Something Different:New Fanfic-started Dec.11

Just to clear some more things up...

1. Jack and Irina 'died' before Francie
2. The person that turned on the light was "Will" (Sark in a mask)
3. Francie is pregnant with Will's baby and did not know that Sydney was pregnant when she 'died'-it was the morning she realized that she was pregnant that she was kidnapped... she was going to tell Will but he was at work...
4. Will is going to be in the story soon-along with Sloane and Jack/Irina... (SPOILER)

There... just thought I'd clear those things up... ^_^ ;)
--Updated PM List--

Alias Fan Gillian
alias luver

Please tell me if I missed anyone... or if you'd like to be on it! ;)
Something Different

Chapter 6

~Danny's Hideout~
"LAUREN! What the hell are you doing?!" Danny screamed.
"Making sure I'm not bored out of my mind..." she answered 'sweetly'
"Well, that may make you happy... but that may also mean that Vaughn is having fun... so no..." Danny told Laruen as she nodded along with him.
"Okay, you're right... but what happens if I get bored? What do I do?" Lauren asked Danny with a pouty face.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll find something to occupy you..." Danny said getting closer to Lauren and she followed his suit.
"Oh, please... get a room..." Vaughn said after watching all this.
"Shut up over there hostage!" Danny getting mad that his 'moment' was lost.
"Yea... listen to Danny..." Lauren said looking up at him... lovingly.
Oh my god... please shut those freaks up! I gotta get out of here! I have to get back to Sydney and... the baby! I can't believe I forgot!Vaughn thought... then said,
"What's today?" Vaughn said asking Danny who was playing with the hair in Lauren's face.
"August 7th... why?" Danny said looking confused at first... then suddenly more interested in Lauren's nose.
Holy s***!! Syd's in her 7th month?! I have to get out of here soon!

"Vaughn!!" Sydney screamed from the bathroom.
"What?!" Vaughn said getting worried as he ran into the bathroom. After all... this was only a month since she came back... she had memory loss... maybe there was something else too...
"Look!!" Sydney said shoving the pregnancy test into Vaughn's hands then looking in the mirror at her side view.
"Oh my god! Are you sure?!" Vaughn said turning Sydney around and grabbing her by the waist.
"Not 100% sure... but 99.9%! That's what the test said!! So... we should make an appointment soon... to be sure..."
"We're having a baby!!"
"Do you think we're having a baby?" Vaughn asked kissing Sydney's neck.
"Yea... well... I have been having cases of nausea or morning sickness... OH MY GOD!!! WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!"
"That' what I thought!" Vaughn said grabbing Sydney and bringing her to the bed and kissing her some more.
**End Flashback**

"Helloooooooo... anyone there? Danny left and we're all alone... he won't be back until later and he won't know what we did..." Lauren said looking right in Vaughn's face... like a monster... (err... I mean... Lauren, the monster said... hehe)
"Okay... you convinced me..." Vaughn said kissing Lauren softly and then pulling her close and saying... "You know... if we really wanted to get something done... you'd have to untie me..."
"Well... I don't know..." Lauren said unsurely.
"Come on, baby, you know I want you..." Vaughn said seductively.
"Oh well... what the hell... but you have to kiss me the whole time I'm untying you... and not the soft, cutesy stuff you were doing before... kiss me like you love me..."
"Okay... that's what I've wanted to do since you got to the CIA..." Vaughn said kissing her neck and as soon as his hands were untied, he had them around her waist.
"All untied..." Lauren said as Vaughn stood up and placed her on the ground.
"Let's get this party started..." Vaughn said to her ear.
"Yes... let's..." Lauren said kissing Vaughn as well.

~Airport in Normandy,France~
"Miss... are you feeling well? Would you like an escort to your room?" the boarding lady at the French Airport asked.
"No... I'm fine by myself... I think it's just the jet lag and the food deprivement..." Sydney said laughing a little.
"Okay... well... the food court is right over there... if you'd like to eat something here..."
"No, thanks, I was supposed to meet someone somewhere else... Thanks anyway though..." Sydney said using the line she knew quite well to get out of the airport and get fresh air-which would probably help her nausea.
"Okay, have a nice day!" the woman said a little too perky to help Sydney's mood.
"Yea... sure... whatever..." Sydney mumbled walking away with her hand on her forehead and her wheeling suitcase in her hand. I have to find that place and then get to Vaughn or whatever was there... but first I think I need to... Sydney thought before she blacked out and next thing she knew-there was a big, bright light in front of her... Ooooo... pretty light... Sydney thought, dilusionally.

