When A Heart Breaks

Glad Michael and Eric have made up...
Hopefully Eric will figure out what to do...
I'm guessing it was Sloane that sent the letter...
Wonder how Eric is gonna react to Nadia needing him...
THanks for the pm.
Can't wait for more.
:lol: Thanks for the pm. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I had been sick. Love the update. I am glad Vaughn and Weiss have made ammends.
I love all of you who take time to read and review my story. Thanks guys so much. Here’s a new chapter, I hope you like it. :hug:

When A Heart Breaks


“Nadia, this letter makes no sense. It has a bunch of numbers and letters that doesn’t look like any kind of code I’m familiar with,” Sydney asked the shaking Nadia who looked like someone who had a death lurking near her.

“I need to talk to Eric. Please Syd, I need to tell him this in person. He needs to be the first to know. I want him here,” Nadia said looking pleadingly into Sydney’s eyes.

“You can tell me anything and I’ll be here for you. Tell me how I can help you?” Sydney said concerned. It wasn’t good for Nadia to depend on Eric when he couldn’t fully be here for her.

“I did something that I will regret all my life, I need to come clean to Eric about it. I thought that what I did was long buried, but they won’t let me forget.” Nadia said seriously and looked at her sister as if to tell her that she was going to get her way no matter what Sydney might say about it.

Michael pulled Sydney away from Nadia who looked like a mess. Something very disturbing was going on and he didn’t see no other alternative other than call Eric and have him come over.

“I’ll call him,” Michael said giving Sydney a worried look and left to make the call to the other room still carrying Isabelle.


“I’m exhausted, thank god I don’t have to clean this place. Mom’s coming in the morning to do that,” Rachel said giggling as Eric was slightly tickling her feet. She was very ticklish and Eric knew that very well.

“Looks like you have it made, honey. A tall, dark and handsome man is massaging your feet AND you don’t have clean. What a perfect world,” Eric joked as he carefully climbed on top of Rachel, balancing himself on his hands so that no weight was pressing against her stomach.

“My life is pretty good, I can admit that,” Rachel smiled, kissing Eric deeply. Eric hadn’t seemed so relaxed and happy in her company in weeks and this flirty banter they had was a change from the moody and depressed version of Eric that she had come to know since Nadia had returned.

After a few minutes of kissing that was far from the sweet and chaste kisses she had become accustomed, he moved away from her and settled next to her taking Rachel in his arms.

“I know you said you didn’t want to make a decision about the name before he’s born, but I really like the name Aaron Eric Rafferty Weiss. How does that sound?” Rachel asked, snuggling closer to him and taking a hold of his hand.

“Aaron Eric Rafferty Weiss, that’s not bad. I think he could go through life as an Aaron,” Eric said surprised that he actually liked the name and didn’t have to pretend to for Rachel’s sake.

“Aaron. I guess you are an Aaron then. Mommy and daddy can’t wait to see you Aaron,” Rachel said lovingly, talking to her stomach.

“Mike’s going to be disappointed since I didn’t name my first born after him. He actually suggested it, but our kid is not going to be a Michael. I’d rather name him Kumquat,” Eric laughed, but what interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone.

“Hello Mike. Your timing is impeccable, we were just having a laugh at your expense. What’s up?” Eric asked making a face that Rachel found hilarious and couldn’t help laughing.

“I need you to come over. Something’s up with Nadia and she doesn’t want to tell what’s wrong unless you’re here. Can you make it,” Michael asked pouncing Isabelle so she wouldn’t start crying.

“I’ll be there in 15.” Eric said simply and ended the call. He looked at Rachel and felt guilty, but Nadia needed him and he had to go make sure she was okay.

“Don’t tell me you have to go. I hate your job, this was your day off. Take care of yourself and come back in one piece,” Rachel said with a kiss before he could leave the bed. Eric didn’t correct her and was glad she assumed he had to go to work. She would have a fit if she knew where he was actually going.

“I’m sorry, I’ll be back as soon as I can. I don’t want you to move anywhere from that bed, I’ll put that chick flick you love in the DVD player and you can
just relax.” Eric said going to the living room and returning with ‘The Notebook’ which was one of Rachel’s favorite movies of all time. Eric thought the movie sucked personally and had only once watched it, even then falling asleep half away through the film, but this was one tried and true way to make sure Rachel didn’t move anywhere for a while.

“While you’re at it, can you bring me butter pecan ice cream from the fridge. I feel a craving coming,” Rachel said adjusting her position and getting ready to watch the movie that always made her cry.

“Your wish is my command. Here’s the ice cream, apple juice and some tissues. You always cry during it, so…” Eric replied returning from the kitchen with a large ice cream container and other items she would need.

