Road Trip

i said:
hey i can't see it till like not next year but the year after!!!!
i think!! cus they cancelled it on sky here (england) and its on 5 season2 so it'll finish s2 next year then they'll put on watever used to be there b4 the a year after alias or smmin like that!!!!
now that SUCKS!!!
oh my! :confused: is this gonna be like a Friends thing where they all agree to marry each other if they're not married by 40? :lol: that would be awsome :laughbounce: :laughbounce: :laughbounce:
--mandy :angelic:
Karie: Whoa, that is a cool av you've got there!
Haha! Thanks Trish!! :D

Hope real life tames down a bit for you soon! :thinking:
I can relate! School and work have been keeping me so tied up lately that I hardly get time to update my fic either. :(

Great teaser! Can't wait for more of this delightfully wonderful story!! :woot: I could use some good ol' S/V UST right about now...especially since the season premiere!! ^_^

You are truely The Queen of all Fan Fic Writers!! All hail the Queen!!

*bows down* ;) :D

:D Karie :D
obsessetion said:
i said:
hey i can't see it till like not next year but the year after!!!!
i think!! cus they cancelled it on sky here (england) and its on 5 season2 so it'll finish s2 next year then they'll put on watever used to be there b4 the a year after alias or smmin like that!!!!
now that SUCKS!!!
sorry i know this is off topic but this is important: they stoped sky????
please post more soon

*also bowing*
Yay. I no they end up hooking up (FLCH & Blood ties) speaking of which why havn't you posted here or at bloodties recently??? naughty now go to your room and start typing. you have a duty to your fan club. pls post more soon.
Teasing no more, Part 4 is here. Not the longest chapter ever posted, alright, but I think we all agree it's better than nothing.

This one is dedicated to all of you. Thank you for awaiting, and making me feel like this story matters. :D :blush:

If you asked for a PM and didn't get it, let me know.

Read on...

Part 4

“Sleeping together works well for us, doesn’t it?”

“What?” Sydney nearly spit out her coffee.

Vaughn looked up.

“What?” he said innocently.

“Where did that come from?”

“We spent a night together, I got to that conclusion.”

“Oh… oh…”

“Why do you always take everything to the bad side?” He shook his head, and sipped his juice.

“I don’t. I didn’t.”

“Right. And I’m actually the second, more developed version of Stitch.” Sydney blinked at him. “The alien, who became friends with Lilo?” He raised an eyebrow. Sydney’s face was blank. “Oh, dear, have you got no memory?”

Sydney rolled her eyes, and didn’t respond.

He paused for a moment. “But now that you mentioned, I think sleeping together would work-”

“You don’t want to finish this sentence.”

“Why? I’m only putting your own thoughts into words.”

“I only thought it because I thought you were thinking it.”

“I wasn’t thinking it. I was referring to us sharing a bed, and then you took it to a whole other level.”

“Mind if we drop this subject?”

“But you look so cute when you’re stressed.”

“It’s for that kind of sadistic behavior that you’ll never have the change to prove your theory right.”

“Your theory.” Vaughn said. “And I think we should, eventually.”

“What did you put in that coffee of yours again?”

“I’m serious. As best friends, it’s our duty.”

“Our concepts of best friends’ duties diverge, then.” Sydney said, as she cut the bread into small pieces and fed them to Ailish.

“But we’ll have to, if we’re forty and unmarried.”

“Well, I was married once.” Sydney pointed out. “And you had the chance to be married. You turned her down because you wanted to.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Regretting your option?” She raised en eyebrow, and smiled.

“Regretting ever leaving space for her to think I’d say yes.”

“I wonder how things would be between the two of us if you had gotten married.”

“We certainly wouldn’t be here together now.”

“Or if we were, your lovely wife would be here too, judging our every move.”

“I never quite understood why she was so jealous of you. I mean, it’s not like anything ever happened between the two of us.”

“I know. I don’t see why people feel so threatened when a man and a woman are friends.”

“Maybe they all believe in the ‘Harry Meets Sally’ theory.”

“So we blame Meg Ryan for your failed relationship?”

“Yes.” He said emphatically. Sydney shrugged in acceptance. “Are you finished?”


“Ailish, you?” Ailish looked up in recognition of her name. “You done, sweetie?”

She nodded emphatically before going back to play with her bibber.

“Alright then, let’s go.”


Their first destination was the beach.

Other hotel guests seemed to have had the same idea, but the beach wasn’t so crowded as to stop Ailish from running wildly around, enchanted with the endless possibilities that a sandbox that big provided her.

They chose a place to set camp, sitting down with their cooler, baby bag, plastic buckets and shovels, and Sydney’s slightly abnormal-sized beach hat.

They took turns on going into the sea, so that one of them could stay with Ailish, who refused to leave the sand.

When Sydney got back after a refreshing dip, she couldn’t help but smile at the many children who played on the water, ran around the sand, or built up sand castles.

Vaughn was between the latter.

Sydney watched amusingly as he tried not to fret as Ailish once again used her little fist to make the castle he’d been working on with fervor crumble down.

The girl would giggle, and point at the bundle of sand that had once been a formidable replica of the Buckingham palace.

“Gone!” She’d announce, and giggle more, tugging at Vaughn’s arm so he’d see it and laugh along with her.

Vaughn gave her a shaky smile, as he stared sadly at his ruined work of art.

“Yes, honey… Gone. All gone.”

“You’re not going to cry, are you now?” Sydney said as she finally approached them, pulling her wet hair off her forehead.

Vaughn made an annoyed face at her, looking more like an irritated 5-year-old than anything else.

“That was a masterpiece.” He muttered, shaking his head slightly.

“Build another one.” Sydney offered, as she settled Ailish’s small cotton hat properly into place.

