In the Blink of an Eye

aww that was great! i really hope that Syd doesnt start to feel guilty about the fact that Michael is giving up his uni and life to come and live with her and the baby, because its clear that he would have it no other way as he completely loves her!!
thanks for the PM :D cant wait for more
yeahhhhh love the update
and why do i have the feeling that somethink bad is going to happen with syd's baby

thanks for the pm
Welcome new reader!! :smiley:

Okay, this is a happy fluffy cheesy story.... nothing bad is going to happen to the baby. I promise. :smiley: And for whoever was asking about Chris earlier... he returns here a little bit...

Here is the next chapter. Enjoy!!


Unfortunately I heard the last sentence as I was coming back. “Michael is giving up his dream school for me?” I thought as I shakily asked for their orders. After giving their orders to the chef, I told Dave I’d be back in a few moments and rushed to the bathroom.

Chapter 8:

I let the tears flow for a minute before I splashed some water on my face and took a deep breath. As I calmed down, Amelia walked in. “You heard what I said about Seattle, didn’t you?” She asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. “Sydney, Sweetie,” she said, pulling me into a hug. “Seattle was Michael’s dream two years ago. He has a new dream now. You and the…” she looked around and whispered the word baby. “You can see it in his eyes. He is more passionate about you and his new family than he was about going to live in Seattle. Trust me when I say he is incredibly happy and excited to come to Las Vegas.” I sniffled and nodded, quickly dabbing my eyes.

“Sorry,” I said, nervously laughing. “Hormones.” She laughed too and hugged me again.
“Go back and do your job, Honey. Don’t mind my friends. They’re just old biddies anyway. Never minding their own business.” I nodded and headed back out to do my job. Amelia followed and headed back to her table. Upon arriving, she harshly told her friends to lay off Michael and I because her family was really happy. And, if they kept annoying me, I’d surely spit in their food.

The rest of my night went smoothly and Amelia’s friends ended up leaving generous tips with a note on a napkin saying “Congratulations and our apologies for being rude.”
She came to say goodbye to me as well and I tried to tell her I couldn’t accept the money but she firmly said I deserved it. I finished my shift and went home, not in the greatest mood because I was still worried that Michael was giving up what he wanted because of us. When I got home, I crashed into bed and promptly fell asleep, without calling Michael.

Around 2:30 a.m., my cell phone went off. I grabbed it and mumbled a greeting.
“Where have you been? Are you okay?”
“Yes. Why didn’t you call me when you got home!? I’ve been worried sick.” I checked my clock.
“Have you been waiting up for me?”
“YES. Sydney. WHERE WERE YOU?” He sounded both panicked and annoyed.
I sighed. “Sorry. I fell asleep as soon as I got home. I was really worn out.”
“Sydney Anne,” he said more softly. “I know you. You always call me no matter how tired you are. What happened?”

Damn. He knows me too well. “Fine. Am I ruining your dream of being in Seattle?”
“What?” I went into what happened at dinner with his mother’s friends and what I overheard. “Sydney…Syd. No. Honey…yes, I always wanted to go to school here. But my life has changed. My priorities have changed. My dreams have changed. Everything changed the moment I met you. And by changed, I mean for the better. Syd…I don’t know what it is but ever since I met you, I’ve felt more alive. Honestly, I don’t care if we are in Las Vegas or California or New York…my life and everything about it exists wherever you and the baby are. So forget about my dream of Seattle. That was long ago and that dream doesn’t even come close to comparing to my dreams now.”

“Are you sure? Because, Honey…as much as I love you…I don’t want you to resent me, ever.”
“I don’t. And I don’t know what else to say to make you believe me.”
“You don’t have to say anything else. I’m okay.” I tried to sound as convincing as I could. There was just a small fear still nagging me about him giving up what he wanted but I kept it to myself.

He sighed. “Promise me you’ll talk to me if you ever feel this way again?” I promised him and yawned.
“I’m sorry for waking you up, Baby. I know you need your rest. What is your day like tomorrow?”
“Just one class at two. My morning class got cancelled and I’m not working.”
“Good. I want you to relax, please. How is the baby?”

“Mmmm, about the size of a kidney bean. My next appointment is this coming Monday.”
“Aww. Can you put the phone to your stomach?”
“What? No, that’s so stupid.”
“No it isn’t. Come on, Syd,” he whined. “The baby never gets to hear my voice.” I sighed.
“Fine, here…” I moved the phone down to my stomach and flipped it onto speaker so I could hear what Michael was saying.

