We'll Find Each Other

I"M BACK!!!!!!!!

Hey Everyone!!!! I am so glad to be back. I am so sorry that I have not be on. I became very sick, and I couldn't get to the computer, but I am all better now, and I have been writing the sequel for you guys. I am so thankful for all of you for everything, and reading my stories and staying tuned. I love you all here at ALLALIAS, and please pm me with all your updates. Can't wait to read them. Without further ado...here is the sequel..


Summary: Sequel to "Love At First Sight"


"That was the saddest ending ever!" Sydney said wiping a tear from her eye.

"Awe... sweetie it's ok." Vaughn said putting his arm around his wife.

"I mean I know it's just a movie, but he didn't have to die!" she yelled out.

"I know. I will call the director and tell him to change the ending at once...or I will break his arm." Vaughn said seriously.

Sydney laughed. She looked at her husband lovingly. "I love you." She said sweetly.

Vaughn smiled. "Really?" He said tilting his head to the side. He stopped walking, and turned his wife towards him. "You couldn't love me as much as I love you." He said seriously.

Sydney pulled him in for a long slow sweet kiss. She smiled after taking in a breath. "I'm serious." She said. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don't know what I would do without you." She said almost bringing a tear to her eye.

Vaughn smiled at hearing the seriousness behind her voice. "You are never going to have to find that out. I will always be here for you Sydney. I love you." He said kissing her again.

Sydney smiled back. "Well, honey, why don't you take me home...and show me how much you love me." Sydney said with a wink!

Vaughn smiled. "TAXI!" He screamed, Sydney laughed.


"No, I don't think you are doing much in the matter!" Sydney screamed standing up at the table.

"Miss Bristow sit down." Director Deere said.

"It's Vaughn for the eight time." she shouted back. Sydney and Deere were starring at each other eye to eye. Deere took a deep breath.

"Sydney, we are doing everything we can to find agent Vaughn." He said calmly.

"Well, it's not good enough." She shouted back.

"Sydney!" Jack chimed in.

Sydney shot a look at her father, and then back at Deere. "Look, it has been two months and we have not heard anything, no clues, no sightings, no nothing. We are the CIA for God sakes, and we can't get one damn clue." She yelled. "That is my husband out there, and I him back." she yelled again.

"Mrs. Vaughn I am losing my patience." Deere said getting angry.

Sydney laughed. "Oh, you are losing your patience." She mocked. "Your losing your patience. I haven't seen my husband in two months! I have no idea if he is alive, if he is ok, and you are losing your patience." She said again.

"ENOUGH!" Deere said standing up.

"Now you will sit down, and you dear not mock me again!" He answered back. "I told you were are doing all that we can to find him. You aren't the only one in this room agent Vaughn, that cares to seem him come back safely." He said pausing. "Now, like I said I am doing everything I can, but so help me God agent Bristow you talk to me like that again, and any mission concerning your husband you will be left out of." He said looking at her. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked looking at her.

She looked at him for a moment. "Yes!" She said back.

"Jack, if you wouldn't mind please explain the mission, I have to get to a meeting." He said leaving the room.

Jack stood up, and explained the mission to Sydney, and Dixon. "Sydney, I want to see you for a moment, everyone else can go." Jack said finishing his debrief.

Sydney sat in her chair as Dixon, and Marshall, and two others left the room.

"Dad, I know what your going to say..." Sydney began.

"I know you miss Vaughn, but this little act you pull on Deere every week is going to end up putting you in jail instead of finding you husband." He said coldly.

Sydney looked back at her father. "I don't care!" She said coldly right back. "I already feel like I am in jail. My husband is somewhere out there hoping that I will come and get him, and I have no idea where he is at. If he is ok, and what is happening to him." She paused with her eyes welling up with water. "I can't sleep at night because I wonder if I will ever see him again, and tell him how much I need him." She said losing her control.

"Sydney..." Jack said trying to control her.

"I Need him dad!" She screamed. "I can't do this without him. I can't..." she said letting tears fall from her eye.

"We will find him Sydney. We will." Jack said.

Sydney looked at her father, and then left the room.


