To have and to Hold


This is the first time I have ever written fiction, so here it goes!
I'm going to try to make this a one parter, as I am very busy and doubt I will find the time to update.
Set-up: It is 2 weeks post "Ressurection". Sydney and Weiss are on their way back to LA after a failed attemt to locate Slone and Nadia in South America.

"Syd, hello, Earth calling Syd. You there?"
"You can take your seat belt off now. What's wrong. You look terrible. Not that you can ever really look terrible, but are you o.k.?"
"Excuse me."
Syd undid her seatbelt with fumbling hands and raced down the plane aisle as fast as her legs could take her. She made it to the restroom just in time to spill the contents of her lunch. She splashed water on her face and looked at her refection in the mirror.
"That was strange" she murmured to herself. She never got airsick. It was one of the things she could count on. She must be coming down with a bug. Maybe it was something she ate while in Brazil.
She made her way back to her seat and plopped herself down next to Weiss.
"You o.k? " he asked.
"I'm fine now. It must be something we ate."
"Don't tell me that, we ate the same food. That's just great. We've got that debriefing with Dixon and I can just see me spilling my cookies all over....."
"You'll be fine, don't worry."
"I know, I know. Hey, to change to subject, you must be excited to be getting home. Vaughn has finally be given a clean bill of health. You know, he was pretty ticked off Dixon wouldn't let him come with you on this mission. But the docs wouldn't let him after he left the hospital early. Syd?"
No resonse, except for the steady low breathing of someone in a very deep sleep.
"Poor Syd." thought Weiss. She's exhuasted. She really needs a vacation.


The taxi dropped her off in front of her apartment. She skipped the debrief and went straight home from the airport. She was just so tired. All she could think of was crawling in bed and sleeping for the next two days. Thank God it was Friday and she didn't have to go to work tomorrow. She felt a little guilty for not calling Vaughn, but she could only think sleep.
She opened the front door and her heart stopped. Someone was in the apartment. She reached inside of her jacket. She pulled out her pistol and slowly made her way to a low noise coming from her bedroom. She opened the door slowly..........
"Woa! Put that thing away! What are you doing here so soon. You were supposed to be at debrief with Weiss?"
"Micheal! You scared the life out of me. Oh, Michael. You shouldn't have."
All over Sydney's bed were dozens of rose petals scattered about aimlessly. There was soft music playing and Michael was in the middle of ligthing candles all about the room. The scene was idylic, except for Vaughn standing there in his boxers looking a little put off."
"I was trying to surprise you. I have dinner in the stove warming for you. I just wanted this evening to be special" he said with that hurt little boy expression on his face that made Sydney finally realize that she was still holding her gun.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Putting gun away now."
She walked over to the bed and splawed across it.
"I'm so tired. Do you mind if we skip dinner and get straight to dessert. I always have time for dessert" she said with that impish smile of hers.
He didn't need to be asked twice.

One week later

Sydney was sitting at her desk looking at the numbers begining to blur in front of her on her monitor.
"Wake up Syd" she murmured to herself. Then the feeling hit her again. She grabbed her waste paper basket and threw up again. What was wrong with her? This bug was just not going to let up now was it. She really had to go see that doctor about this. It was Friday afternoon and all she could think about was being with Michael tonight. They had tickets to watch the Kings play tonight. Syd loved going to hockey games with Micheal. It was such an ordinary thing for a couple to do. Ever since they reurend from Italy, she had tried to make their life as normal as possible after that last 3 horrible years.
They had lost so much time together. It was as if they were trying to make up for that time. They spent everyday together. Except for those few days she spent in South America with Weiss, unsuccessfully tracking down Sloane, they had been together non-stop. They ate lunch together everyday, and went for hand held walks together on their lunchbreaks. They didn't care what people thought or said. They just wanted to be together and nothing was going to stop them.
She sat back in her chair and fought the urge to catnap. If I went and saw the onsite Doctor now, perhaps she could give her something so she could feel better for the game tonight.

