Sanity Saved

well atleast vaughn is a relative of one of irina's friends
that way WHEN they get together their is a possiaility her parents won't disprove so much
i really can't wait for more
please update soon
i love it
but y the hell did he go away??
thanks for the pm

luv Chicketepee :seehearspeak:
Here's the next chapter. It's a longer one, I think. Anyway, I hope you all like it, and please read and reply. The next update may be either tomorrow night or on Sunday because I'm only a page in to chapter 5 right now, lol, but I have no plans tonight so I'll probably write a lot (fun :D!)

Chapter 4

I was walking home from school the next afternoon, a book covering my face. It was another uneventful day of the week at McWilliam, leaving me with a backpack full of textbooks. I repositioned the book in my hand, and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. The wind was picking up, giving off a nice, refreshing breeze. I hoisted my backpack higher on my back. I kept walking, reading the words quickly, as the book got more and more interesting.

“Oh my god,” I screeched. I stopped, clutching at my chest, trying to compose myself.

Playful laughter filled the hot air.

“How long have you been there?”

Michael Vaughn stood next to me, practically crying with amusement.

“I’ve been walking right next to you for at least the past two minutes. What the heck are you reading that is so interesting? I’ve never seen someone have that much concentration on anything.”

I laughed at the situation.

“You scared me!”

“Kind of the point.”

I rolled my eyes, closing the book.

We both continued walking. He must be going the same way as me, I thought.

“Do you live this way?” I asked.

“Nope,” he said, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

I started at him curiously. He turned to meet my curious stare.


“So you just decided to walk home this way today?”

“No, I saw you walking, so now here we are.”

I smiled. “Yes, here we are,” I said, in just barely a whisper.

We continued our journey, silently. A smile passing between the two of us occasionally.
We were now on my street. “This is my street,” I informed him.

“Good to know.” He kept walking with me by his side.

Was he going to walk me all the way home?

We were nearing the large house. I stopped when we got to the perfectly mowed front lawn

He looked up at my home. “Big,” were his only words.

I looked up with him, noticing how large the house actually was.

“Ya, it is,” I agreed.

He looked back at me. I meet his gaze. It looked like he might say something, but he stopped himself.

“It was nice seeing you again, Sydney.”

“You, too,” I smiled.

I watched as his back disappeared down the street, and sighed. He looked like he was going to say something a few minutes ago. Was he going to ask me out? The mere thought gave me chills all over my body. A date with Michael Vaughn! I’d be in heaven. I walked into the house, a dreamy gaze fixed on my face. I dropped my backpack on the floor next to my shoes.



“How was school?” my mother asked.

“Good,” not even thinking about the words that were leaving my mouth.

“Okay, so tonight your father and I have some important business to attend, so we’ll be gone late, and Nadia is at a friend’s, doing a school project. There is some pasta in the fridge. Just take it out of the container, put it on a plate, and heat it up in the microwave for about three minutes. Make sure it’s cool, though before eating any. Nadia should be home by 8:00, and- Sydney, are you listening to a word I’m saying?!”

I snapped put of my trance, hearing the sternness in mother’s voice.

“What? I mean, I’m sorry, can you please repeat that?”

She let out a frustrated sigh.

“I’m trying to talk to you, Sydney. I would appreciate it if you could just pay attention for a few minutes,” she told me, impatiently.

I nodded, and attempted to give my mother my full attention.

Get your mind off Michael Vaughn, Sydney, I scolded myself!


That night I sat at the large kitchen table, alone. Outside the rain was pattering on the glass window. I stabbed a small piece of pasta with my fork. The distance rumble of thunder could be heard. I put my head in my hand, annoyed with the silence and boredom of the house.

The loud ring of the phone took me away from my thoughts. I pushed back my chair, and reached across the counter for the phone.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Sydney, it’s me, can you come pick me up? It’s raining like crazy,” Nadia explained in a rush.

I looked over at the clock. I had some time.

“Ya, sure,” I responded. “Where are you?”

She gave me the address, and I hung up. Quickly I went upstairs, and grabbed my keys to the car, and ran back down. I left a note on the counter, in case my parents were to some home early wondering where I was.

I drove through the rain slowly, being cautious of the sleek, black roads. I stopped at the next light, and looked out the passenger side of the window. I saw a dark figure walking through the rain, head down, hands in pocket. The figure looked very familiar.

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” I said to myself, rolling down the window.

“Do you usually like walking through the rain by yourself at night?”

