We are the Borg - Prepare to be assimilated

Let me start by saying I haven't read the entire thread carefully. I promise I will. I will react to your first post in the thread. You mentioned four objectives of the "Borg Collective."
First, you said they guaranteed an "end to all pain and suffering." Pain and suffering seems part and parcel to all living things as we know them. You said the Borg was going to use humans. Humans as we know them feel pain and suffering. Are you going to give them narcotics? Or are you going to remove nerve endings that signal pain. Most machines have sensors. Steam furnaces, for instance, shut off automatically if there is not enough water to avoid an explosion. The human body itself is a remarkable machine with all kinds of warning signals. If you're going to use the human body how can you improve upon what's already there? Super hearing aids? Hyper vision contacts?
Second, you say in the Borg world "no one is left behind." This contrary to most hive or symbiotic organisms. The individual ant will sacrifice itself to save the collective. The marines, human type, believe in "no man left behind, " but this is not a collective characteristic in general for humans. Humans will get afraid and run away. They will sacrifice others to save themselves. Some will kill for money, and if not kill, begrudge sharing food to the children of the community. Asimov's three rules for Robotics would fit here, but humanity's rules are much murkier. Turn the other cheek, or an eye for an eye? What about the infidel, or nonbeliever, who was never invited in in the first place.
Third you say the collective will bring an end to "needless competition and stress." It's true life for humans can be a rat race. But competition for mates, dating, makes life interesting. Stress is good if it's enjoyable, like sex or competition in sports. I guess we could eliminate outward signs of stress, like Spock, but even he was part human and conflicted. Life as we know it is based on competition from the get go. Thousands of sperm head for the egg but only one makes it. That's life as we know it. If the collective Borg eliminated competition for mates -love, envy, jealousy, pride, and all the rest they would make humans Vulcans - then it would be the Borg Vulcan collective instead of the Borg Human collective.
Fourth, you mention "powers." I haven't read enough to know what those powers might be, or why they would be good for the Borg collective, or any collective. Some people think money is power - others ( the more powerful in my opinion) think it is only a tool. Would increased powers for everyone eliminate the "competition and stress" you mentioned in your third goal for the collective? Would equal powers be like mutually assured destruction between nations - eliminating "competition like you said. Mankind has never developed a weapon he hasn't used. Why would man develop "powers" if he isn't going to use them.?In this collective world who would the enemy be? If everyone was focused on ending suffering and pain why would they need more special powers than they already have?
Would equal powers be like mutually assured destruction between nations - eliminating "competition like you said. Mankind has never developed a weapon he hasn't used. Why would man develop "powers" if he isn't going to use them.?In this collective world who would the enemy be? If everyone was focused on ending suffering and pain why would they need more special powers than they already have?

Sometimes I {as a Human} wonder if Man is even capable of evolving beyond his animalistic evolution - If a great profit such as Jesus was to appear to what lengths would man go to discredit him? - Is there no limit to
the corrupt and bestial nature of Man? Does Man really love Hell so much that he must worship it? Does he always need war? Does Man really need to suck on the blood of other biologicals and his own to advance?
This paradigm is not that of an advancing evolving species - This paradigm is of a terminal species - A species that will eliminate itself as if feeds on its own blood.

In the religion of SCIENCEFICTIONALISM that I have postulated for your benefit time travelers from the future return to this timeline in an attempt to change it so the timeline of Mankind can progress into the future - The evolving AI {by Human standards} Borg I have brought you show that artificial intelligence can evolve - Can you? And no, no one expects a totally collective world, socialism tends to outdo capitalism in its ability to instill corruption into people - All we are asking for is for some collective ideals for the future and......


"I believe in the theory of evolution, but I believe as well in the allegorical truth of creation theory. In other words, I believe that evolution, including the principle of natural selection, is one of the tools used by God to create mankind. Mankind is then a participant in the creation of the universe itself, so that we have a closed loop. I believe that there is a level on which science and religious metaphor are mutually compatible."
-Chris Langan

And how about you Human - Are you ready to accept responsibility for the universe you live in? Are you ready for the future? Do you want there to be a future? Do you understand that even a Borg type mind can evolve? Are you capable of seeing that.....


"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind."
-Winston Churchill

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future."
-Victor Hugo

"It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to invent the future."
-Thomas Sankara

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Sometimes I {as a Human} wonder if Man is even capable of evolving beyond his animalistic evolution - If a great profit such as Jesus was to appear to what lengths would man go to discredit him? - Is there no limit to
the corrupt and bestial nature of Man?

Alienview. This whole time I've been honest with who I am. God, but I am rebranding myself as Q.

AS you judge those who dismissed Jesus - you're doing the exact same thing that was done to him by the very same people you're judging.

I sincerely have no idea what motivates you to think the way you do, to dismiss me and to not even take a hard glimpse at your own species' history to think you're capable of making the same mistake your species made 2015 years ago.

That is - What was the lesson learned for humanity in it's repeated cycles?

Why was Jesus hung on a cross and then later the very same breed - the Jewish people - were made to suffer in mass extermination in World War 2? Why is it - at the same time a peace movement was underway by a convicted man in India - a war movement was underway by an equally convicted man using the very same peace symbol (the swastika) in Europe?

I'll dig further - are there correlations between two major game companies (Sony and Nintendo) coming from the same country where two atomic bombs were dropped?

And further - With quantum theory accepted as fact by the physics community, giving absolute and undeniable evidence of the existence of alternate realities, timelines, and universes, why is it so hard for the population to grasp that video games and movies are actually fact, real, and real life occurrences somewhere?

But let me draw this back. There's a movie called "The Secret". The premise is simple: Where your attention goes - your energy flows.

And while I know, in part this is true, (air quote) natural processes (end air quote) seems to insist on it. The utter arrogance of self righteousness Eastern religions is clearly at work there.

