A New Life Is Just Beginning

no i meant that when people voted the first time rebecca ann was a favourite she hasn't won.Jennifer Faith is winning
Thank you Blueheart13 that is exactly what I choose they are absolutely the perfect names out of those choices!You have to keep going but explain the whole Danny Maria thing again becuase I am totally confused.Alias-Hippy
okay i will explain it I don't mind

in this story there are two organizations one that doesn't want the babies to be born and the other that wants the babies especially the little girl too live to fulfill the prophecy.

The person that danny knocked out wants to kill Syd that's who shot her.Maria Vaughn Michael's mother of course she I have no clue yet I guess you could say she wants revenge on Irina she knows about the prophecy regarding this woman.

Danny was cloned the man that Syd found in the bath was a fake.The real Danny got away but there are some secrets there that haven't been revealed yet.The other woman he was talking to wasn't Maria she was someone else don't know who she is yet.

Hope that explains it next chapter should be out tomorrow i might not have time to write it because I have college,work,birds of prey and alias on tomorrow all in that order.Oh yeah and please keep voting
Oh ok!!!! he he!!! I get it!!!!! :lol:

Ok I'm stills saying Kathryn S. Elizabeth Vaughn and Matthew Christopher ( he has his daddy's middle name!)

Please write more soon!!

~KM :angelic:
here's the next enjoy ;)

Disclaimer:You know where.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 8

You see Sydney in the apartment reading a magazine the phone rings its beside her and she picks it up."Hello,” she says.

"Hi Syd it's me I'll be a little late tonight,” he says.

"Okay see you later I love you,” Sydney says.

"I love you too,” Michael says.

She puts the phone down and then gets up and goes to the kitchen she starts making dinner Irina and Jack were coming over tonight. She hears the doorbell ring she sighs and goes over to open it. When she sees nobody's outside, she looks around she frowns but then she
just shakes her head and goes back into the kitchen.

A while later the phone rings again she picks it up"hello,” she says.

"Hi sweetheart it's mom I was just wondering when you wanted your dad and I to come over,” Irina says.

"You can come over whenever you're ready,” Sydney says.

"Okay we'll be there in about fifteen minutes,” Irina says.

"Okay see you then,” Sydney says.

"Right bye,” Irina says.

"Bye,” Sydney says.

She puts the phone down and goes back to making dinner.


You see her sitting at the table twenty minutes later she's got dinner all ready when the door opens and in comes Michael, Irina and Jack."Honey I'm home,” Michael says.

You see her smile she walks over and kisses him"hi,” she says. She smiles at her parents and she hugs them both.

They all sit down and have dinner and then you see them a while later sitting on the couches talking."So Sydney what does it feel like to not work for the CIA anymore?"Irina asks.

Sydney smiles at her mother"it's great my day is not so tiring,” Sydney says."I have more time to relax like the doctor told me too."

Jack nods and smiles at her"have they found out who shot you yet?"Irina asks.

Sydney shakes her head"Eric's working on it,” Michael answers.

Sydney just snuggles up to him more and he's happy that she does he strokes her hair away from her face and she smiles up at him and he smiles back. Irina smiles at them and she looks at Jack who also has a slight smile on his face."So you never told me when you two were getting remarried,” Sydney says.

They look at her in surprise and they nod"we didn't did we,” Irina says."Well we decided on a small ceremony with just family and a few friends and maybe have the reception at Francie's restaurant."

"All right that sounds good but when?"Michael asks.

"Our original wedding date 11th of October,” Irina says.

"That's five months away,” Sydney says."Why so long?"

"Well we want the babies to be there and I want you to be my maid of honour,” Irina says.

"I'd be honoured,” Sydney says. She smiles at both her parents. (Yes guys that means that it is May and Syd is expecting the babies in August).


A while later you see Jack and Irina sitting at home on the porch. He has his arm around her. He looks like he's in deep thought."Are you okay?"Irina asks.

Jack looks down at her and nods his head"yes I'm fine,” he lies.

She looks at him disbelievingly"okay I was just thinking about how close we came to losing Sydney it scares me,” he finally says.

Irina nods and snuggles into him more"I know what you mean,” she says.

He nods and smiles at her"makes me scared of losing you again as well I don't know what I'd do if either one of you was killed,” he says.

"We'll be okay I promise,” she says. She leans up and kisses him on the cheek"we have you and Michael what else do we need?"

He smiles down at her and squeezes her shoulder"I know come on let's go to bed,” he says.

She nods and they go inside the house and they shut the door and lock it.