Sydney walked in the door, and dropped her briefcase. She padded Donvan on the head, and then headed for the kitchen. She opened up the fridge and took a cold beer. She walked out of the kitchen, and back into the hallway where she stumbled on the picture of her and Vaughn at the park sitting on the bench wth his arm around her, and they are laughing. She picked the picture up, and put it near her heart as she sat down on the couch.

Donvan jumped up on the couch, and licked Sydney's hand with the picture, and whimpered. Sydney smiled sadly at the poor dog. She padded him on the head. "I'm sorry boy, I didn't find dad yet." She said as she continued to pat his head. She traced her finger around the picture, and took another swig of her beer. A knock came at her door.

She put the picture and her beer down, and headed for the door. She opened it.

"Francie!" She said smiling.

Francie smiled back. "Good, I was hoping that you were home."

Sydney smiled. "Yea, I got of work a little early." She said.

"Another trip?" Francie asked.

"How'd you guess?" Sydney asked back.

"Your only home early, when you have another trip coming up." She smiled.

"You do pay attention." Sydney laughed.

Francie looked passed Sydney and noticed the beer and picture laying on the coffee table. "How are you doing?" She said as Sydney turned around and picked up her beer and sat back down.

"Crappy!" She answered.

Francie sighed. "I'm sorry Sydney. Any word yet?" She asked.

Sydney put her head down. "No." She said sadly.

"You will find him. I know you will." She said reassuring.

Sydney just nodded. She took another swig. "So what brings you here?" Sydney asked.

"I just wanted to come over and hang out, and maybe get some dinner." She answered back.

"Francie...." Sydney started

"Yes?" She asked back.

"You and will don't have to take turns on checking up on me. I am not going to go kill myself or get drunk every night. I'm ok." She said.

"Syd, I am not checking up on you. I know that you are ok. It's just....well..."

"Well, what?" Sydney asked back.

"I just want you to know that you aren't alone, and that you don't have to be big and strong for us. Sydney, if ever you need to cry or talk you know you have my number." She said.

Those words hit Sydney hard. While Francie was being nice she didn't understand those meaning of those words. Sydney fought back the tears, and smiled.

"Thanks, Francie, but I am ok. I'm just going to watch some TV, and go to bed early for my early trip tomorrow." She said smiling.

"Ok, but you promise you will call me if you need anything?" she asked.

"I Promise." Sydney said.

Franice gave her a hug, and Sydney showed her out. As soon as she closed the door Sydney put her hand over her mouth and sunk to the floor to cry.


"Mr. Vaughn, it has been two months, and you still refuse to tell us what we want to know. My patience along with my niceness." A man had said.

He looked at Vaughn who was tied to a chair his face all cut up, and blood running from his lip. Vaughn didn't say anything just looked at him.

"I can see that you wont tell us anything, will you?" He asked.

Vaughn just smiled. "It's a shame if I would have to get your pretty wife involved." He said raising an eyebrow.

Vaughn's face turned to anger. "You leave my wife out of this." He said.

"I can do that Mr. Vaughn. All I need is for you to tell me what the CIA knows about the artifact, and I will let you go home and make love to your pretty wife." He said smiling.

Vaughn thought about Sydney night and day. He wondered how she was doing, and if she was safe. He longed to hold her in his arms and kiss her, and tell her everything is ok. He missed her warm body next to hers at night. He wished he could tell her he loved her.

"Those lovely thoughts you are thinking of her could come true...just tell me Mr. Vaughn." The man replied again.

"I would never tell you anything." Vaughn answered back.

The man became angry. "I gave you many chances, but now your wife's head will be my next trophy." He yelled .

