A New Life Is Just Beginning

here's the next one sorry it took so long :cool:

Disclaimer:You know where.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 12

You see them all sitting in the briefing room they are all staring at Irina she looks down and then looks back up. She stares right at Jack"it all started about twenty-two years ago when I first met William Vaughn at that party we went to he seemed a nice man Jack was off mingling and left me alone as usual,” she begins."Your father was there and so was you’re
mother Michael your dad walked over and we started talking. We went for lunch about three weeks later I guess that's where it started."

Everyone just sat there staring at her"but why lie to everyone you loved?"Sydney asks.

Irina looks at her and then down at her hands"we were lonely I guess we never meant it to go as far as it did we never wanted to hurt Jack or Maria I got pregnant and then of course that's when I disappeared William found me and I gave birth and I gave him the child it was a boy I named him William,” Irina says.

Sydney sits up straighter and puts her hand on her stomach"so why did you kill him?"she asks.

"Sydney,” Jack says.

She shrugs"what like nobody else is thinking that,” Sydney says.

Irina looks at her daughter and then at Michael"I never killed your father or those CIA Agents they tortured your father right in front of me and I had to sit there and watch him die,” Irina says.

Sydney looks down and Michael takes her hand she looks at him and smiles"I wish you would have told me,” Jack says.

She smiles at him"I know,” Irina says.

Jack stands up"but Irina I have to have time I can't forgive you for this now,” Jack says.

He leaves the room and Sydney and Michael watch him go Irina turns to them and looks at the two of them."Can you please talk to him?"she asks.

"I have to go interview my mother,” Michael says. He stands up and leans down again and kisses Sydney on the forehead. He then leaves.

Sydney stares at her mother and then looks away from her"he has to come back on his own I won't do anything,” she says.

Irina nods and then leaves the room Sydney is left sitting there she puts her head in her hands and you hear the door open. In comes William he looks at her and Eric follows him in."Syd,” Eric says.

She looks up and smiles when she sees him and then sees that William's there as well he's looking at her coldly."I'll be going,” Sydney says.

"No Kendall wants you to do this,” Eric says."And me to assist you."Sydney looks at him strangely but then just gets up and goes over to sit across from William.

"Please state your full name,” Sydney says.

William just sits there and stares at her"answer please,” Eric says.

"My full name is William Ryan Vaughn,” he says.

"Age and date of birth?"Sydney asks.

"April 9th 1981 I'm 21 years old,” William says.

"Your parents?"Sydney asks. He's looking at her with the coldest stare imaginable.

"My parents are the late William Vaughn and Irina Derevko,” he says.

Sydney stares down at the desk and just shakes her head.


You see Sydney and Eric about to walk out three hours later"when are you due?"William asks.

"In two months,” Sydney says. He nods and she and Eric walk out she shakes her head again and walks over to the nearest chair and sits down. Eric sits down beside her.

"Are you okay?"he asks.

She looks at him and nods and then you see Kendall walk over to the two of them and he looks down at them."So did you find anything out?"he asks.

"No he wouldn't talk,” Sydney says.

Sydney shakes her head and then stands up"I'm going,” she says. She then starts walking away and Eric follows her."Do you want to have lunch?"

"Sure,” Eric says.

They go to a small cafe and sit down and order some food"when I looked at William today it was like looking into a bottomless pit,” Sydney says."A cold one it was more like he was Jack Bristows son than William Vaughn's son."

Eric nods his head"that maybe a possibility I don't think your mom really ever knew,” he says.

Sydney looks at him and nods"or they could just be my mothers,” she says.

"She's not all that cold,” Eric says.

Sydney looks at him and rolls her eyes but smiles anyway"thankyou for saying that Eric but sometimes she is,” she says.

He nods and then they go on eating lunch and you hear someone's cell phone go off it's Sydney's.She gets it out and answers"hello,” she says.

"Hey Syd where are you?"Michael asks.

"Having lunch with Eric,” Sydney says.

"Okay I coming to join you,” Michael says.

Sydney smiles"all right,” she says."We'll be here."

She puts the phone down and the waitress brings her a glass of water and brings Eric some coffee."So how are things with Bridget?"Sydney asks.

Eric looks up at her and smiles like a fool"things are going great I'm really in love with her,” he says.

"I'm happy for you both,” Sydney says. She smiles at him and then you see Michael come over to them and sit down."Hey you."

"Hey yourself,” he says. He leans over and kisses her and Eric groans they ignore him and pull back a few minutes later."Now that was a greeting."

She smiles at him they talk for a while and make plans for Eric and Bridget to come over for dinner that night. Then they get up and leave.


You see Sydney sitting on the couch rubbing her stomach Michael comes over and gives her a glass of milk she smiles at him and snuggles into him. He switches on the tv there's a King's game on. They start watching it and then a while later you see that Sydney's asleep. Michael is in the kitchen making dinner. Sydney wakes up and stretches she stands up. And goes to the kitchen. She smiles at him he smiles when he sees her"hi Syd,” he says.

"Hey Michael,” she says.

She leans over and kisses him"I'm going to get dressed,” Sydney says.

He nods and she goes into their bedroom she puts some clothes on and then comes back out and sits down at the kitchen counter and stares at him."Are you okay?"Michael asks.

Sydney looks at him and nods her head"I'm all right just a bit shaken up about your mom and everything,” she says.

He nods and he then smiles"it's hard to imagine we share a brother,” he says.

"I know it seems weird so when are we expecting Eric, Bridget, Will and Francie?"Sydney asks.

"Twenty minutes,” Michael says.

Sydney gets up and moves around the counter and puts her arms around his waist"well for now can you just hold me?"she asks.

He nods his head and puts his arms around her and lays his cheek on her head"why didn't my mom ever tell us or at least tell my father?"Sydney asks.

"I don't know Syd I don't know,” Michael says.

Then you see outside the house someone's looking in and you see it's William he shakes his head and then you see someone walk up beside him."This isn't your family William she will have to die,” the person says.

He nods his head and then they both leave....

To be continued...

The plot thickens so will William be able to kill her we'll have to see.
Ooh by the way the person I was thinking of being in cahoots with William is Alice but I don't know tell me what u think

Please review.
here you go

Authors' Notes: I'm skipping a month so now Syd is eight months’ pregnant. If I didn't do this, it would take forever for me to finish this story. Okay I just saw "The Passage Part 1" tonight I loved it I must say one of the most enjoyable episodes of this season. And I just sat and loved the interaction with Jack/Irina and they especially have things in their past that have been left unsaid.
Disclaimer:You know where.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 13

You see Sydney sitting on the couch watching tv she's huge now and very uncomfortable the door opens and you see Michael walk in."Honey I'm home,” he says.

She smiles when he comes in and he sits down beside her"hey,” she says.

"When are you're parents coming over?"Michael asks.

"An hour and mom's bringing dinner she said since I'm pregnant and you've worked hard all day she'll bring dinner,” Sydney says.

Michael nods and gets up and he kisses her on the forehead"I'm glad,” he says."I'm going for a shower."

Sydney nods and he goes into their bedroom and shuts the door she hears the water turn on a few minutes later. She sits back and turns off the tv and picks up her book which is sitting beside her. The phone rings and she picks it up"hello Vaughn residence,” she says."Sydney speaking."

"Hi honey it's mom you're dad and I will be a little late but we will be there,” Irina says.

Sydney smiles"okay mom we'll see you then,” she says."Bye."

"Bye,” Irina says.

Sydney puts the phone down the water has turned off by now and Michael comes out and comes over to the couch and sits down again."Mom says she and dad are going to be late,” Syd says.

Michael nods"all right,” he says. He lays his head down on her stomach"well if you don't mind I'll just sit here and listen to our babies."

She smiles d own at him and he smiles back she strokes his hair"you'll make such a great daddy,” Sydney says.

He turns his head and looks at her and takes her hand and brings it to his lips and kisses her."And you'll make a wonderful mother,” he says. She smiles"so when are you having this baby shower?"

"Saturday,” Sydney says.

Michael smiles at her"ooh so that means that I can get Will, Eric and Dixon to go see that King's came this weekend,” he says.

Sydney just rolls her eyes and he just rubs her stomach"hi babies it's me again you're daddy now you're not giving your mummy any trouble?"he asks.

He doesn't even receive a kick or anything Sydney just smiles down at her husband and keeps stroking his hair."We've never really talked about names,” she says.

He looked up at her again and nods"well we know we are having a boy and a girl so what girl names do you like?"he asks.

"Emily but I'd like that more as a middle name than a first,” Sydney says."We'll do this in turn what girl’s name do you like?"

"Megan,” Michael says.

"Kathryn and Faith,” Sydney says.

"Rebecca and Jennifer,” Michael says.

"Sofia, Elizabeth and Ann,” Sydney says.

"I like Corinne as well,” Michael says.

Sydney smiles at him and he smiles back"that's such a beautiful name,” Sydney says."But my two favourites are Jennifer and Faith."

Michael grins and takes her hand again"well how about Jennifer Faith Vaughn?"he asks.

Sydney smiles at him and nods her head"well for a boy I like William Jack,” she says."Or Matthew Christopher."

He glares at her for the middle name but there is a hint of a smile"well I like
Joshua Peter or Tristin Eric."

"I also like Andrew Michael,” Sydney says. He glares at her again"but I like Matthew Christopher even more what do you think?"

"I don't like you giving our son my middle name but okay,” Michael says. She smiles at him and he smiles back.

Sydney nods"so it's Jennifer Faith and Matthew Christopher,” she says.

He nods.


Then you see them a little later Sydney is still sitting on the couch but Michael is now setting the table."Now you're parents do know they are going to be in the same house right?"Michael asks.

Sydney looks over at him and stares at him strangely"of course they have been trying to sort out their problems,” Sydney says.

"I know but your dad was hurt pretty badly by what she did,” Michael says.

Sydney looks down and nods her head she just shakes her head he comes over and takes her in his arms."I thought even though it was her mission I thought she really loved dad,” Sydney says."Guess I was wrong."

Michael looks down at her"that's all every child wants to think that their parents have the perfect relationship,” he says.

She looks up at him"funny huh we share a brother,” she says.

Michael shakes his head and lays it on her shoulder"it's more weird than anything else it's strange to think about,” he says.

Sydney nods and kisses him on the head.

Then you see Jack and Irina in the same car they are both very quiet and she just keeps looking at him."What is it Irina?"he finally asks.

"Why won't you talk to me?"she asks.

He pulls the car over to the side of the road and turns and looks at her"how can you ask me that you lied to me Irina about everything I'm beginning to wonder if you actually loved me at all,” he says.

"How can you say that?"Irina asks.

"Well isn't it true?"Jack asks. He looks at her and then looks away wondering if he really wants to know the answer to that question.

"No I did no I do love you,” Irina says."I always have."

He looks over at her and shakes his head and then looks over at her"I don't know whether to believe you anymore,” he says.

She reaches over and takes his hand"it hurts to hear you say that,” she says.

"It hurt even more when you left,” Jack says. He looks down at their joined hands but doesn't pull away.

"When Cuvee was about to send me on the mission he showed me a picture of you that was the first time I saw you and I fell in love,” Irina says."I knew it was wrong and I knew that if Cuvee ever found out he'd have me killed."

Jack looks over at her and nods his head"but why the affair with William?"he asks.

"I guess I needed companionship that I wasn't getting from you,” she says."And I needed it he was giving it we never wanted to hurt you or Maria."

He nods and smiles at her and he squeezes her hand"we have a lot more to talk about but I think our daughter's waiting,” he says.

She nods and smiles at him and he starts the car up again and they drive off.


You then see Sydney and Michael in their house a few days later Michael was setting up for the party. There were balloons and everything it looked very nice. The doorbell rang Michael went to get it, it was Will and Francie he smiles at them both of them and they smile back.

β€œHi,” he says.

β€œHi Mike,” Will says.

β€œHi Michael,” Francie says. He takes their jackets from them and they come in they gave over to Sydney and hug her and they sit down.”Wow this place looks great.”

β€œThankyou I think so as well,” Michael says.

Sydney smiles at him and he smiles back”would you guys like anything to drink?”Sydney asks.

β€œNo thanks I’m fine,” Francie says.

β€œSo am I,” Will says.

Then the doorbell rang again and you see it’s Dixon and Diane they both come in and then the next two are Eric and Bridget.They are all welcomed and they are seated and then Irina came.”Okay I think this is our cue to leave,” Michael says.

β€œI think so too,” Eric says. They said goodbye to the girls and then they all
left the girls just shook their heads.

β€œThey couldn’t have gotten out of here any faster if they tried,” Bridget says.

β€œYou’re right,” Sydney says.

They sat around having coffee and tea and some cake even and then they decided to open the presents. Some more of Sydney’s friends showed up as well Sydney first opened the present from her parents. It was a beautiful set of booties and clothes for both male and female.”We have also gotten you something else but I couldn’t bring it over it’s a playpen that your father has been working on for them or rather him and Michael,” Irina says.

Sydney smiles at her and kisses her on the cheek she got some books and more clothes and a whole lot more things.

But then you see outside you see someone looking in on them you see by the person’s profile it’s a woman.”I will kill you Sydney Vaughn,” she says.
"And no one will stop me this time."She throws something through the window....

To be continued...

I couldn’t resist sorry.

Please review.

And I’m sorry about not posting sooner but my life has been hectic so bear with me.
Disclaimer:You know where to find it.

A New Life Is Just Beginning

Chapter 14

The window smashes and all the girls look over Bridget gets up and fetches what is lying on the ground. It's a brick with something tied to it. Bridget picks it up. She looks at it strangely. It's a note. She walks over to the couch and sits down."What is it?"Francie asks.

"A note,” Bridget says. She opens it up and looks at it"it reads Sydney you will die and no one will have to see the destruction your daughter will cause."

Sydney had tears in her eyes"Francie can you please call Michael?"she asks.

"Sure,” Francie says. She walks over to the phone and grabs it she hits speed dial one after a few seconds Michael picks up.

"Sydney's what's wrong?"he asks.

"It's Francie Michael she's fine but she wants you here now we'll explain everything when you get here,” she says.

"Okay we're on our way,” Michael says. Francie hangs up and goes over and sits beside Sydney and takes her hand.

"He's on his way,” she says.

Sydney nods and smiles at her Irina comes over and sits on the other side"are you okay?"she asks.

"Yes I'm fine mom but who would do this Maria, Brett, Danny and Anna are all in CIA custody,” Sydney says.

"I don't know honey,” Irina says. Then fifteen minutes later the door opens and Michael comes rushing in he looks at everyone in the room. He saw the broken glass on the floor and rushed over to Sydney.He looked her over and Bridget got up and he sat down.

"What happened are you okay, are you hurt?"he asks.

"I'm fine Michael just somebody through a brick in our window with this note,” Sydney says. She gave him the note and when he'd read it a look of anger crossed his face.

He shakes his head and looks at her she takes his hand and looks at him and smiles"I'm all right,” she says. He nods and leans down and kisses her.

Then Eric, Will, Dixon and Jack came in and Jack comes over and kneels by his daughter"are you okay?"he asks.

"Yes I'm fine,” she says."They wouldn't have tried to hurt me with people around."

Jack nods and Michael gives him the note he shakes his head"I'll take this to Marshall tomorrow,” he says.

Sydney nods and just leans into Michael more a little while later everyone has left and Michael is in the kitchen making dinner. Sydney is sitting reading a magazine he brings her dinner and she smiles at him. After dinner they were just sitting it was getting quite late."You want to go to bed?"Michael asks.

"Yes,” Sydney says. They go through and get ready for bed and get in"I can't believe we'll be seeing our babies in two weeks."

"I know,” Michael says. He's running his hand over her stomach she smiles at him and he smiles back he leans down and kisses her stomach. They turn off the lights and go to sleep. Then you see Sydney wake up suddenly she grips her stomach this wakes Michael up he looks at her she's in pain."What's wrong?"

"I think my water just broke,” Sydney says. He looks at her shocked and gets out of bed and helps her to sit up and he gets some clothes for the both of them.

"How are you feeling?"he asks.

"I'm in a whole lot of pain,” Sydney says. He nods and helps her get dressed he helps her up and grabs the car and house keys and his cell phone.

"Just keep breathing,” Michael says. She nods and he smiles at her they get to the hospital they called ahead and there's a nurse outside waiting with a wheelchair Michael helps Sydney out and then goes to park the car. He gets in and goes to the desk where Sydney and the nurse are.

"We'll take her to her room while you fill out the forms,” the nurse says.

He nods and leans down and looks at Sydney she smiles"it will be okay,” he says.

She nods and they lead her away he starts filling out forms when he's done he goes over to the pay phone and puts some money in. He dials Jack's phone number a rather groggy Irina picks up."Who the hell is this and why are you phoning at 3am?"she growls.

"Irina it's Michael I need you and Jack at the hospital now Sydney has gone into labour,” he says.

"All right we're on our way,” Irina says.

You see her sit up in bed and you see Jack's awake too"what's wrong?"he asks.

"Sydney is having her babies,” Irina says.

Jack sits up and grabs his pants and gets out of bed.


You see Michael in Sydney's room the doctor had just come in and told them it would probably be another hour."Are you okay?"Michael asks.

"Yes sort ah,” Sydney says.

He smiles at her and kisses her on the forehead"you're parents should be on their way right now,” he says.

Sydney nods and smiles"what?"he asks.

"You're so calm most father's would be a nervous wreck,” Sydney says.

"I am nervous I just am very good at concealing it,” Michael says.

She nods and then you see Jack and Irina come in"are you all right?"Jack asks.

He sits down beside her and takes her hand she smiles at him and then an hour later you see Irina and Jack sitting out in the hallway you hear Sydney screaming. Then you hear a baby crying and another. Jack smiles at Irina and she smiles back.

Michael comes out a few minutes later holding two bundles and Jack and Irina stand up and move over to him. They look down and two adorable faces are staring up at them"how's Sydney?"Irina asks.

"She's fine tired though,” Michael says."Jack Irina I'd like you to meet you’re
grandchildren. This is the little girl Jennifer Faith and this is Matthew Christopher."

"Hello who's the oldest?"Jack asks.

"Jennifer,” Michael says.

"Can I hold her?"Jack asks.

"Sure,” Michael says. He carefully gives Jack Jennifer and carefully gives Irina
Matthew.He smiles at the doting grandparents."Is it worth getting up at 3am?"

"Yes it is,” Irina says. She strokes her grandson's cheek and he looks at her with his brown eyes."So I see he has the brown eyes and Jennifer has the green."

Michael nods and smiles at her a few hours later Michael and Sydney are sitting in the room and Matthew and Jennifer are in their beds beside them. Sydney was asleep Michael was watching the three of them. He looks down and sees that Jennifer is awake"hey little one you're awake,” he says.

He leans over and strokes her cheek you see that Sydney's awake and watching her husband and daughter."I can see she's going to be a daddy's girl,” Sydney says.

Michael looks at her and smiles"hi how are you feeling?"he asks.

"Good how are our two bundles of joy?"Sydney asks. She looks at the two of them and smiles then Matthew wakes up and starts crying which then his sister joins in."I think they want to be fed."

Michael handed Matthew to her and she fed him she looked up at Michael and smiles when she sees him watching her."You want to burp him?"she asks.

Michael nods and she hands him to his father and Michael burps his son and then puts him back in his bed. The little boy looks at his father. Then someone knocks on the door Michael looks at Sydney and she shrugs."Come in,” Michael says.

The first thing they saw was a bunch of balloons saying congratulations and then Will's face appears and then Francie as well they smile at the couple. Will hugs Sydney and shakes hands with Michael."So what are their names?"Francie asks.

"Well our daughter is the oldest she's Jennifer Faith and our son is Matthew
Christopher,” Sydney says.

Francie and Will look down at the two babies and smile"hello,” Francie says...

To be continued.

I know no angst sorry I was getting sick of it I needed a fluffy one.

Please review people I'm not doing this for the better of my health.
Authors' Notes:

Okay sorry guys I know I said to be continued I changed my mind I don't have anything more to say the kids are born and the next story will continue two months later.

I decided against writing another chapter because I seriously can't think of anything else.The prequel should be up tomorrow I think perhaps depending on what I'm doing.My sister is having a lunch tomorrow so you know I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have writing it.Thankyou again

aawww that was just so sweet. oh man you made me teary eyed and made me smile through out the whole thing.

I would have liked to have seen Michael get a little bit more angry about the note. I dunno like grab a chair and throw it through the half broken window. ^_^

Great great story.