That’s not what I’m saying, what happens if we do find Sydney, you both go back to the states, where does that leave me?”

Jack hadn’t thought that far ahead, his all consuming desire to find Sydney had ignored the situation he was currently in with Irina, he was in too deep to simply pack up and leave when this was all over.

“I hadn’t thought about it.” He said honestly.

“Its ok, forget I said anything.” She smiled and ran her fingers over his cheek before curling the pillow close to herself and closing her eyes.

“I don’t have to go back… I could retire.” He said softly.

Irina’s eyes snapped open, “Don’t be ridiculous Jack, what would you do if you couldn’t do your job?”

“I don’t know… fish.” He smiled and she bopped him on the head with the pillow.

“You don’t fish Jack.”

“You could keep me company, there are still plenty of places left where there aren’t any spies or agents or agencies.”

Irina smiled and crawled over, laid on his chest and closed her eyes.

“What do you think?” he ran his hands into her hair and down her back and along her ribs.

“I’ll sleep on it.” She said tiredly.


Jack woke up the next morning to an empty bed, Irina’s things were gone but she had left him a note.

‘I’ll call you when I arrive in Zurich, bring a suit.’

“Cryptic.” He muttered as he made coffee.

He cleaned the room up, packed his things and pulled on a long jacket, heading down stairs he knocked on the managers’ door.

“Yes?” came the reply in Czech.

“I have a room to pay for.” He replied fluently.

“You Ms Bristow’s guest?” the man in his forties asked.

Jack nodded.

“No need sir, she pay this morning before she left.” He said looking up from the morning paper he was reading.

“Thanks.” Jack smiled and noticed the phone on his desk, “Can I use your phone?” he asked casually.

“Go ahead.” The manager stood up and walked out to give him privacy, no need really since he was calling for a cab.


“Jack where the hell are you?” Snapped Kendell’s voice as Jack stepped out of the international terminal in the late hours of the afternoon in Zurich.

“Zurich, I asked Dixon to tell you.” Jack said as he looked for a free taxi.

“Jack, Lindsey is frothing at the mouth, he says you’ve been meeting with unauthorized contacts.”

“Half our contacts are thieves, assassins, arms dealers, transport wranglers and smugglers, what does he class as unauthorized exactly?” Jack asked sarcastically.

“This is no time for an attitude Jack.” Kendell said hurriedly.

“And I don’t have time to listen to half baked arguments, I have a lead on the men who killed my daughter and I don’t answer to Lindsey or anyone else when it comes to Sydney.” Jack said angrily hanging up the phone.

He spent two days touring Zurich meeting up with contacts all over the city, in bars restaurants even the cities main library.

He received two phone calls in that time, one from Dixon about the information he had sent and one from Vaughn warning him that Lindsey had started a back channel investigation on him.

“Let him look, he won’t find anything.” Jack had growled.

“This is dangerous ground Jack; you should come home and work this out.”

“I have to meet someone first. Besides I’ve already walked through a mine field.”

“You had Irina Derevko to guide you.” Michael scowled on the other end.

“And I have her guiding me now, I know what I’m doing Vaughn, just keep yourself off of Lindsey’s radar.” He had hung up and tossed the phone onto the table in front of him worrying about the young mans words, if he wasn’t careful this was going to fall apart on him.

You know what, I have enough time today, I might make it TWO updates, just to make it all up to you. Hows that :D
As always, read review and enjoy!!
You are a viper.” Jack grinned.
“No one messes with my man… except me.” She kissed him and headed to the kitchen
:lol: I love territorial Irina !

‘I’ll call you when I arrive in Zurich, bring a suit.’
The surprise involves Jack wearing a suit ? You've got me intrigued, Great update, thanks for the PM !
Would you please pm me? I love this story! I hope they find Sydney soon.

Not a problem Eyghon, PMs will be on there way to you as soon as I update which will be some time today I suspect.

I'm glad you like my story :D I love people liking my work, gives me the warm and fuzzies :D.

Expect more from me soonish!