Politics I Have A Serious Problem With Organized Religion


Religion is great. Im not being sarcastic at all. Religion can really help people get through some tough times and it guides some people through life. I think when religion is used that way it's a great concept.
But here's my issue. Organized religion has led to so many atrocities. All the religions have had their mad-men seeking out Holy Wars in the name of their god. Osama, The Crusaders, Hitler... the list goes on and on. This abuse of religion really troubles me. Another problem i have with religion is how a deeply religious person believes they are better than everyone else in some sense because they have faith in that divine power. Nobody else's opinions matter only that of their own faith. Innocent people die because of religion and others are alienated and denied basic rights because some people believe it doesnt conform with their own religion. Is this what religion is really supposed to be about? Does anyone else have these same issues with religion?
I agree with you to some degree. I am Catholic, but I don't think the church is a perfect organization. While I'm not against the Catholic church, I sometimes feel that it tries to play a larger role in Christianity than it should. Going Religion should be more about your relationship with God than what the church tells you to do, how to pray, etc (in Christianity's case).

And organized religions can be behind crime and terrorism, but I don't believe it's the religious organization itself that causes it. It's human misinterpretation and greed that takes religion out of context and give the whole religion a bad name. For example, the religion of Islam itself doesn't cause problems. Muslims everywhere don't believe that America is at war with Islam. It's the terrorists who use their religion as an excuse for their own gains. And I, as an individual, don't believe that I am any better than non-Christians. I don't alienate others of different beliefs. But I sometimes feel the opposite. Other denominations of Christianity believe Catholicism is flawed (my Christian friend, for example, often criticizes Catholicism, unintentionally rude) and some atheists often look at Christians like we're whackos who believe in stupid things.

Anyways.. Like I said, I agree to some degree. However, I think some people not part of organized religion sometimes exaggerate or have a misconception of it. But organized religion still has some problems, and the only way to fix it is to first realize they exist.
Certain people who crave power read religious texts, pick the quotes they like, and control people with it by threatening an enternity in some mythical furnace of damnation.
As an atheist there is a lot I can respect about some of the beliefs and ethics of many religions, but mostly I just stay away.
I think there are several main reasons people are so into religion. #1. Many just want someone to tell them what to do, what's right and wrong. #2. Its the light at the end of the tunnel for people who are afraid of their own mortality. If we're good we live forever and get white gowns and harps! Yay! #3. Fear of the whole 'hell' thing, which is a fear tactic to recruit people to churches. Have you heard of the hell houses they take youth groups through to scare the bejeezers out of them?
If I were to pick a religion, I think I'd go for buddhism, probably the best of the bunch.
I practice Buddhism. There are many types of Buddhist practice , but i follow Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism. I consider this to a religion but some people view it as a way of life. The reason why i choose to practice this buddhism is that it's very very basic teaching is a fundemental respect for humanity, and one that does not say if act like this then your gonna end up in a pit of fire. It encourages us to look at how our actions have an impact on others around us and to change because we genuinely want to, not because some God says that we have to or else some wrath is gonna unleashed upon us. That just instils fear into people and as we know when people are in a state of fear , that breds hatred. You Just look at what happened in Madrid yesterday to look at the true extent of what someone is capable of doing in a state of fear and hatred.
The problem I have is with "born again christians" who believe that they are holier than thou. I know somebody who dated a "born again" for several years and the born again and his family chastised my friend for not going to church, reading the bible, etc..... Her take was that she didn't need to go to church and read the bible to be a christian. She believes in God and lives her life respectfully. She didn't need somebody pushing it down her throat.

Everybody's religious beliefs, and the way they approach them, are different. What is good for one person may not be good for another.
i don't have a problem with organized religion, just the politics that you tend to find in a lot of organized religion. and Silverdewdrop, i disagree with you. i think people become involved in religions because they are searching for truth and purpose in their lives. at least, that's why i do. but, i do agree with freakforalias about born-again christians.
there are many views of Christianity out there (not saying that it's the best religion, but i am a bit for inclined towards Christianity :D ) i feel that you are right, religion can produce fanatics. but in Roman Catholicism (the root of Christianity) has tried to get rid of the bad rep it's built up throughout the past 500 years. after the Vatican II Council, things have really moved forward (despite the many conservative views she still has). i think you should visit your local parish and talk to the father about your thoughts and clear up any questions. our you can explore similar religions such as Judaism (the root of Chrisitanity) and get a feel for where they're coming from or Islam (distant relative of Judaism and Christianity) to see what they believe. religion really gives you a purpose in life because without the afterlife to work for, i'd probably commit suicide (maybe not really, but just go with me here) because we're all going to die anyways. my morality would also be different, because i'd probably follow mainstream society. religion really opens one's eyes to the injustices in this world and makes you want to help out your fellow man (or woman, but the idea is your fellow human being) who are less fortunate than you. essentially, to be a Christian (and im sure this also applies to Judaism and Islam) is to help others. you don't have to consciously believe in God, but when you help others, you feel God's presence, because God is love so when you help others, you are carrying out God (kind of confusing, i know, but it's hard to explain).

ps. true christians do NOT think that they are better than everyone else, because that goes against the belief in Christianity that everyone is equal in God's eyes.
I dunno my view on it is to help those that need help. Dont cheat anyone or lose your integrity. Ya know just be a good person. IMO that should be good enough for any God or afterlife. As long as i make the effort to better myself and the people around me I don't see why any divine being should be upset with me. And if there really is no afterlife then better make use of the one we have right now.