Hi little one…it’s your Daddy. I hope you’re being good for Mommy. You’ll hear my voice a lot more very soon. I love you very much.” I felt tears coming to my eyes as I listened to Michael ramble for another minute. He truly cared for this baby. It amazed me how much a 20 year old college boy could be attached to a child.

“Michael,” I finally broke in. “Honey, I really need to go to sleep…”
“Of course. I’m sorry, Syddie. I love you.”
“Love you too.” We hung up and the night was mine again.


The next morning, my birthday, I woke up to a huge bouquet on my doorstep. The card read, “Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. Never doubt my love. I’m excited to be a Vegas man.” I smiled to myself and thought about how loved I was. Chris and Kelly took me out to dinner that night and neither of them had mentioned anything about the ring. I wondered what was wrong with them.

I got myself through a hellishly busy week and awoke Saturday morning to a pounding on my door. I groggily dragged myself out of bed and pulled open the door, not caring how disheveled I really was.
I gasped. “What are you doing here?” Michael was standing in front of me holding a small yellow bag in his hand and with two large suitcases behind him. He swept me up into a big hug.

“Surprise! I’m here till Monday night. This is a belated birthday gift, plus, I wanted to go to the doctor with you. I rearranged my workload so I could come.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. Plus, I know you are still worried about me ‘giving up on Seattle,’ and I’m trying to make sure you understand that this is my home now. See,” he gestured to the suitcases. “This is stuff I don’t need for the last few weeks of school. I figured I might as well shove as much in as I can and start the move.”
He watched the hormones make my eyes flood over and kissed away the tears while picking me up and carrying me back to bed. After resting for another hour, we lay in bed with his hands slowly circling over my abdomen.

“Hurry up, Baby. I’m dying to meet you.” I giggled at the feel of his lips on my stomach.
“What was in that yellow bag you were holding?” Michael’s eyes lit up and he disappeared into the living room for a minute, coming back with the yellow bag.
“It’s the baby’s first present from me.” Inside was a small green wrist rattle made of soft material you could attach to a newborn so he or she could hear sounds as they moved around. There was also a CD with lullaby songs. He grinned and blushed a little. “I read on the Internet that these two things are really good for newborns.”

I leaned over and kissed him. “You are just too cute with this whole thing. You are going to be a great father, Michael.”
“I really can’t wait,” he admitted. “Even for no sleep and dirty diapers. It just seems so exciting.”
“I wish you could be the one to breast feed and carry this thing then. I’m going to be a terrible mother.”

“No, you’re not. Right now you just can’t accept it because you don’t feel pregnant besides the morning sickness, which makes it negative. But soon you’ll get into it. Once you hear the heart beat or feel it move.” I stared at him. “Okay, okay,” he admitted. “I’ve been doing a lot of reading about stages of what mother’s feel…”
“Oh, my, god.” I burst out laughing. He looked hurt. “No, Honey, no. That is so unbelievably sweet and supportive. You just…are much more fit to be a parent. I have barely looked at any of the pamphlets or books the doctor’s gave me.”

“Well, then, that’s why you have me. I can be your resident expert.” I laughed again and rolled over to kiss him again.
“I’m so glad you are here,” I said, lying on top of him and settling my head onto his chest. He kissed the top of my head and held me tightly in his arms, simply letting me know there was no place else he’d rather be. I will never understand how I found him, someone who is so caring and attentive, not to mention responsible, but I knew at this moment I’d never want to give him up.

Later that afternoon I took Michael to see the same two-bedroom apartment I had showed his mother the previous week. He loved it and we went to talk to Maura.
“So, what are the chances of us being able to have that two bedroom that is being remodeled?”
“I say, very high,” Maura said with her eyes twinkling. “It’s going to be finished in a few days you know, and ready for someone to move in as of May first. AND, if you were really interested, I’d be willing to have you just pay May rent to that apartment instead of your current one, switch your security deposit to the new apartment, and also let you take a few days to move your belongings since that apartment has to be redone anyway and no one would be moving in during the month of May.”

I gasped. “Wait… so we can have the new apartment?” She nodded and I looked at Michael.
He was smiling. “I think we should take it, Syd. This complex works well for us. It’s nice, safe, and convenient to work and school.” I smiled at him before looking back at Maura.