"You touch her and I swear you son-of- a- b****." Vaughn yelled as the man left the room. He struggled to get out of the bindings around his wrist, but it was no use. He couldn't get out. "Sydney.." He whispered.

~~~ OUTSIDE~~~

"He's not going to budge." The man said.

"What would you like me to do sir?" Another man asked.

"Find out where this Sydney Vaughn is, and bring her to me." he replied. "Alone!" He added in.

"Yes, Sir!" He replied.

"If he wont tell me, I will make him." The man replied as the other man walked away.


Sydney laid in her bed looking at another picture of her and Vaughn. This one was at thier wedding. Sydney smiles as she remembered that day. How happy they were. As she remembers the only day that comes to her memory is the one that took place two months ago.

It was an easy mission. Sydney and Vaughn were to enter a party scope out their guy, and get as much information as they could on their man Marcus Lang. He was a Russian spy that popped up on the CIA grid trying to learn more about these Rambaldi facts. He was tied to Sloane, but know he works for himself. They were to tap into his conversation, and see what his next moves.

The mission was almost complete when the party erupted in a gun fight. Sydney and Vaughn ran for the extraction point, but got split up between the crowd. Sydney dove back in calling his name. Vaughn called her as well. She spotted Vaughn on the other side of the room. She was almost to him when a guy reached out and grabbed Vaughn.

"Vaughn!" Sydney screamed as he tried to get to him.

Vaughn tired to fight the men off grabbing him. "Sydney, go!" He yelled.

She continued to try and make her way passed the crowd of people but there were to many of them.

“Sydney go!” Vaughn screamed again. “We’ll find each other!” He yelled before he was pushed behind a door, and out of Sydney’s sight.

Sydney cried as she looked at the picture. “I love you!” She whispered.


"Sydney!" Jack shouted as he saw Sydney round the corner.

Sydney turned around. "Yes?" She asked.

"Can I ask where you are going?" Jack asked.

"Why?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Sydney, I know you got clearance to visit Sark. That's not a good idea." He answered.

"How did you know I got clearance?" She asked back. "Are you spying on me?" She asked.

"Look, There's nothing that Sark can do to help you. He's been locked up for two years." Jack responded.

"Dad, I have tried every option, and I am coming up empty handed, the CIA has nothing. I know Sark will know who this guy is, and I am going to make him tell me." She answered firmly.

"I don't want you to go see him in there." Jack responded.

"Why?" She asked back. "Why can't I?" She asked.

Jack starred at her for a moment. "Because I told you that their is no way that he could no something." He replied.

Sydney looked at her father for a moment. "what are you not telling me?" She asked angry.

Jack didn't say anything. "Dad, what are you not telling me?" She repeated again more angry.

Jack looked at his daughter. "Sark escaped." Jack answered.

"He what?" She asked back. "How, When, To where, Why?" The questions poured out of her.

"We don't know where, but he escaped. He planned it exactly the same time their was a guard change." Jack replied back.

"How long has he been free?" She asked.

Jack said nothing. Sydney put her hand to her mouth knowing that Sark escaped around the same time that Vaughn went missing. Sydney took off towards Deere's office. She didn't even bother to knock she walked right in. Jack close behind.

"You son-of-a-B****!" She yelled.

Director Deere excused the young lady he was talking too. "Excuse me Mrs. Vaughn/" He asked back anger in his face.

"You lied to me! You the CIA, everyone! Why wasn't I informed that Sark has escaped?" She asked yelling.

At that moment director Deere noticed Jack behind her. "I see your father has told you." He answered.

"Why?" She demanded.

"I will excuse your anger this once, but never EVER call me that again." He said "No one said anything or no one was told because we wanted to see what Mr. Sark was planning to do. Who he was working with now that your mother is dead. Who is new boss is, and who would want to break Mr. Sark out of jail." He answered back.

"I don't care what you want t know....how dare you use my husband as a tool to document some report you are doing!" She answered coldly.

"Mrs. Vaughn, for all we know Sark may not even have your husband. We don't know who has him." He shouted back. "Their were many people at that party that wanted the same information that we wanted." He replied.

