
Cia, that story was adorable, I love the whole thing, begining to end!
And no matter what you say is gonan make me change my mind! *glances at her little speach on this fic sucking* *steals thread* *rips that part out*
I loved it!
Mentioning Tobey was the perfect way to releave all the tention, and it seemed just like something Sydney would do!
The ending was great, though I cant believe its over!
Thanks for the PMs and writting this story to begin with!
Aww... Thank you guys so much! :cry: :hug:

There's not going to be an epilogue though, sorry

And Louise... Lol no, I'm pretty sure Tobey was a frog! ;) But you asked for Tobey to come back, which I couldn't do, so a mention was the least I could do... Unless Vaughn searched the world for Tobey, brought him back, and gave it to her as a formal present :lol:
this is really such a great fic! i'm sad that it had to end, but cai, you really are a great writer, never underestimate yourself, if this wasn't great, people won't ask you to update soon, and you did a great job! thanks for writing this and for taking time to pm all of us!
Michael sighed, speaking in a whisper. "This is perfect… You're perfect…" He trailed off, as he felt a silent tear escape, falling on his shirt. Alarmed, he gently questioned her, "Syd? What's wrong?"

i would quote more, but i dont have much time...
omg that was the perfect ending
i loved this sooo much!!!!! im so sad its over!!! :cry:
cai you did a wonderful job!!!!
aww that was the best story the whole way through, i loved the start and i loved the end. its a shame its ended, but it was a beautiful end. Thanks!! xx helen xx
*stares in dismay* 🇳🇴

I still haven't quoted.. :hide: or reviewed anything for that matter *sigh* :blush:

how about I do it tomorrow? :D i know it'll be a week after you posted but still... :Ph34r:
Lol don't worry about it dude! Seriously! I'm just glad it's over! :P

And besides, you've read that chapter a billion times already... There's no need to!

*pats the thread on the head* Float away now :whistle:
*ties the thread to the post that juju planted as the founding of jujuland*

:P now it can't float away unless I un-tie it because no one can touch the juju-rope except for juju :angelic: and it will float away once I've quoted

*giggle* i'm stubborn in my own way :whistle:
*stares at rope pwoudly*

HEY LOOK! ams is here! 😆 looks like you have another reader there cai!

OMG! i got to 5,000 posts! :woot:
:hi: heya!
yeah I know ages later here I am :bag:
I'm so bad I know 🍅
:shocked: wait you said it was the final chappie? LIke the last one? The end? It''s over? :cry: it can't be :nonono: pwincess you can't do that! :depressed:

And one more thing I have to say, before you read this... I know this fic hasn't been great. I know it hasn't, for a few things.

:mellow: 🐟 hey not true at all!
don't ever say dat again missy! :eyebrow:

You guys rock my sockeez ;)

you rock mine too! :woot:
I think you're the best sockeez rocker 😆 :rolleyes:

Twelfth grade…

I still didn't get how the grades thingy works :bag:

Michael arrived precisely on time, parking his car in the Bristow's driveway. As he got out of the car, he nervously checked his reflection in the window, fixing up his pale pink tie so that it was in its right place again. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he proceeded to walk up the stairs of the front porch, and knocked. He waited for someone to answer, glancing nervously around.

awwww he's so cuuuute! :love:
wait pink tie? :blink:
girlie Mikey :lol:

To his surprise it was Sydney who answered the door, and he sighed with relief, running a hand absently through his already messed up hair.
"Hey," she smiled, letting him in.
Michael stepped into the house, glancing awkwardly around, on the lookout for Jack Bristow… "Hey."
Sydney laughed, "Don't worry, he's not home tonight… He had to leave a little while ago, some business thing…" She trailed off, her arms sneaking around his neck to pull him in for a quick kiss.

*phew* hopefully he's not here
so they can :kissme: as much as they want :whistle:
and Mikey will still be able to have 👶 :lol:

As they broke apart, Michael toyed with a loose lock of hair that framed the side of her face. "You look beautiful tonight…"
"Ditto." They laughed, before sharing another kiss.
"Mm… Syd," he pulled away, "We should get going. The formal… Remember that?"
"Yeah…" A small smile appeared on her face, as she took his hand and led him out the door.

*giggles* :2love:

They arrived at the formal arm in arm, his hand subconsciously lingering at the small of her back as they weaved through their peers. People looked their way as they passed, and he smiled, knowing that Sydney Bristow was his.

:lol: a bit possessive aren't we? :eyebrow: :P

Sydney led him to one of the tables to the far right, knowing that her friends, whom Michael didn't particularly get along that well with, were seated towards the left. They decided to take a seat on the table beside Weiss and his date for the night, Greer Rose… The Goth chick.