“Okay! So what do we have to do?” Twenty minutes later the papers were signed and she told me to pick up the keys in five days so I could start moving my stuff. As soon as we got back to my current apartment, I started jumping up and down.
“We have an apartment. OUR apartment. This is so exciting! I can’t wait to put the baby’s room together.” I gushed for another few minutes before Michael gently hugged me to calm down.


We went for a walk on the strip and actually ran into Chris and Kelly. “Chris!” I called from a few feet away. He turned.
“Hey, Syd!” He said, smiling. “Hey, Michael,” he finally said, noticing he was standing next to me. “So I hear you will be moving here?” Michael nodded and told him we just signed the new apartment lease.
“Yeah, two bedroom. It’s really nice. Same complex. Speaking of, can you two help me move my stuff down to the new apartment next weekend? I don’t have much, since none of the furniture is mine, but I could use some help.”

“Of COURSE we will, Syd.” Kelly said and Chris agreed. After chatting a few more minutes, the four of us decided to go to dinner together and actually had a great time. Chris was finally starting to accept Michael.


Monday morning came and I woke Michael up at seven. “Syyyyyyd, what are you doing?” He whined as I poked him in the side.

“Waking you up. We have to get ready to go to the doctor.” He sat up in a flash. We got ready and made our way to the office where my obstetrician was located. Dr. Barnes introduced herself to Michael as soon as we were situated in the room and asked if we were ready to see the baby. Michael nodded and grabbed my hand. The doctor flipped the sonogram machine on and we watched a strange black and white image on the screen. Dr. Barnes pointed out a little peanut shaped thing on the screen that was supposedly or child. Michael was so excited he gripped my hand so tightly that I cried out in pain.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly.
“Don’t worry, Michael. I think Sydney will get you back for that in about seven months.” She winked at me and I laughed.
“So when can we find out if it is a boy or girl?” He asked anxiously.

“Well, Sydney is about nine weeks along so not for another five or six weeks. However, that is when I would like for you to make your next appointment, Sydney. You are doing great and are very healthy, so I don’t see the necessity of coming in any sooner unless you are experiencing any pain.” I nodded and Michael looked excited that he’d be around for the appointment.

We thanked the doctor, stopped at reception to book my next appointment and headed out.
“When do you want to start telling people, Syd?”
“Can we give it just a few more weeks, please? I mean, I’m not showing at all yet…and to be honest, I’m really nervous about what people are going to think of me.”

Michael looked at me with an extremely concerned expression. “Are you regretting us?”
“NO!” I said quickly as we walked hand in hand back to my apartment. “No, Honey. I love my new little family,” I said, gently squeezing his hand and putting my other hand over my abdomen. “It’s just…you know what people might say. ‘Oh, she’s 19…another teenage statistic,’ or they will call me a slut or something. I’m just not looking forward to it. I’m even afraid of Chris’ reaction. I mean, he acted like such an ass for me dating you because you were not a local. I can’t IMAGINE what he is going to say when he finds out we’re married and expecting.”

Michael coughed. “They don’t know we’re MARRIED? They haven’t noticed the rings?”
I shrugged. “I guess not, unless they are ignoring it.” Michael stopped walking and turned to face me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

“Sweetie…look. I’m going to be beside you the whole time. Who cares what people think? All I know is that we are in love and we’re making life work with everything we planned on doing, even with this addition. I don’t want you to worry or stress about it because your body doesn’t need that. But seriously, how do YOU feel about everything right now? That’s all I care about. Be honest with me, Syd…”

I looked up at him and sighed. “Honestly, yeah. This wasn’t what I really had planned for this stage in my life. But, it happened.” I shrugged. “Some days I do wonder what if things were different. What would I be doing if I never met you? But other days, I’m completely happy about everything. It may take me a while to adjust, but I truly don’t regret anything.” He smiled down at me and pulled me into a hug.

“Okay, good. Don’t worry, Honey, I’m adjusting too. Outside I pretend I’m totally cool but inside, some days I am freaking out. Like, what if I drop the baby? What if I screw it up?” I laughed.
“Okay, I’m glad to know you have been freaking out a little.”
“Yeah, and Eric thinks I’m a freak because I’ve started spouting off random facts about newborns. So I lied and told him one of my classes is doing a section on families. But the other night I told him something like, newborns have blurry vision for their first month and he was like, why do I care?” We laughed again.