~Sark's Hideout~
"What am I doing here?! I'm saving you, Francie!"
"Why do you want to save me though?"
"Becuase my daughter lost one of her best friends... why would I want her to loose another one?"
"But Sydney told me that you were dead."
"Yes... but you were kidnapped quite a while ago-do you expect to know that I was alive? Sydney just found out about one or two months ago-I mean she knew before... but then she thought I died again... and she just found out that I'm actually alive... so no... you are not being rescued by a ghost... or two ghosts for that matter..."
"What do you mean?" Francie asked, confused.

**End Chapter 6**

So... what do you think?? :thinking: Please Feedback! :P
And just to be nice-I'm giving you a couple spoilers too! :P

1. Foreign Baby
2. Vaughn Lover (someone who loves Vaughn-NOT the other way around)
3. Vaughn gets thisclose to Sydney and then...

Hope that'll keep you guys happy! :D I think I'll update between tommarrow and Wednesday... **MAYBE**... ;)
Chapter 7

~Hospital in France~
"Lay down, miss... Bristow..." suddenly a voice next to Sydney and the light said.
"My name is now, Mrs.Vaughn, but yea... you're right... I probably should lie down..." Sydney said slowly lying back down.
"You can go right to sleep now..." the voice said camly and slowly. "You sound oddly farmiliar to me... who are you?" Sydney asked, again, slowly becuase of her light-headedness. Then she remembered what she did-she flew on a plane in her 7th month... "Is something wrong with the baby?!" Sydney asked quite scared as she sat straight up.
"No, Mrs.Vaughn, you're baby is fine and I am... Mr.Sloane... I think we've met before..."

~Danny's Hideout~
"That stereotype really is true... blondes are really dumb..." Vaughn said slowly getting up from the floor where he left a bleeding Lauren. He had hit Lauren with the chair he was tied to and then took her keys. Now all I need to do is get out of here and find my wife and the baby... I hope she didn't go into labor yet or have the baby... I want my baby girl to open her eyes and see her mommy and daddy first... Oh god do I miss Sydney... the last time I talked to her... we were argueing....

"Why did you bring up my two years missing in your vows?!" Sydney yelled at Vaughn behind the present table, on the balcony.
"I thought that it was a time when we were both longing for each other and to me... it seemed really romantic..." Vaughn said getting closer to his wife, since he thought that that conversation wouldn't go any further.
"Vaughn! I can't remember anything from those two years!! I don't know if I can trust what Kendall is saying and how do I know what I was doing?! I could have been married to someone else for all you know! They could still be looking for me! I could have kids and a whole other life there! You know how complicated this is?! No... obviously not..." Sydney yelled at Vaughn, to her it felt like she had got all her steam out... to Vaughn... it seemed totally different... " know what? I'm going to go inside and talk with Chenelle..." Sydney said brushing rather hard against Vaughn into the doorway.
*End Flashback*

Vaughn shook his head trying to rid himself of that memory and just concentrate on the future he'd soon be slowly opened the door and looked to his left, then to his right... no one... Go! , he thought to himself.
"Not so fast there, Mike..." A voice said behind Vaughn.

~Sark's Hideout~
"Okay, I know you're Mrs.Bristow, or whatever you like to be called..." Francie said, questioningly... "But who's the other "ghost"?"
"You'll find out... right now we have to go..." Irina said jumping up after all the ropes were off Francie... "Can you still run? Or do you prefer being wheeled...?" Irina asked tilting her head toward the wheelchair in the corner of the room meant to stand there until Francie was in labor.
"Umm.... how about I get wheeled? Cuz I don't know..."
"Okay... let's go then..." Irina said interupting Francie.
"Yea... let's!" Francie said running over to the wheelchair Irina already had set up.

**End Chapter 7**

Kinda short... but I'll post others later!! So... other than that... what do you think? ;)