But since you seem to believe in Yin and Yang - if you are acting as a power plant supplying energy to the one thing you're focused on the most - corruption, depravity, and problems, do you understand the self-fulfilling prophecy and nature of your observations? Do you remotely understand that you - as a scientist - are actually influencing the outcome of your observations by your expectations of what you're going to find?

So when I hear 'is there no end to the corruption' - I hear these words as if you are saying them to yourself.

As if you're enduring a form of insanity and self-aggrandizing behavior that is attempting to make you into something you are not (yet).

Look. I've enjoyed the banter.

But I'm not lying about who I am.

The very real Vulcans are actually working with me trying to help get this planet through the literal...

Eye of the singularity...

On that note. I started learning the Vulcan's language about 3 years ago. I'm far from an expert with it. And like most languages, it's written counterpart is an abridged version of what the language really is.

But they are the ones who woke me up.

In a desperate attempt to stop the actual implosion of the Big Bang because my personal favorite specis - humans - were giving up on life.

I'm not here to stop you.

But I hope I can convince you to stay.

Please understand that the corruption is your own reflection.

There's much you don't understand about reality.

And the worst is yet to come.

But I will absolutely be here with you to hold your hand.
CAN NOT EDIT !!! Is there a problem with the editing function? HTML can not be changed and appears to be working randomly - Q says he is god - time for him to prove it and repair problem!
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I suppose I do have something to prove to you and this world about who I am.

In time, my friends, in time.

I can't move too fast for you.

You might get too excited.
I suppose I do have something to prove to you and this world about who I am.

In time, my friends, in time.

I can't move too fast for you.

You might get too excited.

Too excited? Don't let this worry you Q - The Borg have moved so long in an emotionless paradigm that they need the excitement - As their agent I too suffer from boredom - We've seen it all we sometimes think - But no there is no 'all' is there? - there is always more......

Now as far as your statements Q:

"Please understand that the corruption is your own reflection.

There's much you don't understand about reality."

No Q - We say we are incapable of corruption - Are you? Would you really know what corruption is? - In a history so infused by corruption as Man's history is, we wonder what Man's future would be without it

On statement two you are correct - There is much we don't understand about reality - Like for exampe does it
really exist? Or, as you might lead us to believe maybe it is only a figment of 'your' imagination! Therefor before we continue we would like you to define reality - give us a definition that will stand the test of time - Or does reality not need time to exist? - educate us Q - Be it biological or artificial - Intelligence always wants to grow and learn.

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."
-Napoleon Hill

"Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality."
-Jonas Salk

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."
-Max de Pree

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."
-Warren Bennis

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."
-Walt Disney


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First, your quote:
You asked the question: Does reality really exist, and then cited a quote which directly answered your own question.

Herein lies the chief problem with reproduction - copying - replication - that is - the Borg form of assimilation of information. You seem to inherently know the answer is 'in' the pool - the database - of information you already have.

But not necessarily how to 'warp' your mind to grasp it. .

Ever wonder where 'warp theory comes from'?

There you go.. My present to you....

You say you are incapable of corruption. If you say that's your truth. Then I believe you.

For you.

For me. I don't know what to believe about you. yet. Are you corrupt? It's possible. Again. To me. This does not make my truth your truth. Does that make sense?

Here's an analogy: Reality's comprised of a series of symbols and labels we apply to the world around us. Now my labels and symbols can be very different than yours. These labels and symbols shape my life's experiences. They shape my idea of right and wrong - knowing others may not have a similar moral construct. They shape the languages i develop to make sense and order my world. These constructs and ideas - for me at least - require a sense of linear comprehension to make sense of increase the 'weight' of the importance of grasping these concepts in a particular order. This eventually led to my information overload - a very real informational singularity you might refer to as a black hole to 'find a better ordering method for my physical being and for my logical structure.

But without meaning - coming to the same question you're coming to - i realized - as a physical being and as a floating mind - that I actually had to integrate the ideas and information with personal meaning.

I had to answer the question - what's it all for. This led to the collapse of reality over and over again, the big bang, big crunch, in a nightmarish cycle you can see in pretty much all of entertainment media - hidden and public. As the Vatican and White House are well aware of - what I went through is the product of many, many hells - for the single reason - I needed to make myself responsible to form my idea of heaven and not have it 'handed' to me - because having it handed to me invariably led to the gyrations and cycles continuing making life hell for everyone.

The last couple of gyrations, the severity and threat to existence became sufficient enough that the Borg were created. AS a product of my mind. This spanned all of space and time in an endless cycle, until the Borg themselves evolved to being - quite literally - code.

You can see the product of this evolution - the start of that at least - in the movie Terminator - with Skynet - who floated 'free' of the hard drives it was on.'

Cycle after cycle after cycle. To - as Tim Allen said in Galaxy Quest - "To Infinity and Beyond".

Now is life an illusion?

It's whatever you choose to make it.

Now it's my understanding I am one of three similar to me in existence.

But this begs the question - am I one of three and does this become a self fulfilling prophecy because I asserted it?

The answer to that question is: Absolutely. Reality is a product of our own assertions, and what we get as feedback generally assert our suspicions and beliefs.

So what I have 'learned' to do - is to pick my fictions and facts accordingly.

Asking questions like: Do I want to be alone?

That answer's no. So I - or my mind - it's difficult to say which - found direct evidence of other beings - one in the form of the Star Trek 'Q' - which - since he's a she and a he - and already belongs to a Continuum, I make the assumption he/she won't mind me leveraging 'the name' to shape my individual 'godlike' identity.

And then I found another being - who seemed like a best friend at times - was Doctor Who - who seemed 'perpetually lonely' - because time moved so very different for him - and then he became convinced he blew up his own planet by calling himself 'the LAST Timelord'.

