Listen with Your Heart

Cute ending. I'm glad that everything worked out the way they wanted to in the end. :smiley:

Thanks for another great story, Janet. I can't wait for the new one.
Buena Suerte on your test.
(When I say it in spanish it gives more effect ;) )

Hmm... It was hacked?!
Dude, thats so cool. ...I mean, not cool at all.
But that is kinda cool.


-Where can you run to? :beret: 🤠 :Pirate2:
Aww what a cute ending!!!
-I'm glad they got married despite what Vaughn's mother thought!!
Great story!! Loved it!!
Yay, he proposed. How great that he had already asked permission, 2 weeks earlier, no less.
Jack appreciated that Michael never treated Sydney like she had a handycap.
I wonder where Sydney was for that hour.

I hope their daughter eventually learns how to lip-read better.
Perhaps the genetic defect only affected females since it didn't affect their son.

I was hoping to see another appearance by Eric. But, he did in a way; their son was named Greg. (as in Greg Grunberg - lol).

I loved it. Thanks.
It was good that Michael and Sydney prepared their children for the possibililty they may lose their hearing. That way when it happened, their daughter was prepared.

I'm going under the assumption, Michael never made up with his mother. If so, it's her loss.

Heeeeee! OMG, that was so incredibly adorable....and I'm glad that one of their kids didn't have it, so Syd wouldn't stress out and be like 'AHH I've RUINED their lives!'

Anyway....there, honestly, are no words for how much I loved this story.

Incredible job.