“Poor Eric. You’re going to tell him everything soon though, right?”
“Yeah…three weeks. Right before I leave. He might have a heart attack.”
“Well, he can visit us any time as long as he is not a total pig.” Michael laughed at me.

“I’ll let him know the stipulations.” We arrived in my apartment and spent the rest of the day starting to pack my belongings. I showed Michael the bag of his old things that his mom gave me and he couldn’t believe he ever fit into any of it. We started to section off the living room. One pile was baby stuff, compact into the duffle bag Amelia left with me, and a small box. One pile was Michael’s stuff, which were basically his suitcases and two boxes he had already shipped me. A third pile was miscellaneous living room items that were mine. We also started a Sydney pile for my clothes and some of the kitchen utensils I wouldn’t need. I felt organized and under control and there wasn’t much more to pack before I moved. Finally Michael left for the airport with a kiss and a promise to see me in three and a half weeks when school was over.


I received the keys to my new apartment on Wednesday and used any spare time I had between work, school and studying for finals to move some stuff myself. I made sure I moved the baby stuff down so neither Chris nor Kelly would discover those items and question me. The weekend came and the twins showed up as promised and moved me into the new apartment. Luckily, since I didn’t have that much, it only took a few hours.

“Sydney, this new apartment is HUGE and the new furniture is so nice!”
I smiled. “Thanks, Kel. I love it.”
She came over and draped her arm around me. “So, living with Mike, huh? He loves you that much that he transferred to Vegas?” I laughed and took a sip of water from my glass. Unfortunately, that’s when she finally noticed something. “Wait a minute…SYDNEY…what on earth is that on your left hand?”

“What?” I looked at her, forgetting about the ring, as it had become a staple in my dress since March.
“Uh, hello…we live in the wedding capital of the world. Is that a wedding ring? Did you get MARRIED?”
“Ssshhh… sshhh…Chris is going to be back any minute with the television. But, yes…Michael and I got married.”
“OH MY GOD, WHEN? Last weekend, when he was here?”
“Noooo…on January second.”
“WHAT? That was like…the second time you spent time with him.”
“I know…” I quickly told her the story of how I blurted out “marry me” and we actually decided to do it and how it had been working so far. I did leave out that one small detail though…

“Okay, Syd. Here is the TV and last of the boxes,” Chris called, wheeling a cart through the door. I ran over and gave him a hug and glass of water. He took a drink and then quickly set up my TV and DVD player.

“Chris. You want to hear something interesting?” Oh, no…
“What, Kel?”
“Well, it looks like Syddie joined the thousands of impulsive Vegas newlyweds. Can you believe we didn’t notice the ring?”

He stared at me for a minute. “You married Mike?” I nodded. “That’s…interesting.”
“Wait…here is the best part! Ask her HOW and WHEN!” I glared at Kelly before blurting out the story once again. Chris, who was still on the floor from setting up the TV, leaned back on his hands and stared at me like I was the devil.

“Real responsible, Sydney. What are you going to tell us next, that you are pregnant?” The blush on my cheeks gave me away.

“No…way…” Kelly gasped. “Syd! How long?” I stared down at my hands. Finally, I told them about Valentine’s Day weekend and spring break, quietly, tears forming in my eyes. When I finished, Chris just glared at me and stormed out of the apartment. When that happened, I broke down in tears and collapsed on the couch.

TBC Wednesday night.

PM List:

Prediction 47
oooo that was a mean cliff hanger lol :D
aww poor syd, i feel bad for her. but at the same time she is getting everything she ever wanted even if it isnt at the right time!
thanks for the PM
cant wait for more :smiley:
Seriously, Chris is an ass. I don't think he's being a very good friend, because if he was, he'd be happy for Sydney, regardless of his feelings for her. I think she should drop him! Or at least yell at him a lot. Thanks for the PM, and I can't wait to see what happens next!
THat was so great!!
I can't believe they never noticed the ring!!
And Chris is being a ass!! He needs to be a real friend!!
I love your writing! And Can't wait for more!
I'm glad Vaughn came to suprise her and he got to see the baby together for the first time!!!!
-Chris should just let Syd be happy!!!
Can't wait for more!! Loved it!! Thanks for the pm!!
vaughn is so adorable!!!
love how hes so excited and knows all these baby facts
so cute
chris needs to stop being so annoying!
awesome update
loved it
thanx for the pm
cant wait for more
that was great
for being on of syds best friends, chris isn't very supportive
i think he is jealous..... (well duh)
thanks for the pm