The figure looked up at me with a look of surprise.

“Yup, it’s one of my favourite past times,” Michael Vaughn responded sarcastically. Water was dripping from his clothes, sticking to his body. His hair was plastered to his head.

A good look for him, I decided.

“Would you like a ride?’

“Do you mind?”

“Get in the car, Vaughn,” I said, gesturing him in.

He opened up the passenger side of the door, and quickly slid in, escaping the cold, wet outside world.

He shook his head, and looked down at his wet self. “Your car’s going to be soaked.”

“It’s fine,” I replied, with a wave of my hand. I started the car back up, and began to drive, then realized that I couldn’t show up to one of Nadia’s friend’s house with Michael Vaughn sitting in the front seat.

“So, where should I bring you?” I asked.

“You don’t have to bring me anywhere right away. We could just drive around for a little while.”

How I would love that, but I knew Nadia would be upset if I was an hour later then I said I would be.

“Umm…I have something real important to, umm, get,” I stuttered.

He looked at me curiously, and then realization dawned on his face. I felt so guilty.

“What do you have to do?”

I paused. “I have to pick up my sister, and you sitting in the front seat would not go down to well at all, and I would really like to avid a scene right now, and I’m really sorry, but it just that my sister and I are starting to get along, and you would ruin that. Well, not you exactly, but your presence, and I-“

“Syd, I get it. It’s okay.” He reached across the car, and put his hand on my arm


I turned to look at him. “Did you just call me Syd?” A smile playing at the corner of my lips.

“Did you call me Vaughn a minute ago?” he responded.

“Good point,” I agreed. “Do you not like being called Vaughn?”
“It wouldn’t matter what you called me. You could call me a twinkle toes, and I wouldn’t even care or notice.”

Was that an indication that he liked me?

“Well, then maybe I will start calling you twinkle toes,” I said, teasing him.

“Go ahead,” he laughed.

We fell into comfortable silence, and I looked down at the clock. “So, where should I being you?” I asked, noticing how late I was for Nadia.

He gave me directions, and we ended up in front of a nice, little house, with a small garden in front.

He looked embarrassed all of a sudden. “It’s not a big house or anything, and I uh-“

I stopped him before he went any further. “Vaughn, it doesn’t matter,” I told him reassuringly.

He nodded. “Well, I’ll probably see you around soon, considering we seem to run into each other a lot.” He opened the car door, and stepped out into the cold wet rain.

“Thanks, Syd,” he called over his shoulder.

“Your welcome, twinkle toes,” I called back, laughing.

He smiled, shook his head, and opened the door, and was gone.

I pulled out of the driveway, and drove to pick up Nadia. I knew she would be mad at me for being late, but her madness was worth that car ride. I pulled out the folded piece of paper from my jean pocket. I opened it on my lap, while trying to keep my eyes on the road ahead. Finally, I stopped in front of a large house, and parked, waiting for Nadia to emerge from the house. About a minute later she came running from the house, her books over her head. I guess to her, her hair was more important than her books. That’s why we were so different.

She slid into the passenger seat.

“What took you so long?” she asked, angrily.

I didn’t say anything.

“Sydney!” she said, firmly.

“I got lost.” It was the first thing that came to my mind, but Nadia seem to accept it.

She nodded her head, and sat back into the seat.

“Wow, this seat is really wet. I only walked from the house to the car.”

Immediately, I tensed up. Why was I so scared of my baby sister finding out? The thing was Nadia was always very intimidating, even as a child. If you watched any of the home videos that our family owned you would notice that Nadia was always the one in front of the camera, being loud. I was in the back, sitting alone.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, dear Sydney
Happy Birthday to you

A little girl at the age of about six sat a large table, with smiling and expectant faces all staring back at her. She started back at them.

“Syddie, make a wish!” A younger girl called. The focus was instantly put on the cute, little girl in the pink dress and matching shoes. She started saying adorable things that all of the adults would “aww” at. She waved her hands up and down, trying to get the attention of the camera, and of course it came to her like a magnet. The little girl in the corner was forgotten, and a single tear ran down her small face with nobody to brush it away.

Nadia must have noticed how much I tensed up when she noticed the amount of water. She gave me an accusatory glance, but refrained from saying anything. I sighed with relief. I wasn’t in the mood to make excuses.

We pulled into the driveway, and I parked. We exited the car, running and screaming from the rain. I fumbled with the keys at the door, but eventually opened the door to the house. We both tumbled in, laughing.