“You’re a sweet, thanks honey. Kick some bad guy butt and then come back to me,” Rachel said and watched Eric grap his jacket and car keys and exit their home.


“Is he coming?” Nadia asked from Michael as he retuned to the room where the two sisters where.

“Yeah, he should be here soon. I changed Isabelle, but she’s hungry. Do you wanna feed her or am I going to get the bottle?” Michael asked from Sydney, still carrying their infant daughter.

“I’ll feed her, can you stay here with Nadia before Eric gets here?” Sydney asked taking her daughter in her arms and kissing Michael on the lips.

“I’ll sit with her,” Michael responded and watched his wife disappear to the other room to take care of Isabelle.

They sat in silence for a while; she was hugging her knees to her chest, her eyes focused on something that Michael couldn’t see while he was studying the letter. It looked like a random collection of numbers and letters, seemingly with no connection. The silence was broken by the ringing of the doorbell. Michael rose from his seat and went to the door and opened it.

“So is someone going to tell me what’s happened?” Eric asked bewildered, taking in the scene. Nadia’s demeanor was troubling, her whole petite body was shaking when he took her into his arms.

“Mike, I need to talk to my husband alone, we’ll go to my room,” Nadia said shakily and guided Eric to her bedroom with the letter in hand. He was shocked at her use of the word ‘husband’ and a little sad that most likely he would never have a change to call Nadia ‘wife’ ever again.

Nadia’s room was quite big, with a queen-size bed with red beddings and fluffy pillows as it’s focus point. On her metallic nightstand, there were two pictures featured prominently, one was a shot of Nadia with her mother and Sydney while the other was their wedding photo, taken in the garden of the hotel where their reception had been held.

“Tell me what’s wrong? Your scaring me,” Eric said sitting on her bed and hoping for some answers.

“When I got home today from looking at apartments, I found this letter. It’s written in a code that only five people can cipher; those five being me, dad, Lauren, Sark and the person who sent it. He was my bodyguard, dad trusted him to keep me safe and under lock and key. This letter means he is here in Los Angeles and he‘s going to ruin everything,” Nadia said desperately, not really knowing how to start telling this miserable tale to the man she loved.

“Your safe Nadia, I won’t let anyone take you again. Listen to me, whoever this man is, he is not getting anywhere near you, I guarantee you that,” Eric said rising from the bed and taking Nadia into a tight hug that neither wanted to end. It felt good to hold the petite brunette woman tightly, he had missed this level of intimacy with her; during their meetings in resent weeks, they had been very platonic with each other meaning no hugging or touching.

“I did something that I’ll regret, something I’m sure you’re never able to forgive me for doing. I didn’t tell you sooner because the truth would be too painful for you to deal with, but now if I don‘t tell you, someone else will. Hunter, my bodyguard, says in the letter that he’s going to let everyone know who I really am, making my family hate me and leaving me all alone, so I’ll have to return to him. You need to hear this from me, please don‘t hate me,” Nadia said, not moving from his arms. After he would know the truth, he would never held her again.

“Nadia, I won’t ever believe you did something bad by choice, whatever it is that you feel guilty about doing, you did because you didn’t have a choice. There is no way I would ever hate you, no matter what this Hunter person believes.” Eric said gently stroking her hair in a way he used to when she was upset about something.

“I killed our baby….I murdered our daughter….”Nadia said breaking down and started crying. Eric froze at her words but didn’t move.

To be continued…

Next chapter: Nadia tells Eric the most painful memory from her time in captivity.
when she said killed and murdered, she meant miscarriage... right? not really killed and murdered? the worst i'm thinking is an abortion...

can't wait for an update!
Oh no. :shock: she killed THEIR daughter!?
Im sure she must have been forced by the people who were holding her. .

Oh And Hunter? :eyebrow:
like others have said I hope she means miscarriage or something I don't know...can't wait to here what happened...thanks for the pm.
The pain she feels coming back and finding her husband with another woman who's pregnant with his child, now takes a whole other level.
Thanks guys so much for the reviews. I haven’t decided yet about the ending; who do you guys think Eric should end up with?

When A Heart Breaks


“What are you saying? We had a daughter? I don’t understand…” Eric said with a mixture of confusion and anger. He continued to held Nadia in his arms, although he needed answers and he needed them now.

“I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Just hear me out before you say anything,” Nadia said pleadingly with tears in her eyes and pulling away from Eric. She sat on the bed and gestured Eric to join her. He did with a nod and expected her to continue.