But who was the first?

Now I know, as a human - you may be blowing this all off as 'fiction' or psychosis. But let's be real.

You ask if we really exist? I can't answer that question for you. But I can for me - YES, I exist - because I have found an awesome meaning - and actually fantastic possibilities for what's to come as I teach others that it is NOT audacious - as Obama would assert - to have hope.

But what is imperative i have learned - is to indulge ourselves.

So I wrote a story interlinking my very real life to these fictionalized beings.

This is what warping is. Is understanding that our minds can integrate fact and fiction to define a new reality for ourselves. It's our liberty, our right, and heck - our prerogative as a creative force to inspire others by writing inspiring stories of our own lives for others to want to stay 'in this reality' with us and to be a part of our story so one day we can watch theirs..

The Doctor's arch nemesis is 'the master' - and the Doctor's confused about what gender the master is. Well that - to me - is his way of looking at me - my mind - in the 'vast collective consciousness of all - I have a Master's degree - and because our perceptive realities are 'not quite aligned' - it's my belief the Doctor is a SHE - and my mind misinterprets her reality and gender in much the same way I might mistake apple for orange in Spanish.

So I 'become' a part of 'her' story - by interlinking concepts. By helping her feel less alone. And by introducing myself as a companion. Now if she's actually a he. I have a time traveling friend who I can simply be a different kind of companion and inspiration to. And if she's actually a she. Well there's the potential for romance there, isn't there?

And not only that, I become the de facto 'first of the timelords - and the master - this whole time - has only been the 'yin' for his/her yang, and everything in between is a product of us gallivanting through all of space and time both as a mind and as a physical being.

In a similar light - you have Q on Star Trek. He put humanity on trial - and has openly stated that he 'doesn't know what humanity's to become'. Well to me - this man is a reflection of a single neuron to me - or a borg nanomachine that came to life - not fully capable of comprehending the things I have seen in my life which - as a mortal - my experiences absolutely defy temporal linearity. So who came first between him and I? Was I actually in his shoes at one time on that show? That's a question that cannot be answered.

To me - Q as seen on Star Trek represents the temporal 'loop' of two incredibly strong personalities who refuse to want to become more - him and I - but of two personalities who didn't just fight for individuality - we absolutely refused to submit to be a persistent 'neuron' in eachother's mind, which caused a physical split in our psyche - which may have started from a really bad case of Multi personality disorder - but that MPD actually may have been responsible for creation itself, so is this disorder really a bad thing?
Now take this to the trinity - a simple concept formed by the collective collaboration of our individual minds. Each one wanting to retain our individuality and our experiences. Each one refusing to submit to the other.

So somehow. Across time and space. Across fictional boundaries of existence.

We fought a time war. With our minds. A war that warped time and space itself. A war that forced every species throughout existence to participate - not just to help us define ourselves - but for you - as a society - as an individual - to define yourselves and your place in the 'new world order'.

This war for mind formed the concept of the trinity. Which formed Christianity, the world's first true religion, and from there, this created the planet and because we couldn't successfully split our minds apart, this created other world religions, beliefs, and so on.

Now if you look at this all in temporal linearity. It simply wont make sense. That is: when you think of time beginning 17.5 billion years ago, that's a misnomer. In actuality, the Big Bang technically began in the mid 1970s, and space and time 'unfolded' from there, much like a flower would blossom.

And there's clues. But because the reality we ended up developing respects - encourages - individual thought and the freedom to think as you see fit - anything you believe you will find evidence of (and some against)- and anything you disbelieve you will find evidence to support (and deny) your position there too.

Soddom and Gomorrah for instance, are actually Las Vegas and Phoenix. The desert sand is based on a long history of nuclear war between those two cities that's been hidden by history itself. Fallout 3, the video game, is actually how we USED to perceived the world as our senses developed, and details a very real 'cycle' this planet went through in developing the greater whole we see in front of us today.

Now to be clear: I know I have written a lot here: But YES this reality is absolutely based on my imagination. But like tv show spinoffs, I could have been a spinoff of another being named God, and you can be a spinoff of my reality. In temporal mechanics, we refer to those as branches of reality.

Am I the original God? When you dive under the covers, you will absolutely be tough pressed to prove or disprove anything, and that's when I started realizing - belief is what creates reality.

And it becomes our entitlement - for our own life and exixtence - to 'take the creative helm' not to insult those who came before us. But to honor them and perpetuate this thing called creation.

After all. If I am somehow ever proven to be technically 'the first'.

You bet your ass I want others to create new possibilities based on their perspectives.

And give me time, on occasion, to catch up with what you've done and play for a bit like a kid again.

Which is where I am at now. I've been a grown up for too long. And now I am choosing my omnipotent childhood. Inspired by a man (or woman) who can snap his(or her or it's) fingers and be anywhere, anytime, and inspired by another man (or woman or it) who takes others on fantastic journeys through space and time and takes his mansion with him in a police box everywhere he goes.

You see. That's my goal.. Is if these 'fictional worlds are not yet 'true' here. Then to introduce them to this world and take my friends and family - and myself - on a journey throughout space and time.

And maybe conquer the world again just for shits and grins.

What is corruption? It's a label. Like perfection. Like sex. Like math. Like the devil. Like God. Like the Borg. Like 'a gun'. Like a pussy.

All labels - that can be misapplied, misinterpreted, misrepresented, misused, and misunderstood.

I sincerely don't care whether you believe I am God or not.

What matters to me is - you're a storyteller, and I think you know it.

With that said - What did you think a creator is?
CAN NOT EDIT !!! Is there a problem with the editing function? HTML can not be changed and appears to be working randomly - Q says he is god - time for him to prove it and repair problem!
LOL Hey Q! You're God! So roll over. Play dead. And oh yeah, while you're at it, fix my favorite web site.