“It’s pouring,” Nadia stated.

“I know,” I laughed.

Had I ever laughed with Nadia before?


That night I was sitting at my computer desk, writing an essay. I stifled a small yawn, attempting to stay awake.

An odd ringing sound startled me as I was thinking about my next words. A new window popped up in front of me. I read the words quickly, surprised.

Boyscout74 says:
Found your email. hope ya don’t mind, lol

I looked at the words over and over again.

Queen of Hearts :love: says:
Boyscout74 says:
Queen of Hearts :love: says:
how did you get it? Not tht i really care
Boyscout74 says:
a friend of a friend. difficult to explain but i got it, lol
Queen of Hearts :love: says:
Queen of Hearts :love: says:
Boyscout74 says:
maybe I just like you

What was I supposed to say to that? I just sat there, and starred at the words. I didn’t really realize that I was sitting there smiling like a complete idiot.

Boyscout74 says:
Well, sorry syd g2g, just wanted 2 c if it worked. late and a school night, bye!
Queen of Hearts :love: says:
See ya later, Vaughn

I didn’t exit the window, though. Looking at the words in front of me was somewhat comforting, plus it just made me feel better, knowing that somebody liked me, according to him. The thing that was bothering me, though, was how was I supposed to know if he liked me as more of a friend? He did go through the trouble to get my email. That was something.

I tried focusing more on the essay, but after I wrote in Vaughn instead of one of my references I knew that it was practically pointless in continuing. I had tomorrow night.


That morning I sat at the kitchen table, sipping my orange juice. I was trying to get Vaughn out my head, so I attempted by reading the newspaper. I wouldn’t agree that it worked. I put the glass to my lips. My mother walked in at that moment. She went over to the counter, to grab some breakfast, and sat down with me. I wasn’t paying much attention to her, though. I kept on reading, which in other words meant staring down at the pages attempting to read, but really just thinking about him.

I looked up quickly when I felt two eyes staring at me. I met my mothers glance. I didn’t say anything. If I did she would most likely launch into a speech about being rude and disrespectful.

“I’ve noticed something different about you,” she stated simply.

I decided not respond. It was probably safer to just let her talk, and not interrupt. Irina Bristow wasn’t one to be interrupted. I knew that from years of experience.

“Is there something that you’re not telling us, Sydney, because if there is then I need to know about it right now?”

“Mom there’s nothing going on. What did you think it was?”

This was her time not to say anything. She studied me curiously.

“I really hope your telling the truth because if I find out your doing something that I would disapprove of there will be severe consequences, young lady!”

I attempted to look innocent. Technically, there wasn’t anything going on anyway. Was it crime to talk to a boy? Nadia would be facing the death penalty by now if that was the case.

My mother pushed back her chair, and walked up the stairs, mumbling about something in Russian I couldn’t make out from here. For my mother to actually notice something different about me must have meant that I really was acting odd. It wasn’t like my mom paid a whole lot of attention to me, but if she saw a difference then a lot of people must have been seeing it too.

This was so weird, that this one boy could make me feel so happy and cause me act so unusual. I didn’t even know where our relationship stood. He kept giving me mixed signals, and I was acting as if there was something there.

I brought my dishes to the sink, still thinking about this new and unfamiliar situation.

I walked slowly up the stairs, passing Nadia, barely noticing her. She stopped, and watched as my back disappeared around a corner, giving me an angry look. She was probably the only one in the household who actually might know what was going on.

I walked into my room, reached under the bed, and wrote:

Is it that obvious? Am I walking around with a shirt that says, “I’M THINKING ABOUT MICHEAL VAUGHN EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY OF EVERY WEEK?!?!?!”

So, there you go. I'm off to send PMs. If u asked for one and don't get one just tell me, and I'll fix it (I had some issues with the PM list this morning :P.) I'll make sure ur on the next one for sure!

~Andrea :angelic:
Sydney needs to stand up. Nadia may be intimidating but she's just a person... and she is her baby sister.
Michael really likes Sydney, that's great for both. I hope he asks her out.

Great chapter.
Aww Syd can't stop thinking about him!!!! :love:
-Now next time they see each other I hope Vaughn will just ask her out and get it over with!!!! :D
Great update!! Can't wait for more!! Thanks for the pm!!
ok, i loved this update a lot.

i didn't get a PM but that's ok... i found it anyway.

they are so cute.. can't wait for more!