:siderool: weissiepoo wif da goth girl! :laughbounce:
sowwy :blush:

Michael, who was secretly afraid of Greer, insisted that Sydney sit beside her, and that he would sit on the other side of Syd.

:eek: he's scawed of a girl? *points at Mikey* 😆

"Hi," Greer mumbled shyly.

a shy goth girl? :eyebrow:

Sydney and Michael returned their greetings, and they made small talk for a while more, reminiscing upon their high school years, glad that it was finally over. It was more Sydney and Eric who did the talking, Greer sitting awkwardly between the two, once in a while speaking when she was addressed, and Michael, who was a little spooked out by Goths, sat beside his girlfriend silently listening to their conversation.

*sneaks behind Vaughn*
BOO!! 😆

As the night progressed, Eric and his date went off to mingle with other friends, and Michael obediently followed Sydney around the large room as she went around talking to various people.

ookies is Mike became a dog? :eyebrow:

As the couple they were talking to excused themselves, Sydney turned to Vaughn, her features glowing, a sign that she was having fun.
"Michael? Dance with me?" She smiled.
"Syyyyd." He whined, "I don't—"

:happydance: see it's easy :P

She laughed, before dragging him towards the dancefloor where many other couples were dancing to a slow song. She casually wrapped her arms around his neck, to which he finally complied and wrapped his own around her waist, as they swayed to the soft music…
Sydney rested her head against his chest as they danced, his fingers not being able to resist gently stroking her hair. They lost track of the time passed, spending the majority of the night just enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms.

awwwwwie!!! :2love:

Michael sighed, speaking in a whisper. "This is perfect… You're perfect…" He trailed off, as he felt a silent tear escape, falling on his shirt. Alarmed, he gently questioned her, "Syd? What's wrong?"

:eyebrow: siddiepoo? what's going on? :thinking:

Sobs began to take over her, as she tightened her grip on him, almost clinging.
"Syd?" He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "C'mon… How about we go outside for a while, ok?"

:confused: Syyyd *nudges Syd* what's wrong? :cry:

Michael led her outside, ignoring the curious looks from people as they walked by, and sat her down on the steps, before taking a seat beside her. Taking of his suit jacket and placing it around her shoulders to protect her from the cold of the night, he comfortingly rubbed his hand up and down her back.

aww alwats the gentleman *sigh* :blush:

They sat in silence in a while, before her sobs calmed down, and he pressed a light kiss to her temple.
"You wanna tell me what that was all about?" He asked gently.
Sydney sniffled, eyes stubbornly avoiding his.
He took the silence that followed that as a no, and knowing Sydney, he gave in and decided not to prod her about it any more.

:poke: say something! you're scawing vaughniepoo! *sniffles*

Who knows how long they sat out there for… But eventually, Sydney opened her mouth to speak, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.
"It's just… I get this feeling. That things are going to change from here. It's just that… Everything's perfect now. The way it should be, the way I want it to be… But now, we've finished high school, and we're never going to have this back again, ever. I'm just afraid… Of what could be for us. So much that I'd rather just stay here, and forget about the rest of the world, just live forever with us… now." Sydney exhaled deeply, covering her face with her hand as she leant forward, elbows propped on her knees.

Syd...don't think like dat *sniffles* :cry:
*sobs on Cai's shoudler*

"How do you know nothing bad is going to happen? How do you know things won't change?"
He gently moved her hand from covering her face, and tilted it to look at him. "I can't tell you things aren't going to change, Syd. They will." He paused, "And I can't tell you that nothing bad is going to happen either, because they will…" this supposed to be comforting? :thinking:

He cut her off before she could protest. "Shh…" He lifted a finger up to her lips to silence her. "… But what I can tell you, is that I love you. With every fibre of my being, I love you, Sydney Bristow. And I promise you, I will do anything I can to protect you from what's out there in this world. Syd, I won't let a thing happen to you."

awwwwie!!! :love:
way better (y)

A soft smile spread across her facial features, her hand finding its way to his. "You'll even protect me from big evil frogs, like Tobey?"
He smiled, and nodded. "Especially big evil frogs like Tobey."

😆 :rolleyes:

Sydney decided to believe his promise that he'd be there to protect her, squeezing his hand in response as they sat in the dark together, only the music coming from inside and the sound of their slow breathing breaking the silence.

*sniffles* bwotiful song!!
but :cry: it's the end? nooooooo *sobs on Cai's shoulder*
it's can't be! 🇳🇴
it was soooo *sniffles* bwotiful
the things he said :love:
now I'm gonna sit here and wait to see if a magical chap appears...can only hope :sadangel:

Sci :watsup:
the rope's there till tomorrow
i don't have time today



i'm so sorry