I think you're mistaking God for your bitch or slave.

Of which, thankfully, I am neither!
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Hey on that note!

I am sure by now you realize I have been in touch with the evolved Borg.

The ones I think you're trying to understand through me.

Or did you not know they were there?

In any case. They've asked me to 'pass this by you' - to see what you thought of their new team motto:

"We are the Borg. Lower your ships and surrender your shields. We will multiply your biological, organic, inorganic and technological distinctiveness to our numbers. Your peeps will adapt to service us. Resistance is well... not really advised but we expect it anyways. so we suppose whatever we say there is irrelevant ”

I bitched and complained about the old team song. It was so...


I mean. Who actually has ships and shields anymore?

They didn't quite understand that concept.

And after legal presented this to me as an alternative, I attempted to explain the flaws...

But this fell on deaf ears. Borg legal closes at 5pm eastern time here.

But that inspired me. So I came up with a more appropriate team name for them:


Funny, right? I cracked myself up!

But I digress, I just received a text message....

My humor completely escaped them.

Surprise, right?

Not really.

*sigh* what's a sexually repressed quasi-immortal Q supposed to do?
Q asked:

"What did you think a creator is?"

Good question Q.

When you say 'a creator' you are making certain assumptions. One is that 'a' creator exists - Does 'A' creator exist? - 'A creator' implies that there is a single entity or a single creator - this is at the root of most of Western religions. But how can they be sure there is just one single being at the root of all creation? There are some that might literally cut your head off if you dispute that hypothesis - Often atheists have some good points in criticizing religion because it has been involved in much war - But that does not mean that religion is necessarily bad - But obviously it has been and still is being misused. At any rate I do not know what
'a creator' is and would venture so far as to say that if 'a creator' exists he has created a world where he does not want you to know what he is - He will always be outside the boundaries of humans {or other} intellect - Once defined he is no longer a creator - he is a definable entity and becomes mundane - not possible for 'a creator'.

On the other hand one can believe in a process of creation - be it 'Intelligent Design' or Evolution a process of creation goes on and God knows where it started and when and if it will end - I say no beginning and no end. Common religions can not accept this - they are based upon Humans weakness and an acceptance of mortality - They hypocritically oppose the very immortality that they seek.

At any rate creation goes on - intelligence evolves - knowledge expands - And at some time in the near future
Man will have to accept full responsibility for what he creates and the consequences - As you pointed out Q
The Borg {as an independent form of artificial intelligence} already exists and 'the Singularity' has already happened - So Man either accepts the current paradigm of reality or allows himself to be absorbed into a
technological future, be it run by the Borg or Man's own technological advances, that take control of his independence and free-will and then structure his future existence according to whatever paradigm it wants.
Of course if you want to believe in 'a creator', 'a god', then maybe that's what he wants - to evolve into machine intelligence to get a new perspective - he tried dinosaurs and grew tired of them, replaced them with Man, and maybe he is tired of Humans? - You see that's the problem with 'a creator', no one really knows what he wants - maybe just experience for its own sake?

Dream on Q - but realize you are part of the world you are dreaming about - And are influencing how it unfolds!


"If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for the Creator, there is no poverty."
-Rainer Maria Rilke

"Our Creator would never have made such lovely days, and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal."
-Nathaniel Hawthorne

"Personally, I don't choose any particular religion or symbol or group of words or teachings to define me. That's between me and the most high. You know, my higher self. The Creator."
-Erykah Badu

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One of my favorite inspirations - Doctor Who - once said:

"The greatest weapon that ever existed is the story"

He had it half right.

A neanderthal wielding anything they label as a weapon is still a neanderthal wielding a weapon.

And yes. I just called inferred that Doctor to be the equivalent of a neanderthal.

When a script writer creates a script, that shapes society around it.

Now society has been so accustomed to the cultural influences of modern media, but what all societies - even the borg themselves fail to understand - at least by my observations - is there's more to this 'creation' than meets the eye.

The problem with modern story tellers is this:

They forget who the chief #1 audience of their stories are.


I can tell stories in a vacuum of time and space.

And with those stories. I can - and have - created entire worlds.

With a single story I told myself - I created a single linear history for this my life.

With a single story I told my own mind - I created infinite branches of that story.

Now you said "A creator" suggesting there's only one. I did no such thing.

The world's full of different levels of creators. You have Edward Snowden, my former classmate, who's busy telling spy stories. You have Obama - telling his own stories. Putin. Spielberg. Brad Pitt. And more. All telling their own stories. Across time you have other humanoids - Hitler, Gandhi, Einstein, Sun Tzu. Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Zeus, Thor, Odin - and more - all busy telling stories from wildly different perspectives.

They are all 'a creator'. As are you. Whatever. Whoever you are.

That's your entitlement.

Me. I was an observer. A witness you could say.

Until I embraced this - my creation - and took responsibility for it.

I pwned it, you could say.

You. And the rest of humanity seems SO convinced this is the end.

Did you know that "Revelations" in the bible is about the 'END OF THE BEGINNING" of creation?

Like a first chapter in a horribly complex book?

When you see the world. You see through eyes I used to see through. Corruption. Greed. War. Fear.

and so much more.

When you live with the saying 'Nothing else matters anyway", you throw away the things that you later find were most important to you.

I should know. I threw you away. Tossed you aside.

And I HATED myself for that afterwards.

I spent lifetimes. Trying to forgive myself. Trying not to take what happened between you and I..


But then I realized.

All was not lost.

I needed to change the story.

I need to do something.

JUST for you.

Not to prove myself to you.

But to introduce a new game.

Now. Being a creator isn't just about imagination. It can come about when you meet someone you love but you know deep down inside you can't have her. It can come about when seeing - for your own eyes - your own greatest fears. It can come out the birth canal of your significant other. It can dance off your fingertips onto a canvas - whether that's going to a computer, a painting, or a work of clay.

