Queens of the Battery

hehehe! *grabs pitch fork as red tail pops out* *laughs evily* Yea Me ANGEL!!!!!!!!! hehehehe! And pete was in there! He will be so proud! And ahhhhh I am going to kill sargio for making me miss alias! he knows I care! LMAO! GREAT! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! SO? When are ya posting! hehehe j/k LMAO :smiley:
I am sorry you guys! I am not a traitor! It was the devil! He made me do it! O and Steve my trusty nail file! He is always popping his head out of the drawer and telling me to bea traitor! I tell him to shut up but he just sticks his medal butt at me and hops back in the drawer! I am good guys! Remember me sunfire? :smiley: I COME IN PEACE! :smiley:
:Ph34r: *creeps behind seri* BOO!!!!! hehehehe I am not a traitor! OK you and me right here! hehehe* sees seri stand up. ten times taller then me. :woot: *runs* hehehehe! Ok I am getting off topic hehehe sorry! SO VIKKI! I want more I want more! hehehe :smiley: It is sooo addicting! :smiley: O and how did those one storys go?
thanks guys!!!and i dont know, i posted a real writing fic too!go check it out in the romance section,(sunfire you have already read it, but you can go anyway!LOL)thanks guys!
goodie i wanna read it! And did you ever finish broken???

:stands on tip toes: you better watch out sunfire... :lol: LMAO!
okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk We will give you a break for once, but I am not promising that jimmy my cricket wont haunt you in your dreams! Theres not much I can do about jimmy! He is my pal, but I cant control his anger! He has classes every tuedsaay! :smiley: LMAO :smiley:
LOL!!he takes classes every tuesday!LOL, oh is he in the same one as my pal Scruffy the tape dispenser, my he just cant control his anger, *sniffles*we have had some issues*sniffles*i have to stop excuse me?!LOL, wow and that is why i started the odd forum!LOL
Hm I am going there now! I need to rant about my people! STOP IT JIMMY! Stop hitting pete! *Excuse me i need to put a cricket in time out* :smiley: LOVE IT! :smiley: YOUR STORY! :smiley:
:lol: really great, vicki!!

I brought a disposable camera to school today, and I got a picture of the back of Kenneth-the-evil-spawn-of satan-and-paperclip-hater's head!!!!!