Doctor's Office.
"You cannot be seroius!" Sydney exclaimed.
"Yes, Sydney, I am quite serious. You are going to be a mother in about 8 months. It's still very early in your pregnancy. Have you noticed that you missed your period?" said the doctor.
"Well, yes, I guess. I just thought it was because I was so sick with this bug. Well, I guess it's not quite a bug is it?"
"No, Sydney, it's defintiely not a bug." the doctor said, trying to hold back her laughter. "I guess that this is an unplanned pregnancy."
" I can get you in touch with the proper channels.."
"NO!" Sydney said loudly, with a passion that quite surprised her. "This baby may not be planned, but it is very much wanted and loved."
She sat up from the examining table and began to get dressed.
"O.K Sydney. I'm going to contact a very good OBGyn for you and you should have an appointment in about a week. Congratualtions Sydney." she said with a genuine smile on her face.
"Thanks." said Syd. She left the doctor's office in a cloud of elation and petrification.
That night Sydney was beyond distracted. She didn't know how she was going to tell Michael, or how he would take it. He was going to be a father. Their lives would never be the same. Would he be happy? Would he be scared and want to leave? She was so frightened. More so than she had ever been before. Nothing compared to the anxiety she felt at this moment. She had to get up the nerve to tell him.
"Hunh? Oh no, come on that was icing ref! Wake up out there! Oh, sorry Syd. What were you saying?"
"It can wait."

The next morning she felt terrible. Thank God Michel woke up bofore her and went for a run without her.
She made her way to the kitchen. Would she have to give up her morning coffee? This was all freaking her out.
The door opened just as she was pouring herself a second glass of OJ.
"Hi." she smiled. "How was the run?"
"Oh, o.k. I kind of had something on my mind the whole time."
"What" she asked.
"Nothing. Just work." Hey after I shower want to go for a ride. There's something I want to show you" he said cryptically.
"Sure" she said. "What is it? Is it a surprise? I love surprises!" she said with a child like enthusiam that melted his heart.
"Just go get dressed and you'll find out soon enough."
"You know, I need a shower too. Mind if I join you?" she said beginning to take her robe off.
"Now, if you do that, well never get out of here."

They pulled up to a beautiful old white house in a nice area outside LA in the valley. It was a beautiful location. Children played and yelled in the street. Mothers were walking their babies along the winding sidewalks. It was idyllic. There was an old oak tree in the front yard which gave a feeling of warmth to the old home.
"Why did you stop here?" she asked. "Do you know someone who lives here?"
"Sort of" he said and got out of the car and opened her door for her.
"What are you doing" she asked. "Michael we can't go in there. Look. It's for sale. What are you doing?"
He just ignored her and led her up the front steps to the porch. Hell, there was even a front porch swing. Then for a moment it all began to get eerie to her. She remembered a recurring dream she had been having as long as she could remember. She came home to a beautiful white house with a porch swing. She would open the front door and there would be a man standing there, but when she called out, he just disappered. That was it.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys and opened the door.
"Michael where did you get those keys?" she asked with a most confused expression.
"Just wait a minute" he said rather hurridly. "There."
He swung the door open and walked inside. Sydney followed sheepishly. She felt that she was intruding into someone's home. There was no furniture inside. But, it was warm and smelled pleasing. She loved it. From the big center staircase to the stained glass windows flanking the fireplace. It was beautiful. She turned around to ask Michael just what the hell they were doing here when he dropped to one knee.
"Oh my God." Sydney said in a low voice.
"Sydney, when I lost you, a part of me died. No matter how much I tried to fool myself, I just wasn't whole without you. Now that you are back in my life I never want to spend a day without you. You are the other half of me. Please Syd. Please say that you'll marry me."
His hands were shaking and he held out the most beautiful antique daimond ring Sydney had ever saw.
"It was my grandmother's. I was going to bring it with me to Santa Barbara but, well you know." he said with a sadness speading across his face as if reliving that moment of losing her.
"Oh Michael. There's something I need to tell you first, and if I just don't come out and say it I never will get the courage to do it."
"You're scaring me Syd."
She got down on her knees and looked him straight in the eyes so she could read his immediate reaction. He never could hide his feelings from her. She always saw the truth in his eyes.
"Michael, I'm pregnant."
"Pregnant?....Pregnant...." then looking her in the eyes"Pregnant!"
He grabbed her and kissed her on the lips with such passion that it took her breath away. When their lips parted, they gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed forever.
"Now, that doesn't change the matter of a certain question Syd." he said holding the ring to her.
"Yes, Yes Michael I will marry you!"
Sydney began crying uncontrollably. Her life was finally falling into place. All the craziness of the last few years was fading away, being replaced by the happiness of beginning a new life with Michael.
His hands were still shaking as he put the ring on her finger.
"But why take me to this house to propose?"
"Because, it's our house now" he said as he touched her belly. Tears were welling in his eyes.
"Our house. But how did you know that I always wanted a house like this one?"
"I didn't."

Two weeks later.

Sydney stared at her refection in the mirror. She wore a simple white gown and a wreath of fresh daisies in her hair. She looked perfect. In fact, she was stunning. She glowed. She had never felt so at peace in her life. She was marrying the man she loved and having his baby.
They had chose not to tell anyone about the baby as it was still early in the pregnancy, and Michael didn't want to jinx it. He was like a little boy. He bought a book of baby names and they would lie in bed together laughing and trying out names on each other.
Now she stood here, in the church he was baptized in, about to become his wife. She was just about to walk out the door to meet him at the alter when she heard a floor board creek.
She turned around and a dazzling array of stars blinded her. She woke up on the chuch floor dazed and confused.
"Get up!"
She looked up and could not believe her eyes. But, there was no mistaking that voice and those eyes.
"Get up, b****, we have unfinished business. Do you think it was going to be so easy. That I would just let you and Michel live happily ever after. Not a chance. You couldn't get rid of me so easily. Thank Sloane for that. Now, get up."
Syney slowly got and grabbed a vase full of flowers and flung them at Lauren. She raced for the door, but her feet gave out from under her. She landed with a thump on the floor again.
"Really Sydney, I expected more from you."
She looked up and the next thing she felt was the bullet hitting her chest.

Bright lights awoke her from a dream.
"Syd. Syd. Please Sydney wake up. I'll do whatever it takes, please God, don't take her from me again."
She heard sobbing and felt wetness against her cheeks.
"Michael? Where am I?"
"Oh, GOD! Thank God. Sydney, I thought I had lost you too." Michael was crying uncontrollably.
"What do you mean too? Michael, what do you mean too?"
She was getting hysterical. It couldn't be. That b**** could not have taken her baby from her. It was just too much for her to handle. She began sobbing.
"Oh Syd. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

One month later.
Sydney and Michael were still not married. However, they chose to move in their new house anyway. They were not going to let Lauren take this from them. Sydney would wake up at night and go into the room which would have been the nursery. There, where she thought Michel couldn't hear her, she would sobb for hours, thinking about the life that could have been. Thinking about the like that was inside of her and the emptiness which replaced it.
"Honey, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Let me in Syd. I loved her too. She was my baby too." He sat on the floor next to her and reached out for her. She fell into his arms and together they wept for the little girl that might have been.

6 months later
The tide was coming in and the water lapped at their bare feet. They held hands and looked into each others eyes. There they saw the past, but also a future that was limitless. They could see into each others' souls and knew that from this moment on they would walk in this world together, forever. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.
They were married at sunset on the sands of Santa Barbara. No one was there except the minister and his wife who acted as witnesses. Sydney and Michael were almost oblivioius to their presense. There was only them. Their two hearts and souls joined forever and always.

Somewhere in Mexico........
A young woman screamed at the top of her lungs. Would this pain never stop. She begged the nurse for something for the pain, but was refused. What seemed like hours later, she finally collasped and went unconscious.
New screams were heard. But these were not the woman's. They were a baby's. A new born baby's. A man with wire rimmed glasses greedily picked up the baby.
"Finally, the prophecy is complete. I have what I have longed for all these years. Rambaldi's heir!" He held the child up and triumphantly gazed at him.
A blonde woman smugly smiled.
"Our plan worked. We were able to take Sydney and Micheal's baby just as you planned and transplant it into Nadia. It was just as you saw Sir. Now, nothing can stop the hier of Rambaldi. Nothing."
She laughed and held the child in her arms. This was just as she had planned. Now not only was her dream of fufilling Rambaldi's prophecy complete, but so was her revenge on Sydney Bristow Vaughn.

The End

Post script:
Sydney and Vaughn find out about this switch and spend Season 5 looking for their child.
Wow!!! Well atleast Sydney and Vaughn are married. But the loss of the baby is sad. I feel bad for them. You shouldn't end there. It's great, keep going.