“Four weeks after they took me, I found out that I was pregnant. I was so thrilled at the prospect of having our baby, it was going to keep me strong when I couldn’t be with you. Dad was ecstatic, buying a sonogram machine and everything to monitor of baby’s development. The closer and closer I came to my due date, the sadder and more confused I felt. The walls seemed to be closing in on me and everything felt so overwhelming. I started doubting everything, having the baby and being alive. It was just too much for me to handle, I didn’t think I could raise her in the middle of nowhere without you.” Nadia explained holding Eric’s hand and letting her tears flow freely. He felt himself tearing up as well, but keeping them in check for Nadia’s sake. She needed him to be strong now.

“One night, I had a fight with dad, I refused to participate in another Rambaldi mystery and for some reason I was running up the stairs to get away from him when I tripped. I tumbled down the stairs and the pain was more intense I had ever felt. The baby didn’t have a change, I killed her by being so careless and consumed in the hatred for my father. It was all my fault,” Nadia cried, finishing her story and seeking refuge in the strong arms of Eric.

“You didn’t kill her, it was an accident. Listen to me, this is not your fault, you can’t do this to yourself.” Eric said comforting her. His heart was breaking for the pain she must be feeling, he was now looking at her with different eyes. Not only was she beautiful and smart, but an incredibly strong woman who had suffered silently with the fate of their daughter in her conscience. Their daughter, they had conceived a daughter and then tragically lost her, that knowledge was now weighting his heart so heavily that everything that was waiting for him at home with Rachel felt like an afterthought.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this. I want to be there for you, I want us to help each other through this. We need to mourn her together,” Eric said taking her face into his hands and looking deeply into her chocolate brown eyes.

“How could I tell you about a daughter I lost when after every time we spoke, you would dutifully return home to Rachel, to someone who is pregnant with your child. Do you think it’s easy for me to think about Rachel without bitterness and regret? She’ll have a perfect, healthy child to love and raise when I’m left with memories of a child I never had a change to know. I don’t know what she would have been like. Would she have your eyes or my smile? Your personality or my nose?” Nadia said with a certain amount of anger lingering in her voice.

Eric didn’t respond by words, instead he pulled her tightly against him and started stroking her hair lovingly. She had her head resting against his shoulder and slowly felt that her tears had stopped flowing. She lifted her head and caressed his cheek with her hand. Without thinking, she placed a soft kiss on his lips. Eric responded and the kiss that had started sweetly, turned into a furnace of passion.

Nadia lowered herself on the bed and pulled Eric with her. He tasted of coffee and his kisses felt better than she would have though to be possible. He was planting powerful kisses to her lips and caressing her hair with his other hand while the other found the strap of her dress that was quickly pulled off her shoulder.

All of his thoughts were concentrated on the woman below him, nothing else than kissing her felt important. Nadia let her hands wander to his shoulders and pushed his jacket of, throwing it on the floor. Soon, his black shirt joined the ever growing clothing pile. There was no stopping them now and it felt so right.

Eric rolled over and Nadia quickly climbed on top of him, never stopping their passionate kiss. His hands went to the zipper of her dress and Eric unzipped it with expertise and soon the red piece of clothing was pulled from her body and thrown carelessly away. In no time, the rest of their clothing had been peeled off and her soft naked skin was pressed against his equally bare skin.


“It’s been over three hours since Eric came over. What do you think they’re doing in there? Three hours is an awfully long time to talk about something,” Sydney said glancing at her sisters door.

“I think the third moan was the final give-away. They are not subtle: a blind, deaf and mute person would know that they are doing the horizontal mambo,” Michael laughed and looked at his wife in an amused way. Thought he was surprised that Eric had had the cojones to cheat on Rachel.

“Honey, get your mind out of the gutter. For all we know, she might be crying about something and Eric’s just comforting her. I don’t want to jump to conclusions.” Sydney said slightly scolding Michael. She didn’t actually believe what she was saying, but she wanted to believe that Nadia wouldn’t cross that line with a man who had pregnant woman waiting for him at home.

“If she’s crying, then it’s the most orgasmic, satisfying cry I’ve ever heard. It’s more a cry of ecstasy then sadness.” Michael noted with a wink in Sydney’s direction. She responded with playfully sticking her tongue out.

“If you don’t want to sleep on the couch tonight, I would suggest you drop the topic of my sister’s sex life. She knows what she’s doing and I don’t want to speculate about it.” Sydney said in a mock stern way to which he responded with mock terror.

“You wouldn’t leave your darling husband alone with all of his carnal desires, would you? You’re not that cruel,” Michael said taking a hold of his wife and planting a kiss on her neck.

“I think you need to take a cold shower.” Sydney said teasingly and moved away from him to pour herself a glass of water.

“That’s cruel. I’m in an amorous mood,” Michael responded with a naughty wink. She blew him a kiss and went to check on Isabelle.