You see across the street a woman standing there watching the two of them you come close to her face. It’s Maria."You Irina Derevko will pay for the things you've done,” she says.


You see Sydney and Michael in the house they are standing in the nursery there are two cribs one with pink covers and one with blue. The walls are painted a light purple colour which looks absolutely lovely.

Sydney smiles at the room and Michael leans down lays his head on her shoulder"come on let's go to bed,” he says.

"Mm,” Sydney says.

They go to their room later that night the phone rings Michael groans and rolls over and picks it up."Hello,” he says.

"Hi Michael can I speak to Syd?"Francie asks.

"Francie you do realize it's 3am,” Michael asks.

"Yes I do but please,” Francie says.

"All right,” Michael says. He looks over at Sydney who's watching him with drowsy eyes he smiles at her and she smiles back."Francie wants to speak to you."

She nods and takes the phone from him and kisses him on the
cheek"hello,” she says.

"Hi Syd would you mind if I came over Will and I had a fight and I need to talk to someone,” Francie says.

"Sure,” Sydney says.

She yawns and hands the phone back to Michael and he puts it down he looks at her and smiles"what's wrong?"he asks.

"She had another fight with Will she needs to talk,” Sydney says. Michael nods and kisses her and Sydney gets up she puts her robe on she strokes her stomach.

You see her a while later still waiting but nobody is coming she finally just picks up the phone and dials the house. Francie picks up"hello,” she says.

"Francie where are you?"Sydney asks.

"I'm at home in bed why?"Francie asks.

"Didn't you call me about fifteen minutes ago to tell me you and Will had, had a fight?"Sydney asks.

"No,” Francie says.

"Okay bye,” Sydney says.

"Bye,” Francie says.

She puts the phone down and walks back into the bedroom Michael is sitting up"that was fast,” he says.

He sees her face and he immediately gets out of bed"what's wrong?"he asks.

Sydney looks at him"that wasn't Francie that was someone else,” Sydney says.

He looks at her strangely and he helped her sit down and he put his arm around her and she lay her head on his shoulder."What is going on?"Sydney asks."Who wants my babies?"

"I don't know Syd but I promise I will find out,” Michael says. She nods and they go to bed and fall asleep.


You see Michael walk into the Task Operations Building the next morning he walks right over to Eric his friend looks up at him."Yes I'm looking into it,” Eric says.

"Thankyou,” Michael says.

"Is she all right?"Bridget asks. Michael turns around and looks at her and smiles Bridget smiles back.

"Yes she's fine but I'm sure she'd love it if you went over and took her baby shopping,” Michael says. She smiles at him and nods.

Then you see Sydney and Michael's house a while later Bridget walks up and rings the doorbell."Coming,” she hears Syd say.

Sydney opens the door and smiles at Bridget"hey,” Bridget says.

"Hey I just need to get my bag,” Sydney says. Bridget nods and comes in you see Sydney come out of her room and the two girls go to the door. Sydney opens it and there's somebody standing there she gasps and so does Bridget.You see who's at the door it's Danny....

To be continued...

Well let's wait to see what happens.

I have the final names for the babies I hope your happy *drum roll* the little girl will be named Jennifer Faith and the little boy Matthew Christopher.
who'd kill me if i were to change the little girls name to Megan Elizabeth some people have a problem with Jennifer Faith
here's the next one

Authors' Notes: Okay so who really thinks that Jennifer Faith goes with the last name Vaughn just as a matter of interest.Please vote again just for the girls between Jennifer and Megan I'm putting my vote down for Megan because it does sound alot better.
Disclaimer:You know where.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 9

You see Sydney's face she's in shock"how?"she asks.

Danny stands there smiling and he takes her in his arms and hugs her"I don't know I just got hit over the back of the head and from there I don't know where I was,” he says.

"Come in I guess,” Sydney says.

"Hi Bridget,” Danny says.

"Danny,” she says suspiciously.

They walk into the living room and they all sit down on different seats"would you like something to drink?"Sydney asks.

"Sure,” Danny says."Some water."

Sydney and Bridget both walk into the kitchen"phone Michael and tell him and Eric to get over here now,” Sydney says.

"Right,” Bridget says. She grabs her cell phone and walks through to the bedroom and Sydney walks back to Danny.

"How did you find me?"Sydney asks.

"I looked in the phone book of course,” Danny says.

Bridget comes back out and sits down beside Syd"they are on their way,” she says.

Sydney nods and then looks back over at Danny"who are you?"she asks.