You didn't, really? You're on the PM list. Did everyone else? The PMs are just so weird that I really don't know waht to do, so if some people don't get PMs I'm sooo sorry.

~Andrea :angelic:
Now the question is: Where can I get one of those shirts :angelic: ?????????


:blush: me

Thanks for the PM :hug:
All righty, an update! Yipee :D! Please everyone try to read and reply if you can :smiley:

Chapter 5

It had been just under a week since I had talked to him or seen him. He didn’t seem to be looking for me on my way home from school, and he never spent time on his computer. He must just be really busy, I kept telling myself. Or he just didn’t want to see me. I pushed that unwelcome thought from my mind. I wasn’t going to depress myself that way. No boy was going to get me down. I was stronger than that. At least I hoped I could be, but this sudden disappearance of him in my life was somewhat of a shock.

I wondered if even knew that I was thinking about him? Or did he just think I was some girl who he had talked to a couple times, and that was it? Did he think about me? I had so many questions. You know, he probably had a girlfriend anyway, but just felt bad for poor, pathetic, loser Sydney. I rambled on inside my head for hours at a time each day, trying to convince myself that he shared my interest. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized he most likely had already forgotten about me. There wasn’t anything memorable about Sydney Bristow.


That night I walked to the library to get some books for a research paper that I had coming up, plus there were a few novels that I wanted to read. I kicked a small pebble on the sidewalk. It rolled a couple inches in front of me. It was such a tiny rock, insignificant, being kicked around by other people, rolling away from its place of origin. As insane as it sounded, at that moment I related myself to that small, little pebble

I pushed my large sunglasses down from my head. The sun was beginning to set, sitting on the horizon, creating an orange glow across the town.

I continued walking along, passing different people. I saw a larger guy with black hair approaching. I was about to pass when he stopped me with his hand. Immediately I went into defense mode. I shook his hand off my arm, and was about to run for it when he said:

“Sydney, Sydney Bristow?”

I stopped. “How do you know my name?” I looked up at this strange person, realization dawning on me- this was one of Vaughn’s friends. He was there two weeks ago when I was walking home with Nadia and her friends.

“You’re one of Vaughn’s friends?”

“Ya,” he replied.

I stood there. Okay, what did he want?

“Was there something that you needed?” I asked, slowly

“Oh, ya, sorry,” he replied quickly, while running a hand nervously through his hair.

“Okay, this is going to sound a little strange, but I’m going to say it anyway.”

I prepared myself for the worst. What was this stranger about to tell me?

“Vaughn’s been miserable. He only keeps talking about you, and he would defiantly murder me right now if he knew I was telling you this, but it’s true, and it’s starting to affect me too. His hockey skills aren’t improving; he just kind of glides on the ice. He’s not putting any effort into anything. All I hear these days is the name Sydney.”

I stood there, stunned into silence. I didn’t know what to say. I just stood on the spot with my mouth wide opened.

“What,” I stuttered.

“I know it’s weird, but it’s the complete truth. He just won’t do anything about it because he’s afraid of the consequences that will fall with it.”

I looked confused. “Consequences?” When did I get infected with some terrible, deadly disease?

He leaned in close and whispered:

“Well, you’re a girl from McWilliam.” I nodded, and looked at him like he had gone mad. He looked right back at me with the same expression.

“So?” I said.

“McWilliam! You go to McWilliam- the devil school!” He emphasized the word McWilliam each time.

“Well, tell him to stop being such a baby, and talk to me if he really wants to. If he has a problem with the school I go to, then that’s his problem! Excuse me, but I have to get to the library” I said, suddenly very angry. He was ignoring because of some school thing? That was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard in my life.

I stormed past Vaughn’s friend large frame, and continued with my trip to the library. I walked faster than normal, letting out a deep breathe every couple steps. I muttered in Russian to myself, one trait that I did inherit from my Russian mother.

When I was little my mother taught me how to fluently speak the language. I actually found myself thinking Russian sometimes, and when I was angry this is what I started doing- talking in Russian to myself. Nadia didn’t have the attention span to collect the information at that young age, so she only just knew the basics. My mother didn’t really seem to care, though. As long as one of her daughters could grasp it she was happy.
I reached the library, and opened the doors to my sanctuary. The second I walked into the room the wonderful smell of books met my nostrils. The sounds of pages turning was like music to my ears. I felt right at home as I watched people my age eagerly flipping through pages of books. I smiled, and walked into the back of the library where I knew I would find what I was looking for. I set my backpack on the floor, knowing I would need it in a matter of minutes, but before getting the work out of the way I wanted to look for a couple of the books I wanted to read in my spare time (I had a lot of it).