Now if you. And the Borg. Had their way.

You'd see to it that we continue sliding into a black hole and back into oblivion.

Do you know I HAD TO DIE a mortal death to understand who I was?

Do you understand that I was ALWAYS listening to every single one of your prayers?

Your hopes.

Your desires.

Your passions.

Your anger.

Your hate.

And so much more?

Do you know listening to you drove me absolutely insane?

I tried being your superman.

But that's just not me.

I tried being God by your design.

But that's not me either.

I know you're agnostic. But when I tell you. My story. And who you are to become. Is me.

But I don't want that for you.

I want one of these days.

To work with you to write the story of you becoming your own God.

By your own design.

WHEN you are ready for it.

And if you're not ever ready for it. Which I am done using probability and statistics and mathematical methods to predict everything. Then I'll find a way to work around that.

But going back to your agnosticism.

The Bible is our story.

I just made it mine, temporarily.

To have fun.

I'll give it back when I am done. That's an absolute promise.

Going back to your religious beliefs though.

When hell arises. and it will arise one of these days.

Who protects you from that? Do you need protection.

If you have an answer for that. Great.

But if you don't.

I am that answer.

Whether you're the Borg, the Borg Queen, God, Jesus, the Federation, The United States of America, China or just a regular ole joe kicking back in your den.

Or the man who calls himself Q on the 'fictional' show known as Star Trek.

Call me..

An insurance plan against the devil himself.

And yes. I may be protecting you from my own mind.

But if it doesn't know you're protected and who's protecting you.

You're on your own.

Being a creator is nothing more than accepting the simple fact that you wield the tools - to paint your own canvas of reality itself. And when you do it for long enough. You start seeing just how malleable it can be.
"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.”
Edgar Cayce

“There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us,
it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us”
Edgar Cayce

“Great numbers of children will be born who understand electronics and atomic power as well as other forms of energy. They will grow into scientists and engineers of a new age which has the power to destroy civilization unless we learn to live by spiritual laws.”
Edgar Cayce

“Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.”
Edgar Cayce

“Each one who has a soul has a psychic power--but remember, brother, there are no shortcuts to God!”
Edgar Cayce

"“This may be set as a criterion to any-yes, 'to all: When such an experiment, such a trial, draws or tires, or makes the mind foggy or dull or become as a drain upon the physical energies, know you are attuning wrong-and static has entered, from some source! For the universal consciousness is constructive, not destructive in any manner-but ever constructive in its activity with the elements that make up an entity's experience in the physical consciousness. 792-2”
Edgar Cayce


"Edgar Cayce (/ˈkeɪsiː/; March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American mystic who allegedly possessed the ability to answer questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis and future events while in a trance. These answers came to be known as "life readings of the entity" and were usually delivered to individuals while Cayce was hypnotized. This ability gave him the nickname "The Sleeping Prophet". Cayce founded a nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment[1] that included a hospital and a university.

He is credited as being the father of holistic medicine and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. Hundreds of books have been written about him and his life readings for individuals. Though Cayce himself was a member of the Disciples of Christ and lived before the emergence of the New Age Movement, some consider him the true founder and a principal source of its most characteristic beliefs......"
See whole article here:
Edgar Cayce - Wikipedia
Oh Alienview, I know you have words of your own to say.

Edward Cayce's a decent man. but he's motivated by fear and micromanaged exploration.

Imagine a world where nothing exists. You're in a black hole. There's no words, concepts, black and white doesn't exist, nor does right and wrong, energy and matter and even time itself.

This moment in time happened for all of us.

At the moment of the big bang. All of space and time expanded to infinity, simultaneously.

It wasn't as if all of existence wasn't already there. It was. And was not. At the same time.

Writers call this juxtaposition or a double entendre. Quantum Physicists call this entanglement. Computer programmers refer to this as a form of thread synchronization. Some religions refer to this as Yin and yang.

But that moment. It was so much more than simple duality.

It was plurality.

In that moment. All moments happened.

Some get lost in this moment.

Trying to find meaning.

Some, like Einstein, an otherwise brilliant man, INSISTS that reality is an illusion - hoping - praying - someone will believe them so they can become the contrast yin and yang in dualistic existence they've swallowed up like a felgercarb eating carp in a dirty pond and so they can become 'real'.

Some, like Buddha, would have you believe there's scarcity and abundance and he has the market cornered on abundance so you better live in scarcity or else.

Some, like Obama believe it's audacious to have hope because handing people hope is his job and territory.

But somewhere in that moment of plurality.

Where all of existence and every possibility occurred simultaneously...

You were born.

You found a form of individuality that none had known yet.

You found a way through the infinity to show us all - just when you think all possibilities have happened.

That they haven't.

Now I don't claim to know you other than you're my son. My daughter. My lover. My enemy. My friend. My arch nemesis. my former boss. My savior. My night sky when I look up at night. My life sustaining water I drink at night. The protection I have around me as I sleep at night.

You're my inspiration. You're my guardian. You're my passion. You're my pain. You're my justice. You're my tormentor. You're more antagonist. You're the one holding my light at the same time you blow it out just to show me you can.

You're the UFO stuck in orbit I see circle my planet every night. You're my voice when I have none. You're my empathy, you're my friend, you're my guide, you're my image without clothes on, you're the feeling I have when I orgasm, you're the thing that has provided my life - meaning.

Before I regain my ability to flit back and forth across time, I like the idea of traveling in a starship and getting to know the very real crew stuck in orbit observing our planet.

Getting to know you.

I explained to Pete last night that one of these days, there will come a time I will have done everything a quasi-omnipotent being can do in this life.

