History Always Repeats Itself


Sydney sat alone on her couch, confused and angry. First he said she was the only woman for him and then he goes back to her… Annoyed with herself for her pessimistic thoughts she switched on the TV but to her dismay only found shows about star crossed lovers and finding your soul mate. With an annoyed scream she threw the remote at the TV and finally let her pent up emotions loose. She curled herself up in a ball and cried. She cried about the last two years, what she had been through, what the covenant had done to her life. They had taken away everything that was important to her, Will, Francie, her Dad, her job, but most importantly they had taken Vaughn away from her. Did they not realise how long it had taken for them to finally admit their feelings and do something about them? She had come back to world that had changed, two years had passed – Vaughn was married and Sloane was a good guy (apparently) and her Dad had been put in jail. None of it made sense. Especially the part where Vaughn was married, it felt like a knife was slicing her heart. It had only been recently that she had been able to put the pieces together and with the help of Kendall find out what happened to her.

Once enough tears had been cried, she stood up went to her computer determined to finish writing her report so that hopefully she could move on with what happened in North Korea and just focus entirely on her job. However she found her mind drifting off to the past two years, what she had been put through and yet unable to feel the pain as she had her memory removed. Determined to find more answers and hopefully revive memories Sydney logged onto a site at Blackall set up by Kendall that had everything known about her and her missing two years. Logging on and reading the information for about the hundredth time Sydney still felt no closure, once again annoyed and angry for the second time that night she threw her fist onto the keyboard and wailed in exasperation.

When she reverted her eyes back to the screen she noticed she was on a different page, suddenly she noticed her name and all frustration was turned to shock as she continued reading.
Ah the suspense, gotta love that feeling!
Can I get a PM when you update? :rolleyes:
Can´t wait to find out what happens next!

ok sorry PM people i have no idea how to do that but here is the next part!

Chapter One

“Hello welcome to the Blackall Project, this is Sally”, said an overly happy voice
“I need to speak to Kendall, now” Sydney replied through gritted teeth.
“He’s in a meeting right now, can I take a message”, the cheery voice answered.
“Look I’m running out of patience, I need to speak to Kendall now, and I mean now. If he’s not on the phone with two minutes he’s going to wish he was dead.”
“I’ll see what I can do”, Sally much more demure now responded.

“This is Kendall”
“What the hell is going on?”
“Sydney is that you?”
“You bet it is and I want some answers now”
“I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about”
“Don’t play dumb you know exactly what I’m talking about. How could you have possibly kept this from me”
“So you found out, look Sydney I can explain”
“Yeah well you better, because if we’re talking about the same thing then there is a baby involved”
“Sydney, I think we should meet. I need to explain this to you face to face. I’ll have a plane waiting for you at Dover airport.”

Sydney sat on the plane, her mind racing. If what she read was right then she had a daughter during her time with the covenant. Who was the father? What happened to her child? With these thoughts still on her mind she stepped off the plane and met Kendall.
“Sydney thank you for coming” Kendall said as he met her coming off the plane.
“Cut the felgercarb, just tell me the truth”
“Ok I think you should sit down for this” Kendall said to her motioning for her to sit down in the airport lounge.
“Now Sydney you have to believe me when I say that I thought I was doing the best I could for you. Yes Sydney you were right, there was something I didn’t tell you. But how did you find out?”
“None of your damn business, I want the truth now.”
“Ok”, Kendall said slowly, “When you were taken into the covenant they found out you were two months pregnant, after they started breaking you in”
“What, how could that be possible.”
“Sydney, I really think you’re old to have heard the birds and the bees story”
“Of course I know, I’m not stupid.”
“Now remember this is what you told me so all this information could be a little different to what actually happened. So where was I? Oh that’s right two months pregnant. Originally the covenant was going to terminate, however you told me that they changed their minds considering the baby’s parents were both spies”
“You mean Vaughn’s the father?”
“Who else Sydney? Unless there’s something you weren’t telling us?”
“Of course not”, Sydney said again.
“They were going to start the baby on a program, similar to your ‘project christmas’ as soon as it was born”
“What??” Sydney exclaimed.
“Sydney if I am going to tell you the whole story, you’ve got to stop interrupting me and listen.”
“I understand”
“So you spent seven months on your own once they found out. Once the baby was born, it was a little girl. She was taken away a month later. You knew the only way to get your baby safe was to make the covenant believe you were brainwashed and that you believed you were Julia Thorne. Once that occurred you came to me – you know that part. Together we came up with a plan to get your baby out”
“I’m sorry but does she have a name?” Sydney tentatively asked.
“Oh yes, Martina, you named her – it means warrior. We pretended I was a doctor coming in to check on the baby, I smuggled her out, leaving fake evidence that it was KGB that took her, your mother in fact. Of course they searched for Martina but never found her. She was safe with me. My wife and I took her in and looked after her as if she was our own, we missed having a baby around the house. My children are all grownup.
You came to visit her as often as you could, she’s growing up to be a beautiful girl, she looks just like you.”

