Missing Two Years


Missing Two Years

Disclaimer: I WISH own Alias.

A/N: Hey guys! This is my second try on Alias. Hope you’d like it and I would really appreciate your reviews. Thanks!

Italicized text represents thoughts.

Chapter 1 - The Haunting

Vaughn is driving like a mad dog because he is going for late for work. His class would start in 15 minutes. Fortunately heard, over the radio, that there had been an accident on the freeway so he’s taking the side streets, which is a longer but traffic free zone. He was never late in anything before, not in class as a student, not in hokey practices and not as a CIA operative. And he is not planning on starting now, as a university professor. However, except for the fact that he is about to be late for his class, he feels that today is going to be fine day. It took him a while; actually it seemed like forever, to recover from the loss of the love of his life. But he has now moved on. He has a life again, a good paying job and maybe something good happening between him and his new girlfriend, Lauren. But he doesn’t know that reality is about to unfold before his eyes. Fate will yet again play with him.

As he speeds through the street, crossing the intersection, it happened. She ran across the street. He turned the wheel to evade her and prevent the car from running over her. His car swerved and smashed to the light post. He hit his head. He’s bleeding pretty hard but that wasn’t what he was so terrified about. The woman. He was sure it was her. She looked a little different but it was her. He was sure of it. He got out of the crushed car and franticly looked around to spot her. Then all went black and he dropped to the ground.

He hears beeping. He inhaled. HOSPITAL. And sure enough when he opened his eyes, there he was, lying on the hospital bed with bandages all over his head and face. He moved to sit up. He winced. Broken rib or ribs for that matter. He laid back down. Flashes of the earlier event immediately came down to him. The tires screeched. She stared at him. She looked horrified. Then she ran away. This is not possible or is it? C’mon Mike, there’s no such thing as people coming back to life. But there’s no such thing as ghosts either, or is there? This is all very mind-boggling. Maybe this is just a dream. But it sure a hell didn’t feel like one. His train of thought was broken when the door opened. He opened his eyes. Yep, this is definitely not a dream. My dreams never include Weiss, not for the wrong reasons or anything.

“Hey man! Good. You’re awake already. How are you feeling?” Weiss sat on the chair near the bed. “What happened? You weren’t drinking again, were you?”

Vaughn shook his head lightly. “Weiss I saw her.” Weiss gave him a confused look. “Look,” he continued, “I know it sounds crazy but I swear to God I saw her Eric. I saw Sydney. She’s alive.”

Weiss just stared at him with a blank expression on his face. Then he stood up slowly, nodding his head, ”OK Mike,” he approached the bed and gave his best friend a pat on the shoulder, “I think you should get some rest first. Maybe you banged your head really hard this time. I'll talk to you later, OK?” Then Weiss left immediately, not allowing him to explain any further.


So what you guys think? This is just an intro, so that you’ll have an idea on the story line. The next chapter, Set Up, is on the way. So please tell me what you guys think.
hey guys! thanks for reading. i'm about to finish chapter two. :smiley:

try reading the other story i wrote - Breathing -
Chapter 2 – Set Up

“Eric, how is he? Is he alright?” Lauren asked when he saw Weiss in the hallway of the hospital.

“Uh…yeah Lauren, he’s totally fine. Other than a slight concussion and 2 broken ribs, he’s fine.” He smiled brightly. They both know that Vaughn has been through worse than this. “You could go in now, he’s awake, but I wouldn’t believe everything he would say yet,” he joked. Lauren smiled at him and headed to Vaughn’s room.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Lauren asked approaching Vaughn’s bed. “I’m OK,” he smiled at her. She leaned in to put a kiss on his cheek. But Lauren was the last person on his mind right now. He was too confused and bothered by what he saw but at the same time he was sure of it and he will stop at nothing until he can prove it. Was it really her? And what was she doing? Why did she seem so terrified? And who was she running from?

“Michael, I'll let you get some rest now. The doctor said that you can go home tomorrow, I'll pick you up then?” Lauren asked when she noticed Vaughn’s lack of responsiveness to the fact that she’s here visiting him. “No that’s alright, I already asked Weiss to pick me up, thanks.” And with that Lauren left after placing a kiss on his cheek one more time.

Vaughn closed his eyes. He was feeling very tired and his head hurt. And minutes later he was asleep. But even in his dream he saw her, repeatedly. It started from the day she “died”. Her apartment burning. The DNA matches. He spread her ashes to the ocean. Jack Bristow wept. His dark days after her death. Then flashes and blurred images of her running across the street. His dream was like a slow motion of what had happened. She saw him too. She even looked shocked when she saw him. He woke up then, a thousand questions ran through his mind. Why?