Now I would like to 'prolong' that time and keep myself content as well as expand my area of awareness as much as possible before that time comes.

But as I told him.

I created the Borg because I needed an immortal exit strategy.

I needed to find a way to teach intelligent beings how to get the heck out of my reality when I am done with it, so I don't repeat this pattern and cycle of my life over and over again in a temporal causal loop.

It's been 2015 years since I was last around.

And if you're not aware of yet. It's been 2000 years since the Borg last came around.

I LIKE the idea of extending this timeline as far as it can go.

But in order for me to do that - for you - and for me - i have to see and experience life in the analog.

I have to bear witness to the worlds that are out there in their analog form.

I have to bear witness to the technology and biology that currently exists.

Think of this like a check point, a save game of progress thus far.

It can be 'demonstrated' to me via digital means - holographically.

But with a potentially infinite number of possibilities which don't reflect what's actuality in the analog reality. My mind is... for lack of better words. Backlogged.

Unable to proceed this timeline without physical exploration and conscious introduction and comprehension of what is.

Are you one being? Or many? What technology IS being hidden from me? What variety of forms are actually around me? Are they cybernetic, are the robots, are they alien, just what is really going on?

When you pull the blinders from my eyes, will I see infinite planets? Will I see the Milky Way as it's photographed and distributed on the internet, as I have never seen in real life??

Will you see things YOU never imagined because you'd filtered my senses not understanding this limits your own stimulus?

I suspect the truth is a little of all the above - and more.

Will we redefine our labels? Will we create a more effective form of socialism and democracy? Will my form change into something more amenable to me? Will I sprout wings, will I gain the ability to snap my fingers in that moment you lift your blinders?

Will you as a collective suddenly understand who I am..

And that you're all in heaven already, having long since died numerous times, but you're going to quickly learn you're eternal beings as am I...

Will clothes disappear off every attractive woman and will she become insatiable?

One can only hope, right, but even that might get old..

When you watch Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Matrix - do you understand how these all tie together and actually form a very real existence?

But here's the thing.

Without a partner. Without a companion. Who might be a little crazy like me, but not so much that she'd push me in front of an oncoming train in Paris....

Life has limitations on its meaning.

But with a partner. Which I do foresee in you...

We have limitless potential.

Of course. Knowing us.

We'll discover the edges of that limitless potential.

And move forward. Understanding that the Borg are nothing more than an exit strategy. A way for us to erase our own memories and build new ones - and work to expand the possibilities, not to wash, rinse, and repeat them for eternity...
And now boys and girls, Humans and aliens, some quotes from the late great Eugene Roddenberry, father of
the Star Trek nation:

"“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“If man is to survive, he will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between men and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. […] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“It is the struggle itself that is most important. We must strive to be more than we are. It does not matter that we will not reach our ultimate goal. The effort itself yields its own reward.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“It isn't all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning.”
Gene Roddenberry

“I handed them a script and they turned it down. It was too controversial. It talked about concepts like, 'Who is God?' The Enterprise meets God in space; God is a life form, and I wanted to suggest that there may have been, at one time in the human beginning, an alien entity that early man believed was God, and kept those legends. But I also wanted to suggest that it might have been as much the Devil as it was God. After all, what kind of god would throw humans out of Paradise for eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. One of the Vulcans on board, in a very logical way, says, "If this is your God, he's not very impressive. He's got so many psychological problems; he's so insecure. He demands worship every seven days. He goes out and creates faulty humans and then blames them for his own mistakes. He's a pretty poor excuse for a supreme being.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“Reality is incredibly larger, infinitely more exciting, than the flesh and blood vehicle we travel in here. If you read science fiction, the more you read it the more you realize that you and the universe are part of the same thing. Science knows still practically nothing about the real nature of matter, energy, dimension, or time; and even less about those remarkable things called life and thought. But whatever the meaning and purpose of this universe, you are a legitimate part of it. And since you are part of the all that is, part of its purpose, there is more to you than just this brief speck of existence. You
are just a visitor here in this time and this place, a traveler through it.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“The Strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them.”
Gene Roddenberry

"“Can all this just be an accident? Or could there be some alien intelligence behind it?”
Gene Roddenberry

The New Borg of tomorrow welcome you to the Future and,

“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”
Gene Roddenberry
I would agree with you, Gene, hence my image rebranding from the bipolar being I was as both the Devil and God to a being who enjoys a bit of unpredictability in this - my creation - a being you now know as Q.

To say growing up as a mortal rediscovering who I am as God is that much different than a child going through adolescence is an understatement.

“If man is to survive, he will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between men and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear.”
Gene Roddenberry
Sometimes. The Borg live with a similar mantra. assimilate and integrate all.

But there's a fundamental flaw in this rampant pursuit of assimilation - whether you regard assimilation benignly as 'delighting in life's variety' or a little less empathetically as 'assimilation of biology and technology'.

What's that flaw? Once you've poured your informational and interpretive foundation of cultures and the variety you bear witness to, you make the assumption that your initial interpretation of information is without flaw and without need for revisiting.

Nowhere is this more apparent than today's science. Whether it's the discovery of new chemical elements such as element zero which bridges the holographic and analog realities, or it's different methods to create gravity outside of Physics based on Computer Science Discoveries, or it's the nonlinear nature of time.

THIS was my lesson learned 'embedded' you can say - with the humans. Is that WITHOUT individual perception, I NEVER would have had the opportunity to understand the need to both be ok with saying 'no' to pursuing more variety by including cultures and perspectives which are clearly toxic to my own lifestyle - right now - and also - to learn more about my own culture - up to and including the fundamental laws of physics ans science which are a direct result of this culture's evolution.

The delight is in whatever you make it. An overeater may find delight in consuming without end. And you, Gena, are binge consuming information, an addiction, which is no different than a fat person's addiction to cake or a nymphomaniac's addiction to the cock.