"I'm Danny, don't you recognize me?"he asks.

Sydney stands up bringing Bridget with her"you can't have looked me up in the book I'm no longer in the book as Sydney Bristow I'm married now I'm Sydney Vaughn,” she says.

He looks at her the girls start edging towards the door but then suddenly the door opened and in came Irina and Jack. They both see the girls and move into the living room and see Danny."How can you be alive?"Jack asks.

"I just am,” Danny says."And Irina knows why."

They all turn to look at her and she just stares at the man who is in front of her, her daughters supposed dead fiancΓ©."Do you know what's he's talking about?"Sydney asks.

Irina looks at her daughter"do you?"Jack asks.

She then looks at her husband"yes I do,” she says.

Then the door opens again and in comes Michael and Eric they look at all the people in the room and Michael walks over to Sydney and puts his arm around her. Danny sees him and narrows his eyes."I want answers now,” Sydney says."Please."

He strokes her face everyone turns and looks at Irina"we'd better sit down,” she says.

They did and they all looked at her"Danny was never the man you thought he was he was actually only in this country to impregnate my daughter that was his mission then you told him the truth about SD-6 and we needed to get him out so we cloned him and the man
that you found in the bath wasn't him,” Irina says.

Sydney looked at her in disbelief"you knew about this all this time after nearly three years you tell me this now,” Sydney says."Did you know about this dad?"

"No you're father never knew anything about this it was all my doing,” Irina says.

Jack looks at her with anger on his face"how could you do it how could you live with it?"he asks.

Irina looks at him"I didn't want to hurt either of you,” she says.

"Great job,” Jack says he walks out and you hear the door slam shut and then Sydney stands up as well and glares at her mother.

"He believed in you I believed in you what fools we've been,” Sydney says.

Eric was holding Danny's hands behind his back"I'll take him to Ops Centre,” he says.

"All right,” Sydney says.

Eric walks out with Bridget following him it left Irina standing in the room with Sydney and Michael.She stares at the two of them.

"Get out of my house,” Michael says.

Irina walks out and Sydney just collapses on the couch and starts crying"why me?"she asks."I should have been able to see through her."

Michael sits down beside her and starts stroking her hair"she made a mistake everyone does but she does love you,” he says.

"She didn't have to lie in the first place,” Sydney says.

"I know Syd she didn't but would you have believed her if she said Danny was alive?"he asks."In the beginning?"

"I guess not,” Sydney says."But she had all the time in the world."

Michael nods and puts his arms around her and she snuggles into his chest she keeps on crying he strokes her cheek."I think I'd like to go driving by myself,” Syd says.

"All right meet me at the Ops Centre Kendall wants to see you,” Michael says.

"Oh all right I'll come see the ass,” Sydney says.

He smiles at her and kisses her on the cheek and she smiles at him and he smiles back and then she gets up grabs her keys and jacket."See you later,” Michael says.

"Yes,” Syd says."I love you."

"I love you too,” Michael says.

She then leaves and he smiles and then you see her get in her car and she drives away and you see him standing by the window. Then you see him walk into the back you see him walk out into the shed in the back and open the door. You see someone sitting in the
chair. It's Michael."Quite a catch you got there Michael,” he says.

"Leave her alone Brett,” Michael says.

"Aah come on is that anyway to treat your twin brother?"he asks.


Then you see Juliet come to the door and ring the bell no one answers she decides to go round back. And she sees Brett standing in the doorway and Michael tied up.

"What are you doing?"she asks.

Suddenly an arm comes out and knocks her to the ground she looks up and you see it's Maria"mom,” she says.

"Get her into the shed,” Maria says. Brett picks her up and carries her into the shed and Maria looks at him."Brett why are you doing this?"

"Well mom wanted revenge on Irina Derevko for killing dad and I decided to join her you see it was a better deal than I had,” Brett says."And hey I get a pretty girl in the package."

"You leave her alone or I swear I'll kill you,” Michael says.

Brett just laughs and leaves the shed and locks the door"how long have you been in here?"Juliet asks.

"Two weeks,” Michael says."How's Sydney?"

"The last time I saw her she was fine,” Juliet says. She looks around for anything that she can see that could help them to get out.

"Do you have your cell phone?"Michael asks.

She shakes her head and he sighs.


Then you see Sydney head for Ops Centre and she drives into the parking area and goes in you see Kendall standing there. He sees her and comes over"what are you doing here?"he asks.

"Michael said you wanted to see me,” Sydney says.

"No,” Kendall says.

