Running away

Chapter fifteen

When Sydney got home all she wanted to do was be alone. She sat on her couch with a cup of coffee on one hand and the picture frame Vaughn had given her in the other. A tear spilled from her eye and fell with a small splash on the picture frame.
“Vaughn…” she whispered. “I believe you. I’ll find a way to get you back.”

Suddenly a thought came to Sydney’s mind. Weiss. She quickly hurried over to the phone. When she placed the phone to her ear to listen for the dial tone, she herd the same helium voice from before.
“So you finally decided to pick up the phone.” Sydney froze. Lennox had been captured. Who could it be? Sydney continued to listen. “Oh, come on... don’t tell me you have nothing to say.”
“Nothing to say to you” was whet Sydney wanted to say but she bite her tong and continued to listen.
“Fine, I’ll de the talking. This is what I want you to do. Go the L.A. airport. There is a ticket reserved under the name of Sarah Markovic. You are to use this ticket. It will fly you to a small remote island. There will be a man holding up a sign saying “Sarah” you are to go to that man and he will take you to our meeting place. If you aren’t there in 48 hours, the plane ticket will expire and so will the life of your precious Michael Vaughn and Will Tippin.
“Where are you going to take me?” Sydney muttered.
“I’m sorry but I can’t tell you that. It’s classified information.”
“I need more time. 48 hours isn’t enough time. You can’t expect me to just drop every thing and leave!”
“Then you will have to say good bye to your loved ones.”
“You can’t get to them. Vaughn is in a maximum security prison cell and Will is under CIA surveillance. You can’t black mail me!” Sydney screamed into the phone.
“I can and I will. The CIA won’t help you. Remember, you QUIT!” The person on the other side of the line began to laugh a horrible high laugh which made the hair on the back of Sydney’s neck stand on end. Then the line was cut and the phone began to beep. Sydney hung up the phone. “I have to act fast.” The told herself. She picked the phone back off the receiver and dialed the first phone number that came to her mind. Weiss’s cell number.
“Hello?” answered a miserable sounding Weiss.
“Hi, it’s Sydney, listen, you have to do me a favor. I have to get into Lennox’s cell. I have to talk to him.”
“Whoa, slow down there Syd. I can’t do that. Lennox is in one of the most high security cells in the station. I would need special permission from Kendall to get in there.”
“That would take too long…” murmured Sydney.
“Nothing. Ok, but you can get me into Vaughn’s cell right?”
“It would be tricky but yeah, wait, why would you want to go in there?”
“I can’t tell you, just get me in there, Vaughn’s your best friend. Do this for him.”
“Ok Syd, I trust you. Can you be here in half an hour?”
“Are you sure it can’t be sooner? Say fifteen minutes?”
“Alright, but it will be hard.”
“Just please do this for me and for Vaughn. We have to do it in secret, not even my dad can know I’m there.”
“Ok, Syd, slow down, you’re asking for a lot here.”
“I know but please!” Sydney pleaded.
“Ok, meet you in the parking lot in fifteen minutes, no one will know.”
“Thanks Weiss”
ok, sorry for not posting for so long, here is the next chapter, 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow, i can't believe it's that long!!!!
Dee ^_^
Chapter sixteen

When Sydney got to the CIA parking lot, she met up with Weiss who as casually leaned against his car with his sun glasses on.
“Hello.” Sydney said casually.
“Hey, I have figured out a way to get us in and out without being seen.”
“Really? I’m impressed!” said Sydney sarcastically with a smile.
“Well, I asked Marshall to set up a meeting right about now.” Said Weiss looking down at his watch.
“About what?”
“About the Lennox incident. He sure can find ways to talk about one little mistake in the scanning and lie detectors for a long time.”
“You didn’t-”
“Tell him?” Weiss interrupted. “No, I just told him it would be a good idea. You know to impress the bosses.”
“Yeah, so can we go in now?” asked Sydney impatiently.
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
Sydney reached into her oversized hand bag and pulled out a bouncy red wing and quickly placed it over her hair. She slipped on a pair of black rimed, dark sun glasses and looked at Weiss for a sign of approval.
“What do you need that for?” he asked.
“You never know.” Sydney answered flatly as she pulled out a small mirror and lined her lips in a bright red lip slick. “Let’s go.” She said when she finished. As they walked over to the building, Sydney explained her quickly made up alias to Weiss. “I’m your cousin. We haven’t seen each other for ages. I am looking for a small job in the CIA as to one day become an agent. You offer to recommend me and take me around the building as to help m familiarize myself with the location and building.” once Sydney finished the explanation Weiss have a small nod of acknowledgement and they proceeded. Once at the secretary’s desk, Weiss flashed his I.D. at the secretary and said “she’s with me.” The secretary didn’t dare to argue for Weiss’s face was perfectly striate and probably wouldn’t have listened any way. Once they got to the cell, the guard looked at Weiss. Weiss again flashed his I.D. and quickly said. “She is a possible witness to the crime.” The guard had the same reaction to this as the secretary. He simply pressed the button which opened the gates and allowed them passage.
Sydney was now extremely thankful for her sun glasses for she couldn’t stop herself from crying. She entered and Weiss turned to her.
“I’ll leave you too to it, I’ll get the guard to open the door so you can talk to him, oh, and don’t worry, you will have your privacy.” Weiss reassured her with a slight smile.
“How?” Sydney wondered out loud.
“You’ll find I can be very persuasive.” And with that he left the room.
Vaughn, who was sitting on the other side of the Plexcy glass window hadn’t herded a thing. Sydney looked into the camera at the top corner of the room. A couple of seconds later, the door opened and Vaughn looked up.
“How did you get in here?” he asked dumbfounded staring at Sydney.
“I have my ways.” Replied Sydney trying to sound as confident as she could. But no luck.
“Syd, what’s wrong?” Vaughn got up and walked over to him.
“You’re going to have to sit down for this.” Sydney said leading him back to his bed, on the wall. They sat down.
“What happened, is it good news?” Vaughn slipped Sydney’s glasses from her eyes to reveal her puffy red eyes, full of tears. “Of course it’s not good news, you’re crying.” Vaughn looked at her for a second and pulled her into an affectionate hug. Rubbing her back. “It’s ok, don’t worry, every thing is going to be alright.” He reassured her. Sydney sniffed back her tears and looked into Vaughn’s eyes.
“You know why the doctors thought my injury was too serious? You know why they kept me there for so long? You know why my dad was acting extremely nice to me? “Vaughn shook his head. “It’s not because they care about me, it’s cuz they care about us." Vaughn became suddenly very confused,
Jack cares about you and me?” he asked.
“No, well yes, but that’s not what I was talking about, I was talking about us.” Sydney looked down at her stomach and placed Vaughn’s hand on it. “They care about you me, and our baby." Sydney looked into Vaughn’s eyes. He looked at her in total bewilderment. Slowly a smile sped over his face. He turned his gaze from Sydney’s stomach to her eyes.
“You, you mean, your, your…”
“Vaughn, I’m pregnant.” Sydney said wiping her tears.
“I’m a dad?” Vaughn said his smile wider then ever.
“You’re a dad.” Sydney reassured her. Out of a burst of excitement Vaughn kissed Sydney then picked her up and spined her around.
“I love you Syd.” they kissed again, this time deeper and more lovingly.
“I love you too Michael.”
Thanks for all the reviews. Sorry I haven't posted in a really long time, final exams are coming, and I got lots to study. There is an other reason too, I hit a blank! I don’t have any ideas, I’ll try my best to think of something by tonight, but please guys! I really need your help! Give me some input. Tell me where you want it to go.
Dee ^_^
i just read it, and i thought that it was really really really good!! I loved it. do you think you can please pm me when the next part is up? Hopefully it is soon!! *hint Hint**
Chapter seventeen