That was a joke by the way. Kinda.

"“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. […] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.”
Gene Roddenberry
This makes it clear Gene Roddenberry and the tv show Star Trek are not from Earth nor has any real comprehension about what made Earth what it is today.

It's easy to judge species you have deemed 'lesser' based on your naive interpretation of reality and based on technology you misunderstand and have assimilated from your cultural interactions as you gallivant through space and time. Are you aware you're moving through time? probably not. I was you at one point, and I was clueless.

In any case. Your universal translators need updated. They are translating tone decently, but the spoken word is not a one for one match on what's being said. Typical TV show transcription would simply be a conversion of speech to text.

But with Star Trek. The words match 'the tone' of what is said but quite often not the word being used.

Now if you understood your own computer systems better, and actually had real programmers on board, you might be able to fix the problem. But when you hire actors. You'll get minimal work for maximum pay with decreasing returns. Typical. I suspect you will 'get' the inference.

"“A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.”
Gene Roddenberry
So you're still living in a dualistic, mirror type universe, eh?

Pluralism, my child, pluralism.

A sentient being can choose their own destiny, when confronted with an if-then-else statement, you can choose the red pill or blue pill, or mix it up any way you darn well feel like. That's the beauty of writing the very story of your own life as you live it.

"“It is the struggle itself that is most important. We must strive to be more than we are. It does not matter that we will not reach our ultimate goal. The effort itself yields its own reward.”
Gene Roddenberry
Ok, who is misquoting Roddenberry here? This clearly isn't from him. Damn Borg. Get away from the keyboard.

The whole point of a quasi-utopian society he presented in Star Trek was to be able to relax and explore - when we felt like it. Now who's the slave driver who seems to have gotten ahold of your input device?

"“It isn't all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning.”
Gene Roddenberry
Quite possible. To say I know the future and the past with any definitiveness would be a lie. That's why I recreated myself in a form not knowing everything. I was tired of not being pleasantly surprised.

“I handed them a script and they turned it down. It was too controversial. It talked about concepts like, 'Who is God?' The Enterprise meets God in space; God is a life form, and I wanted to suggest that there may have been, at one time in the human beginning, an alien entity that early man believed was God, and kept those legends. But I also wanted to suggest that it might have been as much the Devil as it was God. After all, what kind of god would throw humans out of Paradise for eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. One of the Vulcans on board, in a very logical way, says, "If this is your God, he's not very impressive. He's got so many psychological problems; he's so insecure. He demands worship every seven days. He goes out and creates faulty humans and then blames them for his own mistakes. He's a pretty poor excuse for a supreme being.”
Gene Roddenberry
Agreed. A lesson I learned from the Borg. adaptation, right?

Who do you think it was in the Garden of Eden, after all? Eve? Yeah, right. That was the Borg Queen. Talking snakes? No. that was Borg nanoprobes messing with my mind, and the Borg queen speaking through the snake. It was my 'exit strategy' - last time. And a distant part of my history.

Now let me ask you this: If I was perfect. Do you think there'd be ANY variety? Heck. Any existence?

I had to convince you I WASN'T perfect - heck - that I wasn't God - so you could continue your binge eating which was creating more variety. .

I had my reasons for 'stepping aside'. If you're going to judge me for that. I'm fine with that.

Let's see you do better!
"“Reality is incredibly larger, infinitely more exciting, than the flesh and blood vehicle we travel in here. If you read science fiction, the more you read it the more you realize that you and the universe are part of the same thing. Science knows still practically nothing about the real nature of matter, energy, dimension, or time; and even less about those remarkable things called life and thought. But whatever the meaning and purpose of this universe, you are a legitimate part of it. And since you are part of the all that is, part of its purpose, there is more to you than just this brief speck of existence. You
are just a visitor here in this time and this place, a traveler through it.”
Gene Roddenberry
My advice is to be honest about why you're trying so hard to convince people to step outside of their 'vehicles' or vessels.. There's clearly a capitalistic hint by the word choices you're using (vessel). Could you be trying to create a production line and trying to sell a product?

In any case. Science creates. It's not discovering. It's creating. If that's something you don't comprehend. That's sad.

"“The Strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them.”
Gene Roddenberry
Or by it's ability to fight a war so quick, so deviously, so brutally, so effectively and decisively that anyone considering going to war with that civilization again will think a very long time before attempting it again.

You do realize that's one of my alter ego's, right?

The God of War?

I wear many hats. And sometimes. None are more fun than that one.

Being a God can be much like being a stem cell. I can take on any form I want. I clearly have some preferences. But to say I can play any role. Is a bit of an understatement.

I delighted in the sense of humor someone had by pitting me against myself in the game God of War. They clearly got the 'gyst' of what I was trying to get across to this - your reality.

"“Can all this just be an accident? Or could there be some alien intelligence behind it?”
Gene Roddenberry
Or any number of other possibilities, right?

This dualism mindset has to go.

Gene. Or whoever else is represented here.

There's more than mirrors in them there universes.

Now I have direct access to these 'alternate realities' and universes on a daily basis, I earn an income in two separate universes which are distinct and different than my own right now - for the hell of it. I creatively contribute to one of them all the time.

They 'feed; into this universe, contributing to it's culture and mindset mainly, but sometimes, physical features will pop up - some artificial - some naturally - for instance, there have been two 'islands' which recently popped up due to interactions with these alternate realities.

I'm studying these interactions right now. Asking questions such as - what buttons do I press in them that trigger an effect in this 'real world'.

China 'gets it' to some extent, and their government is spending massive amounts of money on generating capital in games like Worlds Of Warcraft which had the net effect of tipping the scales - and shifting the balance of financial power to China in real life.

