Italian Course


<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>I was just wondering if anyone would be able to give up the time to teach me and anyone else how to speak a little Italian because I really want to learn it but my school doesn't teach it :( So if anyone would like to I'd be very grateful to them ^_^ </span>
I learn it at school, so I could answer your questions if you want, but I think it would be better if someone who speaks italian as a native language would make a course :smiley:
<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Teach me anything, maybe the basics??? Like how to say "My name is .." ^_^

come sta??? (is that right) :blink:
That's right Tanja!
About "How are you?" we say "Come va?" or "Come stai?"

How old are you? - Quanti anni hai?
Thanks - Grazie
You're welcome - Prego
<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>mi chiamo Sabella. Sono inglese. Mi capisce? Ho 16 anni. In quale citta abita???

(ok not all me, I got help from my phrase book, sorry! :blush2: I just want to know if you understood what I was saying???)
I understood you!

Mi chiamo Tanja e sono tedesco. Abito a kehl in germania e studio l'italiano da 3 anni. Ho anche fatto un scambio scolastico un anno fa con una scuola in bassano del Grappa, che era molto bene!

Very good Tanja!!

One thing, you are a girl, right? so it's "sono tedesca".
You speak Italian very well....I don't speak German, I can speak only French and English.
Yeah! I knew about the tedesca...simply forgot italian teacher would kill me (y) :lol:

Vuoi studiare un po' di tedesco? C'è anche un corso di tedesco in questo forum! ;)
Hi everyone!
I'm italian too, and I like to learn to you Italian! (Fantastic but not very easy language!)

Ciao ragazze/i italiani!
Da dove venite? Io da Milano!

Where are you from? - Da dove vieni?

Baci- Kisses

Ok, nobody went on here, so I'm doing it :lol:

the verb ,,essere" - to be
I am - (io) sono
you are - (tu) sei
he/ she/ it - (lui/ lei) è

we are - (noi) siamo
you are - (voi) siete
they are - (loro) sono
I guess I'll add something

avere- to have

I (io)- ho
you (tu)- hai
he/she/You formal (lui/lei/Lei)- ha

we (noi)- abbiamo
you all (voi)- avete
they (loro)- hanno
i take an italian course, but this is so great to learn stuff here too!!!

mi chiamo emma. sono finlandese. ho 15½ anni. sto abbastanza bene!

and that's about it! :D so teach me more!

haha you know what? alias79 said "Italian fan di dove sei? io della provincia di Firenze!" AND I UNDERSTOOD! yeah! we've learnt that in italian class!!! and when i realized that i understood i started jumping on my computer chair like a freak and sang "io understood! io understood!!!" :sideroll:

(it's "italian fan where are you from? i'm from the Firenze -province", right? :blink: other wise my reaction was kinda a wast of energy ^_^ )

No no, you understood correct!! ;)
Ok, if you want a certain sentence in italian or a special verb, noun....., just ask

next verb: to know - sapere
Io so
tu sai
lui/ lei sa
noi sappiamo
voi sapete
loro sanno
conoscere- to know

used to show acquaintance with someone or something

io conosco
tu conosci
lui/lei/Lei conosce

noi consciamo
voi conoscete
loro conoscono