Sydney frowns and then just walks away Eric catches up with her"has he talked?"she asks.

"No but we are still trying,” Eric says."How are you doing?"

"I'm all right and you,” she says."I'm heading home."

He nods and she leaves and then you see her getting back to the house and going inside"hello anybody here?"she asks.

She looks around but finds no one she just shakes her head and goes to the kitchen and starts making dinner. Then the door suddenly bangs open and in comes a man she looks at him strangely. He points a tranquillizer gun at her and shoots she falls down then
you see Maria walk in"pick her up we're out of here,” she says."And get Juliet and Michael."

"Yes mom,” Brett says.

They leave and then you see Eric standing outside the room Bridget comes out"what's wrong?"he asks.

"Michael's mother and his twin brother are in on it don't ask me how we have to get to the house and call Jack as well,” Bridget says.

"Right,” Eric says.

They call Jack and they rush to the house you see the door bashed in and also you can see there was a bit of a struggle in the shed. But there's something lying on
the ground. Jack picks’ it up"HELP US" it read.

He looks around but sees nothing.....

To be continued...

What will happen next guess we'll have to wait and see.

Thankyou to everyone who voted and have reviewed. I was wondering what do you guys think of me doing a prequel to The Future Holds Everything For You.
here's the next one he he :cool:

Disclaimer:You know where.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 10

You see a plane and you see Sydney sitting in a chair she shakes her head to try and clear it but she has a pounding headache. She looks to her right and sees Brett sitting in the chair watching her."Hi where are we going?"she asks."Hang on there was a man in our house he shot me."

Brett sat there smiling at her stroking her hair"it's all right we're on our way too somewhere safe,” he says."Come on there's a bed in the back let's go."

She nods and smiles at him and he takes her hand and leads her into the back and she lays down and he comes over and lays down beside her and starts kissing her. You see the real Michael and Juliet watching this Michael was seething."Calm down she doesn't know its not you,” Juliet says.

"If he hurts her, I'll kill him,” Michael says.

Juliet nods and they just sit there Michael closes his eyes but it doesn't block out the noises.

You see Sydney a while later she gets up and puts a robe on she grabs Brett's laptop and goes out and sits in a chair. She opens the laptop up and it comes to life she looks through his files. She takes her phone and hits speed dial two."Bristow,” Jack says.

"Dad it's Syd I have his files I'm downloading them to you now,” Sydney says."I don't know where we're going though hopefully I'll be able to find Michael and Juliet."

"Yes I hope so,” Jack says.

"How's mom?"Sydney asks.

"She's all right still a bit surprised at what we've been doing though,” Jack says.

"Do you want to talk to her?"

"No better not tell her I love her though,” Sydney says."And I love you dad."

"I love you too sweetheart,” Jack says."Bye."

"Bye,” Sydney says. She shuts the computer down and takes it back to the room and she sees that Brett is still asleep.

She then goes back out and looks for any compartment that she didn't find before she sees a room and goes to it and checks if it's locked it is."Michael Juliet,” she whispers.

"Syd,” Juliet says.

"Yes it's me, are you okay?"Sydney asks.

"Yes we're fine but Mike's in bad shape,” Juliet says.

Sydney gets something to pick the lock with and does and goes inside and shuts the door she sees the tv and shakes her head. She sees Michael and rushes over to him. He looks at her and she strokes her cheek."Hi,” she says.

"Hi,” he says.

She leans over and kisses him and he kisses her back"I've missed you,” Sydney says.

"I've missed you too,” he says.

"He's nothing compared to you,” Sydney says.

She unties his hands and he brings her face up to his she smiles at him and he smiles at her"so what happens now?"Juliet asks.

"We wait we have to bait him and your mom and their boss I sent the files through to my dad,” Sydney says.

"Okay so whenever we're ready the CIA will come,” Michael says.

"Yes,” Sydney says.

He smiles at her and she smiles back"I promise you Jules you'll be back with Tom, Abby and Karen by the end of this week,” Sydney says.

She nods and smiles at her sister-in-law they hug and then after Sydney cleans up Michael's wounds. She looks at him apologetically and ties his hands back up. He looks at her as she stands she then leans down and kisses him again."I love you,” Michael says.

"I love you too,” Sydney says.

She then leaves and shuts the door and goes back to bed.


The next morning the plane lands and you see they are in Hawaii Sydney and Brett get off and go to the car. Brett looks at her she'd distracted"are you all right?"he asks.

"Yes I'm fine,” Sydney says.