I ran my slim fingers against the spines of the books, reading the familiar authors as I went. I turned my head, trying to get a better look at some of them. I saw a few that were marked as romance. I regarded them with a sense of curiosity. I had read almost every type of genre of book there was. Romance was one that I usually avoided, though. The plot lines didn’t interest me much, possibly because I didn’t really relate to them, and I couldn’t clearly grasp the emotions of the characters. I picked up one, skimming the summary on the back. I had looked at this book before, and had returned it to it spot on the shelf. Reading the back now, I had changed feeling towards the pages of romance that I held in my hands. I was almost foolishly afraid to read the words of endless pages of happiness and suffering. It would be like opening up the door to a new world; one that I wasn’t exactly accustom to. Did I want to change my whole outlook on the world of romance? Then, I thought about it, and realized something: it didn’t matter if I wanted to change it or not, it had already happened, whether I liked it or not. I couldn’t control my heart’s desire. If my heart ached to read sappy teen romances then that’s what I would do. I wouldn’t deny my heart. I now had something to relate to with these girls in the stories. Whether he reciprocated my feeling for him or not it didn’t really matter, because it wouldn’t alter my feelings for him.

I was offended and hurt that he had been purposely ignoring me for the past week because of some stupid school competition. It actually made me more than mad, it made me enraged, but I was good at compartmentalizing my feelings.

I put my books in a small pile on the ground next to my backpack. I started looking for the books that I required for my report.

I turned my head to the right and saw Matilda, the librarian, making her way over to me. I stepped down from the stool I was standing on. The books were too high for me to reach. I turned to look at her. She was a tall, skinny woman, who was in her early 60’s. She wore glasses, and her hair was as white as the first snowfall of the winter.

Matilda and I had formed a strong bond over the years. She was almost like my second mother because of all the time that I spent here as a child and into my adolescent years.

“Sydney, honey, how are you?” she said, wrapping me in a warm tight embrace.

I breathed in her aroma, she smelt like violets on a spring afternoon. The love I felt for Matilda was the way it should have been with my own mother, but I knew that it would never happen that way. I was thankful for the relationship I had with her, though. She was someone I knew would always be there for me. I never questioned that.

She stepped back from the hug, and looked down at the group of books clustered at her feet, and scoped them up into her arms. She began to read the titles out loud.

“These are different book for you, Sydney.”

I nodded my head. She pushed her glasses down onto the bridge of her nose, and peered at me.

“Is there something going on, honey?” she asked.

I blushed. “Well, there’s this boy,” I began. She jumped up, and clapped her hands in anticipation.

“Tell me about him!”

Finally, somebody who wanted to listen to me, and not accuse me of doing something wrong.

“It’s not really that big of a deal, though,” said. “I don’t even knpw if he likes me.”

“Of course he likes you. You’re smart, funny, not to mention beautiful,” she said, as if it was a known fact.

“You’ve got the smart thing right,” I laughed. “That’s about the only thing I’ve got going for me.”

“Sydney, don’t you say that. This guy would be crazy not to like you!”

I decided it was in my best interest not to disagree with Matilda, even if I didn’t have the same opinion as her.

“So, what’s his name?” she asked.

“Michael Vaughn,” I whispered.

“I saw that!” she said, pointing at my face.

She startled me with the sudden outburst. I covered my face with my hands. “What?”

“Your face!”

“Is there something on my face?” I started rubbing across my cheeks..

She pulled my hands away, and sat them gently in my lap.

“Your face, when you said his name, all of a sudden practically glowed. Your eyes got to about the size of chestnuts and that smile of yours just radiated throughout the whole room.” She smiled.

I blushed. “No, they didn’t,” I said, embarrassed.

“Sydney, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. “That’s how I was when I met my George.”

I suddenly felt very stupid and juvenile. “Matilda, I barely know him. I don’t even know what he thinks of me. It’s probably for the best that I don’t talk to him anyway. I don’t want to discuss this anymore.” I turned my head away from her, and continued with my book search.

How bad did I feel right now? The one person who wanted to listen I was turning away! I was disgusted, but I couldn’t bring myself to think or talk about him anymore. If he didn’t want to speak to me then that was his problem, and I wasn’t about to let myself fall head over heals if there was no end result.

