Sci-Fi Reptilicus (1961)


An Old Friend

Passed | 82 min | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi | 20 February 1961 (Denmark)
Reptilicus (1961) - IMDb

A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.

Sidney W. Pink (as Sidney Pink)
Sidney W. Pink (original story) (as Sid Pink) , Ib Melchior (screenplay)
Bent Mejding, Asbjørn Andersen, Povl Wøldike

A few scenes in which Reptilicus flew were deleted from the film before it reached the United States due to the fact they looked so akward.
LOL, Akward?

Capt. Einer Brandt: Is there anything I can do for you?

Gen. Mark Grayson: Yeah, get me transferred out of this damn place!
He meant this movie...

Gen. Mark Grayson: [Referring to Reptilicus] A good thing there's no more like him!

This movie is so much fun to hate. Wait, no, it's really scary. LOL can't write that with a straight face...
So its Sunday afternoon and I saw this on the streaming list at {...}. Figured I would watch it again.
If you haven't seen it yet then you really have to. The creature design looks awesome to a 5 year old.

1961 horror,thriller,suspence - {...}: Your View

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