He nods and they head for a hotel where they check in and then go to their room they have a beautiful ocean view. Brett comes over and puts his arms around her"I just have to do a few errands,” he says.

She nods and he leaves then you see her follow him a few minutes later you see him go to a warehouse. He walks inside she sneaks inside and hides behind some crates you see Michael and Juliet Maria and the other woman. Who you finally see is actually Anna.

She just looks at all of them and is trying to figure out a plan then she feels someone come up behind her. You see it's Jack"ssh it's me,” he says.

"Dad what are you doing here?"Sydney asks.

"Kendall sent me and Irina,” he says.

Sydney rolls her eyes and just watches the proceedings in front of her"how are Mike and Juliet doing?"he asks.

"They seem to be all right,” Sydney says.

He nods and smiles at her and she smiles back"what's our next move?"she asks.

"We move tonight,” Irina says from behind her.

"Okay I'd better get back to hotel,” Sydney says. They nod and she leaves and she gets back to the hotel and pretends she's waking up when Brett walks in. She smiles at him when he does he smiles back.

He kisses her on the cheek"I'm going for a shower,” he says.

She nods and he leaves and she just sits back down on the bed and shakes her head she picks up her phone and dials her father."Okay well meet me at seven sharp outside the hotel,” she says.

"All right,” Jack says.

She shuts her phone and lays it on her bedside table"I promise you Michael you and I will be in this hotel room tonight,” she says.


You see her go downstairs later and she meets up with her father"where is he?"Jack asks.

"He left an hour ago,” Sydney says.

"Okay let's go,” Jack says.

She nods and they head back to the warehouse there are a lot of CIA agents outside including Irina, Eric and Bridget."You ready?"Eric asks.

"Yes let's get my husband,” Sydney says.

They barge in and you see Maria, Brett and Anna turn around abruptly they all gasp and you see Michael and Juliet smile at seeing them. Some guards come out of the shadows and they start fighting"Sydney Eric get to Michael and Juliet,” Irina says.

"Right,” they say. They shoot a few guards and then they are stopped by Danny or rather Sydney is she looks at him."How did you get out of CIA custody?"she asks.

"Oh I have my ways,” Danny says. He punches her in the face but she just hits him back she gets the upper hand and is able to get her gun back and points it at him."Now would you really shoot me Syd?"

"Yes I would,” Sydney says."Now get over there."He moves and so does Maria but Anna doesn't they both point their guns at each other. Maria gets out of the way but Irina stops her but Maria has grabbed a gun. She points it at Irina.

"I've been waiting a long time to do this,” she says."And I'm glad I've finally gotten the chance to do it."

"Do you really think this is what William would want you to resort to?"Irina asks.

Eric gets Michael and Juliet free"get Jules out of here,” Michael says.

Eric nods and Michael stares Brett in the face"it's been a long time,” Brett says.

"That it has,” Michael says. You see Michael and Brett facing off, Syd facing off with Anna and Irina facing off with Maria....

To be continued...

To see what will happen next. Wait till the next chapter.

Thankyou to everyone for your support and your reviews. And my condolences go out to Bondgal2007 for losing her boyfriend may he rest in peace.
Awwwww! Thank you so much for your*condolences go out to Bondgal2007 for losing her boyfriend may he rest in peace* Ummm it was a girl named Emily, who died from cancer! But still I loved this chapter keep going!
Bondgal2007, I know how it feels to lose some on you love! I'm sorry for your lose!

I like Jennifer!! please Wriite more!

here's the next one :P

Authors' Notes: Sorry it’s taken so long to get this out. But on Monday I wasn't feeling well, on Tuesday it was my 18th Birthday and yesterday I wasn't feeling well.
Disclaimer:You know where.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 11

You see them all standing in defensive positions you see Danny being held by some of the CIA agents. You see Sydney and Anna standing off"so I see you're pregnant,” Anna says."Too bad you won't live after your children are born."

"You won't have them,” Sydney says. Anna just laughs and they start fighting Sydney kicks her and then throws a punch. Anna gets her back. You see Anna run away and up some stairs to the rafters. Sydney follows.

You see Maria and Irina facing off. They are now outside"why hurt your son like that?"Irina asks.

"I was actually planning to get him to join me,” Maria says.

"After killing his wife,” Irina says."You wouldn't have been able to pay him enough money."

Maria glares at her"don't be so sure I got my one son over on my side,” she says.

"Yes just shows you one son is smarter than the other,” Irina says.

Maria pulls out a gun and points it at Irina, Irina just looks at her and sees her shaking"what I never got was why you put William in such a bad shape,” she says.