I'm glad you liked it. I wrote it pretty quickly, so please excuse the spelling mistakes.
I don't know if I'll be able to continue it anytime soon as I am quite busy. However, if I get a free evening again, I may try to write more of Syd and Vaughn's pursuit of Sloane, Lauren and their baby.
I'm glad you liked it. I wrote it pretty quickly, so please excuse the spelling mistakes.
I don't know if I'll be able to continue it anytime soon as I am quite busy. However, if I get a free evening again, I may try to write more of Syd and Vaughn's pursuit of Sloane, Lauren and their baby.
oh please don't end there! that was such a nasty cliffhanger...please continue. when you decide to continue or do a sequel, could u pm me? tnx!
Holy felgercarb! Oh my god if you continue, (which had better be your plan, lmao) please please please Pm me because that was a horrible cliffhanger. And if this is your first fic, let me give you a word of advice: Never end a story with a cliffhanger, because when you write a sequel/new fic, readers are less eager to read. But seriously, I'm not bugging on you, but I'm just saying from experience...lmao, but seriously continue and Pm me ok?

Rachel :coffee:
Part 2

Sydney squeezed Michael's hand as the plane made it's final descent onto the runway of Neice's International Airport. She was nervous returning to France after the loss they had both suffered there a year ago. She couldn't believe it had been a year already. She gazed at the rings on her finger. Her engagement ring, and under it, a plain band of gold. Then she looked to Michael's hand. The matching band on his left hand made her feel safer than she had in her whole life. They were finally man and wife. No one could take that away from them. Their relationship was so strong. It actually made others uncomfortable. They could communicate to each other without words. It was as if a part of themselves, which had been missing their whole lives, was whole.
"Mesdames et Monsiers. Nous commencons notre descent a L'areoport International de Neice. Si vous plait, restez dans votre seiges jusque que l'affiche rouge tourne a vert. Merci."
"Don't be nervous Syd. My grandmother can't wait to see you again. This time everything will be different.O.K?"
"O.K" Syd said, even though she didn't mean it. All the memories of last year and the loss of their baby were flooding back. She choked back her tears.
Michael sensed her sadness. He didn't say anything else. He just held her hand.

"Bonjour Michael. Et Sydney. Tu est plus belle que je me souveins." Michael's grandmother said as she quickly kissed both of their cheeks.
"She said said hi, and that your prettier than she remebers." Michael translated.
"Thank you. You have such a lovely home Madame Lejeune. I especially loved the garden last time we visited."
"Oh, yes. Le jardin. Of course. We will eat there tonght.
Maintenant Michael, prenez votre valises en haut et reposez en peu avant souper" Madame Lejeune said as she gracefully signalled with her arm up to their room.
"She wants us to go and rest a little before supper".
"Merci" said Sydney and shyly kissed the old woman's cheek and made her way upstairs with Michael.

Sydney plopped herself down on the large bed. She was exhuasted after their flight. They had both managed to get a week off work to come to Neice. Michael thought it was the best way to make some peace with the loss of their child. He felt that if they were able to bring themsleves to revisit the place of the "accident" then they could finally get some closure. They planned on visiting the church where Sydney was shot and planting a tree there. Then they were going to visit the hospital where Sydney was treated and they were planning on making an annonymous donation. They were treated so well there that Sydney insited on doing this.
She got up from the bed and made her way to the window. Michael was looking out the window.
"I remember breaking my arm when I was 6 falling out of that tree." he said with a boyish grin on his face.
"Which arm?"
"This one" he said holding out his left arm.
She gingerly laid kisses on it and hugged him.
"I wish I knew you when you were 6. It seems like I've know you my whole life. I can't beleive there was a time you weren't in my life."
He held her close and murmered into her hair, "Me too."

The next day tears welled in Michael Vaughn's eyes as he lay the last bit of earth on top of the tree he plated in their child's honor. They placed no marker next to it. It was an annoymous tree planted in the garden of the small stone church. He and Syd wanted it that way. No one else was there except Sydney. She stood there stoicly watching Michael as he finshed planting the small
apple tree. "Good-bye sweet angle" she whispered as she lay a small wreath of daisies next to the tree. Michael wiped the sweat from his brow and held her hand. They stood looking at the tree for what seemed forever. Then finally, he led her away. As they drove back to Michael's grandmother's home Sydney simply stated "Michael, I'm pregnant."