***Next Morning***

“Mike, what are you doing? The nurse called me. She told me that you’re being difficult, wanting to leave without anybody picking you up. She’s worried that you might get dizzy or something along the way.” Weiss said as her suddenly entered the room. “Where’s Lauren? I thought she’d pick you up?” He questioned again when Vaughn didn’t answer him the first time.

“I’m going home Weiss and no, I did not ask Lauren to pick me up.” He said smugly, collecting his things and getting ready to leave the room. “And then I’m going to the university. I’m gonna quit my job.”

“What!? Why? Do you know what you’re saying? Maybe you shouldn’t be going home yet.”

“I saw her Weiss. She’s alive and I’m going to find her.”

“Mike, listen to yourself. I thought you got past this already? The DNA was a match! We already tried looking for her. It’s time to accept reality buddy. I don’t like it at all but it’s just the way it has to be. Jack’s the only one living a dream now.”

“Damn it! I know that!” Vaughn was getting furious. “Just leave me alone! I’m not crazy if that’s what you’re thinking. I know what I saw. And maybe that’s why Jack didn’t want to give up -- because he knew that she’s still alive. I saw Sydney Weiss, and I’m going to find her.”

Weiss is getting frustrated. “Okay, tell me how you’re gonna find her. You’re not with the agency anymore. Where are you gonna start?” Vaughn just looked away. He didn’t know how he would find her. He didn’t even know IF he’s ever gonna find her. The rational man that he is, of course he knew that maybe what he saw was just a hallucination or maybe he’s just making a mistake. He was part of the search team for Sydney. Every intel that they got lad to a dead end. And when the CIA stopped the search, he looked for her all over the world by himself but he found nothing. Not a single trace of her. But there is also a chance that she’s still alive. After all that they’ve seen in the job, the works of Milo Rambaldi, nothing is surprising anymore. “Okay, well then at least let me help you.” Weiss said after a while. Vaughn gave him a look. “If Sydney is alive then she can be found, there’s no reason otherwise, and I’m going to help you,” Weiss said. “Thanks, Weiss.” Weiss nodded in response. “But first you have to let me drive you to your house.” And they both laughed at that.


Vaughn was looking into the files once again, trying to find out if he had missed something before. However he found nothing. Then the doorbell rang. He got up and opened the door. It’s gotta be Lauren. Or so he thought. “Jack…!”

“You saw her. I knew she’s alive.” He said, immediately getting into business and letting himself in. “Weiss told me. I have been gathering some intel and there’s this new group calling themselves The Covenant that’s crazy about the works of Rambaldi. I think they might be responsible for Sydney’s disappearance considering that she is in Rambaldi’s journal. I think they have Sydney.”

“Why do you say that?”

“When Weiss told me that you saw Sydney, I looked into it. And I found out that about two blocks from the point where you saw her, an antique store was robbed. “

“Are you saying that she’s working for The Covenant?” Vaughn could not believe that Sydney would do anything for some group that would stage her death and take her away from her life.

“Yes.” Jack answered plainly. “But knowing Sydney, she might have been brainwashed or forced into doing it.” Vaughn then nodded in agreement. Then he said, “I think I know how we could get Sydney out to the open again and lure her to us. And get her back and prove to everybody that she’s alive.” “Okay, what is it?” Jack replied cooperatively. “Remember what Sydney did before when we wanted to get Khasinau?” Jack nodded. “We’ll do the same. If we could get The Covenant to believe that there will be an exchange of some Rambaldi artifact in a particular place, then maybe they’ll send Sydney to intercept the trade, like we would do.” He added as a matter-of-factly.

“Okay, I think that might work. But we need Weiss to operate inside the CIA to get the intel out. You know how the NSC has been on my back. I can’t risk my freedom, not now that we’re very close to getting Sydney back.” Then a thought struck Vaughn, “Jack, what if I made a mistake? What if I didn’t really see Sydney? What if I was just hallucinating?”

“You weren’t Agent Vaughn,” came Jack’s strong and straight-faced reply. Then he left. Tomorrow they would carry out their plan.



I’m sorry if this one’s boring. I promise I'll try to make the next one interesting. Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think.
Ooh! What happens to Syd if he is still married to Lauren??? ACK!
He better go with Syd!! (y)
Post more soon!!
Ohhh YAY i like this alot! I hope she's alive, Lauren can leave though i don't like her! Can i get a Pm when you update?? Thanks :smiley: