Out of Mind


this is my first attempt at fan fiction, so i could use a lot of input :rolleyes:. pretty much anything would be wonderful :smiley:. so it's not finished yet, but i was wondering if you guys would let me know how it's going so far and if i should finish it.

Out of Mind

Chapter 1
Jack couldn’t really tell what was going on, everything was blurry and slightly bluish. He figured out he was standing in the corner of a room somewhere. He rubbed his eyes and saw a table with a white sheet in the center of the room. He heard the door on the other side of the room open up. Dr. Fraiser walked in towards the table and picked up a tape recorder.
Fraiser said into the recorder, “The subject died of a bullet to the right temple. It appears to be suicide. No additional bruising, other than to his right abdomen.”
A nurse walked into the room and pulled back the sheet as Fraiser said, “The victims name is Jonathan O’Neill.”
Jack rushes to the table and looks down to see himself on the table. He stumbles backwards, not knowing how to react to this kind of situation. He covers his hands with his head and starts moaning, “This can’t be, it can’t be.”
Suddenly, he sits up on his bed with a look of complete shock on his face. ‘It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream,’ he told himself over and over again. He looked down at his hands and realized that he was shaking uncontrollably. He unsteadily stepped off the bed and onto the floor. The wood seemed like ice on his feet. He realized that it was in the middle of winter and he had slept in only his boxers. He felt in the dark for the light and turned it on, only to be blinded by it. He groped around for his robe and eventually found it on the chair across the room. ‘How stupid was I to put it across the room?’ he thought. He eventually found his way to the kitchen and to the sink for some water. Looking around his kitchen and living room, he remembered all the fun memories of having his team over on those rare occasions. Daniel going on about Teal’c being deep, Teal’c coming over for a fishing trip, and the team discovering that he’d been cloned by the Asgard. He laughed especially at the last one.
As he stood there in his kitchen reminiscing, his pager went off. He walked over to his living room coffee table and picked it up. Damn, I took a week off and do they honor it? Nope, no siry, they don’t. I wonder what it’s about this time? Gouald invasion? Alien infection? Replicator takeover? I guess I’ll have to go there to find out.
ahh i couldn't wait til after dinner!! hehe

ooh please continue it!! good start...would have been miffed if you had killed jack off at the beginning though lol.
i don't like this chapter as much, but we'll see what you think :P

Chapter 2
Jack nonchalantly walks into the cafeteria and spots Sam Carter in line. Instead of patiently waiting in the back of the line, he looks around, and having not spotted anyone watching him, walked up to her.
“Hey Carter,” he says with a mischievous smile.
“How’s it going sir?” Sam asks him with a puzzled look on her face.
“None too well, Carter. You see, I was on vacation and had 3 more days of complete relaxation, do I get it? Nope, not a chance. Do I know why they called me here, even more of a no, Hammond wouldn’t even let me go talk to him. Apparently there’s something big going on, something we aren’t allowed to know about just yet.”
“O, I was sure that yesterday was your last day of vacation, so I was the one who asked Hammond to call you in,” and with a sheepish look she says, “Sorry.”
“So what’s the rush?”

“O, not much, Daniel and Teal’c found a gate address to a store house of Ancient weapons. They both went with SG-6 to investigate. I just thought that you would be interested in knowing it, that’s all.”
With a look of contempt, Jack finishes getting his food and sits down across from Carter. As he started on his ham sandwich, he started to study her. She was smart, brilliant actually, she was tough, but had a feminine side to her. After so many years of working with her, respect had started to turn into something more, was it love? Maybe, he wasn’t quite sure.
When Carter looked at him with a puzzled expression, he looked down at his coffee and started stirring it.
“What’s wrong, sir?” Sam asked. She had a look of concern on her face.
“Nothing, I just had a strange dream last night. It had something to do with being dead and Fraiser doing an autopsy on me. It really didn’t make much sense.” He looked back down at his coffee and suddenly he flashed to standing in Hammond’s office. ‘O no, not again, but I’m not sleeping this time’ he thought. Everything was bluish again he looked to see Carter sitting down stirring her coffee over and over again. Hammond walked in and put a hand on her shoulder.
“I take it you’ve heard about O’Neill’s unfortunate passing.”
Choking back tears Sam replied with, “Yes,” as she took a hurried sip of her coffee, “I had,” with tears in her eyes she says, “Why, sir, why? I mean after all we’ve been through, suicide? There were no signs of depression, nothing that would drive him to this. I mean he has been more distant lately, I thought it was because it’s nearing the anniversary of his son, Charlie’s, death.”
“We don’t know what prompted him to doing it. Fraiser said that he died instantly though. Sam, could you do me a favor?”
“Daniel and Teal’c went with SG-5, but we were wondering if when they get back, you would be the one to tell them? It might be easier to hear it from a friend.”
“Of course I will.” Finally, she couldn’t hold back the tears, they just kept coming and coming, until she was sobbing uncontrollably. Hammond walked up to her and held her in his arms.
Jack suddenly found himself sitting down in the cafeteria with Sam again; he was still stirring his coffee.
“Sir?” now she looked really puzzled.
Jack looked up at Carter and saw that look of concern on her face that made his heart beat faster, knowing that she was worried about him. “O, nothing, he said, I’m fine, I’m just tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night. That’s all, I promise nothing’s wrong with me.”