Michael pulled the car to the side of the road and stared at Sydney in disbelief.
"When did you find out?" he asked incrediously.
"Just before we left. I didn't know how to tell you. We had our trip all planned out. I didn't want to tell you until we said good-bye together. I was going to wait until we got back home to tell you, but it just didn't feel right. Not until now."
Michael stared at her in disbelief. He wanted to be happy, but he was so scared. He could not remember a time in his life when he was more scared. To lose another baby would kill Sydney. She was so fragile after she had lost the last one. She spent months getting up at night and crying in the room that was to be the nursey. Usually Sydney was so strong. She had so much hardship in her life. She had handled so much loss. The betrayl of her father, was such a great hardship and loss. However, she bravely saw her way past it and created a new family with Michael. However, it was as if all the pieces came crumbling apart when they lost their baby. The betrayl of her parents, the loss of Danny and Francie. Sydney just let herself grieve for the first time in her life. He was hoping that this trip would finally give her some form of closure, not only for the loss of their child, but for the loss of so much more for her.
He looked over at Sydney who was watching his conflicted expression. He knew how badly she needed to be reassured.
"That's the best news I've had in a whole year." he said softly. He placed his hands of her face and gently kissed her worries away.

The next day, as Sydney and Michael were leaving the hospital after making a sizable donation, a young pretty nurse called out to Sydney.
"Mesdame, attendez!"
Michael looked around and told Syd to wait up.
"I think she wants to talk to you Syd".
"Mesadame. Bonjour. I speak a little english. I remember you from the year past, n'est pas?"
"I remember that you were shot and lost your baby. I have often thought about you. You were so brave, and so sad. Are you fine now?"
Michael was somewhat annoyed that this woman would just come up and remind Sydney of her loss, but Sydney smiled and he knew she was alright.
"Yes, I'm fine. MIchael, my husband, and I are on vacation. It's nice to be in France agian."
"But, Mesdame, I am confused."
"Why?" asked Sydney.
"Because, this man is not your husband. "

To be continued...............
"Que-ce que vous disez? Madame vous avez trompe. Sydney est ma femme."
"Michael, what's going on? I don't understand. Is she saying that you're not my husband?"
"Madame, Monsieur, je m'excuse. Please. I'll explain. Last year when you were brought to the hospital, a man arrived, and he said he was your husband. This man is not that man. He was, how do you say, um shorter. Blonde hair, cut very short. Ah, yes. And the accent. He was english. From Angleterre. England...."
Sydney's heart sank. She knew all too well which man this woman was describing. She felt sick and her head started swimming. If Julian Sark was at the hospital the same time as her, claiming to be her husband......
Sydney collasped in Michael's arms.

Sydney woke up to birds singing. She looked at the clock. 4 am. Had she been asleep that long? What happened. She thought maybe it was all a dream. That must be it. They had not even gone to the hospital yet, she told herself. She reached over to the other side of the bed, nothing. She bolted up out of bed. Where was Michael? She whispered his name, "Michael" as to not wake the rest of the house. Nothing. She searched for her robe and quickly tied it around herself. She knocked lightly on the bathroom door. Nothing. She began to get nervous. She descended the large ornate staircase, carefully holding on to the bannister for balance. When she made her way to the bottom, she saw a faint light coming from under the kitchen door. She slowly walked over and gently, but cautiously opened it. Michael was sitting at the kitchen table staring out the window.
"Michael, what are you doing here. It's the middle of the night."
"I couldn't sleep." he briefly stated.
"I had the weirdest dream. I drempt that we had gone to the hospital and that as we were leaving this strange woman told us that you weren't my husband, and that Jullian Sark was. Is that not the weirdest dream ever?" she laughed.
When Michael turned from looking out the window, the look her gave Sydney made her realize that it was not a dream.
"Oh my God, it was real, wasn't it?"
"Michael, what's going on?"
"Syd, after you fainted, you were rushed into the ER. I had to wait while they examined you. I told them you were pregnant. Apparently, you have low blood sugar. That explains why you fainted. While this was going on, Marie, that 's the woman's name, told me everything she knew. She said that Julian showed up right after you were brought in the ER. I was told you were in another part of the hospital, that explains why she never saw me. I never thought much of it at the time. I just thought it was a mix up. Now, I know that nothing is ever just a mix-up."
He looked at Sydney who was very pale. He grabbed her hands to steady her.
"She told me he arrived with his own doctor. Said he didn't trust the french with his wife's health after what happened to Princess Diana. They didn't argue with him when he flashed a rather large cheque in front of them. The hospital gladly let the doctor see to your medical needs. Then, she said her shift was over, and when she came back to the hospital, she checked in on you. She said you were by yourself. She was told that your "husband" was called back to England on business. That is why she felt so bad for you. She thought your husband was an ass. She thought that you had to deal with the loss of your baby on your own."
"This doesn't make any sense, Michael. What the hell did that doctor do to me?"
Sydney stood up and began to feel dizzy again. Michael stood up and grabbed her.
"I'm going to find out what those sons of b****es did to you Sydney. Somehow, I think that Lauren shooting you was all part of a bigger plan."
Michael was furious. Sydney looked in his eyes. She had never seen such anger there before.
"When I think of what that b**** took from us. Three years of our lives. Plus, our child. Syd, I will not rest until I kill her."
Sydney was frightened at the look in his eyes. However, she felt the exact same way.
"Let's find out just what the hell is going on."