“Good for you honey, but I’m going to pass,” Sydney said before disappearing to the nursery. She loved this light-hearted flirting they engaged in.

“Cold shower it is then,” Michael yelled after her and plopped down on the couch to try and focus on the television show he had been watching earlier without much luck.


Nadia had placed her head on his shoulder and draped her hand across his chest. She hadn’t been this happy in years, in this moment she felt like everything was possible. Eric still loved her, he had shown that during their lovemaking. He had been gentle and caring, caressing every bit of her body with his lips.

Eric was looking with Nadia, truly looking at her. She was laying there looking at him with love and devotion while he felt like scum for taking advantage of her. She had been emotional and fragile and he hadn’t let that stop him for sleeping with her.

“I have to go,” Eric whispered in her ear and kissing her deeply for the last time.

“Why? Stay here with me. I’m not going to let you pretend that this never happened. We made love and it was wonderful,” Nadia said as he rose from the bed and started looking for his black boxers that had been thrown somewhere carelessly.

“You know why I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow,” Eric said pulling his boxers on and grapping his t-shirt from the floor. Nadia watched in silence as he dressed one garment at a time. After pulling his jacket on, he moved to the door and glanced at Nadia one more time before exiting.

“I love you,” Eric said and left the room, leaving her laying on the bed. Nadia mouthed ‘I love you’, although he had already left.

“Casanova, you have your shirt on backwards. I’d change that before I’d go home,” Michael said noticing Eric emerging from his sister-in-laws bedroom. He looked embarrassed and quickly changed the shirt so he would be presentable before going home to Rachel.

“Mike, it’s not what you think. Well, it’s actually exactly what you think it is, but don’t say anything. Nothing you say can make me feel anymore of a bastard than I already do,” Eric said hoping that Michael wouldn’t be too hard on him.

“Se’s your wife and you’re both consenting adults, so its not my place to judge. I just hope you know what you’re doing. Your face practically says ‘I just got laid’ which is bad when you have to go home to Rachel.” Michael said without judgment, Eric was a big boy and most likely he was already beating himself up for this.

“I’ll tell her everything. She needs to know and if she leaves me, I’ve deserved it.” Eric said taking his car keys and twirling them in his fingers.

“You can’t tell Rachel. You need to go home and think do you really want to continue this charade you and Rachel have going on.” Michael said strongly. Telling an eight-months pregnant woman that her baby daddy just slept with someone else was the worst idea ever in his opinion.


During the car ride home, Eric had gone through a whole conversation in his head on how he would confess everything and throw himself at her mercy. He had taken into account everything Vaughn had said, but being honest felt like the best way of going about it. Rachel was going to find out somehow and it would be terrible if she heard it from someone else.

He had made his mind and fully prepared to be thrown out of his own home when he pulled in the drive way. He parked the car and entered the house that was dark.

He found Rachel in bed, sleeping with a book in her arms. She must have been reading something before falling asleep. He gently took the book out of her hands and put it on the night stand. He shut the nightlight and headed to take a shower.

He stood in the shower for at least thirty minutes, feeling dirty and ashamed at his behavior. Even the scrubbing didn’t take away the feeling so he gave up and decided to go to bed.

He laid next to the sleeping Rachel and gently kissed her forehead. She didn’t stir and he was glad. He could never look at her beautiful eyes again without feeling like the biggest piece of felgercarb currenly living on the planet. He signed and hoped that sleep would come soon.

To be continued…

Next chapter: Nadia and Sydney talk; does Eric tell Rachel??
What an update . . .
I cant believe Eric just cheated. . Not that im complaining. :naughty: :D
Actually only now do i realise how i've been waiting for this to happen. :D

and i want Nadia and Eric to be together! Please! They are just meant to be!!!!

Thanks for this great update. :hug:
Technically Eric didn't cheat since Nadia is his wife...Everytime he is with Rachel, kisses her...he is cheating
I hope that somehow Eric and Nadia's daughter is still alive and that Sloane
kept her from Nadia because she didn't want to help him with the Rimbaldi stuff...
I want Eric with Nadia...I look at it like this, had Nadia not "died" he would still be with her...If there never was a Nadia he would be with Rachel, but there is a Nadia and I think Eric would chose her over Rachel always which means Nadia is his soulmate and he should choose her :D
Great Update thanks for the pm.
:lol: Thanks for the update. I love this story. I feel for all the characters, even Rachel (who, to be honest is not one of my favorite characters of the show.). Cannot wait until next update.
great update. :hug:
can't believe eric cheated... but hopefully now he'll realize that he should be with nadia...
sydney and vaughn were cute
thanks for the pm.

~Kay ^_^