Sydney sat there numb, taking in all the information. Not everything was registering except the fact that she had a baby girl.
“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner “ Sydney inquired
“I was going to tell you when we were on the plane and I was telling you everything else that happened, but you were so upset, I thought it might push you over the edge. Also, well Sarah and I were growing rather attached to Martina and I didn’t want to see her go”, Kendall said rather sheepishly.
“I want to see her”, Sydney said rather quietly”
“Of course” Kendall replied, “Just let me get my stuff”.
Chapter Two

Kendall took Sydney to a quiet tree lined street, a beautiful and tranquil place, perfect for raising young children. As Kendall turned up a driveway out of the house came a woman holding a young girl. Sydney gasped as the car came to a stop. Jumping quickly out of the car Sydney began to walk over to the woman holding her daughter, tears she didn’t know were there began streaming down her face as the woman handed the girl to Sydney. Sydney felt her daughter in her arms; she felt a sense of closure. Something had been missing since she came back. She had just assumed it was the loss of Vaughn but she knew now it wasn’t that, it was this. It was Martina. Sydney then took a good look at her daughter, just as Kendall had said Martina looked just like Sydney, only a smaller version. Except one thing, she had these piercing green eyes, which straight away Sydney could see were Vaughn’s. ‘Oh my god’, Sydney thought ‘what am I going to tell Vaughn?’
“I’m sorry what dear, did you say something?” Sarah questioned.
“Oh no I was just thinking…………” Sydney said just as Martina began to squirm and whimper. She had her arms outstretched towards Sarah and began to cry “Mum, Mum”
Sydney’s face fell, as she handed Martina back to Sarah.
“I’m sorry dear, it’s been such a long time since she’s seen you. I’m sure that’s just it” Sarah told Sydney soothingly, “How about we go inside and discuss the situation at hand.”

Once seated with a cup of coffee in the lounge room and with Martina playing happily on a rug, they began to talk. Kendall wanted to know how Sydney found out about Martina. Sydney explained how in a fit of rage she whacked the keyboard and Martina’s birth certificate came up with Sydney’s listed as the mother. Sydney wanted to know everything, Martina’s fist word, when she first rolled over, crawled, everything. The hours ticked by and eventually the long awaited subject was brought up. What was going to happen to Martina? Understandably Sydney wanted to take Martina with her, but would Martina want to go? They finally reached an answer. Sydney would live with Kendall, Sarah and Martina for as long as it took Martina to be comfortable with Sydney, only then would Sydney take Martina home.

The weeks passed with Martina or Tina as Sydney called her growing closer everyday, making up for lost time. Sydney was happy, blissfully happy, she hadn’t been this happy since she was with Vaughn. She had tried to steer clear of that subject until Kendall brought it up.
“Syd what are you going to do about Vaughn?”
“I don’t know”
“He deserves to know Syd, He is the father”
“I know, but it’ll harm his marriage. Lauren finding out he had a baby with me.”
“You don’t know that”
“Trust me I do. I don’t know what to do? Right before I found out about Tina I was thinking of transferring to San Francisco. This whole thing with Vaughn and Lauren is ruining my life. I just can’t cope anymore. I thought I could, obviously I can’t.”
“So you’re not going to tell him.”
“No I’m not, Tina and I will be just fine.”

3 Weeks Later
“Ok so you have everything?” Sarah asked
“I think so, anything I’ve left you can send over” Sydney replied, juggling Tina to give Sarah a hug goodbye. They were at the airport. Sydney was transferring to San Francisco that day. Her flight number was called and Sydney said her final farewells to Kendall and Sarah and boarded her flight, the flight that would take her to her new life.

Sydney and Martina settled into their new house in a suburb on the outskirts of the city, 10 minutes from Sydney’s office, across the street from a park. When Dixon approved the transfer he also gave her a month to settle in, familiarise herself with the new city as well telling the San Francisco office that she was desk trained mainly and only occasionally goes on field operations, this was a request from Sydney as she didn’t want to be putting her life in danger when there was another person involved. It was a wonderful month for Sydney and Martina, their days were spent going to the park for long walks and plays.

The day before Sydney was due back at work Syd and Tina were at the park, Sydney was thinking about having to go back to work, to meet new people, Tina could see that Sydney was distracted and started clapping her hands and calling out “Mum, Mum” Hearing this Sydney stopped and looked at her daughter. ‘She called me Mum’ Sydney thought as tears sprung into her eyes, quickly she brought Martina into a great big hug and squeezed her tight until Tina began to complain.

Chapter 3 – the paragraphs change point of view every now and then. You’ll work it out I’m sure.