To be continued............

"What to do you mean there are no significant leads? What about the operative in Italy, who thought he saw Lauren. What about that?"
Michael Vaughn was yelling. The vien in his forhead was throbbing. He had to find Lauren and Sloan. If what he suspected turned out to be true............ He couldn't even bring himself to imagine that possibility. After he and Sydney left France, he had done some investigting on his own. He didn't want to upset Sydney anymore than she was, especially considering that she was expecting his child. He had met with some contacts privately, and found out that there was indeed the technology available to transplant a fetus. He remembered how sick he was when he found out. The thought of some other woman carrying Syd and his child. He couldn't even bring himself to imagine such a possibility. It was just that, he kept telling himself, a possibiblity. He had no hard evidence what was done to Sydney in the hospital a year ago. But, the possibility was still there, and it kept him up at night.
"Sydney, Vaughn, I'm sorry. It's just that that operative has disappered, and that any knowledge of Laruen's whereabouts went with him. We sent in a team to investigate, but it's come up empty. I don't know what else to tell you." Dixon said. He looked at Sydney with genuine concern in his eyes.
"Dixon, I know your hands are tied, but, what if Vaughn and I checked it out ourselves.."
"No way Syd." Michael exclaimed. "There's no way you're going anywhere."
"Michael" Sydney said through gritted teeth. "I don't think this is the place to discuss this."
"Look, you two, if you both want to check out this Florence lead, go ahead. I'll see to it you both have clearance. However, I think Sloane is way too smart to return to Florence. Especially after what happened to Emily there."
"You're probably right. But we just need to know. You understand, don't you." Sydney said.
Dixon looked at her. He knew what the loss of her child had done to her. She had tried to return to work after it happened. It was too soon. He had been so worried about her. She had thrown herself into work. Put herself in needless perill. Then, one ordinary day, for no apparent reason, she walked out of work and didn't come back for two months. He knew she had had enough. Vaughn had confided in him that she had finally let herself grieve. That she had not been sleeping for months. That she had simply went home, got into bed and slept.
"I understand." Then turning to Vaughn he said "Take care of her, alright."
"Yes sir."

Later that evening Syd was packing her and Michaels' suitcases. She would not look up from what she was doing. She was completely focused on the task that lay ahead of her.
"Syd, I know you want to come with me, but you really don't need to. I can do this on my own. I don't think you should be taking any unnecessary risks."
"Unnecessary risks? Michael don't you stand there and tell me that this is an unnecessary risk. Not after everything we've been through. I will not put myself in danger. However, and please don't make me repeat this again, I AM GOING."
Michael looked at Sydney and he knew it was useless arguing with her. She was coming and that was that. He knew that she would never consciously do something to endager their baby. It wasn't her he was worried about. He just didn't want Sloane to get his hands on her again.
"O.K." Michael said softly, wiping a stray hair off Sydney's forhead. "But, you have to promise me that once we're there, that you listen to me Syd. We stay together. At all times. Got it?"
"Got it." Sydney faintly smiled at him. And then she returned to packing.
It was good to see that hint of smile on her face. It was the first time she had smiled since they left France.