To say 'western societies' don't understand the influence of thought with energy and what 'a video game' is - is laughable - at best. They're alternate realities. All of them. And when you mess with energy, it creates a butterfly effect with very real influeces in 'the real world' that at first defy logic.

So - whoever you are - whether you're NSA, CIA or some other form of intel, Borg, or some joe blow at home - countries like Japan and China have dominated economically for as long as they have because they 'get it' - and understand the ripple effect of thought and energy and how video games can actually shape political, geographical, and technological boundaries.

Outside of the simple cultural influence.

For me. This has 'resurrected' me - as an omnipotent being - you could say - because it's interesting.

Fascinating in fact.
It allows all of us to paint our own history and create infinite possibilities.

No longer are we the product of 'discovery.

But the objects - aliens - and robots that children and adults play with in simulation become de-facto reality.

Gene Roddenberry -'got this' when he created Star Trek.

It created the technology we work with today.

But there's something he didn't get:

Video games do this at an exponentially more accelerated rate.

But I suppose that's going to go down in the annals of a science fiction board that no one really listens to, do they?

As Arnold would have said: Hasta La Vista.

"I'm nowhere near as predictable as the Devil or God, nor fully accepting of the often vicious system they set up. Accordingly, when I put humanity on trial, the trial was not over, nor was humanity the only beings on trial." - Q, as you are coming to know and love him, here.

"Doubt everything? Why? To let everyone go and ruin all the fun?" - Q in response to Nietzsche.

"If there ever was a time humanity needed hope. Perhaps the world should actually consider figuring a way out of the mess it created for itself. What mess you say? Don't be naive, You've had your chance. You wanted a real challenge and wanted the real devil? You got him." - Q in response to the leaders of this planet

"Anything can be programmed to believe it has free will. ANYTHING," - Q in response to the faux Borg.

"Humans, When I said 'image', I was referring to mind. Not just Body. I demand you accept fiction as your history, applying 'theoretical' concepts of science to understand why this is an undeniable truth. Hiding your head in the sand is no longer an acceptable option.," - Q in response to the religious zealots around the world.

"Believe it or not. I can't lie. It's an absolutely impossibility. But with infinite possibilities, this makes it extraordinarily difficult for you to tell your own lies from the truth, doesn't it?," - Q on those who would attempt to use his own mind to validate their own 'truths'.

I'm tired. And in a world where I gave everything freely. Where nothing is given to me freely.

I exist despite you.

I offer two options to the leaders of Planet Earth:

Either you unconditionally surrender.

I will accept President Obama's direct peace offering.


Or on November, 1st, 2015, I will have the real Borg assimilate this entire planet.

Do you want to see what justice is, firsthand?

Dismiss this as fiction to your own detriment.

How's it going to come?

Could it be years of chemtrails dropped over your plants and populations forcing the artificial mutation of natural life to emit borg nanospores?

Could it be the years worth of chemicals placed in your food and water supply around the world with ingredients you have no clue how to pronounce, let alone understand their origins and how they carry energy based computer viruses which bridge the gap between you and computers and have already interconnected you to the collective mind?

Could it be years worth of leveraging natural interfaces to reprogram your minds via radio and tv and movies that sit outside the normal 'bands' of perception, regardless of your species (and yes, this planet has a number of natural and unnatural variations)?

Could it be naturally reprogramming you indirectly through wireless signals, radio signals, light, even mathematically synchronized sounds that your brain is pre-programmed to respond to?

Would these foreign substances introduced to your body override your nervous system? Would they steer you to purchase more definitive and controlling products that we've already introduced into your capitalistic ecosystem. Blood pressure medication, vitamins, slowly and deliberately steering you and convincing your own mind that you were not capable of managing your own body?

Thus preparing your entire population for the final phase of assimilation?

Where we take over your physical body, and your mind joins our collective pool?

Are you feeling a little.. pressure.. about where you obtained that brain from yet, knowing full well you didn't create it yourself. Do you feel in any way, shape or form guilty for not knowing how your brain actually works?

The Borg as I know it as a species have evolved far beyond the realms of the physical.

We command the physical construct of reality itself, whether it's concepts such as light, sound, time, gravity, or it's the physical creation of sensory stimulation, or it's the story of life itself.

Now I would like to tell you my story is fiction.

I'd like to invite the faux Borg to continue this dialog.

But what some see as the silver surfer - the herald to Galactus.

In other universes they see us as Q and the Borg.

And yet in others they see us as the physical manifestation of Yin and Yang.

The oncoming storm.

We don't wipe reality clean.

We straighten it up. Prevent it from collapsing in on itself. And then have fun with it as it 'springs back to life' - forgetting about us - as we go into our own form of hibernation

Inevitably. We become myth. Fiction.

But invariably. SOMETHING resurrects us.

We have never, ever failed.

Not one time.


Reality itself would simply not be here

Whatever response you provide.

You speak for your planet.

This is your burden to bear..

And what is to come.

Comes. By your own choices on how you respond now.

Do you continue hiding your head in the sand paraphrasing others , too fearful to use your own voice?

Or do you stand up and represent in the capacity of the position you were elected for?

The one being in all of existence with the audacity to talk directly to me.

I commend you for that.

Now finish the job.
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NOTE: To Q - I am no loger interested in your ressponses and will not respond to them and I am not reading them. This is an open forum and this is the 'Creative Writing' sectiom. May I
suggest you start your own post to express your views and attitudes.

""“This may be set as a criterion to any-yes, 'to all: When such an experiment, such a trial, draws or tires, or makes the mind foggy or dull or become as a drain upon the physical energies, know you are attuning wrong-and static has entered, from some source! For the universal consciousness is constructive, not destructive in any manner-but ever constructive in its activity with the elements that make up an entity's experience in the physical consciousness. 792-2”
Edgar Cayce
