whats the difference between high and middle skl?

jEn Jr. said:
what are some classes that you should take if you want to get into college...

Taking four years of math, english, and a language helps. Science classes are important too.
^^^ Nice, congrats. Noticed your username. I like that band too. Thye've got some good stuff. BTW, are you a tru calling fan? Their stuff has been featured on that show quite a bit.
full_bLown_Rose said:
I'm graduating high school when I'm 17 cause I started kindergarten too early lol
I actually entered kindergarten one month before turning 6 so I already became an adult one month into my senior year. :o_O:

For me junior high was 7th and 8th grade and we had 7 periods and 3rd period was Sustained Silent Reading for everyone. High school was 9-12 with 6 periods and nobody took history until 10th grade.
what's the difference between middle school and high school?

middle school starts the mind numbification process, and high school finishes it.

also, not all american school districts even have middle schools: you go from elementary school straight to the high school--my district used to be like that
Middle School: 5-8 (Used to be 7-8, at my school. We're screwed up over here in Ohio :P )
High School: 9-12

Middle School is basically (at least in my school) where you take all the boring regular classes (history, math, blah blah blah) and High School throws in a few more classes. So... I cant wait until College :lol: (I still have 4 and a half more years! :angry: )
I'm going to be a Freshman next year. Is Highschool really that bad? Because according to all the people that go to Highschool on my bus... it's OK. I havent gotten to fill out my courses yet either so I'm getting mad :lol:

We have to take two years of languages so I think I'll take French. Even though everyone's telling me she's mean :blink: but oh well.
ummmmm no i dont think it is - i mean especially not at first
by the time you're a senior i think it will be much different but sinc eyou have aged as well you wont hardly notice it

i had a teacher in 8th grade once tell me "think about who your friends are right now because by the time you're in 10th grade they won't be your friends anymore"
i thinkt hat was his way of scaring us about high school but i dunno
for me that came true with the excpetion of one person who is still my best friend to this day (6 years after 8th grade :lol: )

but academically i suppose its different... but that also depends on yoru school system - in 9th grade we started having mid terms and finals which freaked me out at first but now its just kinda... meh... whatever

im sure you'll be fine :smiley:
For me, high school was way different than middle school. But it was much better, not worse. You get to make more of your own decisions and have more independence.
It is different. Procedures are the same, basically, but the atmosphere is very different. Don't listen to the people who tell you everyone is more mature and classy. LIES
Webmistress Eh? said:
I've never had a middle school. I was at the same place from kindergarten to grade 8 and hated it so much. Even at 14 you were treated like children.

But then, in comparison to high school seniors, we were.
Don't complain. I go to a k - 12 school. And seeing as i've been going to this school my whole life, I have been here for 11 years (I'm in tenth). It's not so bad though. High school is upstairs, middle school is downstairs on the right and elementary is one long wing on the left. And trust me by the time you reach tenth grade you know everyone and everyone knows you. Even the teachers. In fact it's so close knit that I think of my teachers more like my friends then my mentors. (Maybe thats not a such a good thing though, if you know what I mean *wink*) Two more years till I graduate. And lucky me...I get the founders award for going to the school for thirteen years!
Yea, it's different. Im a freshman this year. It's so much better than middle school. You're finally not treated like a little kid anymore. I like it much better than middle school!
Yes, for me, it was bigger class sizes, WAY bigger campus, less field trips, more homework (except freshmen year where school was a lot easier than middle) Oh, and if you wait till the night before to study for a test, I wish you luck!! Well some classes you can get away with out studying... but it really depends...

Another difference, high school= off campus lunch! :D
I think it depends on what type of high school you go to. For me, middle school was definitely different than high school, but that's because my high school was different than most high schools. i think if i went to the other high schools in my area though, it wouldn't have been too different than middle school.
SkyGirl5 said:
i had a teacher in 8th grade once tell me "think about who your friends are right now because by the time you're in 10th grade they won't be your friends anymore"

That is somewhat true for me. Although my situation is odd. I had my best friend, Claire, call me a jackass and that I was annoying at the end of 7th grade, and then we weren't friends through 8th grade. But then 9th grade came around, and we became better friends. She was my best friend all throughout 10th grade, but then at the beginning of this year (11th), she turns into a complete b****y evil cow. Although I occasionally talk to her...however, I don't really talk to her. I haven't done that since the beginning of this year. -_-

i thinkt hat was his way of scaring us about high school but i dunno
for me that came true with the excpetion of one person who is still my best friend to this day (6 years after 8th grade :lol: )

My entire group of friends essentially left me last year (I went through a lot of felgercarb so yeah). So I found new people who are bloody awesome. And the exception to the rule in my case is that one of my best friends, Noelle, has been my friend since I moved here...5 years ago!! She rocks. She's also an Alias and Lost fan. ^_^

Anyways, high school was a lot different for me, I guess. I changed a lot from 9th to 10th grade. I grew as a person, had a lot of different experiences, and just became ME!!!
Depends on the schools.

Freshman year wasn't so different because they wanted to get us used to High School. But after that it was a lot different, but so much better...I loved it.

And off campus lunch was a definite plus for me! :smiley:
Yes, it was for me. In my junior high years (7th and 8th grade) we had 7 class periods and the 3rd one was the same for everyone else with a class called Sustained Silent Reading. Not everyone had lunch at the same time. There were two lunch periods depenidng on what class/teacher you had for 5th period.

In high school there were 6 periods. We all had lunch at the same time after 4th period.