"Find someone else for your mission." She said.

"I'm sorry?" Director Deere asked.

"I said find someone else for your mission. As of right now the only thing I will focus my attention on is finding my husband...and when I do I am sure I will find your precious Sark with him." She answered.''

"I'm afraid I can't do that Sydney. You will go on this mission, and that is final." He yelled back.

"I..." Sydney began.

"Remember Sydney, I will cut you off." Deere said.

She starred at him coldly, and stormed out of his office. Jack took off after her.

"Sydney wait!" He yelled.

She turned around. "I have nothing to say to you!" She yelled back. "You know how much Michael means to me, and how much I need him, and you....you.." She just closed her mouth and starred at him, and then turned around and walked away.


"Dixon, I'm going in." Sydney said through her ear piece.

She walked in the double glass doors of a hotel room.

"Hola!" Sydney said as she walked up to the hotel desk.

"Hola!" The lady responded.

"Estoy aquí para mi cuarto. Rebecca Martin" She said as she looked around. (I am here for my room, Rebecca Martin.)

"Sí, Rebecca Martin. Aquí está su llave, usted es el espacio 130" the lady responded. (Yes, Rebecca Martin. Here is your key, you are room 130.)

"Gracias!" Sydney said as she took the key, and headed for the room. "Anything yet?" Sydney asked as she walked to the elevator.

"Nothing yet Syd. Set up when you get in the room." Dixon said back in her ear.

Sydney waited by the elevator. She looked around to see if she spotted the man they were looking for. The elevator doors opened.

"Oh God!" Sydney said shocked.

"Sydney!" Dixon yelled. "Sydney!" The radio went dead.


Hope you enjoyed!

Love ya,

Lauren :angelic:
I hope you're better now :smiley:

to the story:
it's really great, I didn't "Love at first sight" so I don't know what happened there but this is great

poor Syd (n) , they better find Vaughn soon

please pm me when you update, thanks
So it took a while, but I re-read Love at First Sight. :thud: That was hella long.

But I'm glad your back and can't wait to read more.

Poor Vaughnnie! I can't believe they took him. I want to kill that son of a b**** who took him! <_<


But Syd's so concerned. It's cute.

Great Start! I can't wait for more! Loved it.

(y) Good Job!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO IS SHE? JUST ANOTHER FANFIC GOD!!!LAUREN OTHER THAN UR AMAZING STORIES I MISSED U A BUNCH!!!!!!!!!! IM GLAD THAT UR OK.I still got my copies of 'The End is nowhere near' ahahahahahahahhahahaha I cant believe it. UR BACK!!!!!

BTW this is gonna b another amazing story.YOU JUST LOVE MAKING ME NUTZ HU? hahahahahahaha

U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just read love at first today, and it was awesome. i really like this so far!! syd and vaughn both have to be okay. please PM me when you update!!
hi! :D

I just read "Love at first sight" and i loved it! I think you write really well. i was so excited to see this sequel! I was wondering if I could get a pm when you update please. Thank you, and keep up the good work! (y)
Thank you so much everyone! Here is your next update!! :D



The elevator door opens. “Oh God!” Sydney says shocked.

“Sydney!” Dixon yells into her earpiece. “Sydney!” He yells again. The signal is lost.

“Step in, Mrs. Vaughn!” The man in elevator said.

Sydney just stood their looking at the man. “If, you want to see your husband again…step in!” He repeated.

Sydney starred at him, and then walked into the elevator standing next to him.

“You seem shocked to see me.” The man said smiling.

“While, you might think this little game is funny., I don’t.” She paused. “When I get my husband back, I will make sure this time you die.” She said starring at him.

Their was silence between the two. “How did you escape?” Sydney asked.

Sark smiled. “It’s funny, when you sit in a room locked up for two years what your mind will come up with.” He said smirking. Sydney just glared at him. “You will get off at the top floor. A helicopter will be waiting for us. You won’t give me any problems now, will you?” He asked.

Sydney said nothing. The elevator door beeped, and Sydney and Sark got out of the elevator, and on the roof. Sydney turned around, and looked at Sark who was holding a gun.

“Who do you work for?” She asked.

Sark smiled. “You will find out soon enough.” He answered. He waved his gun at her and motioned her to get on the helicopter. Sydney and Sark got onto the helicopter.


