
And no, I don't think I'm too old for it.
What?! Aren't you 13?

My PARENTS are doing the whole Halloween thing at The Overseas Women's Club in Bangalore, India. There are going to be people there around 60 who are dressing up in costumes!
My floor won a contest for best decorated lounge. It was great. I got to dress up as a zomnie and scare all these kids that came by. Then some other floor set off the fire alarms with their dry ice and we had to evacuate the building. So I was on the street dressed like a dead person. :cool:
hahaha.....I'm sorry.....I just had to lauhg...I don't know why....just the usage of the sad smileys to depict your sadness..... :mellow:

hahah....seriously? Now...how exactly would your teddy help you? Will he attack the little monsters for you? :P

I make absolutely NO sense :hmm:
At first, I was going to be Betty Rubble. But I wore my costume yesterday and no one knew. It was sad. So now I am going to do one of Syd's disguises! :D
I hate it when no one knows what your custome is.

Last year my boyfriend was Frodo, he did a great job on the costume. But people usually had to ask him,...then they're like "oooohhh. Wow that's really cool"