I didn’t want to let the tears fall in the library, so I quickly tried locating the books that I required. I kept my head turned towards the bookshelf. I didn’t want anyone to look at the look of despair that had shadowed my once radiant face. I guess something that was so good once could only end in pain and hurt, especially in my life. The way it had always been, and the way it always would be.

I picked up my books from the floor in my right hand, and my school books in the left. I slowly left the security of the back wall, and walked over to checkout my books. I felt exposed and weak walking in the large, open library. I felt that everyone eyes were falling me as I took the books to Matilda. I tried picking up the pace. I just wanted to get away. For once I didn’t feel comfortable in the walls of the library. I felt as if they were closing in on me, stealing away the precious air in my lungs. In my hurry to get to the checkout, I dropped one of my books. I bent down quickly to retrieve the fallen book. In the middle of my bend I heard the library door open and shut with a bang. I looked up, and lost my balance, causing the books to fall tumbling to the floor.

The occupant of the piercing green eyes scanned the library quickly. They stopped on me. He jogged over urgently, and planted his feet across from mine. All my pain and hurt came rushing back to me in a flood of emotions, but I decided instead I would channel this energy into anger.

“What do you want?” I asked, narrowing my brown eyes.

“Sydney, let me explain,” he started. I interrupted.

“No, let me explain. You made me think that there might be something there. That we had something good going for a while! Then, you just go away! Leaving me wondering what I did wrong! Did I say something to upset him or am I just weird? What is it, because quite frankly I’m very interested to find out for myself? I’ve been pondering that one for a while now! So, you want to explain. You want to tell me exactly what happened? Go ahead! You better start, and you better not make-“

His lips came crashing into mine, practically knocking me off my feet. His hands found their way to the sides of my face. I stood there like a limp doll. I knew I should have been stopping this before it started, but how could I stop something so good. I closed my eyes, and let my heart take over, and for once didn’t listen to my mind. I could feel my heart beat pounding in every little part of my body. I erased the world around us. We were a painting on a black canvas. The artist forgot to paint in the rest of the scene. It was Vaughn and I alone. He pulled my body in close to his. I craved more, but his lips slowly disconnected with mine. I let out a sigh.

Our heads were now inches apart, looking into each others eyes. I looked up at him for any explanation of what was happening. His eyes were soft and bright with happiness. I saw the change, though. It was a quick transformation; barely noticeable. I looked confused. He pulled away slightly, scanning his surroundings. He looked nervous. He had now completely tangled his body out of mine, and was standing alone.

I’ve got to go.” And he disappeared out door like an apparition.

I stood there, with the whole library. I heard Matilda approach me from behind. She picked up my distorted books from the ground, took me by the shoulder and led me over to the check out counter. The eyes of every single person in that library bore into the back of my head. It hurt, but not as much as my heart right now. I spoke no words as Matilda scanned my books. She didn’t say anything either, just handed me the books, and I was gone.

I walked down the street, not being able to keep the tears from escaping. They weren’t tears of sorrow, though. Tears of frustration and anger were the worst to face. I ran home, the world around blurring into a mirage. I ignored the curious glances I was receiving. The rest of the world didn’t exist right now.

When I reached home nobody was there. It was Friday night, and the rest of the family was out. For once I was thankful for the silence of the house. I dropped the bag on the ground, and let out a frustrated scream.

“How can he do this?” Each word escaping my mouth was followed by a tiny sob. I pounded my fists into my legs. “HOW CAN HE DO THIS? HE CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!”

I ran up the stairs, two at a time. I flung myself onto my bed, grabbed the journal that would prevent me form throwing my fist into a wall. I began to write as sobs escaped my throat, and salty tears ran down my face.

Michael Vaughn will not get away with this! Tomorrow he will face the full fury and rage of Sydney Bristow. I won’t let him break me!

I just want to everyone to realize that it won't be like this much longer, so don't worry you'll get some S/V hapiness soon (really soon, lol :D ). So, don't you panic, lol :P

Off to send PMs, but I'm having a real hard time with them. When you guys reply can you just say if you got a PM. Thanks a bunch :hug:

~Andrea :angelic:
i think i beat the pm :D i have gotten the last few so i guess that works?

anyway, great update! vaughn better watch out! :P
Those last two chapters were great...
Can't wait to see what Syd says to Vaughn...
Wonder why he is acting like that.
Thanks for the pms.