Irina looks at her and Jack chose that moment to come out of the warehouse he looks at the two of them. He points his gun at Maria."Drop it Maria,” he says.

"Well come on Irina tell me why,” Maria says."I'd like to know."

Irina turns away from her and then you see Maria point the gun back up at her"tell me,” she says.

"I never killed him,” Irina says."But I was forced to watch him die."You see she has tears in her eyes.

"You never ever really cared about him did you, you were just using him,” Maria says."My husband would be alive today if it wasn’t for you."

Irina turns back and looks at her and you see the tears coming down her face and glares at the woman across from her she sees Jack behind her."You never loved him and I never forced him to go on that mission,” Irina says."Look at you look at what you've become a selfish bitter old woman bent on the destruction of the woman that destroyed your life."

Maria looks at her in surprise then you see Michael and Brett inside Michael was kicking his ass but Brett would get the upper hand occasionally. Eric and Bridget come in and see them fighting."Wow they're good,” Bridget says.

"I could do that if I wanted to,” Eric says.

"Yes honey I believe you,” Bridget says.

You see Sydney and Anna again Sydney's kicking her ass as usual"why don't you accept your daughter's destiny Sydney,” Anna says.

"She'll have a life away from all that if I have anything to do with it,” Sydney says.

Anna kicks her in the legs and Sydney falls forwards but is able to get up but she sees that Anna is gone she frowns. Then you see Anna getting down the stairs but some CIA agents stop her before she is able to get out the door. They handcuff her and Sydney comes down and smiles."Sorry Anna you're not going anywhere,” she says.

The other woman glares at her and the CIA agents take her away then Sydney turns to see Michael and Brett facing off with guns now. She sees Eric and Bridget and goes over to them."Hey where's Anna?"Eric asks.

"In CIA custody,” Sydney says.

Eric nods and smiles at her she smiles back they watch the brothers"I bet you would just love to take me in wouldn't you?"Brett asks."Be the hero?"

Michael looks at him they are circling now"that's it isn't it you're jealous that I have everything and you don't,” Michael says.

"How could I not be you've got the perfect wife, the perfect friends the perfect job and the perfect everything,” Brett says.

Michael is able to knock him out they go outside and they see Jack, Irina and Maria still standing there."You have never told him have you or her,” Maria says.

"No,” Irina says."And why should I.It's in the past."

Sydney looks at the two of them"what are you two talking about?"she asks.

You see someone walk out of the shadows the person comes out of the shadows it's a man they all look at him."Aaah William,” Maria says.

"Mother,” he says.

Michael frowns at the guy"I don't have another brother,” he says.

"Oh but yes he is but I'm not his mother Irina is,” Maria says. They all turn to
look at her and then look at Irina."And your father Michael is his father."

They all looked at her in shock Jack shakes his head and walks away"Jack,” Irina says.

He stops and turns to look at her"I knew it you were different when you left and that's why,” he says.

"We never wanted to hurt you,” Irina says."Either of you."

Jack looks at her with a sad look on his face you see him take off his wedding band and throw it on the floor and he walks away."Jack,” Irina called.

But he didn't stop this time Sydney looked at her mother disgusted, Irina looks back at her"so how were you able to draw William Vaughn into your little plan?"Sydney asks.

"I loved your father the affair with William was an accident,” Irina says.

"Now I know what Maria meant when she said how could you do it,” Sydney says.

"I never did,” Irina says."Hurt him I couldn't."

Some CIA agents came and took Maria away and William followed and Sydney and Michael were left there with Irina."There's no more surprises are there?"Sydney asks.

"No,” Irina says. She leaves and Sydney turns to Michael and he takes her in his arms and she lays her head down on his chest.

"Take me home please,” she says.

"Okay,” Michael says.

They walk away.


Back in LA you see Sydney sitting in the briefing room Michael comes in and sits down beside her."Your mother would like to see you,” he says.

"Fine,” Sydney says.

Irina comes in and Michael sat beside Sydney"you don't have to stay Agent Vaughn,” she says.

"I want to stay unless Syd wants me to leave,” Michael says.

"No I want you to stay,” Sydney says."But can you get my dad first please?"

"Sure,” he says.

He walks out and then comes back in a few minutes later with Jack in tow they both sit down and look at Irina and she nods her head."Okay I'll tell you,” she says...

To be continued...

Sorry I'm tired and that's all I could come up with I have to think of a really good explanation at the moment. So bear with me. Thankyou.