Personal Quotes


Ok, so I thought I'd start up a thread where people can post quotes that they themselves have thought up, that they think are fairly interesting. I can only think of two of mine. See, I thought up the first one last year, and the second one today...

"I've got a memory like fly paper. A lot of little things stick, but anything substantial usually pulls itself free pretty quickly."

"The only thing keeping me from doing something foolish is the knowledge that I am a fool."

Honestly, these might not be word for word, but I tried... Anyway, just post some quotes that you thought of. Here's hoping I didn't just hear the second one a while back, only to have it surface in my mind now... Pretty sure that's not the case, though.
Playing pencil and paper roleplaying games provides a lot of opportunity for quotes. I'll check my archive (old char sheets) for some, but one of the best was said by my friend Jake, who had a tendency towards mad scientist types.

"If it has buttons, how can I not push them?"
These are really more my characters' quotes than mine, but I did technically think of them, so here goes:

Warren, a scrawny young Mage in training, once said: "Muscle over magic? Why should I hit you when I could summon a ten-foot, fire-breathing zombie to do it for me?"

Dorin, a brilliant sage, once said: "Power is for the weak," as well as "Questions are meaningless if they are answered for you."

Messiah, a mercenary who fancies himself a holy warrior, once said: "Sinners beware - only an act of God can save you… and I don't intend to."

Beelzebub, a demonic incarnation of fear, once said: "If you aren't afraid of the dark, you haven't met me. If you are afraid of the dark… you're already mine."

Lucifer, a demonic incarnation of anger, one said: "Divine retribution? I welcome it, for it is nothing more than Heaven's gift to me!"

Azdel, an all-powerful Demon Lord bent on humanity's destruction, once said: "Mortals seem to believe that if they have hope, they will be saved. A pitiful delusion. Hope is nothing more than refusal to accept the future."
"If your not watching your back, I'll stab you in it and if you are watching your back, your a really weird person for being able to do so and I will stab you in the face for it." (A quote I thought was funny at the time, but looking back seems quite stupid.)

"You can only be truly happy in life if you are devoting every effort, every SECOND of your life to that which you want most. Because that desire, that passion, that longing... that is what makes up you and your soul." (My response when asked why I have Rootbeer and Potato sticks every day for lunch.)

And... While it is not a personal quote, I think its a damn good one. I'm sure everyone here will agree.

"The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge."
-Albert Einstein
The two me and my sister used to use all the time:

"F--- me gently up the ass with a rusty chainsaw."

"I have to pee like a thousand men."
I use this sometimes if someone gives me the oppertunity:

Some guy/girl: "You're pretty impatient, aren't you?"

Me: "Only when I have to wait"

I think I got it from a Garfield Cartoon.
"Growing up is about being able to make a fool of yourself gracefully." I'm still working on the "graceful" part.

"If you don't really want my advice, don't ask me." Every friend alive knows why I say that...and they still ask because they know WHY I say that first before a "ask Trillian about life" question.

"I don't have a people...I have people who can feel me." In response to what race/creed/religion/whatever I am I don't look quite 100% anything. As if it mattered.
heres a quote i used on my guardian on everquest 2.

You may walk through the valley of the shadow and death, but grab my hand and I'll guide you home. I am a guardian of the innocent, and as long as I breathe I will never stop fighting till everyone, everyone makes it home again. If I may fall in the process my only request is for you to tell your grandchildren of the mighty guardian that fell, so you can live. --Ivellious Amastacia High Elf Guardian.

He is a very vallant guardian. =)
Some of my favorite quotes, the first one I came up with, the rest are random one's that I find useful...

"Indeed it hast come unto past, things of certain perish unless they dost stand steadfast with strength in their bones and the will of the gods in their hearts. Our gentle, yet ever present reminder are the scissors from the gods that we dost carry..."
- Colteran Rakkoun, Runs with Scissors (A Shaman character of mine, from Dark Age of Camelot)

"I have gone to look for myself, if I should return, before I get back, keep me here." - unknown

"To lead people, walk beside them... As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate... When the best leader's work is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves!'" - Lao Tzu

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not."

I tend to collect quotes, which you can peruse at my personal site if you wish... is for sale | HugeDomains

~ Jar
"I have good news and bad news. The good news is I saved alot of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico. The bad news is that a f*cking gekko makes more money than me."

"I have two left feet...but luckily I don't need dancing ability to kick your ass."

"While the rest of the world is asking God to do things for them, I'm telling God how it's gonna be."
This isn't technically mine, but I still feel the need to share it.

"No, both Kennedy and FDR had hooks for hands. FDR's was just shaped like a wheelchair, so no one noticed it."

Now for some that are mine:

"Ow! Those cheesy special FX made made my throat bleed!"

"Note to self: bran flakes are trying to kill me… also The Hulk… but mostly bran flakes."

"Oh please, you love me and you know it SO CLAP YOUR HANDS, B****!"

"Boundaries are meant to be pushed- well, unless they're keeping out the barbarian hoardes. Then it's probably better not to mess with 'em."

"But Dad, we have the technology to walk through walls now. It's called a door.
"Bitch, I fight like Gaston!" - Totally say this if someone's messing with you. They won't back off, and, in fact, they'll likely kick your ass even harder for making a Beauty and the Beast reference, but... You'll be able to say you actually referenced Beauty and the Beast in an attempt to intimidate someone. Priceless.