“We just got word. Sydney has been intercepted by someone.” A man said as he walked in the room where Jack and Director Deere were standing.. Jack looked up.

“What?” He asked.

“Agent Dixon said that she had received her key, and was headed to the room, when the elevator opened he heard her say ‘Oh God’, and then the radio signal went lost.” The agent said.

“Do we know who intercepted her?” Deere asked.

“We are working on it. Whoever it was doesn’t want us to know that they have her. They went to great lengths to keep it hidden. The camera’s are down, the elevators were all rerouted. “ The agent went on to say.

“If it takes you all day and night you tell me who it was. Do you understand?” Jack demanded.

“Yes, sir!” The agent said.

Jack turned around to director Deere. “Who do you think it is?” Deere asked.

“I put my money on Sark.” He replied. “As soon as we are for sure, I am going.” Jack said.

“I will have the arrangements made.” He answered back.

Jack walked out of the office.


“Where are we Sark?” Sydney asked as the helicopter landed.

“So many questions. Just walk.” He said nudging the gun in her back.

They walked into a old building where Sark had her walk into a room and sit in a chair. “Sit tight, I will be right back.” He said closing the door behind her.

Sydney got up out of the chair. Her heart was racing. She looked for a way out of their. She knew that Vaughn was in the building, and she was going to do everything in her power to find him. Just then Sark re-opened the door.

“Didn’t I tell you to sit tight?” He asked shutting the door behind him.

“Where’s Vaughn?” She asked him.

“He’s alive.” He said smirking. “I think.” He answered.

“You…” Sydney said as she lunged at him.

Sark held is gun out at her. “I don’t think that is a good idea. If I were you, I would sit down before you don’t know the answer to your last question.” He said firmly.

Sydney calmed herself down, and sat back down in her chair.

“Now, being the nice guy that I am, I will give you a couple of minutes with your husband , but….the only reason I am allowing this is because he knows something that I want. Tell him to tell me, or you will watch him die.” He said “Slowly!” He added in.

“You touch him and I will kill you.” Sydney answered back.

Sark smiled. “I’m being nice, agent Vaughn…don’t push my patience.” He replied.

Sydney said nothing. She wanted to see Michael at that moment so bad that she would sell her soul to the devil just to see him. She wanted to know if he was ok. She had to know.

“What do you want to know?” Sydney asked.

“Your husband knows. Just have him tell me!” He answered back.

Sydney nodded. Two men came in, and grabbed Sydney and took her down the hall. They stopped in front of a door, and her heart began to race. The two men opened the door, and threw her in. Sydney stopped when she saw Vaughn laying on the floor with his eyes closed. Tears came to her eyes. All the cuts,a nd the blood on him made her cry. She ran over to him, and kneeled beside him.

“Michael!” She said nudging him.

She got no response. “Michael!” She yelled again, with tears coming down her eyes.

“Syd..” Vaughn said faintly

“Michael...please wake up.” She said picking him up to where his head laid on her lap.

Slowly Vaughn’s eyes opened. “Sydney!” He said.

“Yes.” She said smiling.

“I’m dreaming again.” He whispered.

“No, Vaughn…I’m here.” She said caressing his forehead.

“Please wake up!” She said bending down, and sweetly kissing him.

She broke the kiss, as tears fell down her cheek, Vaughn’s eyes opened again.

“Sydney!” He said strongly. “What are you doing here? Are you ok?” He said trying to get up. As soon as he tried to get up, the pain in his side cause him to fall back down.

“Vaughn, are you ok?” She asked seeing him wince.

He sighed. “what are you doing here?” He asked. “You have to leave. Sark and Sloane will hurt you.” He said in between.

“Sloane?” She repeated. “He’s here?” She asked.

“Yes, and you have to go.” He said. “Please, I don’t want anything to happ…” He stopped and held his rib.

“Michael…” She said holding him.

“Michael, you have to listen to me. Sark found me while Dixon and I were on a mission. He wants you to tell him something. What does he want you to tell him?” She asked.

“Your mother. Something your mother was to give to Sark, but never did because she died.” He paused in pain. “Your father and I retrieved it three months ago. Sloane wants it. My guess is he made a deal with Sark, because knows half of it.” Vaughn answerd. “It’s a code.” He said.