After seeing Vaughn, Sydney left, rather reluctantly for they had been talking for little of an hour. Once Weiss and Syd were out side, Syd turned to him.
“Why did you pull me out?” Syd asked Weiss with tears filling her eyes. She had replaced her dark glasses over them but Weiss could still tell.
“Sorry Syd. The meeting was almost over. I figured it would be easier to get you out if they were still in the conference room.” Weiss put his hand on Syd’s cheek. “You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Sydney continued down the parking lot towards her car. Weiss followed rubbing her back. “Did that help at all? You know, going to see him and all?”
“Yeah, in two ways, I now have a clear conscious and the most important thing is that, I now know he is innocent.”
“Yeah, about that, what did you too talk about down there?” Weiss remembered seeing Vaughn pick Sydney up and swinging her around with a look of at most delight on his face through the camera.
“Well, I don’t know if Vaughn wants to be the first one to tell you but I’ll tell you anyways.” Sydney took a deep breath and stopped walking. She turned to Weiss and took off her glasses, wiping her eyes. “Weiss, We, me and Michael, well I’m… I’m having a baby.” Weiss’s concerned look turned to joy.
“You’re pregnant?” he said with a big smile covering his lips.
“Yeah… that’s why I wasn’t released for a wile in the hospital.”
“By best friend is having’ a kid?”
“Don’t go screaming it to the world just yet, only you, my dad and Vaughn now, other then the doctors in the hospital wig.”
“Sorry, this is great, can I just ask for one thing?” Weiss looked into Sydney’s eyes in such a way that she couldn’t say no.
“Yeah, ok what do you want?”
“Can he, umm, she, umm, it, call me uncle?”
“What? Why?”
“Because I really want to be an uncle.”
“Yeah ok, uncle Weiss.”
“Not you, her” Weiss said pointing to Sydney’s stomach.
“I know, ok.” Sydney turned and continued to her car. Once she got there, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small set of keys. She unlooked the door and pulled it open but before she got inside she looked at Weiss. “Thanks… Thanks for everything, I really owe you one.”
“You owe me about twelve.” Weiss said holding in a laugh.
“Yeah, I guess I do.” They both laughed and


That night, Sydney got home and couldn’t sleep. So much had happened in the passed 72 hours, she couldn’t believe it. It was too much to handle. She kept catching herself on the verge of tears, wishing she could just go back to her old life, before the phone calls, but then, she would have to dismiss her time with Vaughn, and her baby, it wasn’t fair to them. She just had to lift her head up and tackle what ever comes her way with full force. She had to find a way to prove Vaughn is innocent.
Sydney was lying in her bed starring up at the ceiling and thinking about every thing at once. Vaughn’s apartment was very lonely without him. Sydney turned off her light and was left in complete darkness, except the dim light from the moon. Sydney finally found sleep creep to her and she closed her eyes when suddenly Sydney herd the faint foot steps of someone from out side her window which over hung the front door. Sydney just rolled over, trying to dismiss the sound. When the footsteps stopped there was a sound of a key entering a key hole and the sound of it turning then the door opening. Sydney’s eyes flew open. She kept deadly silent to and listened. The sound of keys being throne onto a table followed. Then the sound of a lamp crash to the floor. There was a faint sound of someone curse then foot steps again. This time they were muffled by the carpet stapled to the stairs. They marched up the steps and turned a corner in to the room Sydney slept in, the light switch flicked on and the person’s face illuminated, Sydney gasped.