“That was my fifth attempt. This little devil destroyed all of them. Didn’t you, baby?” he pulled Ailish into his lap, and tickled her lightly.

“Baba…” she said between fits of laughter. “Gone!”

“And she’s proud of it too.” Vaughn said in mock indignation.

“Taking down important facilities.” Sydney said in a proud tone. “That’s my girl.”

“Imagine what she’ll be doing when she’s your age.”

“Taking over the world, of course.”

“Um, the dictator of the world. Does that mean she’ll be able to pay for my house at Florida when I’m 70?”

“Of course. She’ll own social security.”

“Good, because I’m sensing this huge poker fever will take over me by the time I turn fifty.”

“Better than my likely attempt to become a nun when I turn fifty.”

“Can’t see that happen.”

“What do you know, you’re a gambler.”

“Good point.” He raised his hands in defeat. “You win.”

“As I always do.”

“As you always do?”


Vaughn seemed to ponder for a moment.

“Yeah, alright…”

The whole time she’d been talking, Sydney doodled abstract patterns on the sand, with a straw Ailish had dropped earlier.

A fish, an apple, a heart, a house with a chimney, and a plea for world peace all crowded up the space directly in front of her.

“Can I borrow that for a moment?” he asked.

“Sure.” She handed him the straw, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Don’t look now.” He ordered. She rolled her eyes, but obeyed, using the opportunity to give some water to Ailish. It took less than one minute until he announced it was done.

Sydney smiled.

‘Syd, Aili and Michael were here.’

She silently took the straw from his hand and doodled a butterfly next to the message.

“Our trip needed a symbol.” She said, shrugging, as he looked at her. “Something we can use to remember it.”

“Why would we forget?”

She smiled again.

“You’re right. We wouldn’t.”

They stood in silence for a while, with Ailish calmly sucking on her water bottle.

“I’m going in.” Vaughn said, pointing in the direction of the sea. Sydney nodded. His eyes reflected the sunlight, shining so deeply it was nearly blinding. “What?” he asked, and she realized she’d been staring at him.

“Your eyes. They’re pretty.” She said, a little too shyly for her taste.

“Thank you.” He said, looking at her with suspicion, but with a small smile playing on his lips. “If I drown, save me.”

With that he started to go down towards the water.

In the middle of the way, he turned.

“Yours are prettier.” He said, and it was more like stating a fact than a retribution of the compliment he’d received, or an attempt to flatter her.

She knew, somehow, he believed one hundred per cent on what he’d just said.

She found herself gazing up at his retreating figure, looking a little more intensely than she ought to.

“Mommy,” She said, forcing herself to look away, “is going crazy, baby.”

Ailish’s previous talkative mood had faded into a sleepy state, and she just cuddled against her mother’s chest, yawning softly.

Sydney rocked her slightly, and waited for Vaughn to merge out of the water, so they could go to the hotel.


There, they bathed a half-asleep Ailish, who started to nap before she was even completely changed into clean diapers and clothes.

Feeling hungry, they settled the baby in the carrier, and walked up to the hotel’s restaurant, only to find out that lunch period was long passed.

“What do we do now?” Vaughn asked, looked a little disappointed.

“Mary said there were appetizers by the pool.”

“Appetizers for lunch?”

“We are in vacation.” Sydney said with a smile, as if they were about to do something completely forbidden. “Nothing says we can’t.”

Ten minutes later, they were seating under the comforting shade of a beach umbrella, with bowls of peanuts and potato chips in front of them, drinking root beer, and waiting for the chilly hot-dogs they’d ordered.

“Catch.” Vaughn said suddenly, and Sydney barely had the time to look up before a peanut darted in her direction.

Having extraordinarily fast reflexes, Sydney managed to catch the peanut with her mouth – and not choke on it, a deed not many manage to achieve.

Vaughn clapped. She bowed her head with a flourish.

“Thank you very much.”

They laughed, and ate in silence for a moment.

“Catch!” This time was Sydney that threw the peanut across the table.

Vaughn was also successful, and it was her turn to clap.

He swallowed down his peanut and, without warning, threw another one at her direction. She’d barely caught it when another one was flying at his direction.

Before they realized, they were deeply engrossed in a dangerous peanut war, and receiving many glares from passers-by that were hit by their weapons.

“Sir… madam... your hot dogs…” the waitress said unsurely, keeping a safe distance from the table.

It took a few seconds before their brains processed there was someone watching them.

They recomposed themselves, with slightly embarrassed looks on their faces.

“Thank you.” they muttered shyly as they received their hot dogs.

They followed with their eyes as the girl walked away. As soon as she disappeared from sight, they burst out laughing.

“I can’t believe us…”

“Hey, you said it yourself that we’re in vacation.” Vaughn said, “What says we can’t have our little peanut war?”

“Nothing, I guess.” Sydney got a concerned look on her face, and turned to the sleeping form of the baby inside the carried. “Good think we didn’t wake her, though.”

Vaughn nodded.

“It was fun though.” He said after a while, with a half-smile.

“Yeah,” Sydney agreed, also smiling. “It was fun.”

Yay!!! Wonderful chapter Trish!! I loved the whole "peanut war"!! And the part where Syd is staring into Vaughn's eyes!! *Sigh* He does have pretty eyes!!!!! :love:

Also, I didn't receive a PM. :thinking:

Karie :D
I hate penauts, they make my throat swell up. Lolz they both have really pretty eyes! Did I mention I hate peanuts? But for your sake and this fics sake...I have decided to not hate penuts any more, yah proud??? ^_^ Next chapter ASAP please!!!
Yay! Update! So sweet... :love: I loved the "Mommy's losing her mind, baby," or something like that. She's lost her mind for Vaughn. :love:
:kissme: *hint hint*