“Syd…” He breathed.

“Yea?” She said holding back the tears.

“I love you.” He replied.

Sydney tried to keep the tears from falling. “I love you more.” She responded back.

Just ran her hands over his face, and Vaughn grabbed a hold of her hand. “I’m going to get you out of here.” He said. “I promise you.” He whispered back.

Just then Sark walked back in the room. Well, Sydney it seems to me that you have had enough time to make your husband here tell me what I want to know. Two men walked from behind Sark, and went over and grabbed a hold of Sydney.

“Vaughn!” She screamed.

“No!” Vaughn said getting up quickly still wincing in pain.

“Tell me agent Vaughn. Tell me and you can go.” Sark demanded.

Vaughn looked over at Sydney, and she looked at him lovingly with tears rolling down her face. He never took his eyes of her, and she never took her eyes of him.

“For the last time, I won’t tell you.” He replied.

Sydney’s face crumbled. She knew what Sark was going to do.

“You are a stupid, stupid man Mr. Vaughn.” He replied. “Not only am I going to kill you, but you can watch your wife die first.” He shouted.

“Take her, and kill her.” Sark demanded.

“No!” Vaughn shouted. “All right!” He said. “Let her go!” He demanded.

“Tell me the code!” Sark demanded.

Vaughn looked at Sydney. “6-33-51-897-4436” Vaughn said slowly.

“You better hope that is the right code Mr. Vaughn.” Sark replied.

“It is.” He answered.

“Then, you wont mind me holding onto your wife while we check.” He said with a smile.

“You rotten..” Vaughn began

“Choose your words.” He interrupted.

“Take her!” Sark demanded. “I will be back shortly.” He said leaving the room.


“Jack we got it!” The agent said running up to him.

“They are in a old safe house. One that is registered to Sloane.” The agent said.

“Which one?” He asked.

“A villa in Cabo Mexico. Here is the address.” The agent said.

Jack took the address, and looked back at the young man. “Inform Director Deere, and tell him to assemble a team. I’m going ahead.” He said leaving the office.


The two men threw Sydney in another room. She fell to the ground hard, but managed to get herself back up. When she stood up, she was face to face with her past.

“Hello Sydney!” The familiar voice said.

Sydney lookd up to see Sloane standing before her. Her eyes filled with hate, and her fists clenched.

“You…” She screamed as she tried to stand up, and lunge at Sark. Two men came behind her quickly, and grabbed her.

“Release her.” Sloane said to the guards.

“Sir?” The man questioned.

“Release her!” He repeated. Sydney looked at him. “She won’t be giving me anymore problems.” He said as he pointed to a huge piece of glass to the left of them. Sydney turned to the glass, and moved towards it. When she looked out, she could see Vaughn in the cell lying on the ground. She turned around.

“You sick piece…” She began.

“It’s nice to see you again Sydney.” Sloane said smiling.

“I’m gonna see that you die.” She responded.

Sloane smiled. “I always loved your threats..” He paused. “Really, though, I am kind of sick of them.” He added in.

“I hate you.” She spat.

He smiled. “Your husband has been keeping me lots of company. He keeps me up to date on you.” He informed.

“What ever you want with Michael, you have me now. Let him go.” She said.

“Such love.” He replied. “You would do anything for him, and he would for you. I remember I would do the same thing for my wife too.” He replied.

“I’m thankful she’s dead.” Sydney said coldly.

Sloane shot her a evil glare. Her words raising his temper. “It’s not you that I want.” He answered after having calmed down.

“I know that you want the code. Give me time, and I will give it to you, and you can let him go.” She said again.

“No!” Sloane answered.

“I don’t only need the code Sydney, but the location. Your husband has that location, and he will show me where it is at.” He said “No matter what the cost is.” He said looking at her.

A knock came at the door.

“Come in!” Sloane shouted.

Sark walked in the door. He shook his head at Sloane. Sydney saw him shake his head at Sloane, and knew what it was for. Sloane looked back at Sydney.

“It seems your husband sill doesn’t want to give it up.” He said looking at her.

Sydney just starred at him. “Take a seat, Sydney.” Sloane said pointing to the chair behind her facing the glass. Sydney knew what he was going to do next. He was going to maker her watch them torture him, and their was nothing she could do to stop them.