After a long first day of meeting and greeting and undergoing new security procedures Sydney came home exhausted, but happy, everyone there seemed really nice. As soon as she stepped inside she heard a little voice calling out to her. Smiling Sydney dropped her bag on the hallway table and went to greet her baby girl. After a quick reunion Sydney turned her attention to the babysitter, one of CIA’s recommended nannies, after establishing that Tina was an angel and that she would be happy to continue regularly Sydney bid her goodbye and turned her attention back to Martina and told her over again between hugs and kisses how much she missed her, this continued on all night and everyday that Sydney went to work.

The weeks turned into months and the months turned into years. 15 years soon passed very quickly and Martina had turned 18.
Sydney had brought up Martina to be a well-mannered and respectful young woman who was liked by everyone who met her. The only thing Martina was missing in her life was a father. Her mother had told her that her Dad had been a really great guy, a French teacher who was unfortunately killed in a car accidnet when Martina was only a few months old. Martina would often ask questions about him, what he was like? What were his favourite things? And other similar questions, Sydney’s answers would always be short and quick, not going into much detail. She didn’t even have a picture of him, Sydney had always said that it was a whirlwind romance and no pictures were ever taken. Her Mum had only ever said his name was Michael, apparently she never knew his last name. However Martina never believed that but knew that her Mum didn’t like talking about it and didn’t question, one day she would though.

It had only been recently that Sydney had told Martina that she worked for the CIA, Tina was quite shocked, after all those years that her Mum had said she was going away on business, she was actually going on missions, mostly likely dangerous missions. It was quite a shock to Tina, even more of a shock was to hear that her Grandfather had also worked for the CIA, she just couldn’t picture him in that environment, he was more of a Bowls type of guy she had always thought. With all this talk going on Martina’s mind began racing. Maybe she could be a spy as well; after all it did run in her blood. Martina kept these thoughts to herself however as she knew her Mum would most definitely not want her to follow in her footsteps, she would worry for her safety too much.

Meanwhile in LA Vaughn was in a bar playing pool with best mate Weiss, “Listen mate”, Weiss was saying, “You’ve gotta stop beating yourself up about this, it’s not your fault. Lauren was the lying, cheating bastard not you.”
“Thanks Weiss that really helps”, Vaughn said sarcastically.
“Seriously though, you had to file for a divorce. The cheating thing would have continued.”
“I know it’s just that I really thought it was for life, you know. We survived when Sydney came back, I thought we could survive anything after that.”
“I know buddy, but you’ve got to move on, it’s been two months now.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
“What about a blind date?”
“Weiss you really need to get a life”
“Come on man, maybe a double date?”
“No one would want to go out with you.”
“Hey that’s a bit harsh, harsh but true I suppose, so a blind date?”
“Whatever man”
ok..i am FOR WARNING YOU...this is going to be a LONG review....

FIRST- the pms....at the top of the web page it says ____ new messages...there will be a 0 or another number there....you can click on it...it will bring you to your inbox...were people can send you things, thats were you retrieve them....all you have to do is click on the subject...BUT with SENDING them...just hit 'Compose new messege' and a new blank EVERYHTING will pop up....you can type in the people that you want to send a pm too, type the topic, and the messege...i HIGHLY recomentd carbon copying htem...its SOO much faster....

SECOND- I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY AND WOULD LOVE A PM!!! that is if i explained it well enough.....

THIRD- eighteen years, wouldnt that put liek syd, wiess, and vaughn all in liek there fifties?!?!??!!?!?! so vaughn and wiess on a double date....but no offense in my oppinion old guys on a double date is just odd!!!!

FOURTH- if it IS his daugher, i ODNT want a pm...that would just be disturbing.....

FIFTH- Sydney needs to tell him, liek now, or he needs to look her up and visit her..then hell obviousally fint out....

Then, LASTLY- wouldnt eighteen years make jack liek seventy soemthing...a bt old for CIA dotn ya thinK?!?!?!

anwyas, hoep you dont get bored listening to me ramble....please pm if you understand how..it took em FOREVER to get it, lol!!!
and YES youre doing the story right!!!
ashley, stop overanalyzing! oh yeah, and if its his daughter who shows up on the date- totally dont pm me! EEEW! INCEST....he can maybe see her and syd while he's on the date...but no dating your dad, thats just uncool
what do you mean overanilysing??? im not doing that...simply stating facts....im a very observent person...whether i want to be or not.....and you copied me, lol...the dont pm thing...lol.....and now im going to agree with you...its unkewl alias obsessedfan to have her date her dad...so jsut dont let that happen...OK???
This fic is really great, but there is something I didn't understood.
The talk between Vaughn and Weiss was after Sydney's transfert or 15 years later :thinking: ?
Please PM me when you post more.