Sark left the room, as the two guards stood behind Sydney as they made her sit. Her eyes began to water, and her heart pounded louder and louder. Vaughn was in terrible shape, and she had no idea on what they had planned for him.

A moment later Sark walked into Vaughn’s cell. Vaughn opened his eyes at him, and Sark stood before him.

“It was wrong, agent Vaughn.” He replied.

“No, that’s the only one I know.” He answered back.

“Think harder.” He said back.

Vaughn didn’t say anything. He took out his walkie talkie, and put it to his mouth. “Break his wife’s finger.” He said.

“No!” Vaughn shouted.

Sydney watched helpless through the window up stairs.

“Tell me Mr. Vaughn!” He demanded again.

“I told you I don’t know!” He shouted back.

Sark walked over, and kicked Vaughn in the ribs making him scream out and wince.

“No!” Sydney screamed up stiars.

“I am sick of this agent Vaughn.” He yelled. “This is your last chance. Now tell me!” He demanded.

Vaughn couldn’t say anything as he winced harder. Sark walked up closer to him, and bent down towards his head.

“Just before I kill her, I am going to indulge myself on what I bet will be the best I ever have.” He said getting back up.

Vaughn tried to reach out, but grabbed his stomach again. Sark closed the door behind him, and left.


Jack, Dixon, and Weiss were all on the private CIA plane ready to enter Mexico.

“Do we know what they are after?” Dixon raised the question.

“I might.” Jack responded.

“Would you care to inform us?” Weiss asked sarcastically.

“A couple of missions back, Agent Vaughn and I found a code that Dreveko had hidden tucked away. We ran searches on it, and when we learned more we knew that Sark knew the other half. That way no one cloud get it without the other.” Jack responded it.

“What is the code used for?” Weiss asked.

“A machine.” Jack responded. “When put in the wrong hands, could very well wipe out the whole world.” He responded back.

Weiss and Dixon looked at each other. “Three months ago, The code document went missing from the CIA evidence locker, and then a month later Sark escaped.” Jack responded,

“You believe Sloane stole it?” Dixon asked.

“Yes, and I believe he broke Sark out of jail because he needs him.” Jack responded,

“I don’t get it.” Weiss said. “If Sloane got the code, then why does he want Vaughn?” He asked.

Jack looked at him. “Because Vaughn, and I had Marshal put a bug tracer on it to mess it up. It’s no use.” Jack responded,. “But agent Vaughn and I know the code.” He responded back.

“So, that’s why they want Vaughn.” Weiss said out loud. “They know that they could use Sydney against him.” He finished.

“Which is why we need to get there as soon as possible.” Jack responded. “I will get Sloane, and Sark. I want you guys to get Vaughn and Sydney.” He informed.

Dixon and Weiss obliged.


Sark walked back up in the office. He looked at Sydney, and smiled at her evily. Sydney got up out of her chair.

“You sick son-of…” She spat. The guards grabbed her, and held her back.

“He’s not going to tell us.” Sark said out loud. “I think we need to give him a reason too.” He said looking at Sydney.

Sloane looked at Sydney. “Not yet!” Sloane said. “Let’s wear him down a little longer, if not then we will take further actions.” He replied.

“No offense, Arvin, but we don’t have all the time in the world. We need to make him tell us.” He said.

“I understand.” Sloane agreed.

“The CIA is now probably close on our tails, we need to speed the process along.” Sark argued again sounding impatient.

Sydney watched as the two fought back in forth. Her eyes traveled to the window were she saw her husband laying on the floor struggling how to breath.

“Give me a couple of minutes with him, and I am sure I will get him to give you whatever you want.” Sydney spoke up.

Sark turned to her. “Even if he did Mrs. Vaughn, I know that you wont tell us the truth.” He spat back.

“You would have my word.” She answered.

Sark looked over at Sloane, and Sloane looked over at him.

“I will give you five minuets Sydney. I pray for your sake that he tells you. I am really starting to lose my niceness.” Sloane answered.

“Five minuets.” She responded back.

“Take her down stairs.” He responded.

Sydney and Sark left, the room, and Sloane took his seat back at his desk, where he looked over the window to see Vaughn lying on the floor.

~~Sorry for the weird ending, but I don’t want to ruin the next chapter after that. So I hope you guys like it.!~~

Love ya,
